HomeMy WebLinkAbout0006 Resolutionfe a RES OLUT I ON . N0. 6 $M CITY COMMIT, OF I'LL CITY OF PASCO, BO RESOLVE-11,AS FOLLOWS: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE AI HUAL ASSESSI:11EENT ROLL FOR THE L,1AINTEIIAME AND OPERATION AND REPAIRING EX-PE14SES OF LOCAL IMPROVE - EENT DISTRICT NO. 43 as provided by Ordinance No. 172 for the year 1915. CMREAU, the City Council did by Ordinance No. 172 duly and regularly passed and published, order the improvement of certain pro -Dee perty described in said Ordinance, ans created Local improvement District No. 43, and EEREAS, said Ordinance provided for the making of an annual assessment doll for the operation, maintenance, and repairing char- ges of said water system, and, VMEREAS, an assessment roll suf-ficient to pay for the total cost and expense for maintaining, operating and repairing said water system of said Local Imptbvement District No. 43, during the year 1915, has been duly and regularly prepared and is noir on file with the City Clerk of the City of Pasco, and ppen for inspection, NOW TH9PEFORE, the City Council of the City of Pasco, do res- Olve as follows; "That all persons who may desire to ob:.ect thereto are notified to appear amd present such objections; that said roll be set down for hearing at the regular meeting of the City Council to be held at the regular place of meeting at 8 o'clock P. T,I. on the sixteenth day of February, 1915; that at said time said City Council will set as a board of equglization to consider said roll and any objections thereto; that the City Clerk give notice of said hearing. Passed and apprived this 19th day pf January, 1915. Mayor ATTEST: Ui7y ClerX. I, C. A. Broxson, the duly elected qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Pasco, dl hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution, is a full, true and co.zect copy of the Origi- nal Resolution as was passed and approved by the City Council on above date. Given under my hand and of-icial seal this 21st day of Jan, 1915. X07 v Ciser