HomeMy WebLinkAbout0002 Resolutionz RESOLUTION. 110. 2. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: T11AT it is the intention of the City Council to improve the property described as Blocks Seven, Ten and .Fifteen in Gantenbein's ri.ddition to the City of Pasco, Franklin County, iIashington, by the c6nctruction and installation of a system of water mains, pipes, and latterals to cart' water from the water mains of Local Improvement District, No. 43, of the City of Pasco, to the i-.roperty in said blocks, and to provide coater for irrigating said property, and to manage, regulate and control the same and to p-tovide for the distribution of said water therein, and to provide for an annual maintenance charge for t' -,--e same and to charge the expense of such system to all the property wtthin said blocks, and to charfe the expenses of such coater syatem to all the property tneluded between the termini if said improve:,yent, aht tting upon adjacett, vicinal or approximate to the streets to he so improved to a distance back from the marginal line thereof to the center of the blacks facing or anutting thereon, provided that in any case such distance back shall be at least 90 feet, and provided that in any case of unplatted property the distance back shall be I tha same distnace as that included in the assessment of the platted lands immediately adjacent thereto. That the estimated cost and expense to ftLIly complete s said improvement Is thb sum of L/ �/ 6' which sum is subject to change, or dejection, or ratification, That the City Engineer be ditected to have on file with the City Clerk bf the dity of Pasco, prior to the date fixed for the hearing of this tesolution, the fo=louring data, toget- her with all papers and information in his poss:;ssion tough- ing on said imptovement. 1. A. diagram showing therein the lots, tracts, and parcels of land or other prpperty specially benefitted by said improvement. 1666 5 3 2. A statement of the aggregate assessed value of the real estate exclusive of improvements wirhin rhe district as shown by the last assessment for general taxation. 3. A,statemeft of the proportionate amount of the cost and expense of the improvement that-. should he borne by the propertyspecially henefitted. 4. The estimated cost and expense of the proposed improvement. 5. The estimated amount pi t]je cpst and expense of such inprover-ant to be borne by each lot, tact, ot-paecel of land . or other property in chid district. 6, Plans and specifications for the proposed improvers.nt in addition to the general plans now on file. That the City Council of the City of PascA will 4ieet on the 18th day of August, 1914, at 8 P. ISI. 4* its regular place of meeting and hear ptotests against said proposed imptovemnt and all persons who may desire to object thereto may appear and present such pbjectmons at the .said meeting of the City Council of may file written protests with the Ditty Clerk; that this resolution be published in two consecutive issues of the pfficial news *aper pf t4e City pf Pasco. Passed and adopted this 21st d ATTEST: T Y C E R K. Published, July 34th and 31st, 1914. I hereby eertify that the above and foregoing is a full true and correct copy- of the original Recolution as passed and adopted by._t�_e Cit -.,Council of the City of Pasco, Vlashington, and ipublished in two successive issues if the official paper.of said City, on July, 24th and Zlst, 1914: C/ CII T Y 0 z E R K.