HomeMy WebLinkAbout0310 ResolutionForm M-2087 Aupst 1950 race I KIWISTION 90 - 310 Wunw 460 the United States of Amwloap fieting through the UusiM and Bomb Timmoo AgwWjPablic Rmsing AdzU1&x&tLon,, owns pqrmneut war housing we known as M Project No. Xvftaf M - , '' consisting of U2. dvoill-ft units located in the 01tr or, &220., state of Mag-Limpt-M, WA VKSRM s, such bouslag U to longer asoded for purposes of, war; ond WfixRMv theme e3.ats in odd City, a need for sueb housing to be operated an Im-reat public bousixg at runts wItAin the seam, of low-Iname fealliepy eupwiguy fw4lies of II'Ving or deaeased Yeteraw and strvieuasn,, which need Is not being not by private ontqnrIv9,v aM MMW9 es wh as condition mmaUtutea a noafta to,: t -be, boalthp safe*,. morals w%d welfare of tae inhabitants of Ike Cid , and *WJW s, the Congress of the United States -has grAborlsod. br Public Law 4,75 sWrov+A by the ftesidont *pril 20,9 1950,9 tba converanas to a pubs .le bousing &Sena of suer housing to Provide housiag for far4lisv of low intim" and., the W .129, Aga=z o proposes to acquire anah houslog spd to operate It as lai-rent housing. 9 TMWM9 W. IT RUMM U TW 01W COUNII, a TWR CITI Of ZgL9g.% Waah. a I.- That It to the dttermlzat►iaaa® findingg and doeU.ration of the 01tr Ce 111 of ftaco_ - _ that it will be in the boat 1—ateresto of the eonavdt7 to viake such Io :ng available as low -rent kbusifts far, families of for income. FAgtJon 24Tbat the COW Co e$1, does her,41W request the co"Ov"ce of MWh' holming to i�he ..Authariiaraf. U*_Qftr )AMR to be adidnistered as low-mt-,16usiaa for--'fawdlees of low in0*06. Tkat the Nqor 0 the City Is. b�orety autbeAzed mW d ctdd. to execute In triplicate a aosu%ct :en behaU, ef-the the Clork of the Ci* is herety =VWr1zeC#M directed to, mesa.® the corporate soul of the City thereon and to at -test the sax*9 sa." contract to be subatetatlaUy, In farce, as fallowst al® A Porro Pte. -9 Page 2 Aug"t 1950 (gar 00us C.oavved for I0ow-Rea t Use) This Agreamt antearead into this day Of 19�y ty WA I�et� AMIM MjM&&3M.gJ a& CUX oL bM (harem wed the Olocal Autborilwm ) and (herela called the "K=ioipai ty")# witnaosetha the Nag MJ thr 2&U. Com &J.. (the governing boo of the MvnIo3. ity) haw requested the Public Housing Administration (hera3aaa called the FU) to convey to the Local Authority certain war housing located within the aorporatc, limits of the g!=Icipahi ty far uos as :Low -rem housing l and MMA3# the Loma AuWur tr proposes to accept conveyance of mob housing and to enter into a contract or contracts with the FU for the administration of such homing prsutatxt to Section 606 of Public taw 8149# 76th Congress# as amended; and WHRUWx the Municipality is desirous of assisting and cooperating with the Local. Authority iA such uxadertakings v MW# Ti It , in caonsideratlon of the mutual eov nanta hereinafter sot foarth # the parties hersto do spot as follows I 1. Whenever used in this Agreement# (a) The tela "perjecte ahalt mean asrag war housing which in hereafter +caexa Wod to the Local Authority for low -rent use and for which the couveV- ante has beton requested t the govearnl Ag body of the Nuni 3lpalltw. (b) The term OTexiag. Vis, shall mean the Mata or a3V political subdi- vision or tatting unit thereof in which a Project is situated and which would have authority to assets or 19V retel or personal propertr des or to cartity such taxes to a taxing body or public officer to be levied for Its use and benefit with respect to a Ftojest if It we" not exempt from tar+aticn. (e) The term "Shelter Rent" shahl mean the total of all *harps to all tenants of a Project for dialling rents and no*-dwolling rents (excluding all other Income of such Project) # less the cost to the Local Autboritr of all dwelling and not-dwal,ling utilities. p2a FOM FRA? -2089 Pee# amt 1950 2. The JAcol Authori tr *hall endeavor to secure a contract or contVacts with the M for the acquisition and operation of one at more projects for loco -rent USO O 3. (a) Undeer the COnStitutIOn WA statutes of the .