HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-15-1979 MinutesMINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 15, 1979 CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. by the Honorable Bill Wilkins, Mayor Pro Tem. ROLL CALL: By City Clerk. Councilmen present were: S.K. Adams, Ira Schmidt, Gary Clark, E.A. Snider and Bill Wilkins. Councilmen J.C. Bailie and Charles Grigg were absent from the meeting (excused). Also present were: Lee Kraft, City Manager; Dennis De Felice, City Attorney; Tom Criscola, Finance Director; James Ajax, City Engineer; Richard Erickson, Director of Parks/Recreation; Mike Vandiver, Chief of Police; Webster Jackson, EEO Officer; Ted Johnson, Assistant City Engineer; Gary Crutchfield, Planner and Alan Lobdell,.Engineering Technician. CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Snider suggested that Resolution No. 1231 be inserted into minutes as following Resolution No. 1230 (item h). Mr. Snider moved to approve Consent Agenda, as modified. Seconded by Mr. Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). Consent items are as follows: a) Approval of Minutes. Minutes of regular meeting, held January 2, 1979. b) Bills. General Claims in the amount of $42,365.30; claim warrant nos. 18855 through 18857. Payroll claims in the amount of $215,357.58; payroll warrant nos. 21062 through 21590. c) Lewis Street (18th to 20th). To direct staff to proceed with the project e) Citizens Advisory Committee (Block Grant and Entitlement Program). To require each Councilmember to recruit a minimum of two citizens from each of their respective districts to serve on the above committee,.and to do so by no later than January 31, 1979, and to submit their designees to the City Manager's Office. f) Tommy's Steel & Salvage. To continue the recessed hearing to 8:00 P.M., Monday, March 5th, and to advise Mr. Moore of same, so as to allow time for the Planning Commission to act on his pending zoning request. g) Resolution No. 1230. A Resolution authorizing staff to enter into negotiations to sell Lot 11, Block 1 of Eagle Estates, and Lot 5, Block 2, of Williams Addition. (Sale of Two Small Park Areas). h) Resolution No. 1231. A Resolution entering into an agreement between the City of Pasco and Seafirst Computer Services Corporation, relating to the purchase of data processing payroll services. i) Greyhound Bus Station/Temporary Location. To direct the City Manager to inform the Board of Adjustment, in writing, that Council favors the granting of special permit to Greyhound/Mrs. Baergen for the temporary operation of a bus station at the Gourmet Pizza Parlor location at 18th & Lewis. j) L.I.D. Nos. 98, 99, 100, 101 and 102 - Final Hearing: To set February 5, 1979, as the date for the final hearings on L.I.D. Nos. 98, 99, 100, 101 and 102. Q Block Grant Public Hearing (Small Cities Grant). To set 8:00 P.M., February 5, 1979 for a public hearing at the Pasco City Hall Council Chambers, for the purpose of obtaining additional citizen input into the Small Cities Grant Preapplication and to authorize staff to submit the Preapplication to HUD for review. and to meet with the abutting property owners to tell them about the proposed project and to see if they have an interest in purchasing access rights and excess rights-of-way. d) 4th Avenue (Columbia to Sylvester). To direct staff to proceed with the project and to meet with the abutting property owners to tell them about the project, the timing of the construction, and about the signs and canopies that will have to be removed. e) Citizens Advisory Committee (Block Grant and Entitlement Program). To require each Councilmember to recruit a minimum of two citizens from each of their respective districts to serve on the above committee,.and to do so by no later than January 31, 1979, and to submit their designees to the City Manager's Office. f) Tommy's Steel & Salvage. To continue the recessed hearing to 8:00 P.M., Monday, March 5th, and to advise Mr. Moore of same, so as to allow time for the Planning Commission to act on his pending zoning request. g) Resolution No. 1230. A Resolution authorizing staff to enter into negotiations to sell Lot 11, Block 1 of Eagle Estates, and Lot 5, Block 2, of Williams Addition. (Sale of Two Small Park Areas). h) Resolution No. 1231. A Resolution entering into an agreement between the City of Pasco and Seafirst Computer Services Corporation, relating to the purchase of data processing payroll