HomeMy WebLinkAbout0026 ResolutionMSOLUTI011 NO. 25. The CITY COUNCIL of the City of Pasco do resolve as follows: Whereas, the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, did provide by Ordiname No. 172 duly and regularly pas sed and published order the improvement of certain property described in said ordinance and did create local improvement district No. 43, and Tfhereas, the said ordinance did provide for the making of an annual assessment for the operation, maintenance, and repairing charges of said water system, and. 0t7hereas, an assessment roll sufficient for the payment of the total cost and expense for maintenance, operating and repairing of said water System of said local improvement district d11.ring the year 1917 has been duly and regularly prepared and is now on file iRri th the City Clerk of said City and open for insptection- Now Therefore, the City C- ncil of the City of Pasco, Washington, do resolve that all persons who may desi -e to object thereto are notified to appear and present ubh objections; that the said roll be set down for hearing, at the regular meeting of the City Council to be held at the regular place of meeting :.t 8 P. M. on the 5th day of June, 1917; that at said time and place the City Council of such city wi:_1 sit as a Board of Egnalixati on to eo nsi -der the -paid roll and ob- jections thereto; that the City Clerk give notice of such hearing. Passed and approved this lst day of May, 1917. G. E. Willison, Mayor Attest: C. A. Dolan, City Clerk. f SEAL } RESOLUTION No. 26. The CITY COUNCIL of the City of Pasco, do resolve as follows: Whereas, the City Council of the City of Pasco, "Nashington, d1d provide by Ordinance No. 173 duly and regularly passed and published order the improvement of certain property described in said ordinance and did create local improvement district No, 44, andWhereas, said Ordinance provided for the making of an annual assessment for the operation, maintenance, and repairing charges of said water system, and Whereas, an assessment roll sufficient for the payment of the total cost and expenses for maintenance, operating and repa.irinM of said water system of said local improvement district during the year 1917 has. been duly and regula-rly prepared and is now on file with the City Clerk of said City and open for inspection; Now Therefore, the City Co-Lintil of the City of Pasco, tfashington, do resolve that all persons who may desire to object thereto are not- ified to appear and present such objections; that the said roll be set down for hearing at the regular meeting of the City Council at 8 P. M. on the 5th day of June, 1917; that at the said time and place the City Council of such city will sit as a Board of E0.74lization to consider the said roll and objections thereto; that the City Clerk give notice of such hearing. Passed and approved this lst day of Thr, 1917. G. E. Willison, Attest: May or C. A. Dolan, City Clerk.