HomeMy WebLinkAbout0008 Resolution10 RES O L S i' I 017 II O B. iESOTi 'i'IOiI 07 1`. OII ='0 02D-:12 1.OG'iL D,_ %ilCE TQ ALT '-"7-TO --'11Y BES1=;E TO OBjT!CT T --'E'3 TO. T=,, CITY COTGECIL 017 CITY AaCO DO ESOLVE -'_S EOY- O:, S : 'I'nat said Cit-, Council does hereby declare its in�-ention to order a Local I provp^ant upon the Streets and portions of the stye --is herein- after set forth, and to levy and collect special asc essme nts on the property specially benefited thereby for pay�_nf the cost and expense of the sane, the said local Improve;,ent to be as follows, to -wit; Grading and Cindering a twenty (20) foot strip, being ten (10) feet on each side of the center line of the following streets in. the City of Pasco, ashington, to -%Tait: South Tenth Avenue fron the South line of Ainswetth avenue in Rives°side Addition, extending thence to the intersection with the center, line of River Sheet; thence Easterly on river Street to a point op±)osite the line dividing Jots Forty One (41) and forty Two (42) in River Block Riverside Addition to Pasco, Ira klin County, .ashingtom. A,n0 notice is hereby given to all pe..°sons who many desire to oblect thereto to appear amd present such objections at a me ting of the City Co'micil to be I-elc! at t .e Council Cha -m -er in the City "a1" at Pasco, as -Ai - gton, at 7, 30 o' block in t e evening of Tuesday t_le 6th day of April, A. D. 1915. And the Corl_:i-`tee on St_'eets and ILl eys of said Council is hereby directed to-snb-Iit to the Council at or prior to said date the estimated cost and expense of such improve,_;ent, and a statement of the proportionate a.' .ount thereof which slould be borne by the property within the proposed. as- essment district, and a statement of the aggregate assessed valuation of the recles--ate exclusive of improve: --lents T,aithin said dist-r:7 et, accord- inr; to the valuation last placed -upon it fo-r the putpose of generaltaPa- tion, to, --ether frith a diagram or print Showing, thereon the Lots, mra.cts, and Parcels o_P land or other property �ihich will be specially benefitted thereby, and the astima'�ed amount of the cost and expense of such irrprove- ment to be vor�le by each of said lots, tracts, of par€tels of land or other :'roperty. mhe City Clerk is orde:-I'ed to publish this resolution as provided by Tata. Passes and aproved this 16th day of :arch, A. D. 1915. Attest: _ C� 1ay0r i�a H . I CBroxson, the c+uly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the Cit=y of Vasco, do f,ereby certify that t�-B above :end foreq;oin, resolution i-. a d11, tree an(I correct copy of JL -.',ie origi -al as Was. rase;! an;"-puD-1.7 shej accordinc to and is now on '_"ile in