HomeMy WebLinkAbout0305 ResolutionResolution No 0 S� WHEREAS, the City of Pasco, Washington, acting through its City Council has heretofore taken notice of the possibility of a Columbia River Flood in this calendar year, and WHEREAS the City has heretofore resolved to construct a low dike protecting certain of the low lying areas adjacent to the Columbia River, and WHEREAS to construct such dike and properly protect such property it is necessary to obtain certain easements or permits for such construction from various individuals, including the Northern Pacific Railway Company, and WHEREAS the Northern Pacific Railway Company has tendered to the City of Pasco a permit for such construction, which permit is numbered by said railroad as #71649, which grants such permission to the City of Pasco upon certain terms and conditions therein stated, specifically that the Railroad Company may revoke and cancel such permit upon 90 days notice, and the City shall then restore the premises to the original condition in which they now are, and together with the other terms and conditions in such permit stated; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Pasco accept the permit, or grant of easement, tendered by the Northern Pacific Railway Company, and upon the terms and conditions in such permit as stated; and that the Mayor of the City of Pasco, together with the City Clerk of such city, be authorized to execute such permit for and on behalf of the city. Passed thia:„�ay of May, 1950 at Sp, Meeting for s. ch purpose. ATTEST: City Clerk NO, 305* RESOLUTIM BY ME MOR, XID COITM=1 OF THE CITY OF PASCO.- 7WTAr1%GTCU. ":iHu. EAS, the city of Pasco is the a -, mer of the i41 of the iii, of Section alt, To:mship 9 North, Range 30 mast lying Southr esterly of the State Highway; and mIER AS, in the improvement of Primary State H;igYri-MAY Ito, 3, Pasco to Attalia, by the State of .',a:shineton, Dvpartmeot of Aigh--ays, it is necessary and advisable for the State of :7ashington to acquire title to a portion of said land for a right of gray for said highrmy; and ;`7Fi�.:'RR. S, after due consideration by the Council of the City of Pasco, it appears to they said Council that it rill be for the best interests of both the City of Paseo and the State of Uashington that the City of Pasco. convey said lands to the State of ;Tashington by quit claim deed . ITTU, THEREFORE, Be it hereby FMOLVED by the byor and Councilmen of the City of Pasco, %ashington, that the City of Pasco execute said quit claim deed, and deliver said deed to the State of 7.ashine4on, Department of HighvWs. Done at a meeting of the this L day of S. F. No. 6889-2-48-2M. 17686. QUIT CLAIM .DEED In the Matter of ftj*u7 State Highway No -3* P"80 to Attalia KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Grantor atr of ftxse;..- * aftieva aersarafton't by aR4 *rmg& lu WT 014*'04 AWA we"" city OMWAnlea".8 for and in consideration of Dollars, t 00/m 1400 afte'. M-6-amwi' in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged" conveyst ..... and quit claim.0 to the State of Washington, all interest in the following described real estate situated in .................... ............County, in the State of Washington: A. U ftalk Vft-Mft of the WwUwnst VWUr ot the *Wtb$#A jawtw ( MCI of V* ,of 89SUM 34* V 9 TOW&MXbrW* R=V 30 Z"t IF -JL* 1711V 80%zt)W09t4W27 of 3t&" WW) lying laid! Ow at a Uas drom pam" to avA 75 f 9e. distmto &t)M - k ftm theez*w Uu* V earn V 4 od ot, rUK mo -se s eu% ashow so, 3"V Pea" to Attfawl VCS *U is Ww**etft% deeded dor re*A paivamsf The Uwft baroix tmPa"K owt"14 Oi,21 *W0,01 mom or 24"* the specific details concerning all of which are to be found within that certain map of definite location now of record and on,file in the office of the Director of Highways at Olympia and bearing date of ap- proval JOS.,,, Ijaz Ak� 19%) W440d ift *, 31,t, 3,9501 VWIMd j,=* 9#11 Iml " It is understood and agreed that the delivery of this deed is hereby tendered and such tender kept good until revoked but that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the State of Washington unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing for the State of Washington, Department of Highways, by the Right of Way Engineer. ADated this ........ 14 ............ day of ............ .. .................... ...... .... ........... ........................ Accepted and approved this ..... /� ............. day of ............. .i... STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, By............................... ............................................................. Right of Way Engineer. (Individual acknowledgment form) STATE OF WASMINGTON, & ss. ............ Y Of- � A�" � ' 'he undersigned notary public in a d for the State of Washington, hereby certify t n this he under' certify t n this /�-i ..... ....... y 0 ...... ... ............. ... ......... .... ....... ............ ......... ....... .. sonally, ap eare,� ore me y of .... ..... .. ....... ... .............................. ap I ............ . .............. ....... ... ................. a ... .......... "*"*-"* .......... . ..... .......... ............ I ....... ................ / ............ ....... ... ........... . .... ............... ........... . .......... ... . ...................................... ... ...................... :.: ................... ........................................................................................ ... .................... -- .................. ............ . .. .............. .............. ow to to e known to be the individual......... described. in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and ac- knowledged that ...........................signed and sealed the same a's ................................. free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes, therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal the day and year last above written. ...................................................................... ............................................................. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residingat ........................................................................ (Corporation acknowledgment form) STATE OF WASUAGTON, ss. ouy . .. ... ... .. . ........................ ............. is ...... A;.5 ..... dat of- .. . .. ...... .. ......... ... --------- ------ ....... . ..... .......... .. ...... be .........................r' me personally appeared ........... .. .... ..... .. . ... ............ .... ....... - ----- . . ........... d..........---......... .. ................. ........... ........................ .................................. toe known to be the ............... ... .... ... .......... ........................ .... and ............................................................................................................ o the corporation that executed t foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act dq4 deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that...... -sr................... .......... I ......... - . authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Given under my hand and official seal the day and year last above written. ........................................ . .. .... ..... ............ Notary Public in for the State Wast ing n, ................ . .............. Residing at ........... --r ... .... r ........... . ..... ZS 0 0 U U) >4 0 pox �bjD ;r. '00 CZ 4� 0 M CU Z IT, C H 0