services. i) Greyhound Bus Station/Temporary Location. To direct the City Manager to inform the Board of Adjustment, in writing, that Council favors the granting of special permit to Greyhound/Mrs. Baergen for the temporary operation of a bus station at the Gourmet Pizza Parlor location at 18th & Lewis. j) L.I.D. Nos. 98, 99, 100, 101 and 102 - Final Hearing: To set February 5, 1979, as the date for the final hearings on L.I.D. Nos. 98, 99, 100, 101 and 102. Q Block Grant Public Hearing (Small Cities Grant). To set 8:00 P.M., February 5, 1979 for a public hearing at the Pasco City Hall Council Chambers, for the purpose of obtaining additional citizen input into the Small Cities Grant Preapplication and to authorize staff to submit the Preapplication to HUD for review. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 15, 1979 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (TAPE OF FOLLOWING HEARINGS TO BE KEPT FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION - MINUTES RECORDED IN BRIEF FORM). MAYOR PRO TEM WILKINS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN ON COLUMBIA EAST AREA PROPOSED WATER. SEWER AND STREET L.I.D. NO. 103: It was noted that the hearing had been duly published.and posted. Communications were received from Ms. Willa McPeak, protesting proposed L.I.D., and Mr. Gordon Fleming,.notifying the City that he was not the owner of certain property within the L.I.D. area. For the record, the legal description of proposed L.I.D. area is as follows: "Beginning at the SE corner of Section 17, T9N, Range 30 EWM, thence north along the east line of said section to a point 350 feet north of the northeast corner of the SE quarter of said Section 17;.thence west parallel to the north line of said SE quarter to the east line of State Route 395; thence SE along said East line of State Route 395 and the northeasterly line of State Route 182 to a point on the East line, extended northerly, of Tract "A" of the plat of "Agri -Center" as recorded in Volume D of Plats, Page.73, records of Franklin County, Washington; thence South along said East line extended to the NE corner of said Tract "A"; thence westerly along -the north line of said Tract "A" and the southerly line of State Route 182 to the west line of the east half of Section 20, T9N, Range 30 EWM; thence south along the west line of the east half of said Section 20 and Section 29 of T9N, Range 30 EWM to the centerline of North Front Avenue of the plat of PASCO LAND COMPANY'S FIRST ADDITION, as recorded in Volume B of Plats, page 39, records of Franklin County, Washington; thence southerly along said North Front Avenue centerline to the.centerline of East Shoshone Street; thence easterly along said East Shoshone Street centerline to the center- line of North Oregon Avenue; thence northerly along said North Oregon Avenue centerline to the centerline of East Superior Street; thence easterly along said Superior Street centerline to the east line of said Section 20; thence north along said east line of Section 20 to the north- easterly line of State Route 182; thence.southeasterly along said north- easterly line of State Route 182 to the East line of the west half of Section 21, T9N, Range 30 EWM; thence North along said East line to the NE corner of said subdivision; thence westerly along the North line of said subdivision to the point of beginning." Mr. Bill Huibregtse of R.R. Jump, Consulting Engineers, Inc., gave the following written statement to the Council: (Handouts given to each Councilmen) "We hereby submit the following report in regard to the Columbia East Area Development Local Improvement District, according to Resolution No. 1216 adopted and approved by the City. Council. on December 4, 1978. The total estimated cost of the street, domestic water and sanitary sewer improvements is $1,847,930.00. All costs of said improvements, including construction, publication of notices, legal expenses, engineering ex- penses, and all other expenses threrof are to be borne by assessments against properties within the district especially benefitted by such im- provements. The aggregate actual valuation of the real estate within the proposed district including twenty-five percent of the actual valuation of the improvements in the proposed district according to the valuation last placed upon it for the purposes of general taxation is $1,856,225.00. The amount of Local Improvement Assessments outstanding and unpaid against the