HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-1977 MinutesMINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 1977 CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 8:00.P.M. by Jan Tidrick, Mayor. ROLL CALL: By Deputy City Clerk. Councilmen present were: S.K. Adams, J.C. Bailie, Vernon Schuelein, David Sheeley, E.A. Snider and Jan Tidrick. Councilman Wilkins was absent due to being ill. Also present were: George Smith, City Manager; Leo Olney, Finance Director; Michael Cooper, City Attorney; James Ajax, City Engineer; Al Tebaldi, Chief of Police; Webster Jackson, EEO Officer; Richard Erickson, Director of Parks/Recreation; Michael Corcoran, Planner and Ted Johnson, Assistant City Engineer. Also present were council candidates, Schmidt and Roy -Rice-., CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Sheeley moved that consent agenda be approved. Seconded by Mr. Snider. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). Consent items are as follows: - a) Approval of Minutes:- Minutes of regular meeti-ng;--held October 17, l977,.---_----- b) Bills: General Claims in the amount of $312,656.72; Claim warrant nos. 13378 through 13513. Payroll Claims in the amount of $171,939.24; Claim warrant nos. 15337 through 15695. c) Date for Public Hearing: Set Monday, November 21, 1977, as date for a public hearing regarding Planned Use for Revenue Sharing and Anti -Recessionary Funds. d) Bigham Rezone 77-32-Z: Set Monday, November 21, 1977, as date of public hearing to consider the Bigham Rezone. e) Architect - Senior Citizen Center: To authorize the City Manager and staff to.enter into an agreement with the architectural firm of Pence and Associates for the preparation of a preliminary design and cost estimates for a Senior Citizen Center for the City of Pasco. f) Resolution No. 1124: Public Hearing set for November 21, 1977 to vacate street. VISITORS: There were no visitors wishing to address the council at this time_ ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO. 1894: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PUBLIC NUISANCES AND AMENDING CHAPTER 9.60 OF THE PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9.60.080 AND 9.60.090 THEREOF. moi:. -.•.Ordinance No. 1894 was read by title only. Mr. Sn-ider..moved that Ordinance No. 1894 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Sheeley. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 1125: A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE CITY OF PASCO'S POLICY FOR APPOINTING PERSONS TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS, AND AMENDING SECTION 1 OF RESOLUTION NO. 1029. Resolution No. 1125 was read by title only. Mr. Sheeley moved that Resolution No. 1125 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Bailie. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING RESOLUTIONS - Continued: NOVEMBER 7, 1977 RESOLUTION NO. 1126: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING LEGAL ACTIONS BY THE CONSTRUCTION IMPACT GROUP. Resolution No. 1126 was read by title only. Mr. Sheeley moved that Resolution No. 1126 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Bailie. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). RESOLUTION NO. 1127: A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF PASCO TO ENTER INTO A CON- SULTANT AGREEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PREPARING SAID PLAN. Resolution No. 1127 was read by title only. Mr. Sheeley moved that Resolution No. 1127 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Adams. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). UNFINISHED BUSINESS: RECONSIDERATION OF SAGEMOOR PARK REPLAT. Mr. Snider moved to approve time extension, as requested in Dr. Nelson's letter of November 1, 1977. Seconded by Mr. Sheeley. (Discussion) Mr. Ajax briefly explained bonding requirements in response to Mr. Schuelein. In essence, if Dr. Nelson posts bond, he would have a year from January, 1978, to make improvements under the old standards. Mr. Snider asked, "my motion waives bonding, doesn't it?" Staff replied correct. Mr. Snider further stated he would like to see the project completed and it would probably have to be along the standards agreed upon by previous staff and council. Mr. Sheeley asked if standards applied to entire area or just Dr. Nelson's 1/4 interest. Staff replied that no communications had been received from owners of other 3/4. Mr. Sheeley suggested that standards be drawn up according to City specifications so that when a developer comes in, he knows what is expected of him and what the City will offer. Staff concurred with this. Mr. Snider favored old standards being applied to keep costs down as he felt Dr. Nelson was striving to provide a nice residential community for people of moderate means. Dr. Nelson concurred that this was becoming quite involved; however, he was doing everything he could and as fast as he could. He reiterated he wanted to develop his 1/4 only and an extension of time should not affect the City. Mr. Adams asked Dr. Nelson how much cost would be involved to put the water and sewer lines in street instead of alley. Dr. Nelson replied that it would increase costs greatly to move lines. Mr. Schuelein asked if the City was obligated to provide street lighting. Mr. Ajax replied this could be a policy question. Mr. Snider responded by stating the City did not provide streets, lighting or sidewalks in other parts of the City; therefore, favored L.I.D. process. Main motion carried by roll call vote of four (4). Councilmen Tidrick and Schuelein voting no. APPOINTMENT - HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD; Mayor Tidrick thanked Mr. Russell Wiseman and Mr. Harry Moore for their interest in Housing Authority Board. He advised them the Council would discuss their selection in Executive Session and announce their decision at the next regular meeting of the City Council. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING NEW BUSINESS:° NOVEMBER 7, 1977 PETITION FOR WAIVER OF HEARING REQUIREMENT TO WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION RELATING TO PROPOSED SPUR TRACK CROSSING OLD OREGON AVENUE AND BAKER AVENUE: Mr. Sheeley moved to authorize the Mayor to sign, on behalf of the City, as respondent, the attached petitions in favor of waiving hearings before the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, relating to the spur line crossing Oregon Avenue and Baker Street which is intended to serve the CENEX facility. Seconded by Mr. Snider. Motion carried. SUGGESTIONS FROM COUNCIL - GENERAL DISCUSSION: The City Manager reported that notices would be appearing in the Tri City Herald, Giant Nickel and new media concerning free solid waste pickup the week of November 14, 1977. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. ATTES . ve s, Deputy City Clerk L J0 Tidrick, Mayor PASSED and APPROVED this 55Z_/ day of ���,� _ ,,(�,r�1977. 1 11 1