HomeMy WebLinkAbout0129 ResolutionRE SOLUTION CIMS k'1-IN A iTY: P1r.,MTNV,1G C01211 a:10N 13t IT..Rr3SOLVED by th,c City Counoi? -of the City of P�-,Fco, th?t..thAro be, and 'i' horeby -cre,nted, under thn nr. ovIslons of Ch pt;or 4'4 of thy: 59cFion La of 1 35 .r C1tj Planninf; Conimi!7cion, which cYiu11 becar�no�af oi' ceven (?) mrmbor; . t��7o (�) of rrhom, the 11'avor and .t>,o. City .Attorney, ch<a11 be.. ox offiaio-_*ienbrrs a.ho shill , ho10, 'rffi.ce on ^a:id (lt mraisoibn 1?y Artue of thnir office, anO. thQir terms on the `Comnisoion shall corre^r>one. '1=1th their rc.Fnectivo' tcnues in office. In `addition to ',�hF €,aId ex "offkcie me bers, ' there c'i�11, be five (5.) annointed me-iberc of such COm-Agr,ion, "ho sha.11 be appointpd by tho '.,riyor and their w)no1nt.nPnt� confirined h?, tnn City Count } 1, The f irot appointed members chs.1.1 hold off ice ar f01.1 ows One, shall. hold offlco for thio term, of tv?o (P) .yep,xe .from thr, date . of hic AP-oointment; conn shall hold: of'f'ice for- the term or. Three (3) y `- yn�r4 fr. ©ni tho date., of, . his-ay,)DointmPnt; one sh,:�.X], hold off-ico for tho term of four (4) yr;nrfl fro- th,(, of, his aprointment; one shall hold off'ico. f gr , tho 'tors! of five .(5) ye-'.ars from ' thr data of lxi.c appointment; and one r 17 bola off tcc for tho ter, of six (G) lc'�;ro from the date of 11.1-es -.anp pint^ ont; p.nd thnr f'tQr. t;hr to � of office ,for. each tar)nointed mr-mbnr sh,,-�11. be six (6) ynari q. Vacancies, occurring other.rtibe .than tlirourrh the r.,."J.ration ©f tc�rnt� shall 17: be f il7:rjd fox° thn unexrAred :t rnl.:. The f:adtV,Rt - ny oercon appointed aq an an- ointed me . er of such Conilsrion shall hold an -clectivo office in- thr, City of pacco shall:. not bo thereby, disqualified •from rrrvi.n fay :gin appointee. nenber. on. Fuch Corlmi�3 J.on. Paacod Pnr ovecl thisclray c�f�-1�- - ATTEST:.,: kv0r G Cit C1 r;r. z. f is Hrs. C. n• 4rudwig County Treasurer Pasco, Tnshinpton Decor Urs. Krudwig. February 19th, 1938. Enclosed please find resolution on cancelling certain L. I. J's passed by the city council at their regular meeting February 17th. Yours very truly Gertrude Speisr City Clerk. RESOLUTION CREATING A CITY PLANNING C01 -9 -FISSION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council vP the City of Pasco, that there be and is hereby created, under the provisions of Chapter 44 of the Session Laws of 1935, a City Planning Commission, which shall be composed of seven (7) members, two (2) of whom, the Mayor and the City Attorney, shall be ex officio members who shall hold office on said Commission by virtue of their office, and their terms on the Commission shall correspond with their respective tenues in office. In -addition to the said ex officio members, there shall be five (5) appointed members of such Commission, who shall be appointed by the Mayor and their appointments confirmed by the City Council. The first appointed members shall hold office as follows: One shall hold office for the term of two (2) years from the date of his appointment; one shall hold office for the term of Three (3) years from the date of his appointment; one shall hold office for the term of four (4) years from the date of his appointment; one shall hold office for the term of five (5) years from the date of. his appointment; and one shall hold office for the term of six (o) years from the date of his appointment; and thereafter the term of office for each appointed member shall be six (o) years. Vacancies occurring otherwise than through the expiration of terms shall be filled for the unexpired term. The factthat any person appointed as an appointed member of such Commission shall hold an elective office in the City of Pasco shall not be thereby disqualified from serving as an appointed member on such Commission. Passed and approved this_�7 day of —�& m ATTEST: Mayor C y Clerk