properties in the proposed district is $94,049.53. Preliminary assessment maps are also submitted showing the proposed improvements, the lots, tracts and parcels of land which will be especially benefitted by the improvements, and the estimated cost to be borne by each." Mr. Huibregtse further elaborated on sanitary sewer facilities and its capacities; further, that there were 116 parcels of land in proposed L.I.D. area. 1 1 MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 15,.1979 PUBLIC HEARING - Columbia East, Continued: Mrs. Leona Pyne asked if they would be reimbursed by the City in the event individuals beyond the boundaries of the L.I.D._ hooked onto sanitary sewer. . Staff replied they did.not anticipate this to happen; however, they would not be reimbursed. Mr. Jim Dugas questioned whether or not he would be paying for two L.I.D.'s as he had one now for water. Staff replied he was presentlybeing assessed for sanitary sewer and street and the water line was assessed against a previous L.I.D. Further, a 12" main was going to be utilized.and streets such as Hillsboro and Commercial would be 40' compared to others recommended at 38'. Mr. Ajax clarified logic for street widths. Mr. Charles Keltch asked, "aren't 12" mains too large for fire projection?" The reply was that 12" mains were needed because of distance away from reservoir. Mr. John Keltch questioned why sanitary sewer line couldn't go clown Wehe Street to City Treatment Plant. Staff responded that Columbia East L.I.D. will start area growing as soon as improvements are in. Mr. Jack Pyne asked who .initiated present L.I.D. The reply was Ardell Curtis, Bob Tippett and Harold Thompson. Questions arose as to route of line and cost estimates. Staff replied that cost figures are estimates - final costs are what will be distributed. As a benefit to the audience, Mr. Huibregtse reiterated L.I.D. process in a chronological order. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Pro Tem Wilkins for further• comments from the floor, either for or against, the public hearing was declared closed. RECESS: 9:05 RECONVENED: 9:15 MAYOR PRO TEM WILKINS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN ON BOSCH REZONE REQUEST, A TRACT OF LAND APPROXIMATELY 81 ACRES IN SIZE, GENERALLY LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 3/4 MILE NORTH OF ARGENT ROAD AND LYING WEST OF ROAD 44, IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF DESERT PLATEAU DEVELOPMENT: (TAPE ON FILE) It was noted that the hearing had been duly published and posted. There were no adverse communications submitted. The following letter was received from Mr. Gary Bosch and read into the record: 'tIn view of such developments as noted in staff recommendations to the Planning Commission such as booster station, sidewalks, parks, denial b'f a small portion of ground for commercial site and the Franklin County P.U.D. requests, it becomes necessary to request that the approval of the rezoning from R.T. (Residential Transition) to R.I.S. (Suburban Residential) be tabled for two weeks in order to evaluate the outcome of the Planning Commission's recommendations to the City Council." Mr. Bosch stated he would like to have 1 1/2 acres for commercial use so that a potential 7-11 Store, combined with gas station, barber shop and beauty shop could be a possibility. The City Planner explained that a Concomitant Agreement could be considered by both developers. Mr. Snider requested that staff and developer get together and attempt to resolve their differences within the next two weeks. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Pro Tem Wilkins for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the Public Hearing was declared closed. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 15, 1979 PUBLIC HEARINGS - Continued: MAYOR PRO TEM WILKINS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN ON CASSEN REZONE REQUEST, CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY ONE ACRE SITUATED 200 FEET NORTH OF COURT STREET ON THE EAST SIDE OF NORTH 16TH AVENUE. (Tape on File) It was noted that the Hearing had been duly published and posted. There were no written communications submitted .for public hearing. However, there had been a petition circulated in opposition of proposed zone change. Mr. Warren Cassen, distributed plans.of proposed apartment unit planned for area. It was designed with off street parking, some covered areas and a number of efficiency