HomeMy WebLinkAbout0193 ResolutionCERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER I, Adah Perry, Clerk of the City of Pasco, Washington, hereby certify that I have compared the annexed extract of the minutes of a _ ('n„nc�; 1 meeting of the City Council of said City held on the 511_day of January 1943 containing a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESO- LUTION NO. 183 DECLARING THE NEED FOR A HOUSING AUTHORITY IN THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON” with the original minutes of said meeting recorded in the official minute book and that it is a correct transcript from said original minutes and that the aforesaid resolution is a true, complete and accurate copy of the resolution adopted at said meeting as it appears in said original minutes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of Pasco, Washington, this 6th day of January , (SEAL) NATIONAL HOUSING AGENCY FEDERAL PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY December 18, 1942 Regional Office In reply please refer to: 1326 Fifth Avenue Seattle, 51ashington R -IX: PASCO: LEGAL Mr. Wendell P. Brown, Chairman Housing Authority of the City of Pasco, t7ashington 321 West Lewis Pasco, Kashin gton Dear Sir: Pursuant to the conversation between you, Mr. Ker - foot and Yx . Furman, when you were in Seattle on Decem- ber 17, I am enclosing herein four copies of a proposed meeting of the Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, adopting a resolution amending Resolution No. 183 of the City Council, which amendment declared the need for a Housing Authority in the City of Pasco, Washington. It is advisable that the resolution be amended as indi- cated in the proposed resolution to avoid any possibility of attack upon the legal sufficiency of your Authority's organization. It is my thought that you should urge the necessity of this action to the Mayor and the City Council, and advocate. passage of the resolution as expeditiously as possible. If the City Council passes the suggested resolution, will you kindly request that three copies of the comple- ted minutes be returned to this office, with the verify- ing Certificate of the City Clerk attached to each copy? The original copy of the minutes may be kept by the City Clerk as the original minutes and resolution of the City Council, if it meets with the Clerk's approval. Thank you very much for your co-operation in this matter, and please convey to the Nayor and City Council of Pasco, our appreciation of their concern in this work. pVICTORY Sincerely yours-, BUY UNITED STATES JW?ARBOND FRANK Al. CRUTSIN GE.R., Enclosures - Director, Region IX y r r. KITES OF THE JanuarylMEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, HELD AT THE CITY H&LL IN SAID CITY) ON THE DAY OF 19 4-3, at 8;20 0' LOCK M. On the 5th day ofJanuary , 194 3 , the Council of the City of Pasco , Washington _, met in the City Hall in said City in Regular session. The meeting was called to order at 8.20 o'clock, P. m. by the Mayor and on the roll call the following members of the City Council were found to be present: Messrs. D_Byron Baker C. L. Booth Chas Diemond W-. E. Drennan M. J. Linderman V. F. Marshall F. D. K.Rodkey Absent: None The following resolution was introduced by Mr. Linderman who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.19� A RESOLUTION AIS + LADING RESOLUTION NO. 183 DECLAR- ING THE MED FOR A HOUSING AUTHORITY IN THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHMGTON: Section 1. That Resolution No. 183 titled: "RESOLUTION DECLAR- ING THE NEED FOR A HOUSIISG AUTHORITY IN THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHING- TON" is hereby amended to read as follows*. "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE City Council _OF THE CITY OF Pasco , Washington That the Council of the City of Pasco s 'Jashington hereby determines, finds and declares, in pur- suance of the 'Housing Authorities Law' of the State of Washington, "Insanitary and unsafe inhabited dwelling accommodations: exist in the City of Pasco, Dashing ton ; "There is a shortage of safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations in the City of Pasco , ra shingt on , available to ,persons of low income at rentals they can afford; "There is meed for a Housing Authority in -2 - the City of Pasco , Washington ; "The City Clerk promptly notify the Mayor of the City of Pasco , Wash- ington, of the adoption of this resolution; "The Mayor be and he hereby is directed to file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Pasco , Washington , the necessary certificate of appointment of the Commissioners of the Housing Authority, designating their terms of office and designating the first Chairman of the Housing Authority, pursuant to Section 5 of the 'Housing Authorities Law' of the State of Washington ; and "This resolution is hereby declared to be. an urgency measure necessary for the im- mediate preservation of. the public peace, health and safety and shall therefore go into immediate effect. "Passed this -5th day of January 19 43 . (SELL) ATTEST: Ci tv Clerk APPROVED AS40 0 FORM: City Attorney M J. Linderman Chairman Section 2. That all acts and deeds of the Council of the City of Pasco, ?'las.hington, and of the Mayor and other officers of said City, executed and done under the authority of said Resolution No. 183, adopted January 27, 1942, are hereby and now adopted and ratified by the Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, as the lawful acts and deeds of its officers and agents, the same as if -3 -- they had been dxecuted and done pursuant to: Resolution No. 183, as amended herein. (SEAL) ATTEST: ity Cler APPROVED AS T 0 FORM. City' A.t ney Chairman The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Iurr. I&rshall , and upon roll call the following voted Yea: Ivlessrs. Baker , Booth , Diemond I nrPnnan Linderman Marshall & Rodkey May. Messrs. None , None Thereupon the Mayor declared said resolution duly adopted and passed. Mr. Linderman then moved that said Resolution No. 193 go into effect immediately, as provided therein, which provision was then read in full. The motion was seconded: by Mr. _ shall and thereupon the Mayor put the question on the adoption of said motion, and upon roll call the following voted Yea. Messrs, _Baker Rnoth , Diemond , Drennan, Linderman , Marshall , and Rodkey Nay: Messrs. None , None � Whereupon the Mayor stated that said motion had received the affirmative vote of more thanalf of the Council and declared the same duly adopted. ADJOURNIIMT . Meeting adjourned at _ 9; 2� o t clock , _ ;,. P.. *M* Mayor ( SEAL ) ATTEST: