HomeMy WebLinkAbout0137 ResolutionCITY OF PASCO OFFICE OF CITY CLERK GERTRUDE SPEIER, CITY CLERK PASCO, WASHINGTON A resolution--aubhor zimt tete Ck�y Clerk, Gertnade Speler,, to file an applicat1cm to the United Stat.ea of Amerioa through the Federal rgenoy Admini._stration of public Works for a grant to aid in finan— eing, the construction of a cownunity building and designating 0 A Pehroon, Architect, to furr sh such informtti on as the Govern MY request. BE IT pFSOLM by the'00=011 of the. City of Ea—Goo,, FTa lin County, State of Vhshington MT101 I. Thpt Gertrude Spoier, City Clex3c, lie and she iz authoriz-i to axseute and fila an application on behalf of the City of Pasco, Franklin Cc :Rty, ut6 of Washington, to the- United States- of Anerioa for a grant to aid in finknoing the construe,' ion of a Community building. .Si fil ' .11 That G. A, Fehrson,. Architect, be and is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information.as the United States of America through the Feder Emergency Adainistraticn of Public 17or'. s -reasonably request in 00=100tion with the application uhich is herein. authorized to be Mod* * y: IS MMOAT9 OF MM i„ Ge rude Speler, the duly elected,,• gualifl-ed and aotiM Mark of the City of Pasco., a l n Owntys. State of s i ;tc ,: dohere cr rt y that 11,A ocmpared the attaohed copy, of a resolution entitled 'A roeoluti.on authorizing the City Clerk, Gertrude Sp:4=*. to file an a.pplitat i m to the United. States. of -erica t1rough the Federal. Rnergeney A ministrati;ou of Public Works for a grant to aid,, in firanaing the construction of a oo=awi.ty lbuildiu& and desrti gating G. A Pehrs ,,, Architect, to farms-sh such iutor tion as the vex mt ».y nest. i th the original of such resolution -on file in my office ce and that the sale is a tr:e and oorroet eopy of su& resolutica wairha . Ia ly adopted. at a meeting of the City Co -m -al held on the /� � day of September. 19384_ Bated this / S � day of Septernber4. 1938 Hr. C. 1. Booth Sept. of Schools Paseo, Washington Dear Mr. Booth. September 16th. 1938. Enclosed you will find Application. Resolution and Certificate of Clerk properly signed. Yams very truly Gertrude Speier Ci ty Cle 494.0 IN