HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-20-1979 MinutesMINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER: FEBRUARY 20, 1979 Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. by the Honorable J.C. Bailie, Mayor. ROLL CALL: By City Clerk. Councilmen present were: S.K. Adams, J.C..Bailie, Charles Grigg, Ira Schmidt, Gary Clark, E.A. Snider and Bill Wilkins. Also present were: Leland Kraft, City Manager; Dennis De Felice, City Attorney; Tom Criscola, Director of Finance; James Ajax, City Engineer; Webster Jackson, Administrative Assistant; Ted Johnson, Assistant City Engineer; Gary Crutchfield, Planner and Harry Elzie, Environmental Inspector. (Minutes of February 5, 1979, corrected to show Charles Grigg in attendance). CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Wilkins moved that Consent Agenda be approved. Seconded by Mr. -Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). Consent items.are as follows: a) Approval of Minutes. Minutes of regular meeting, held February 5, 1979. b) Bills. To approve general claims in the amount of $118;164.29; warrant nos. 19019 through 1916,2. To.approve payroll claims in the amount of $133,331.56; payroll warrant nos. 21591 through 21916. c) Hearing Date - Southeast Pasco Annexation 78-18-A: Set date of public hearing for Monday, March 19, 1979, 8:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS: MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN FOR MATHIS ANNEXATION DETERMINATION OF INTENT: It was reported that Mr. Mathis and two other property owners had -:signed letters of desire to annex their properties to the City of Pasco; two other tracts of land in this vicinity have signed annexation agreements in concert with extension of utilities; several other property owners north of Court Street had expressed their desire to annex also. The valuation represented by the properties which have signed letters of desire and.annexation.agreements represent 11% of the valuation of the area recommended by staff; this exceeds the minimum requirement imposed by R.C.W. 35A.14 to initiate annexation procedures. 'The Franklin County Review Board previously authorized (9/78) annexations within the service area of the Road 36 sewer line; consequently,.this annexation should extend westerly to Road 38 which is the westerly service boundary of the existing sewer. Mr. Snider moved that the City will consider an annexation petition if modified to reflect the territory depicted in Exhibit C of the agenda report, b) that the City will not require assumption of existing bonded indebtedness, c) that the City will require zoning simultaneous to annexation. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN TO CONSIDER THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION ON TOMMY'S REZONE APPLICATION: It was reported that the hearing had been duly posted, as required. Mr. Gary Crutchfield, City Planner, reported that Mr. Moore applied for rezone, I-1 to I-2, on the parcel of land fronting on "A" Street to allow expansion of the existing salvage operation on property immediately south of the subject site. After two meetings, the Planning Commission deemed the rezone to I-2 appropriate only if properly conditioned and only so long as the I-2 zone is necessary to accomodate the existing salvage operation. In the sense of long term use, the Commission (and possibly the landowner) percieves light industrial development. In order to accomplish this, Mr. Moore has executed a concomitant agreement proposing conditions to be adhered to if the zoning is granted. The subject area is approximately 1.5 acres in size and situated at the southwest corner of the intersection of "A" Street and Oregon Avenue. The parcel of land is elongated with approximately 450 feet of frontage along "A" Street and is approxi- mately 150 feet in depth. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PUBLIC HEARING - Continued: FEBRUARY 20, 1979 The current salvage operation occurring on the larger parcel to -the south has outgrown the current I-2 boundaries. Vehicle hulks and other salvage materials are currently being deposited on the fringes of the vacant land lying east of Oregon Avenue as well as on Oregon Avenue itself; all of these materials are located outside the fenced salvage yard and, therefore, violate existing provisions of the I-2 zone. The request for I-2 zoning on the subject parcel is to facilitate authorized expansion of the existing salvage operation lying to the south. The following four (4) items were included in concomitant agreement si.gned by Mr. Moore: A. Use of this property shall be limited to a salvage operation conducted in accordance with Section 22.60.010.' B. So long as this property is used for a salvage operation, only one ingress/egress point shall occur on "A" Street, but the gate shall be of a solid nature. C. Storage of material upon this property shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height. D. Within sixty (60) days -from the effective date of this agreement, a solid fence eight feet in height shall be installed along the west, north and east property lines. Mr. Ajax reminded the Council that Mr. Moore had outgrown his boundaries twice, and he felt it should be clearly understood that if the council passed Ordinance changing the zone that Mr. Moore would keep all his trucks and equipment inside the fence. Following three (3) calls for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the Public Hearing was declared closed. MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN ON DESERT WIND ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT: (MINUTES IN BRIEF FORM; TAPE KEPT FOR PERMANENT RECORD IN DESERT WIND FOLDER) It was reported that the Hearing had been duly published and posted. There were no adverse communications. The following facts emerged: The applicant filed for preliminary plat approval in November, 1978; the plat was altered in January, 1979 as a result of the Council's suggestion regarding commercial land use and the Planning Commission issued its recommendation on January 18, 1979 to conditionally approve the proposed plat.