HomeMy WebLinkAbout0306 ResolutionRESOLUTION 4 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ORD -JM THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SE':JER SYSTEM OVER AND JI -LONG THE ST ?'QTS AND ALLEYS IN THE CITY OF PASCO, WAS' IPTGTON �aND CONSISTING OF PIPES, DRAIN") TAPI�iS, DITCHES, PUT PS AND OT_ EQUIP- MENT 1IECESSARY TO SUCH SE'TL'R SYSTEM FOR THE sFFECTED PROPERTY; AND TO FSTA'_'LI:�H 'JITH.IN THE CITY OF PASCO, I'IASTTINGTON A LOCAL II�"PROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN A5 "LOCAL I! PRCTEPTNT DISTRIST PTO. (�_"; TO PAY F03 ALL THE COST'S C)F SAID S&E -2. SYSTEM AND APPURTE1\TA7%TCES AND SUCH SEJER SYSTR1 TO BE COTIFINED TO M_�RIDIAN ADnITIOYj COLUMBIA ADDITION, HELMI'S ADDITION AND HELli'S SECOND ADDITION, EXCaTSING FROM HELM'S SD+COND ADDITION BLOCKS 137 14, 15, 16, 29, 21 and 26: WHEREAS, the City of Pasco, Washington deems it necessary to provide certain sewage facilities in the City of Pasco composing and consisting of that portion of the City of Pasco known as Meridian Addi- tion; Columbia Addition; Helm's Addition and Helm's Second Addition, excluding therefrom Blocks 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21 and 26, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco to establish a local improve- ment district to be known as ""Local Im-orovement District No. _L1" to pay for all costs of construction of a sewer system t•rithin the above described territory of the City of Pasco, consisting of the necessary pipes, tanks, drains, ditches, pLimps and other necess,-_ry equipment, and that the property s-Tith.i,n such local improvement district shall pay the entire cost- and exper-ises of the improvement and I.mprovernonts to be made as the same are more particularly described hereafter; and said costs and e--_penses gall be levied and collected as an assess - dent upon the re _1 property in local improvement district so created, and shall be paid inften (1P) equal annual payments, the first of which shall be due within sixty (60) days after the ap Droval and acceptance of the proposed improvement by the City Council of the City of Pasco by the City Treasurer after demand having been made there- for by such City Treasurer; the remaining payments shall bear interest at rater per cent per annum, and shall_ be collected annually, and as an ordinance providing for the establishment of such local improvement district shall provide. The nature and territorial extent of such improvements herein contemplated are described as follows : • 1. A trunk sewer line consisting of a 12 inch sewer pipe to commence at the intersection of the alley line in Block 3 of Meridian Addition with the easterly line of Chase Street; thence southerly along the easterly line of Chase Street and upon the right- of-way of Chase Street to the intersection of the east and west alley in Block 10 of Columbia Addition with the easterly line of Chase Street; thence easterly through the alley in mocks 9 and 10 of Columbia Addi- tion to the intersection of such alley in Block extended eastward' to the center line of Illinois Street; thence southerly along and upon the right-bf-way platted and dedicated as Illinois Street to a point on such right=of-way where it is intersected by the alley line of Block 4 of Helm's Second Addition; thence easterly along and through the alley of Blocks 3, and 4 of Helm's Second Addition and Flocks 1 and 2 of Helm's Addition to the intersection of such alley line with the westerly line of Lucas Street in Block litaf Helm's Addition to the City of Pasco. 2. A sewer main pump lift station to ,be located at t'A e intersection of the east and west alley throt?gh. Block. 1 of Helm's Addition with the westernmost -line of Lucas _Street sufficient to pilmp and lift the sewage from that location through` a 12,E inch sewer pipe commencing at such point and running to the existing sewer trunk line on Indiana Street between 12th and 13th Avenues. 3.. A sewer lateral of 8 inch sewer pipe running east._ and viest through the alley in Block 3 of Meridian Addition. 4. A sewer lateral of 8"inch sewer pipe running east and west through the alley in Flock 2 of Meridian Addition. 5. A sewer lateral of 8 inch sewer pipe running east and west through the alley in Block 1 of Meridian Addition. 6". A sewer lateral of 8 inch sewer pipe running east and the alley of west through/Blocks 1 and 2 of Columbia Addition, and flocks 24 and 25 of Helm's Second Addition. 7. A`Sewer lateral of 8 inch:sewer pipe running east and west through the alley of Blocks 3''and 4 oP Columbia Addition and Blocks 22 and 23 of Helm's Second Addition. 8.. A sewer lateral of 3 inch pipe running east and west through the alley of Blocks 5 and 6 of Columbia Addition and continuing through the alley in Blocks 18 and 19 of Helm's Second Addition. 