HomeMy WebLinkAbout0253 ResolutionDepartment of 1-1ighivay!3 job No. ('YRAIISTER RESOLD TION AND REQUEST FOR THE DIREU1,'CR OF HIGIEWAYS TO PERFORM GERTARI ",!OF -K ReSo-lut-licn No. 253 Before theCJtV C4)uA . (ii j __ of _G� Ot 141#00 V-Jashington. IT IS HIEFEB11 RE,,,SOLVE]), bjr t,,160'ity Courl,01-1.that- the Di -rector of High -ways is requested and. permitted to Plow !zow. :.ad ao%nd. tho roadwy ou rrim*ry st-6to Bler.-vay go. aud Prizar.l. ststa 11shwy so. 11 within, 'the avrpormts lisits of %he City 0-f-Vasoo dLs1--wmy be, nooea6sry to provide unlnOrrupsad traffle along Oe routet of the aforpeotionvid XJgh,*.r*yg. LAP ft% to t, MQ, 100 00 Doll,.3.rs, and -) ,HE S`.�TE PJ ;JTOTt T�` AUTHORIZED AND DIR.SU"'PlED •TO reserve from month.`t.'V gE."S ""i.X alirjtfteots the ;:1.bove ,.;pecifiE_--d sum, b.:�­ing an amount not in excel of th.(' inom . Ay. anticiprated. to ,,ccrue to th.e-, ,.�.redit of the City or Tovn ()f in the 11'0otor Vel'iicle F-an6 tho curreitt bJ..er1:1JLU1T!; Upon presentation of . cerci f ied stato-M U of .­ont tile. actur.1 cost of all labor, I equir.-ment, T:-,;-._)terJ_.aJ_,,:upp_D' -1 1 n-- Les, supervi,�:Lon and U GA.iieering, Incurred by the. y, a copy of which Department of Hilghwave, noer the foregoin -,.uthorit shall be fiizrni - �he;__t the Gi.t­_, nr Town of the State! Auditor is ll--,PRFBY l' -a e to is -14VIRTHER 'JUT-ITHORIZED anc. " the. Department of Hitgrhvvays for such wcrl: frc.-m tfic funds reserved, but not to o-ceed. the : bove s, J.,'d p e C i f i S1.111"; a3_1 -in accardance v.,rith Section .117 01i! t P_ r 82 of the 33 ee S F, .- I - c), --, L j. i vs of ' 11. 9 P Adopted by the, Council 01 Pasco this 18 day of Dec - 1.9 S E J` 1'.- t t e is t, Cie: k 11� December 19, 1945 VirGil Wilkins Road Suporvison Department of 14Z.hways Pasco* Washington Dear Sir: Enclosed find four (4) copLes of lesolution No. 253 which allovis tho State Hi hway Department to plow snow and sand the roadway within the corporate limits of the City of Pasco. AP:vr Yours truly Adah Perry City Cle.-k � S3 r DEPARTMENT OF HIGHFIAYS Pasco, Washington December 11, 1945 Honorable Mayor City of Pasco Pasco, Washington Dear d.ir : Pleese find attached estimate of cost of plowing snow and sanding icy pavement in the City of Pasco for this winter by the State Highway Department. If you wish to have this work done Es outlined, please have the resolution signed and return to the Department of Highways, Box 572, Pasco. We will, be very glad to do the work as outlined in the resolution. VW/hl Very truly yours, %4 -1 qWZ1 �' VIRGIL WILYINS Road Supervisor