HomeMy WebLinkAbout0281 ResolutionAD....�-,.- I RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, THE CITY OF PASCO, FRANKLIN COUNTY, WAShINGTON, HAS LEASED FROM THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES ThhT CERTAIN PROPERTY "LYING NEAR SAID CITY AND hNOi'uN AS THE NAVAL AIR BASE, AND WHEREAS, UNDER ThE_ TERk!iS OF SAID LEASE IT BECOMES NECESSARY FOR TriE CITY TO, VEST AUTHORITY FOR ThE CONSTRUCTION,_ ENLARGEMENT, II0ROVEJENT, MAINTENANCE, EQUIPIMNT, OPERATION AND rEGULATION THEREOF IN AN OFFICER, A BOARD OR BODY, AND ADOPT RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE MANAGhi,,,iENT AND ia11I vTE.L%1jNCE OF SAID NAVAL AIR BASE. NOW THEREFORE: Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasco. 1,. That there is hereby created a departc.ent of the City of Pasco, to be knownyas the The Airport Department. 2. That the said Airport Department shall be under the management and control of a manager, who shall be under bond in the sum of $10,000.00 and an advisory Board of three members , and one member of the Council as advisory member without voting power, to be appointed by the City Council with authority as hereinafter set out. The manager shall be appointed by the Council and hold office subject to the will of the 'Council, The Manager shall draw a salary to be fixed by the. Council, which salary may be changed from time to time by the Council. The'h1anager shall have general super- vision of and over the Airport and all matters directly connected with the operation and maintenance thereof. He shall have full power to enter into leases of any of the buildings or facilities of the Airport for such sums and on such conditions as prescribed by the Council, to collect the rentals, receipts for same and do any and all things necessary in connection therewith. He shall at all times work with and cooperate with the Advisory Board and shall do nothing 1 which is contrary to the advice of the Advisory Board until the matter has been passed on by the Council. At any time the tvianager -- and the Advisory Board can not agree the matter shall be refered to the Council and their ruling by a majority vote of the Council shall be final and no action taken on the matter excepting as approved by the Council. The ifanager shall be responsible for the.general upkeep and maintenance of the Airport and its facilities. He shall collect and account for all monies and income from the Airport and account for the sale to the City Treasurer at least once a week. All bills and charges to be approved or rejected by the -.yianager in writing and filed with the City Clerk to be acted upon by the Council. he shall keep a full accurate account of all monies and expenditures and such records as may be required by the Council of the Advisory Board, and shall make. a full report of all expenditures each month prior to the last meeting of the Council in the month. The ,uanager shall have full authority to hire and discharge all employees excepting regular members of the fire de- partnant or police force and shall direct the activities of all employees excepting regular members of -the fire department or police force. All employees shall be voluntary members of the fire de- partment and in case of fire shall respond to the fire alarm and assist in putting out fire unless at the time they are engaged in work that can not be suspended.for that purpose. Such of the employees as shall be designated by the manager shall be given special police powers to assist in policing the Airport but shall receive no additional compensation therefor. All employees to be on the same basis of pay as other city employees in like work. 3. Tie member2,of Advisory Board shall be appointed for a term of three years, excepting that the first 39ard shall be appointed as follows, to -wit: one member for one year, one member for.two years and one member for three yearsj, The 3oard shall work in and advisory capacity with the manager and Council and -shall receive no salary or other compensation, 4. The City Water Department, the City Street Department, the City Fire Department and City Police Department are authorized to render such aid as they may be able to,to the upkeep and maintenance of the Airport. 5. The City shall carry such insurance, including personal liability and property damage insurance as may be necessary to save the city from loss by reason of''the operation of the Airport, 6« The City shall maintain such regular fire and police forces at the Airport as the Council shall deem .necessary or -as required by the lease with the Government. This resolutionxmay be amended at such tunes as the Council may see fit, 8. The Manager shall keep such books and records as are necessary to comply with the requirements of the lease with the United States Government. Passed by the Council this 19 Approved by the friayor this 19 Attest, City Clerk Approved as to form City t orney day of August 1947. day of August 1947, /®_M, 4 Efti I,ayor