9. A sewer lateral of 8 inch sewer pipe running east and west through the alley of Blocks 7 and 8 of Columbia Addition, and continuing easterly through Block 17 of Helm's Second Agriition.. 10. A sewer lateral of 8 inch sewer pipe running east and west through'the.alley in Block 12 of Helm's Second Addition 11. A sewer lateral of 8 inch sewer pipe running east and west through the alley of Blocks 11, 10 and 9 of Helm's Second Addition. 12. A sewer lateral of 8 inch sewer pipe running east and west through the alley of Blocks 5 and 6 of Helm's Second Addition and continuing easterly through the alley of Block 7 and 8 of Helm's Adition. That it is contemplated and it is hereby declared the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington to organized dir <et a .loca.l improvement district to be l,-no-vm as "Local I:,_nrovement District No. the following described lots, blocks and tracts of .land, to' -wit: All of Meridian Addition; all of Colunbia Addition, all of Helm's Addit�on and all of `Helm's Second Addition to the City of P'a.sco, Washington, excepting H3locks 139 141 15 ,and 16, 2.0, 21 and 2tS of Helm Second Addition to such `City.. BE IT FURTHLR RESOLVED that upon the day of aiD..aa;i1�e-r•, 1950 at the hour of 8 p.m. in the Cci-inci_l Chambers located in the City Hall in the City of Paseo, "asbington, be and the saLie is hereby fixed as the ti re and place for 1-learing 'hi.s Resolution., at wh-4_ch tir.�.e any -)erson !.-^ tprested in s tic m�i.tter. riri. voice his a)proval or objection to the proposed local improvement (?.j.strict and have the objections heard. DE IT FUR' 7R RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Pasco, `.'ashin uton7 assisted by the City Water Department Manager shall at or prior to the day of 195, the time fixed for he)ring this resolution, submit to the CryAy Council an es- timate of the costs..and expenses of the improvement herein contemplated and a statement of the proportionate amount thereof -W1ich shall be borne by the property within_ the proposed local improvement istrict accord- ing to the valuation ypla.ced u )or_ it for the...'pl?r.poses of general. taxacion., and also based upon the' benefits reoeivej3 therefrom] togeth.cr with a diagram or plat shoring the lbt , .'blocks;. tracts and parcels of land and other property which will be s.pecifi.cally benefitted thereby, an,! the estimated amount. of t1 e costs and expenses of such 1.1"provement to be borne by the lots, tracts., parcels of land other property BE IT FURTHER ' RESOLVED that the local i , .proverment ,_istri ct to be. created shall be created for the purpose of constructing a sani- tary sever system in the territory ,sought to be organized, and7that such sewer construction .'s essential to the public health and neces- sary. to provide proper sanitation within the city of Pasco, ':Tasl-+ington, and that the assessments to be placed upon said lots, tracts or parcels of land or other property vithin the proposed district may exceed the actual value of the property, exclusive of improvements, as deter-11ined for tax purposes BE IT FLIRT R RESOLVED that notice of the hearing of this resolution shall be given by the City Clerk to ever; oUiner` or reputed o�.,mer of any lot, tract or parcel of land or other property specifical- ly benefitted by the improvement by mailing to the owner or reputed o�.jner -5 - of the property a ; shoirn on the tav rolls of the County Treasurer of Franklin County, Wal, ington, and addressed as shown in the tax rolls of the Treasurer of Franklin Ccunty,das:-!_-.ngton, and tc the adr7res ,ies shown thereon a notice setting forth the natL,,re of the said improve - vents, the total estimated costs, the estimated benefits to the particular block, tract or y)a.rcel of land, and the date of the hearing before the City Council as provided in this Resolution. Such notice shall be mailed as herein provided at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date fixed for such hearing. BE IT FURTHER RE9bLVED that this Resolution shall be published in two consecutive issues of the Tri -City Herald, the official newspaper, of the City of Pasco, 'Washington, the first publication to be at least'.if teen days prior to the date herein fixed for said hearing, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Pasco, Jashington reserves the.right to eliminate any laterals or parts of laterals if it should become advisable to do so, and also reserves the richt to have such local improvement district bear a por- tion of the costs of such construction instead of all the costs in case that it shotld become advisable to do so. DATED AT Pasco, Washington and adopted by the City Council of the(City Attest: City Clerk Ap-proved ea to Form: C� City 2,ttorney th day of August, 1950, sco, 'rJash r)/gton