HomeMy WebLinkAbout1423 Ordinancet ORDINANCE NO.�L.3 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO FROM RESIDENTIAL R-1 TO COMMERCIAL C-3. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The zone classification is hereby changed from Residential R-1 to Commercial C-3 for the following described property, situated in Pasco, Franklin County, Washington to -wit: The south half of Section 17,'Township 9 North, Range 30 East W.M., lying easterly of the easterly line of State Highway #3 (U.S. 395) together with the following portions of the North half of Section 20, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M.; the north- west quarter of the northeast quarter, lying easterly of easterly line of State Highway #3 (U.S. 395) and the west half of the southeast quarter of the north- east quarter lying north of the northerly line of State Highway #3 (U.S. 395) and the west half of the north- east quarter of the northeast quarter and the north- east quarter of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, all in Pasco, Franklin County, Washington. Section 2. Any and all zoning maps are hereby amended to.conform to the aforesaid zone change. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage and publication as required by law. PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1970. G.E. CART R, MAYOR ATTEST: RUTH MODESKY, ACTING CITY CLERK. APPROVED AS TO FORM: D. WAYNE CAMPBELL, CITY ATTORNEY