units designed for traveling people who had a need to be i'n the area for several days a week. They would be completely furnished and children, pets, and waterbeds would not be allowed. Further, he had been in contact with several fast food establishments for the Court Street side of his property. Mr. John Guyette, 1531 N. 17th, opposed the zone change and expressed s6rprise that there were no more people in attendance on account of the petition in opposition. Mr. Cassen stated he, personally, had gone "doorbelling" to all citizens adjacent to his property and could not find any real opposition after he had explained his plans. There were, however, several older families who were still opposed to his plans.on account of increased traffic. Following three (3) calls from Mayor ProTem Wilkins for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the Public Hearing was declared closed. MAYOR PRO TEM WILKINS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN ON MARBEL ALLEY VACATION REQUEST, CONSISTING OF EAST/WEST ALLEY ABUTTING LOTS 1 THROUGH 7 and LOT 20, BLOCK 35, RIVERSIDE ADDITION TO PASCO, RECORDED IN VOLUME "B" OF PLATS, PAGE 44, RECORDS OF COUNTY AUDITOR: It was noted that the Hearing had been no written communications submitted. of proposed vacation. duly published and posted. There were The City Planner showed area on map 1 Mr. Thomas Kidwell opposed vacation because it was premature until the City knows what is going to happen on 10th Street. It was brought out that the proposed dlley vacation separates the petitioner's own property and would not inconvenience anyone else. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Pro Tem Wilkins for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the Public Hearing was declared closed. MAYOR PRO TEM WILKINS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN ON BLOCK GRANT (SMALL CITIES GRANT): It was noted that the Hearing had been duly published according to Law. Mr. Webster Jackson, Community Development Block Grant Coordinator, stated the Small -,Cities Grant was for the purpose of funding projects whole or in part for low and moderate income persons. He reiterated that all activities are not necessarily fundable because we were competing with approximately 35 other cities for funds. He called attention to the fact that two (2) previous hearings had been held in compliance with requirements. There were two prime areas in south- east Pasco which could qualify; namely, street projects - curb & gutters and sidewalks in East Pasco. He stated that our application had to be into H.U.D. by February 19, 1979. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Pro Tem Wilkins for further commends from the floor, either for or against, the Public Hearing was declared closed. VISITORS: Mr. Harry Moore complimented the City of Pasco for L.I.D. No. 98, and was much appreciative that his assessment had dropped from $10,000 to $8,000. Councilman Snider read letter of endorsement from Pasco Chamber of Commerce on proposed convention center. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 15, 1979 ORDINANCES: (Mayor Pro Tem Transposed regular order of Ordinances to accomodate Bonding Consultant who had to travel back to Yakima) ORDINANCE -No. 2023: AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE AMOUNT, FORM, DATE, INTEREST RATE, MATURITY AND DENOMINATIONS OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 84 BONDS AND DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE THEREOF TO FOSTER & MARSHALL, INC. OF SEATTLE, WASHINGTON (Central Business District) Ordinance No. 2023 was read by title only, setting interest rate at 7%. Mr")SniAer moved that Ordinance No. 2023 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). (All councilmen present voted yes). Mr. Adams moved to authorize the City Manager to sign letter of agreement with Foster & Marshall. Seconded by Mr. Snider. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). ORDINANCE NO. 2017: AN ORDINANCE ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT OF HILLSBORO STREET AND CERTAIN OTHER STREETS AND AVENUES, WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARDS ADOPTED BY THE CITY. (Columbia East Area Proposed Water, Sewer and Street L.I.D. - No. 103) Ordinance No. 2017 was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved that Ordinance No. 2017 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). ORDINANCE NO. 2018: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING AND CHANGING THE ZONE CLASSI- FICATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO FROM R -T RESIDENTIAL TRANSITION TO R -IS SURBURBAN RESIDENTIAL. (Bosch Rezone) Ordinance No. 2018 was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved that Ordinance No. 2018 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Mr. Adams moved to table Ordinance No. 2018 until February 5, 1.979. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 2019: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING AND CHANGING THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO FROM R-1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO R-3'HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AS CONDITIONED BY CON- COMITANT ZONING AGREEMENT. (Cassen's Rezone) Ordinance No. 2019 was read by title only. Mr. Clark moved that Ordinance No. 2019 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Snider. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). ORDINANCE NO. 2020: AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE EAST/WEST ALLEY IN BLOCK 35, RIVERSIDE ADDITION TO PASCO. (Marble Alley Vacation) Ordinance No. 2020 was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved that Ordinance No. 2020 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). ORDINANCE N0: 2021: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF TWO LOTS OWNED BY THE CITY OF PASCO TO TWO INDIVIDUALS. (Sale of Two Small Park Areas) Ordinance No. 2021 was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved that Ordinance No. 2021 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). I. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ORDINANCES - Continued: ORDINANCE NO. 2022: JANUARY 15, 1979 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A FUND FOR THE PROCEEDS OF THE SALE OF CERTAIN PARK PROPERTY OF THE CITY'OF PASCO. (Sale of Two Small Park Areas) Ordinance No. 2023: (Action taken previously during meeting). ORDINANCE NO. 2024: AN ORDINANCE DEALING WITH THE SUBJECT OF PERSONNEL AND SETTING SALARIES FOR CITY EMPLOYEES AND AMENDING SECTIONS PMC 2.42.030(9), 2.42.120, 2.42.590 and 2.42.600. Ordinance No. 2024 was read by title only. Mr. Snider moved that Ordinance No. 2024 be adopted, a§ --revised:.- Seconded by Mr. Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). UNFINISHED BUSINESS: URBAN RENEWAL LAND SALE: Mr. Snider moved to authorize staff to refund to Mr. Prateau, President, Home Grower's, Inc., the earnest money deposit of $1,900, less the disposition costs related to this transaction incurred to date by the City of Pasco. Seconded by Mr. Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). URBAN RENEWAL LAND SALE: Mr. Snider moved to concur with the request of George Trusty of Trusty & Trusty Construction, to build 24 homes instead of 26 homes which was a condition of the sale approved by the City Council at their regular meeting on January 2, 1979. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). NEW BUSINESS: BALCOM & MOE - PROPOSED POTATO DEHYDRATING PLANT - SEWAGE DISCHARGE: Mr. Snider moved to'authorize the City Engineer to negotiate a proposed discharge and sewer rate agreement for the proposed Balcom & Moe Potato Dehydration Plant and to bring the proposed agreement back to Council for formal consideration. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE BENTON-FRANKLIN COUNCIL ON AGING, INC. Mr. Snider moved to notify the Benton -Franklin Council on Aging that while we recognize their need, unfortunately, it was not included in the 1979 Budget and there are no surplus funds available. Seconded by Mr. Schmidt. Motion Carried. MISCELLANEOUS - INCLUDING SUGGESTIONS FROM COUNCIL: 1 CITY CLERK APPOINTMENT: The City Manager announced that effective January 1, 1979, Evelyn Wells was appointed City Clerk for the City of Pasco. Mr. Snider moved to concur with appointment of Evelyn Wells as City Clerk and commend her for services. Seconded by Mr. Clark. Motion carried. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES COMMISSION - ROBBIE ROBERTSON: The City Manager announced that a decision had been reached by the Public Employees Commission in favor of Mrs. Robbie Robertson. She has been ordered to her former position, or comparable position, with full back pay plus interest. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M. A T: /rVrTy—n We s, City Clerk 14 f, aA�a Bill Wilkins, Mayor Pro Tem PASSED and APPROVED this day of , 1979.