- The Commission deleted the requirement -of sidewalks; the City Engineer recommends they be included as part of condition #9. The applicant maintains his objection -to sidewalks as well as objecting to the Commission's recommendation that this subdivision make adequate provision for park demands generated by this subdivision. Proposed phasing of the plat would require up to five years, assuming one phase per year; this is anunusually long period of time and staff recommends that the preliminary carry the standard two years approval with the acknowledgement that annual extensions may be authorized by the City Council. Mr. Bosch submitted a letter to the City Council with his interpretation of history and background. Following are excerpts of requests and response by Mr. Bosch. '.! :' REQUEST: Sirocco Drive extended southerly from Sahara Drive to -connect with Hilltopp L=,,..:<,.:.Drive in the Desert Plateau Preliminary Plat Phase I I . RESPONSE BY MR. BOSCH: I do not agree that the City has the right to give me a plat and then at a later date come back and take a lot and make me put in a street. This would mean I would lose two lots and have to pay for water/Sewer and street improvements. REQUEST: That the subdivider pay all cost associated with modification to and increases in the capacity of the booster station necessary to serve this subdivision. �RESPONSE,BY MR. BOSCH: I feel very strong about this issue. It was the City of Pasco's intent to supply water to Section 14 and service all this property. When the City said water would be supplied, it means with pressure. Even though documents had been signed, the intent was for the City to pay all the costs on the booster station. The City is the party that has all the say on how the booster station is to be designed, not the developers. I feel that this was the fact and the intent of the City and acted accordingly in good faith. The booster station is being designed at the present time to service Section 14. One should keep in mind that it would not be necessary to fully develop such a system until it develops. By doing it as needed, the outlay of funds would not be so great and the City would receive revenue before it would need to be developed to the fullest. We ask no more than if the City were to annex Riverview. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PUBLIC HEARING.- Continued: FEBRUARY 22, 1979 REQUEST: No portion of the subdivision shall receive final plat approval before adequate provision for park and recreation demands generated by this subdivision is accomplished in one of the following manners: a) Dedication of. L.71 acres of land area, the location and configuration of which shall be subject to approval of the Planning Commission and City Council. b) Park and recreation improvements made to the 6 -acre surplus portion of the municipal water reservoir site. RESPONSE:The City request on parks does not seem proper at this time. Desert Plateau and Riverview Heights were not required to put aside land .nor pay for a park ... The schools are, at present, talking about buying a site next to the City owned land for a school. I feel we acted in good faith and put many more dollars than planned in the improvements of this land. The school, possibly, buying acreage next to the City would be able to use this for parks. Also, the City is getting sewer and road to the land at no cost. Mr. Ajax, City Engineer, elaborated on Mr. Bosch's letter and -the above three were the main points brought out in the meeting. Discussion ensued as to width of streets in subdivision, extending Sirocco Drive for better access and whether or not sidewalks should be put in prior to completion of development. Mr. Bosch stated that no City requires sidewalks to be put in until building is completed. It was brought out that heavy cement trucks running over freshly poured sidewalks could cause them to crack and break, thus necessitating another expense of re -pouring. Mr. Earl Warren substantiated Mr. Bosch's statement regarding sidewalks and problems 0!" of sewer connections in pure sand. A lengthly discussion ensued as to the merits of a booster station and whose responsibility it was for providing. Mr. Ajax remained firm that it was his best recommendation that the City could not afford to build a booster station at this time and it should be the expense of the developer. Mr. Bosch responded that it cost them under $300,000 to get sewer up there; further, that West Pasco Water System stated they could give them all the water they needed. Mr. Gary Crutchfield, City Planner, elaborated on requirements for park site, and stressed it was an essential element in good planning. The City Manager reported that the School District was extremely anxious to share cost of developing school ground property. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Bailie for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the Public Hearing was declared closed. RECESS: 10:10 P.M. RECONVENED: 10:25 P.M. (Councilman Wilkins left at 10:10 P.M:) MAYOR BAILIE DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN ON BOSCH REZONE REQUEST: (CONTINUATION) It was noted that the Hearing had been duly published and posted. There were no adverse communications. The following history and -facts brief updates current situation. A) "The Planning Commission (12/21/78) recommended R -IS zoning for the entire parcel; however, the Council (1/15/79) directed staff to recommend appropriate commercial zoning based on projected demands and policy assumptions. B) Staff has met with Mr. Bosch and the directly -affected neighbori:ng(j owner and has identified an area of land for neighborhood commercial development so situated as to be functional, neighborhood -oriented and be complimentary to the quality of the planned neighborhood. The proposed location should also serve some of the residential divisions to the north -and west. C) The C-1 zone proposed to be assigned to the 4 -acre parcel is proposed to be.conditioned by concomitant zoning agreement to assure neighborhood - oriented commercial activities and complimentary site design is achieved. Due to further negotiations, this will conclude public hearing for input. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Bailie for further comments.from the floor, either for or against, the Public Hearing was declared closed. REGULAR MEETING ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO. 2018: MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL (Bosch Rezone) FEBRUARY 20, 1979 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING AND CHANGING THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY W'I'THIN THE CITY OF PASCO FROM R -T RESIDENTIAL TRANSITION TO R -IS SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL AND C-1 RETAIL BUSINESS AS CONDITIONED BY CONCOMITANT ZONING AGREEMENT. Ordinance No. 2018 was read by title. Mr. Clark moved that Ordinance No. 2018 be tabled until March 5, 1979. Seconded by Mr. Snider. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). ORDINANCE NO. 2033: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE PORT OF PASCO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, AND ACCEPTED SUB -PERMITTEES, A NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE OR PERMIT TO LAY AND MAINTAIN PIPELINES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF DIESEL FUEL AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS UNDER A PORTION OF WASHINGTON STREET IN THE CITY OF PASCO FOR A TERM OF FORTY (40) YEARS, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SPECIFIED. Ordinance No.'2033 was read by title only, Mr. Schmidt moved that Ordinance No. 2033 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). ORDINANCE NO. 2034: (Tommy's Auto Salvage) AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING AND CHANGING THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO FROM I-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL TO I-2 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL AS CONDITIONED BY CONCOMITANT ZONING AGREEMENT. Ordinance No. 2034 was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved that Ordinance No. 2034 be adopted. -Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). ORDINANCE NO. 2035: (Front Yard Exceptions) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 22.68.030 OF THE PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE. Ordinance No. 2035 was read by title only., Mr. Clark moved that Ordinance No. 2035 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Snider. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). ORDINANCE NO. 2036: (Landscape & Screening) AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO LANDSCAPE AND SCREENING AND ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER TO THE PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE TO BE KNOWN AND REFERRED AS CHAPTER 22.82. Ordinance No. 2036 was read by title only. Mr. Grigg moved that Ordinance No. 2036 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Snider. (Discussion) Mr. James Siegel stated we needed an Ordinance with teeth in it for proper enforcement of junk cars and weeds. Mr. Gary Crutchfield, Planner, read the following letter into the record: "The Planning Commission, at its regular February, 1979 meeting, moved unanimously to forward written suggestions to the Council regarding im- plementation of the proposed Landscape Ordinance. Two of the Planning Commission members, Chairman Bryce Hall and Vice -Chairman James Siegel, were members of the Ad -Hoc Committee Established by the council in December, 1978 to complete the effort made by the Commission. During the initial meetings of the Ad -Hoc Committee, a general concensus of the committee members established the need for a supplemental, yet equally important effort to improve existing nuisance regulations and their en- forcement. In particular, the Ad -Hoc Committee identified the following measures which should be improved: 1 MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ORDINANCE NO. 2036 - Continued: FEBRUARY 20, 1979 The Planning Commission does not consider the above measures.an exhaustive program of actions necessary to assure an .improved City environment. Rather, the Commission perceives these measures as the starting point of an effort by the Community to supplement the enactment of the proposed Landscape Ordinance. As such, the Commission unanimously voted to urge the Council to initiate appropriate actions in concert with the enactment of the Landscape Ordinance to eliminate Urban visual blight, thereby improving the quality of life in the Pasco community." Main motion carried by roll call vote of four (4). Councilmen Adams and Bailie voting no. ORDINANCE NO. 2037: AN ORDIINANCE.RELATING TO SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL BY AMENDING PASCO MUNICIPAL..CODE SECTION 6.. 04.060 (Ordinance No. 1537, Sec. 6-A, 1972) AND SECTION 6.04.310 (Ordinance No. 2015, Sec. 2, 1978). Ordinance No. 2037 was read by title. Mr. Snider moved that Ordinance No. 2037 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 1234: A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF DESERT WIND ESTATES AND SETTING FORTH THE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH A FINAL PLAT OF DESERT WIND ESTATES MAY BE PREPARED. Q Resolution No. 1234 was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved to table Resolution No. 1234 until March 5, 1979. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). RESOLUTION NO. 1235: A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT TO SOLID WASTE CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY OF PASCO AND BASIN DISPOSAL, INC. Resolution No. 1235 was read by title only. Mr. Grigg moved that Resolution No. 1235 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). RESOLUTION NO. 1236: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT OF PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY BY THE PORT OF PASCO TO THE CITY OF PASCO. Resolution No. 1236 was read by title only. Mr. Grigg moved that Resolution No. 1236 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Snider. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). A) Nuisance regulations regarding abandoned and wrecked vehicles should be modified to be more stringent and to rid the public streets and residential front yards of such eyesores; B) Increased penalties for all nuisance regulations, particularly the Weed Ordinance should be high enough to make non-compliance an acute financial pain rather than a mild occasional headache to violators; C) Modifications of the Weed Ordinance to permit the City to remedy a violation and, in addition to stiff fines, recover the cost of such remedy at a rate at least equal to market value; D) Administrative direction to increase the level of enforcement, particularly by the Police Department with respect to abandoned vehicles. The Planning Commission does not consider the above measures.an exhaustive program of actions necessary to assure an .improved City environment. Rather, the Commission perceives these measures as the starting point of an effort by the Community to supplement the enactment of the proposed Landscape Ordinance. As such, the Commission unanimously voted to urge the Council to initiate appropriate actions in concert with the enactment of the Landscape Ordinance to eliminate Urban visual blight, thereby improving the quality of life in the Pasco community." Main motion carried by roll call vote of four (4). Councilmen Adams and Bailie voting no. ORDINANCE NO. 2037: AN ORDIINANCE.RELATING TO SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL BY AMENDING PASCO MUNICIPAL..CODE SECTION 6.. 04.060 (Ordinance No. 1537, Sec. 6-A, 1972) AND SECTION 6.04.310 (Ordinance No. 2015, Sec. 2, 1978). Ordinance No. 2037 was read by title. Mr. Snider moved that Ordinance No. 2037 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 1234: A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF DESERT WIND ESTATES AND SETTING FORTH THE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH A FINAL PLAT OF DESERT WIND ESTATES MAY BE PREPARED. Q Resolution No. 1234 was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved to table Resolution No. 1234 until March 5, 1979. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). RESOLUTION NO. 1235: A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT TO SOLID WASTE CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY OF PASCO AND BASIN DISPOSAL, INC. Resolution No. 1235 was read by title only. Mr. Grigg moved that Resolution No. 1235 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). RESOLUTION NO. 1236: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT OF PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY BY THE PORT OF PASCO TO THE CITY OF PASCO. Resolution No. 1236 was read by title only. Mr. Grigg moved that Resolution No. 1236 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Snider. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). . MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING UNFINISHED BUSINESS: FEBRUARY 20, 1979 LEWIS STREET ROAD 28 to 20th, Road 24 (Hopkins to Sylvester, Hopkins Street (Road 28 to Road 24) AND SYLVESTER (Road 28 to 20th): Mr. Snider moved to authorize staff to proceed with the project as presented, with the understanding that staff will keep council advised of progress and problems that may necessitate reconsideration, including cost increase. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). (During discussion, Mr. Hendler questioned who would be carrying the burden for opening Rd. 24 because he felt the City should be getting L.I.D. approval and right of way before talking to the school district about opening Rd. 24 between Court and Sylvester. Mr. Ajax will make council aware of any unusual obstacles which might prevent an L.I.D.) NEW BUSINESS: SOUTHEAST AREA ANNEXATION - SANITARY SEWER: Mr, Snider moved to direct the City Manager to write the owners of the Lakeview Mobile Home Park that the City of Pasco will pursue a sanitary sewer L.I.D. upon annexation, conditioned that a majority petition for such is received and, further, if that process is not successful and the sewer is not functional by July 1, 1980, then the City would have no objection to Lakeview installing their own private sanitary sewer line to the plant or the nearest point of feasible connection. Seconded by Mr. Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). REQUEST FOR PRIVATE PEDESTRIAN UNDERCROSSING OF SYLVESTER STREET VICINITY OF ROAD 32: Mr. Snider moved that staff work out the proper details relating to this request, subject to the Council having no objection. Seconded by Mr. Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). COLUMBIA EAST 3 FINAL PLAT: Mr. Schmidt moved to approve the final plat for the Columbia East III subdivision and authorize the Mayor to sign the plat on behalf of the City of Pasco and still, further, authorize the Mayor to sign the necessary documents on behalf of the City to accomplish the equal area land transfer between the City and Kennewick and Kennewick West Partnership, which will result in lot lines consistant with the requirements of City code and upon the full execution of the land transfer, authorize that the final plat be released upon full execution of the land transfer documents. Seconded by Mr. Snider. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). SUGGESTIONS FROM COUNCIL - GENERAL DISCUSSION: Councilmen Sterl Adams and Chet Bailie were appointed to the Port Commission Committee to deal with the fire water flow situation at the Marine Terminal Area. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M. J.C. "Chet" Bailie, Mayor PASSED and APPROVED this v, day of `L Arr � 1979. 1