HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-03-1979 MinutesMINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER: DECEMBER 3, 1979 Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. by the Honorable Chet Bailie, Mayor. ROLL CALL: By City Clerk. Councilmen present were: S.K. Adams, J.C. Bailie, Charles Grigg, Ira Schmidt, Beverly Green, E.A. Snider and Bill Wilkins. Also present were: Leland Kraft, City Manaoer; Dennis De Felice, City Attorney; James Ajax, City Engineer; Richard Erickson, Director of Parks/ Recreation; Mike Vandiver, Chief of Police; Webster Jackson, Administrative Assistant and Gary Crutchfield, City Planner. CONSENT AGENDA.: Mr. Snider moved that consent agenda be approved. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). Consent items are as follows: a) Approval of Minutes. Minutes of regular meeting of the Pasco City Council, held November 19, 1979. b) Bills and Communications. To approve General Claims in the amount of 183,029.54; claim warrant nos. 21701 through 21817. To approve Payroll Claims,in the amount of $188,529.76; payroll warrant .$,..n�., nos. 30404 through 30726. c) Resolution No. 1300: A Resolution concerning the issuance of interest bearing warrants drawn on Sidewalk Construction Fund No. 1, 1979; Accepting the offer of Ben Franklin Bank, Pasco, Washington to hold such*°warrants,-and establishing a rate of interest for such warrants. d) Resolution No. 1301: A Resolution accepting the work done by Sharpe & Preszler Construction Company, Inc., on the Hopkins and Road 24 Storm Sewer. e) Resolution No. 1302: A Resolution accepting the proposed easement from Earl and Priscilla Marren, which provides for .the construction, operation and maintenance of utilities across a portion of Government Lot 3, Section 25, T9N, Range 29 EWM. f) Resolution No. 1303: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to file an application to the United States Department of the Interior, Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service for Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program Assistance for Funds to renovate Memorial Swimming Pool. PUBLIC HEARINGS: MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN TO RECEIVE CITIZEN INPUT ON PRELIMINARY 1980 BUDGET: It was noted that the Hearing had been duly published and posted. There were no written communications. Mr. Rick Burnett, representing Red Cross Senior Wheels, stated there was a serious problem with transportation for elderly and handicapped in the Tri Cities. He urged the Council to reconsider their request for funds, in 1980 as Pasco had 28% of the trips. Councilman Green asked why we were incurring the expense of bussing our Head Start kids to Richland. Mr. Burnett replied that they wanted to have classes in one central location and they chose Sacajawea Scholl. Mrs. Marian Tilley supported the Senior Wheels program, as without it, people- such as herself would have to transport family members to and from Camlu and other retirement facilities. Mrs. Kathy Utz, Benton County Commissioner, favored the program and stated it should be a continued effort by all the cities. Mayor Bailie acknowledged petition, signed by 38 citizens requesting continuance of Senior 14heels Program. MINUTES. PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PUBLIC HEARING - Continued: DECEMBER 3, 1979 Councilman Adams asked if we had been using our Senior Citizen Van to the full capacity. The reply was affirmative. Mr. Ed Frost, Disability Coordinator for Benton -Franklin Community Services Board, again asked for their original request of $3,000 as there were marry disabled persons in the Tri Cities living in housing which was totally unacceptable for suitable living. Councilman Grigg expressed concern that requests of social agencies were getting way out of line, and no matter how worthwhile they were, the Cities were reaching a point where they could no longer afford all of them. Mr. Verl Bjur, representing Mid -Columbia Mental Health Center, stated that the construction of a new nine -bed unit is designed to provide acute care for emotionally and psychiatrically disturbed adolescents. It will be a 24-hour residential unit with the capacity to serve 208 adolescents per year for an average of sixteen days each. Based on the first year's experience of sixteen days each, the capacity would be 155 projected for 1980 at 75% occupancy. He urged the Council to reconsider their request for furnishing facility r:W4'.. Mr. Richard Skamser, Secretary of Benton -Franklin Community Services, encouraged the Council to prioritize needs of the Community. . Mr. Al Tebaldi, Board Member of Benton -Franklin Community Services, asked if there was a possibility funds might be available later in the year. Mrs. Geneva_ Davidson gave a brief report on number of community service hours donated by senior citizens. For the record, she stated that -7,07.8 hours had been spent on various charitable projects by her group. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Bailie for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the Public Hearing was declared closed. . MAYOR BAILIE TRANSPOSED REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS'IN ORDER TO MAKE AWARD PRESENTATION TO BOB GREGSON: Mayor Bailie presented a plaque of appreciation to Bob Gregson, member of Tri Mats:Ci,tizens Advisory Committee, from August, 1976 to November, 1979. He conveyed the Council's best wishes for a job well done. MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE ANNEXATION MEETING OPEN TO CONSIDER REQUEST OF DON GARMAN: Mr. Gary Crutchfield, City Planner, stated that Mr. Garman recently purchased a 10 -acre site at the corner of Cedar Avenue and "A" Street. He is requesting that the parcel be annexed and zoned RMH-1. Further, it is certainly within the best interest of the City to annex this entire area and it would appear to be in the best interest of the property owners to be able to participate in the current and any future L.I.D.'s as it would be difficult to develop economically without muni.cipal water. Mr. Snider moved to determine that the City will consider an annexation petition for the unincorporated territory bounded by Cedar Avenue on the west, "A" Street on the south, Highway 395 on the east, and on the north by the east/west center- line of the southeast quarter of Section.28 and southwest quarter of Section 27, as depicted in Exhibit C of the agenda report; the City will not require assumption of existing bonded indebtedness; and the City will assign appropriate zoning subsequent to annexation and in accordance with zoning procedures established by law. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7)• RECESS: 9:05 - RECONVENED: 9:15 MINUTES PASCO'CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO. 2112: DECEMBER 3, 1979 u... AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE 0'F AN INSTALLMENT NOTE PAYABLE FROM THE "LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 10511" OF THE CITY OF PASCO AND TO BE SOLD TO THE "CITY OF PASCO LOCAL IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT GUARANTY FUND." Ordinance No. 2112 was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved that Ordinance No. 2112 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). ORDINANCE NO. 211.3: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CREATION OF THE PASCO/FRANKLIN COUNTY SENIOR CITIZEN'S CENTER IMPROVEMENT FUND, A NEW FUND, DESIGNATING THE SOURCES FOR SAID FUND AND THE PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURES FROM SAID FUND. Ordinance No. 2113 was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved that Ordinance No. 2113 be adopted. Seconded by Mr..Wilkins. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). ORDINANCE NO. 2114: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CITY OF PASCO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1120 AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (RED LION REZONE). Ordinance No. 2114 was read by title only. Mr. Adams moved that Ordinance No. 2114 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). ORDINANCE NO. 2115: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING AND CHANGING THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO FROM R-1 (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) TO C-1 (RETAIL BUSINESS), AS CONDITIONED BY CONCOMITANT ZONING AGREEMENT (RED LION REZONE). Ordinance No. 2115 was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved that Ordinance No. 2115 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Prior to question, the City Planner read the following statement into the record: "The City Council acknowledges the existing apartment units are authorized to remain and continue on this property by virtue of their existence prior to the effective date of the rezone action." Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). ORDINANCE NO. 2116: (1st Reading) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE'1979 ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE CITY OF PASCO BY PROVIDING A SUPPLEMENT THERETO; BY APPROPRIATING AND REAPPROPRIATING REVENUE; BY PROVIDING TRANSFER AND EXPENDITURE AUTHORITY; BY ADJUSTING THE EMPENDITURE PROGRAM OF VARIOUS FUNDS AND BUDGETS WITHIN FUNDS: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Ordinance.No. 2116 was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved to authorize staff to have the first reading of the Supplemental Budget Ordinance on December 3, 1979; further, set the hearing date for December 17, 1979, and adopt the Ordinance on December 17, 1979, subsequent to.the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of seve6 (7). 