�.. ,,af .l «. all projogU are exempt Oom all real axed personal properiW taxes and special assess is lovied or ippon bir mv Taxing Body. With respect to eV ftejoat, 00 2048 a►s either (i) such Project is owned by a publics boar or goveramintal agmW CA is used f`or hear-aree4t housing parpOses, or (14) w oontreat bobteen the Local Authority GM the PBA is connection vith such Project remiss in force and efrect, or (IU) azq sonies duo to the PRA is e, onawti on with such Pyro joat remain unpaM, vb1ohovor period Is the ioAgest, the MunicipaUV agrees that it will not levy or impose aW real 0r personal Pro'per1wtaxes or especial nommoments tion such Project or upon the Local Axdhflrity with respect thereto. eareeto. ging stank penri,od, the Local Authority shall make annual per to (ho" n. called 1OPqvAMtee in JAOU of Taxes") to the NUAWpe►lity In f log of ash twos emA speeder assoss4amts and in pgve nt for the public ssrri es and facilities furnished from time to time without other cost or eharge for or with respect to such Project. (b) For the tax your in which they *onYW*we from the PBa to the Local Authority is zoo and the ant suec+eeditag tau pea` each ate. h7wat faa..UOU of Takes mall be in an amt equal to either (i) the real property twos which would be paid to all TodiV Bodies for mob of sach years if the Project were not exempt f*= tax tiou, loss wW Payaants in Lieu of Taxes pnw1ousiy paid by the Fe ora l Government or the ,focal Authority ,for such gear, and .also lose such allowance owance aae aq be considered W the Loma Authority to be appropriate for eexpendi9 as by either thee Federal Covenamt or the Local Authority for the repair and safttenanco of artzeeta, utilities, or rather public spices to creme w1wh Project or 01) they want permitted to be paid by applicable stage law in effeeat on the date mob psym ent is made,, whichever mount in the ower. Such p"ats ahall be made at the gime when real propeOW taxes on such Project motel be paid it It were subject to tamtion. The lu niaipaliir *hail ,distribute such FsWauta In Uou of Tsxes for said, two years aming the TaxIM Bodies In the asp proportion In edai.oh real groperiy tem v uM. bave been paid to eat Taxing Body for such year if the Project veres not Yom MA -2089 Page, 44 August 1"0 ezowt from taxation'O that any deduction or sUom shoe made on account of expenditures tv the Federal, (Rxernment or the Local AuthorVW shall be deducted from the paimt to the appropriate Taxing Body wbich should have rendered the service Involved (a) After the end of the two tax years referred to in paraagrapb 3 (b) *Wve, *ash snob +mml PWmt in Lion of Fauces shall be made at the tize when real property taxes on such Project v=M be paid if it were subject to to tloa, and std be in an aptmlt urtt equal to either (i) tam per cent () of the aggregate $boltaer Riot obarged. t tho Local authority in respect to such Project during the lg morithe# period or portton tbere>of *wing .1,919bl . U. -1 -, before such pe at is made, or (1.1) the vnt permitted to be paid big applicable state las fn effoot on the date such payment is medey, erbiahsvor amount is the hatter. (d) The V=icipaeUty shall distribute the Payments in ;Lieu of fa3ces provided for in paragraph 3 (a) Owe among the faxing Wi;es In the proportion which the real propea:rtg taxes which mould haws been paid to seesb Tamm Body for such year if the Project we" not eze Vt from taxation boars to the total real.. prolog .takes which muld bags be" paid to &U of the Taxing Bodies for such yoo if that Project were wt exempt from to xa f4on j gi„Wa , bU that no pvqmont for wW year shel' be made to w' faring Bo4y in excess of the amount of the ram property taxes wUab would have been paid to such Taxing " for such year if the Project vasa Aot OXW47t t rom twationo (0) Upon failure of the ZoDMI Authority to mks MW Pv=snts in Lift of 'fad, no lien against ae q Project or aessits of the local M thariiW aball aattach # nor shall mW interest or penalties accrue or atter an acoauttt thereof. 