HomeMy WebLinkAbout0133 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO.�JQ? RESOLUTION REQUESTING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY PLANNING COM.,iISSION TO PREPARE, SUBJECT TO ADOPTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL, A COORDINATED PLAN FOR THE PHYSICAL DEVELOP�..ENT OF THE CITY OF PASCO, AS PROVIDED FOR Iii SECTION 5 OF CHAPTER 44 OF THE LAWS OF 1935. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: That the City Planning Commission heretofore a-oDointed be and the same is hereby authorized and requested to prepare a coordinated plan for the physical development of the City of Pasco, such plan to be presented as an ordinance subject to adoption by the City Council; such plan so prepared in the discretion of the said Commission may regulate and restrict the location and use of buildings and structures and land for residence, trade, Industrial and other purposes; the size of yards, courts and open spaces; the setback of buildings along highways and narks; And in the making of such plans the said Commission may divide the City into such zone, or zones, as to the Commission may seem best suited for the purpose of carrying out such general plan. Passed and aaDroved this_.9'-"�d.ay of`�'%�" _ 1938. ATTEST: C ty Clerk L May 24, 1939 MR. L. S. GREGORY CHAIRh1AAi, WASHINGTOK STATE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD, WIA, WASHINGTON Dear Sir: I hand you herewith a copy of resolution adopted by the city council of Pasco, .0'ashington at its meeting May 23rd and .trust that your honorable body will give it proper consideration. Yours truly, G` RTRUDE SPEIER, CITY CLAS ns:h:eno