HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-04-1979 MinutesMINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER: JUNE 4, 1979 Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. by the Honorable J.C. "Chet" Bailie, Mayor. ROLL CALL: By City Clerk. Councilmen present were: S.K. Adams, J.C. Bailie, Charles Grigg, , Ira Schmidt, Gary Clark, E.A. Snider and Bill Wilkins. Also present were: Lee Kraft, City Manager; Dennis De Felice, City Attorney; Tom Criscola, Director of Finance; James Ajax, City Engineer; Richard Erickson, Director of Parks:arhd Recreatiion� Ted Johnson, Assistant City Engineer and Gary Crutchfield, Planner. CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Snider moved to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Mr. Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). Consent items are as follows: a) Approval of Minutes. Minutes of regular meeting, held May 21, 1979. Minutes of Special Meeting, held Play 29, 1979. b) Bills. To approve General Claims in the amount of $87,454.85; claim warrant nos. 19971 through 20095. To approve Payroll Claims in the amount of $19Z,1127.15; .el.adn warnarht nos. 26449 through. 26909. c) Resolution No. 1253: A Resolution accepting the work done by L.W. Vail Company, Inc. on the 1978 Street Improvements. d) Junior Olympic Swim Gleet. To allow participants in IEAAU Olympic -Swim Meet to stay overnight in Memorial Park on June 22 and 23, 1979, providing group provides security as promised in letter from Carol Hollandsworth, dated May 17, 1979. e) Authorization to Call for. Bids for Longfellow School Area L.I.D. #104 Street Improvement. To authorize staff to call for bids on Longfellow School Area L.I.D. No. 104. f) Traffic Consultant Study re: I-182. To authorize staff to retain the services of a qualified consulting engineering firm; to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with the chosen consultant, subject to a maximum contract amount of $15,000.00 and a maximum City share of $10,000.00 and, with the further understanding that the Council commits to include the appropriate amount in the next supplemental budget. g) Hearing Date - American Pacific Rezone. To fix 8:00 P.M., Monday, June 18, 1979 in the Council Chambers at City Hall as the time and place for a oublic.hearing to consider the Planning Commission's recommendation regarding the American Pacific Rezone. PUBLIC HEARINGS: MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN ON THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF PASCO TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A SIX (6") INCH AND EIGHT (8") INCH WATER MAIN EXTENSION, TOGETHER WITH APPURTENANCES, ALONG SYCAMORE AVENUE TO BUTTE STREET, BUTTE STREET TO HUGO AVENUE, HUGO AVENUE TO HELENA STREET, ALL WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO. It was noted that the Hearing had been duly published and posted. There were no written communications received. Mr. James Ajax, City Engineer;.gave brief background statement and estimate of City costs. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Bailie for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the Public Hearing was declared closed. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PUBLIC HEARINGS - Continued: JUNE 4, 1979 MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN FOR CITIZEN INPUT ON BLOCK GRANT SMALL CITIES GRANT FINAL APPLICATION AND THE AMENDMENT OF THE 1978 HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN. It was noted that the Hearing had been duly published and posted. There were no written communications. The City Manager reported that this was the final touch before submitting application for approval. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Bailie for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the public hearing was declared closed. Mr. Snider moved to authorize the City Manager to execute the City of Pasco's fiscal year 1979 Small Cities Grant Block Grant final application and submit it to the appropriate agencies for review and approval. Seconded by Mr. Wilkins. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO. 2064: AN ORDINANCE ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A SIX (6") INCH AND EIGHT (8") INCH WATER MAIN EXTENSION, TOGETHER WITH APPURTENANCES, ALONG SYCAMORE AVENUE TO BUTTE STREET, BUTTE STREET TO HUGO AVENUE, HUGO AVENUE TO HELENA STREET, ALL WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO. . Ordinance No. 2064 was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved that Ordinance No. 2064 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). ORDINANCE NO. 2065: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 13.16.010 OF THE PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE. (Water turn4)on, connection, re -connection - properties outside City limits). Ordinance No. 2065 was read by title only. Mr. Clark moved that Ordinance No. 2065 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Snider. Prior to vote, the.City Attorney called attention