4. During the period commencing with the 4a€t+er sof the acquisition of aura Project and ca ntinui ng sad lxmg as either (i) owh FmJeect Is owned by e. publics boo or govera- *antal agemy and las used for low -rent Wusing purposes, or (U) aW contract between the 14 Gaal Authority and they PEA in corinecti= with amah Project re "ana in fc►rae and esffoot, or (ill) des due to the PRA 14 cot vootion with such Froject remain 'mel, Vidoliever period is th# 104gost, the uunuip4lity Wi.ttout cost or charge to than Local Authority or the tenants of such Project (otbeezr %b&A the Paywrits in U su of Taus) share wow Fors M - Page 0 August 1950 (a) Furniab or cauiteea tq be ftamished to the rAwa Authority and the its of such Project public swiloes mid facilities of the same chm titer Md. to the #ape extent as are furoUhed from time to tuna► vitbout cost or charge to other dwellings aW 3 nlaeltItanto in t2a (b) Maar as than KWUlpalit AV lavftLV do So, (i) grant sUdh dsviations from the buildisw code of the Muniolpalliq as are reason- able and necessary to PrOMOU aaonaraf an OtficiOMW in the SdMJM$rtraa- tion of a sh Projects, SW at the sow time safeguard health WA safety: and (U) make such obeages in AW sante of the site and surrounding territory of such Pres jest As are reasonable and necessazy for they protection of such % je3ot and s ouMJM territory; (o) Ase opt grants of eaeaesents necessary for the administration of such pro ect# anti (d) (;ooperate with the Iofta Morita► b r ouch other lalful SOU04 or 's as the 1Eunicipality and the 14041 AnthorIV MW find ne#+eoSSIT in eonn+aation v th the ada,# ni stratioao Of suah Pres, ject . 5. In respect to O' project the VwAcipality further "os tbat within it rosoonabler time after receipt of a vritten request therefor from tbo Uc4l authority it min accept the dexdierstion of all. interior streets,. roeado, alloys, and adjacent siderraW within the area of such Project, together with all storm and Swdtaacy serer %*4 in such dedicated are". b. if by reason of the to palityts failure or refusal, to f Umar or €eausec to be fexrn3esW my publie; services or facilities mbleb it bas agreed. hera- aaadar to furniab or to oauoe to be furniehed to the Ioftl AvtboriV Or to tb* tonants of any projects the Lo>cAl Authority inouars wW eeq)enso to obtain such services or f aailitieo then the Local AUthOrJtq Ma dodIWt tinea g aunt of VWh . expense from air Penta in Lieu of Faxes due or to become, due to the lm ioi- pa ity iu respect to an Project or naps other lows -rent bousing projects omMd nr operated by the Local Authority. fiE 110 Cooperation Agreement heretofore entered into betv"n the MmAcipal- J* end the I"al Authority Sh011 be construed to appy+' to aany project covered b7 UO Agit. Form VU -2089 Pages fa �1 1950 S. So long as mW contract between the local Authority " the MA in 00UMOtion vift szW Project rhe In force and esffeat, or s long sa ssV sonles due to the PEA in oomection with ary Project rem vmpsid, this Agroemat shall not sUmatod,, ch=ged, or modified without the consent of the PHA,. The privileges and obligations of the luniaipalitr heremder shall aromain in ftp force arsd Meat vith "sped to each Pro$esot iso long as they beneficial title to such Project is hold tV the Local Authority or bar wW other publics body or gimr=enta l ageows, Inch the Pte, authorises] tv le.ir to wage} in the des"lop=mt or advinistratio,4 of .oar -rout housing projects. If at aW time the be iciml title to, or possession of,. as V Project is held bV such other public bei or gmrweatal agency, including the PIS, the p"vi s one hereof ashan I» to tbee be wli.t of and =7 be enforced by, viab other public bar or govornmentaal. agency" Including the FU, IN gITRMVW the lunicipaUty and the Local Authority have resnpe tiv*4 dgned this Agreement and caused their seals to be affixed and attested as of the dqy and year firat above written. (SUL) Attests (am) Attests Was 5cr;M77 n a,. Corporate raw; lot cipaliiy) Cox rete grime *r Mal Authority i Form -2097 page ry Ault 1950 a �. AA This► ordinance (Rosautian) ehan be in ftu teras and effect fra and atter Its parser.