HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17-1979 MinutesMI14UTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL September 17, 1979 CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. by the Honorable J.C. Bailie, Mayor. ROLL CALL: By City Clerk's Representative. Councilmen present were: S.K. Adams, J.C. Bailie, Gary Clark, Charles Grigg, Ira Schmidt, and Bill Wilkins. Councilman E.A. Snider was .absent from the meeting. Also present were: Lee Kraft, City Manager; Dennis De Felice, City Attorney; Tom Criscola, Director of Finance; James Ajax, City Engineer, Dick -Erickson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Webster Jackson, Administrative Assistant; and Gary Crutchfield, City Planner. CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Wilkins moved that the Consent Agenda be approved. Seconded by Mr. Snider. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). Consent items are as .follows:. a) Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Pasco City Council, held September 6, 1979, and minutes of the special meeting of the Pasco City Council, held September 10, 1979, were approved. b) Bills: To approve General Claims in the amount of $403,011.83; Claims Warrants numbered 20,939 through 21,901. c) 1980 Advertising Funds - Tri -Cities Visitor & Convention Bureau, Inc.: To direct that ,)8,500 be allocated out of the Convention Center Fund in the 1980 Budget for the Tri -Cities Visitor & Convention Bureau, Inc. d) Land Sale - Urban Renewal Area: To approve the land sale of $38,000 on Mr. Grant Franklin's plan for development, as presented in the September 10, 1979, Workshop Agenda. e) Renovation of Memorial Pool - Urban Park & Recreation Recovery Act Grant: To authorize the reservation of $70,500 of WPPSS Impact Funds to be used as the local match of a total $235,000 UPRRA project to renovate Memorial Swimming Pool. f) Resolution No. 1284: To approve Resolution No. 1284 re -organizing the Community Development Department. g) Highway Safety Program Analysis (FISPA): To authorize the City of Pasco to participate,'at no cost to the City, in a Highway Safety Program Analysis (HSPA) sponsored by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, and to authorize the City Manager to select a contact person for the City of Pasco. h) To support a cost-sharing L.I.D. in the Stadium Park area on a 60-40 split, with the property owners picking up 60 percent of the cost for an asphaltic overlay through L.I.D. assessments, with the full understanding that the City Engineer will furnish the approximate L.I.D. costs per lot no later than January 30, 1980; that the City will receive a petition from the property owners, signed by at least 50 percent of the front footage, no later than April 30, 1980, with the intent that if the petition has the required sign-up, the streets will be overlayed on or about July, 1980. i) Resolution No. 1285: To, -approve Resolution No. 1285. j) Hearing Date: Burd Annexation (79-22-Z): To fix 8:00 p.m., Monday, October 15, 1979, in the Council Chambers at City Hall as the time and place for a public hearing to consider annexation of the unincorporated territory lying immediately west of the Old Mansion near the Columbia River and being approximately four acres in size, generally referred to as the Burd Annexation Area. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING CONSENT AGENDA: (continued) September 17, 1979 k) Hearing Date: Thomas Anriexation'(79-23-A): To fix 8:00 p.m., Monday, October 15, 1979, in the Council Chambers at City Hall as the time and place for a public hearing to consider annexation of the unincorporated territory generally bounded on the west by Road 36, on the south by Wernett Street, and on the north and each by the present city limits, generally referred to as the Thomas Annexation Area. 1) Supplemental Agreement to Arvid Grant and Associates Contract for Construction Engineering on the Intercity Bridge: To authorize the Mayor to enter into the supplemental agreement. PUBLIC HEARINGS: MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC REZONING THE EAST 28 FEET OF LOT KIRCHNER HILL ADDITION, FROM R-1 HEARING OPEN FOR 4, AND LOTS 5, 6, TO R-2: (79-21-Z) THE PURPOSE OF 7, 8, AND 9, (Murray). Gary Crutchfield gave a brief discussion regarding the location and size of the property and the status of the property's zoning. Gary stated that he had received a petition from the surrounding property owners voicing their objection to the proposed rezone. Walter Styner, 728 W. Jay, presented a letter from himself stating his protest of the rezoning. He indiciated that a petition was presented to the Planning Commission with 31 of the 32 property owners signing thereon and that this letter would be unanimous in the protest of the property owners. Ernie Hollingsworth, 715 W. Jay, stated he felt that there was an insufficient water supply in the area at present to serve the citizens adequately. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Bailie for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the public hearing was declared closed. Councilman Schmidt moved that the Murray Rezone be denied. Seconded by Councilman Grigg. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN FOR THE PURPOSE OF REZONING APPROXIMATELY 64 ACRES LYING SOUTH OF THE EASTERLY EXTENTION OF ADELIA STREET, EAST OF AVERY AVENUE, NORTH OF EAST LE;WIS STREET AND WEST OF SR -395, FROM R -T AND C-1 TO I-1: (79-25-Z) (Kahl) Gary Crutchfield gave a brief discussion regarding the location and size of the property and the status of the property's zoning. Mr. Crutchfield advised the Council that the Planning Commission by a vote of four (4) to three (3) recommends that the Council deny the application for change in the comprehensive plan.and zoning for industrial use based principally on the properties' orientation to two major arterials which in the long run are efficient to be better utilizied for general commerical activities. Elmer Rada, 2707 East Lewis, stated that he was in favor- of the change in the zone as his business has been operating in that same, area for 12 years and he felt.that in order for his business to run same as before that the zone should be changed. Harry Moore, 2203 North 7th, stated that he did not know whether or not he was either foror against the rezone but wished to state that he had not received written notice of the matter and wish to talk to someone so that they could get the matter straighten out. Bill Cole, representing a business in the area to be rezoned, was present and stated that when the company bought the land it was located s: in the county and the county assured the buyer that the land was intended to be for industrial use, and, thusly, they located their business in MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR 14EETING PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) September 17, 1979 the area. Mr. Cole stated that the only way the business could operate and expand would be for the area to be zoned industrial and asked that the Council approve the rezone. Councilman Adams asked if the city has received any protests on the rezone. Gary Crutchfield advised the council that no protests were received to k date. Allan Yenney, 900 N. Avery, stated that he felt the city was down zoning the property and stated that he felt it was wrong to do this. Charles Grigg asked if it were possible to rezone each particular >. business rather than rezone the entire acreage? �.._ Gary Crutchfield stated that it would be possible but that in order to do so the old comprehensive plan would have to be amended accordingly prior to the rezone being approved. .Paul Lawson, member of the Planning Commission, spoke regarding this ;..:Fys,ituation and stated that he felt that the annexation procedures should be changed so that proper notice would be .given to the property owners so that situations such as this would not happen again. Gordon Keyes, representing a business.in the proposed rezone area, stated that they too built in the area and had plans of enlarging their business as it grew. When they first built, the property was properly zoned so that there was no problem in enlarging their business _- but because the city annexed the area they now cannot enlarge the business as originally they wanted. Mr. Keyes felt that.the city should bring the property into the city at the same zoning as the area was when it was annexed. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Bailie for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the public hearing was c., -;;.::,:•declared closed. • •""�' Councilman Grigg moved to direct staff to come back with an amendment that incorporates the commercial/industrial designation for the proposed rezone area which is approximately 64 acres lying south of the easterly extension of Adelia Street, east of Avery Avenue, north of East Lewis Street and west.of SR -395. Seconded by Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). Councilman Grigg moved to deny the proposed rezone and moved to return the fees that have been paid by the applicants. Seconded by Wilkins. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). MEETING RECESSED: 9:25 p.m. RECONVENED: 9:35 p.m. MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN FOR THE PURPOSE OF REZONING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM I-1 TO RMH-MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISION: THAT PARCEL SOUTH OF WEST HOPKINS STREET AND WEST OF 25TH AVENUE: (79•-27-z) (Keltch Rezone) Gary Crutchfield gave a brief description of the property as to its size, location and classification. Mr. Crutchfield noted that the Planning Commission has recommended the approval of the rezone. Jan Tidrick, 1704 W. Hopkins, was in.attendance at the meeting representing his in-laws the Keltchs and stated that they had a death in the family and had to go out-of-state. Mr. Tidrick spoke in favor of the applicationand'asked that the council approve the rezone. 1 1 Harry Moore, 2203 North 7th, spoke in favor of :the rezone and stated that the Keltchs do a fine job in developing. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) September 17, 1979 Following three (3) calls from layor Bailie for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the public hearing was declared closed. MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN FOR THE PURPOSE OF REZONING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM R-1 TO C-3: FREY'S ADDITION: BLOCK 13; LOTS 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18: (79-28-Z) (Standard Steel Rezone) Gary Crutchfield gave a brief description of the property as to its size, location and classification. Mr. Crutchfield noted that the Planning Commission has recommended the approval of the rezone. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Bailie for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the public hearing was declared closed. MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONTINUING THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE TIPPETT STREET VACATION: (79-15-V) Bob Tippett stated that he felt the vacation should be allowed to stand on its own feet and the condition regarding the right-of-way on the extension of Oregon Avenue and regarding the boundaries of the subject vacation should be not considered at this time. Mayor Bailie stated that he felt it was extremely important to obtain the best for the city regarding the area of Oregon Avenue as in the near future this particular road would be crucial in the development of the area. Gary Crutchfield recommended that the city vacate the proposed area except for that portion which will be necessary to the extension of Oregon Avenue. In addition, Mr. Crutchfield felt it appropriate to obtain a right-of-way on the remaining portion of land relating to the extension of Oregon Avenue which now is**a part of Mr. Tippett's land and which would be necessary for the extension of Oregon Avenue. Mr. Grigg suggested that the city trade the existing property for the right-of-way. Councilman Adams moved to find that the vacation of the streets and alleys described in the subject petition be granted only on the condition that the right-of-way necessary to implement the southerly extension of Oregon Avenue and within the boundaries of the subject vacation be deeded for the use of said extension of Oregon Avenue. Seconded by Wilkins. Several councilmen were still unsatisfied with the matter and its status. Councilman Schmidt moved to table the matter for further discussion. Seconded by Councilman Grigg. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5): Bailie, Grigg, Schmidt, Clark, and Wilkins; to one (1) Adams. MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE PLANNING COPM1ISSION'S RECOPMMENDATION REGARDING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF DANI'S SUBDIVISION: (79 -24 -PP) Pete White spoke in favor of the preliminary plat. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Bailie for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the public hearing_ was declared closed. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUIICIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 17, 1979 ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO. 2089: (Keltch Rezone) AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING AND CHANGING THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO FROM I-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL TO RMH-1 MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISION.. Ordinance No. 2089 was read by title only. Mr. Grigg moved that Ordinance No. 2089 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). ORDINANCE NO. 2090: (Standard Steel Rezone) AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING'AND.CHANGING THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO FROM R-1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO C-3 GENERAL BUSINESS. Ordinance No. 2090 was read by title only. Mr. Grigg moved that Ordinance No. 2090 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). ORDINANCE NO. 2091: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10.48.020 OF THE PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE IN RELATIO14 TO ANGLE PARKING. Ordinance No. 2091 was read by title only. Mr. Grigg moved that Ordinance No. 2091 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 1286:. A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF DANI'S SUBDIVISION AND SETTING FORTH TITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS UNDERWHICH A FINAL PLAT OF DANI'S SUBDIVISION MAY BE PREPARED. Resolution No. 1286 was read by title only. Mr. Grigg moved that Resolution No. 1286 be adopted. Seconded -by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6).' RESOLUTION NO. 1287: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR REGIONAL JOITdT PARTICIPATION IN A SOLID WASTE RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY. Resolution No. 1287 was read by title only. Mr. Schmidt moved that Resolution No. 1287 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried by roll call vote of four (4): Adams, Bailie, Clark, and Wilkins; to two (2): Grigg and Schmidt. RESOLUTION NO. 1288: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE WORK DONE BY MID -COLUMBIA CONSTRUCTION ON THE LONGFELLOW AREA STORM DRAIN AND WATER MAIN PROJECT. Resolution No. 1288 was read by title only. Mr. Grigg moved that Resolution No. 1288 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). MISCELLANEOUS - INCLUDING SUGGESTIONS FROM THE COUI;CIL: Councilman Wilkins asked if the city engineer could check about getting additional stop signs at several intersections in the east C... side as the speed of vehicles through these intersections need to be controlled better. i MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 17, 19'79 MISCELLANEOUS - INCLUDING SUGGESTIONS FROM THE COUNCIL: Jim Ajax, City Enginner, stated that the city does not erect stop signs in order to control speed but they are erected in order to give rights-of-way. He explained that if we were to erect signs!on the. basis of speed control, the engineering department would be erecting signs throughout the city which would eventually create four-way stops at all intersections. Councilman Wilkins asked the city engineer to check into the speeding problem. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.... J.C. "Chet" Bailie, Mayor ATTEST: e(Igy"J.(/MdDes, [Q'lerk' s Representative PASSED and APPROVED this day of , 1979. 1