HomeMy WebLinkAbout0117 Resolutiony . 'COPY RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING CITY STREET FUND ' WHEREAS, the enactment by -the State Legislature of -Chapter 187'of the Laws -of. i91171 has made it necessary for the City to establish and maintain a City Street-rundi in which there shall be deposited all receipts for money for street.purposes and from which,sha . 11 be paid all expenditures for the construction, alteration, repair.,, improvement"and maintainence df city streets,. NOW,, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE'CITY.,COUNCIL of the .Gity of - Pasco . that there be and is hereby created in the City Treasury. a spec ial. fund' which shall be known as 'The City Street Fund, and-. ._`the City Treasurer be and is hereby authorized and directed to e-stabl-ish in his office said fund, and `to . carry into said fund all moneys, proyided for in the city budget"for street purposes unexpended at the date of the. creation and: establishment of.said fund, and all moneys thereafter received by such City Treasurer for street purposes, including all moneys received from'the Motor Vech cle Fund"of the State of Washingtond',U , and BE It RTHER RESOLVED that .all expenditures made for the construction,.altera tion, repair,.improvement and.naintainence of City Streets shall thereafter be paid out of such fund only, and•the:City:8lerk.be and is hereby authorized and directed to procur'special warrants of a distinct type and color to be utilized in drawing warrants upon said City Street Fund and the Clerk.is authorized and directed in.the issuance of warrants for any work of any kind done or per- formed-upon,,or mater.ials,purchased for use unon-the streets' of the City of Pasco, to draw warrants therefor only upon said City; Street 1-und'on the.forms so provided therfor, numbering such Warrants from one up consecutively, beginning with the first such warrant drawn or.payment made after the.establi-shment� by the City Treasurer of said City Street Fund. BE IT RESOLVED thatthe said City-Street Fund. may be-from time to time further enhanced or' increased from any moneys available therefor on orders made by the City Council; that no money. 'shall be withdrawn from said fund, except that the same shall be.for a proper street purpose in payment of expenditures- for-construction construction, alteration,re pair,. inprovenen+ and ,rr-a I ntain- ence of city streets or materials or equipment purchased therefor. PASSED. AND APPROVED by THE CITY COJCIL of THE CITY OF PASCO, "this. 6th of Ploy, 1937, by the Affirmative vote . of 4 councilmen. , 5!. RAYMOND HICKS MAYOR Attest: Gertrude Speier - Clerk Approved 'as to form: C.-M. O' Brien City Attorney