HomeMy WebLinkAbout0237 ResolutionRESOLUTION 237 WHIEREAS;tXe. City of Pasco through it's mayor and council deems it necessary to acqui"re the following described property for park purposes,and that said park is a public necessity; that said prop- erty is owned by Franklin County, State of Washington, a munieipa 1 corporation and the price for said property can not be 'agreed upon: NOW THEREFORE; Be it resolved by the mayor and city council of.the City of Pascm, Franklin County, Washington,that:the following -des- cribed property, to -grit :. That part of ,Tract 3 as follows;:beginning at a point , 700 feet north and 40 feet east of the of conner - of the southeast ^ �� quarter -(,St;) of section�30 'in.. township 9 North, range 30 -E.W.M., then®e north 250 feet, thence- east 230 feet, -thence south 250, feet;--. thence west 230 feet tb,, the point', of beginning, -Also that part of •Tract- 3_,bo;anded :by a line-- beginn'snt 1030:. feet north and-, 40-11eet east of the. southwest `eorner of the. southeast quarter{ oxf se:ct.ion ;�- 3O;tonrnship 9 --north,,- range 30-E.W.M. and running 'north 2:50 feet, t�enc'e east 230 feet-,th°ence south 250 feet,thenoe meat 230°',feet to the point of beeginning:, 'g land~ in bract 4; Beginning- at 'a`•p.oint 370- feet Also the f ollowtin= nortfi, and, 30 feet east,,of the..-,s`outhwest - corner of the southeast quarter, hof seect on 30�, tows ship.'9 north, range 30 1*,WA. and running ' east 30 feet;,thence�„norith X250 .feat,thenee west 3e f.eet thence s-outh :250 ,feret� Yftpto the point of b-eginning.; Also the fo110 g, property iri Zract 4#t beginning at a., point 485 feet north and V feet eastof the southwest corner of the s -oath .east quarter of se=ction 30, tl'own'ship 9 north, rane, 30-Y.W.M., thence' east 100 feet, thence north 20 feet, thence west 106 f e A 'thence south.. 20 feet 'to - the point . of, beginning, all in Franklin County, State of Washington, be se -cured through condemnation proceedings and that the cirty attor- ney be instructed to proceed therewith. Done -by the Mayor and"City Council in regular meet'ing.this day of Leh, 1945 .Attest, 1 y e Approved as to form, i rney Ar" "0”, y ayor