HomeMy WebLinkAbout0170 ResolutionReooiutiori !,,,o. 170 Orcl i �, I C e '.l H E RE S the Dc."Pal.t.1-lent of Ji.-ligli-r.va., / -j h ris that the receipts which will accrue to the cre-dit of dais I city (.,c.,.;Jli3 l.u;: r i~ the provisions of Chapter 1.81, 1.939 Lav's for "the perdocl i_i-pril 'l, 19/,l to '­;, .31, 1943 M. __HMVD ZMADollars; -0- _I %.46 4 and "the D� -�Uartl�.-erlt ;-,,'J., �iLhways u0 :i request that, this (cit-, toan) aclopt a S, H Y fon."I a I pro,,.raaa so. -t-Lir I e -F. f0l'tl -I t 112- 1 IS 8S tO WIIJ C! I it ShIRIA pUt i I e abov(-.-;-- I I a z II e6 su-, a of C L money in uccordance Vhe provisions of the above- nal:le.0 statut,?: NO'V;7, THE!.d!F0i:,.E, RE,, IrIll IUS'SALV ED lif THE ;v-1,ayc,."c run& City Council or (c -,.- ty) -.-dayol, and' Tow. -Li Council of the (Town) of PAGM in regular j.aec-.,t,JLnf.., duly .,.s 1-- 1. That based upon estLu,-ted raceipts as t;X(,re:ir_dA the fellu-4ing ir, proposed C-1 Cls the items cuvorin,­ expen6-itures, of sudd (cify tc�vin) froo the, City sill-rcet Flln6i. t� I.- , for the biennium cc!--m::iencing April 1, 1941 and ending !,;iarch 31, `92,1�,: J. C)-verhe'ad ez 3ondis Totc.l Jainteannco cpe�ratic.n 1qllt Rat. Prhir,xy l*" �., 1*679*45 State *45 St-cond,,.xy State flighwayz--, Ot.her City Sl'treiat.s Tot-als 17*785.98 19*404) 4,460*18 5$s39#63 13*625.00 Tlacu t -uch - E) 0 c-- -j-pts c-xc e ed the e e, st i;fi,'ate a fore sa:.Jt.� , suc.h ex c e s s sh,-:. 12. be expendec.1 I)v the (cit.,.-, in tile inannor providt:,d by Lav, nlub­--t to 4-',,E', approval of t. -le Det.,;arti!lcnt of Higltl%,ays; T .. and i,,, hereb, ted to fonviard a copy 3. That the (G'Lty, '.own) be, y, irlstrucu I of this (Re-olill.tion, bruJi-nance) to, the of i -I -Ig' NDOI -)TED BY TIIE 'Gity ("favor and "curcil O::'ccl­._Lds"dol.-t) 1. j W;aYcr :anc,! C; C� un c il. J 41 J-9 --/� 4-7"-""—•�-- may/ � L�ir�Y __..�_. IA Y 0 R T: City Mo -,1n) Clark