to several -changes, namely, it should.be new section 13.16.011 and not amended. Several word changes were suggested to conform with Pasco's Municipal Code. MrDainhy,)Morenos,;i 5618 W. Umatilla, Kennewick, Washington, suggested that the Council postpone any action on this Ordinance until he has heard back from the Attorney General on the merits of such legislation (or legality). He felt this }� - was unfair leverage against citizens (petition method) to be forced into annexation. In his opinion, the only fair way to determine whether or not citizens wanted to be annexed into the City was by election. Councilman Snider defended proposed Ordinance on the premise that citizens wanted City services such as water, sewer and Police/Fire protection, but they did not want to pay for it. He felt it was unfair to City residents to pay the tax burden for such services and allow County residents the same privileges when they did not wish to be a part of the City. Mr. Morenos agreed that County residents would have to forego City services to a lesser degree; however, they chose that route as a means of living within their incomes. Main motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). Councilman Grigg voting no. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING RESOLUTIONS - Continued: RESOLUTION NO. 1254: JUNE 4, 1979 A RESOLUTION TO DEMOLISH THE OLD BRIDGE. Resolution No. 1254 -was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved to adopt Resolution No. 1254. Seconded by Mr. Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). UNFINISHED BUSINESS: APPOINTMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WORKING COMMITTEES: The following list of people were recommended by Gary Crutchfield, City Planner, to serve on Comprbhensive Plan Working Committee: RESIDENCE: Jim Siegel, Chairman Judith Grigg, Vice -Chairman Geneya Newell Ray Pflueger Gary Bosch Dave Dalthorpe John Kennedy TRANSPORTATION/UTILITIES: Dick Brown, Chairman Leonard Dietrich, Vice -Chairman Lee Richardson Jerry Zietler Clark Daniels Mayne Ninemire COMMUNITY FACILITIES: Paul Lawson, Chairman Bruce Taber, Vice -Chairman Ralph Smith Dave Primus A.H.. Ki l l i ngsworth Dr. Jay Childers Jim Weyers COMMERCE: Bryce Hall, Chairman Earl Warren, Vice Chairman H.W. Parkinson Dennis Sweeney Jim Larimer Councilman Schmidt asked if the chairmans couldn't be picked among the members rather than staff appointed? Mr. Crutchfield stated he random selected two Planning Commission members for each committee as a good balance. Councilmen Snider, Wilkins and Adams publicly voiced their support for Mr. Crutchfield's judgement and logic in his selection. Mr. Grigg moved to appoint the listed people to the designated Ad Hoc Committees to assist in the development of Comprehensive Planning Policy objectives with the knowledge that several of the appointees recommended by the Chamber of Commerce do not live within the corporate limits of the City of Pasco, but do live in the planning area or do have business interests in Pasco. Seconded by Mr. Snider. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). NEW BUSINESS: 1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN COMMERCIAL ZONE: Mr. & Mrs, Darrell Peterson propose to replace an existing home on 13th Lane & Washington with a new, small single- family Armstrong Home. Much of the area is zoned C-1; however, it appears to be what is left of an older, small "residential" neighborhood. Almost all the land area south of "A" Street and west of 10th Avenue is zoned for commercial use. The 1963 Comprehensive Plan promotes the maintenance of a low density residential neighborhood in this area, assignment of commercial zoning has existed since 1964. This vicinity is exposed to a mixture of industrial and commercial uses, is hemmed in by a rail line, and consists of less than 40 total acres. Councilman Snider could see no problem with construction of the home asihb had not seen any noticeable difference in the area for the last fifteen years. Councilman Grigg concurred,too,as he had driven through the area in question and noticed there were a number of small, well kept homes there. A representative of Armstrong Homes stated Mr. Peterson was willing to sign an Affidavit expressing his support for any future L.I.D.'s, if necessary. Mr. Schmidt moved that the proposal for residential construction, submitted by Armstrong Homes, on behalf of Mr. u Mrs: Darrel Peterson is in the public interest and is hereby approved. Seconded by Mr. Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven. on 1 1 MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 4, 1979 MISCELLANEOUS - INCLUDING SUGGESTIONS FROM COUNCIL: Councilman Wilkins expressed gratitude on work being done for new park in East Pasco. Councilman Grigg voiced concern over vast amount of dust blowing across Lewis Street as a result of land being cleared. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. J . C.."Chet" Bai 1 i e , ATTES �V-e yn Wel l , City Clerk PASSED AND APPROVED thisay of , 1979.