HomeMy WebLinkAbout0009 Resolution1666 11 RESOLUTI O T HO.q. RESOLUTION Or I=:i>>�iTTIOIT TO ORD:uR LOCAL NOTICE TO ALL PERSO aS ,:'HO IHAY DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO. THE CITY COU -I CIL OE THE CITY Or PASCO DO RESOL1TE AS ?+'OLLO 7S: That the said City Council does hereby declare its intention to order a local i= provement upon the alleys and portions of alleys hereinafter set forth, and to levy and collect special assessments on the.property specially benefited thereby toppay the cost and exp -- cense of the same, the said local omproverlent to be as follows: Laying lateral pipes for irrigation Nater in the alley commen- the cing and connecting with/lateral pipe no7 laid in the alley extend- ing Borth (N) and South(S) from "AT' Street,, and beginning at a point where the lateral pipe line intersects the South (S) line off Lots Four (4) and Thirteen (13) in Block Seven (7), of Gantenbein's Addition to the City fff Pasco, extending South (§)_ through the alley running north (Id) and South (S) through the Stuth half (S�) of said Block Seven (7), crossing "C" Street, and continuing in a straight i line through said alley South (S) to the point intersecting the South (S) line of Lots Four (4) and Thirteen (13) Of Block Ten (10) in Gantenbein's Addition to the City of Pasco. 1qD NOTICE IS THEREBY GIVEN to all persons who may desire to ob- jeet thereto, to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held at the Council Chamber in the City Hall at Pasco, :.'ashii3gton, at 7:30 in the evening dif Tuesday, the 4th day of 11Ay, A. D. 1915. And the Committee on Streets and Alleys of said Council is here by directed to submit to the Council at or prior to said date, the estimated coat and expense of such improvement, and a stater_Zent of the proportinate amount thereof 'which should be borne by the property within the proposed assessment district, and a statement of the aggra- gate assessed valuation of the real estate exclusive of improvements iithin said district, according to the valuation lastplaced upon it for the purpose of general taxation, together with a diagram or' -print shoring thereon lots, tracts, and parcels of land and other property tirhich will be specially benefited thereby, and the estimated amount of the costs and expense of such imf3rovement to be borne by each of said lots, tracts, o7-- ,arcels of land or other property. ( Over.) 12 The Citi clerk is ordered to publish this resolotion as provided by law, Dated and Passed this 6th day of P gzIx, 1915. Published April, 9th, and 16th, 1915. i A Y 0 R . AT'T'EST C IC/T Y C L R K I, C. A. Broxson, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Pasco, do hereby Certify that the above and foregoing Resolution, was duly passes, and adopted 'b;r the City Council of the City of Pasco,-ashington, and published in the oficial News Paper of sai? City obi the, dates above specified, Given under my hand and official Beal this 15th day of April. 1215. C I T Y C D E R� —