HomeMy WebLinkAbout0030 Resolution1666 31 RESOLUTION No. 30 THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF PA CO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, the city council of the City of Pasco, Washington, did provide by Ordinance No. 125 duly and regul rly passed and published order the improvement of certain property in said city described in said ordinance and did create .vocal Improvement Dis Lrict No. 25 and WRff-IREAS said Ordinance did provide for the making of an annual assessment for the maintenance, and repairing charges of the water system of said local improvement district provided for therein., and :MEREAS an assessment roll sufficient for the payment of the total cost and e_-z:1-ense for maintenwnce, operating and repairing of said nater system of said local improvement district during the year 1918 has been duly and regularly prepared and is noir on file with the CITY Clerk and open for inspection, Now THEREFORE, the City COUNCIL of the City of Pasco do resolve that all persons who may desire to object thereto .are notified to appear and present szzch objections; that the said roll be set down for hearing at the regular meeting of the City Co-..Sncil to be held at the regular place of meeting of slid council in the City Hall at Pasco, Washington, -at 8 P. Ia. on the 7th day of May, 1918; that at said time an.' place the said city council will meet as a Board of Ea,t�alization to con icer said roll and objections thereto and that U3 e Clerk give legal notice of -.uch hearing. Passed and approved this 25th day of March, 1918. G. E. Willison Mayor Attest: C. A.'Dolan, City Clerk. { S E A L )