1 1 1 i MINUTES, PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ORDINANCES - Continued: ORDINANCE NO. 2117: DECEMBER 3, 1979 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS FOR DIFFERENT WATER AND/OR SEWER RATES AND CHARGES, PROVIDING AUTHORITY THERE- FORE AND, REQUIRING CONTRACTS. Ordinance No. 2117 was read by title only. Mr. Schmidt moved that Ordinance No. 2117 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried by -roll call vote of seven (7). RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 1304: A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PASCO AND FRANKLIN COUNTY REGARDING THE JOINT OPERATION OF THE PASCO POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT. Resolution No. 1304 was read/by title only. Mr. Snider moved that: Resolution No. 1304 be approved. Seconded by Mr..Schmidt. The Mayor -acknowledged Sheriff Bradley and Chief Vandiver in the audience and commended them for culminating the agreement. He concurred that many long h hours had been spent by both of them in working out the details and conveyed his appreciation to Franklin County fore.their coo'perative.spirit. Councilmen Snider, Wilkins, Bailie and Grigg also reiterated their appreciation for a job well done.. In response, Sheriff Bradley stated it had been a real pleasure working with Chief Vandiver. Main motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). NEW BUSINESS: APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOARD: Mr. Snider moved to re -appoint MRS. SHIRLEY ZAHN to the Board of Adjustment Board for a five-year term, beginning November 19, 1979 and expiring on November 19, 1984. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). INTERCITY BRIDGE PLAQUE: Mr. Snider moved to order that the Art Colby bridge plaque remain in place. Seconded by Mr.. Adams. In the beginning, Mayor Bailie felt the plaque should be taken down to maintain good working rel.attons with the City of Kennewick; however, he was somewhat disturbed by their letter to the City of Pasco. Mr. Grigg called attention to letter from Art Colby, and in view of its contents, encouraged the council to continue working with Kennewick in a cooperative manner by defeating the motion made. He, personally, did not feel a piece of metal should come between the two cities. Mr. Snider rebutted by stating it was not anyone's intention to embarrass the City of Kennewick; however, the City of Pasco had originally felt Mr. Colby was deserving of recognition and he felt bound by that decision. Further, tearing it down would virtually destroy it and he was concerned this might prove offensive to people who had donated to its cause. _.. -.. Mr. Adams concurred with statement of Mr.. Snider an'd felt.,;.he ,could,. not change. his orvginal position. Mr. Wilkins voiced hi.s concern over working relationship between 'the two cities. To this statement, Mr. Grigg reminded the Council that the City Manager recommended taking the plaque down. Main motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). Councilmen Grigg & Wilkins voting no. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING. DECEMBER 3, 1979 BLOCK GRANT REHABILITATION PROGRAM: The following statement was received from Webster Jackson, Administrative Assistant: "The City of Pasco has an approved Block Grant Program in the amount of $50,000 for a residential rehabilitation program to assist low-income homeowners in making necessary repairs to their homes. This program is part of a comprehensive schedule of activities proposed for a target area within the boundaries of West "A" Street on the north; West Ainsworth Avenue on the south; the west set of tracks on the east; and 10th Avenue to the west. The program was proposed in the Small Cities Grant Appli- cation as an"ihterest-subsidy" program which would have paid 25% of the rehabilitation cost up to a maximum of $5,000 toward a $20,000 loan from the lending institutions. It was discussed at the Block Grant Citizens Advisory Committee meeting on November 1, 1979 that many low income homeowners could not qualify for a loan on normal terms. Therefore, in order to insure that low income homeowners benefit from this program, I am proposing a total grant program with a $5,000 maximum grant to eligible participants." Mr. Grigg moved to confirm the change in policy from an interest subsidy basis to a direct grant basis. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). EARL WARREN AGREEMENT - EAGLE ESTATES AREA: The following agreement was read into the record by City Engineer, James Ajax: "Let the record show that once the water -line in Road 26 and Road 26 alignment extended between Hopkins and "A" Streets is installed, and in light of the fact that John Keltch has previously installed water i lines in both "A" and Hopkins Street, that the City acknowledges that said construction fully satisfies, in lieu of fees, all front footage and sewer footage fees as presently exist in City Code for the property described, and further, that the -City acknowledges an understanding and agreement between Mr. John Keltch, Mr. Earl Warren, Mr. William Warren and Mr. Paul Lawson for a sharing of the cost of those lines. And further that the City.will indicate on its utility records that all water front footage and square footage fees are waived due to the construction of lines in lieu of for a strip of land approximately 330 feet in width centered on the alignmeint of Road 26 and Road 26 extended betweenHopkins and "A" Streets." Mr. Snider moved that the City.Council concurs with agreement. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried. MISCELLANEOUS - INCLUDING SUGGESTIONS FROM COUNCIL: Mr. Paul Lawson asked about roll back of business licenses. Staff replied we were waiting for a response from the Chamber of Commerce. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. J.C. "Chet" Bailie, Mayor ATTES_ Z/V lie, Cit Clerk �- J PASSED and APPROVED this /7 ay of 1979. 1