HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-17-1977 MinutesMINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 17, 1977 CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Jan Tidrick, Mayor. ROLL CALL: By Deputy City Clerk. Councilmen present were: S.K. Adams, J.C. Bailie, Vernon Schuelein, David Sheeley, Jan Tidrick and Bill Wilkins. Councilman E.A. Snider was absent from the meeting. Also present were: George Smith, City Manager; Michael Cooper, City Attorney; Jim Ajax, City Engineer; Al Tebaldi, Chief of Police; Webster Jackson, EEO Officer; Richard Erickson, Director of Parks & Recreation and Ted Johnson, Assistant City Engineer. CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Sheeley moved to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Mr. Schuelein. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). Consent items are as follows: a) Approval of Minutes: Minutes of regular meeting, held October 3, 1977. b) Bills. General Claims in the amount of $156,214.46; Claim warrant nos. 13272 through 13377. c) Authorization to Call for Bids - Tractor for Cemetery. Authorize staff to call for competitive bids for a replacement tractor at the Cemetery. d) Request for Water Line Extension Outside City Limits. - Extend water line extension between Rds. 44 - 46, north of Nixon Street. VISITORS: Mayor Tidrick presented plaques for beautification and landscaping to KEPR-TV and PEPSI COLA BOTTLING COMPANY. He commended their Managers, Mr. Willie Sutton and Mr. Dale Hall for their outstanding contribution to the community. ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO. 1892: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO AD VALOREM TAX LEVIES AND AMENDING .SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE 1891. Ordinance No. 1892 was read by title only. Mr. Sheeley moved that Ordinance No. 1892 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Bailie. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). ORDINANCE NO. 1893: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO VACATING A CERTAIN STREET IN BOLIN'S ADDITION, LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1624 BY CORRECTING A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION THEREIN. Ordinance No. 1893 was read by title only. Mr. Sheeley moved that Ordinance No. 1893 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schuelein. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 1121: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE BEAUTIFICATION AND LANDSCAPING OF THE MEMORIAL (BLUE) BRIDGE AND THE OREGON STREET INTERCHANGE IN THE CITY OF PASCO. Resolution No. 1121 was read by title only. Mr. Sheeley moved that Resolution No. 1121 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schuelein. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING RESOLUTIONS - Continued: RESOLUTION NO. 1122: OCTOBER 17, 1977 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PASCO AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE GRANT AGREEMENT NO. B -77 -DS -53-0019 FOR THE CITY'S DISCRETIONARY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. Resolution No. 1122 was read by title only. Mr. Sheeley moved that Resolution No. 1122 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schuelein. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). RESOLUTION NO. 1123: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR FUNDING ASSISTANCE FOR AN OUTDOOR RECREATION PROJECT TO THE INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION, AS PROVIDED BY THE MARINE RECREATION LAND ACT. (Memorial Pool Renovation) Resolution No. 1123 was read by title only. Mr. Sheeley moved that Resolution No. 1123 be adopted. Seconded byMr. Bailie. Motion carried by roll call vote of six (6). UNFINISHED BUSINESS: PASCO FUTURE COMMISSION: The following names were presented by Councilmen to serve on Pasco Future Commission: Robert Greenwell, Leonard Brown, "Doc" Hastings, Leland Richardson, H.W. Parkinson and Jim Weyers. ,,­;;NE„W,. BUSINESS: <,.:..: _ �-.. . APPOINTMENT - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: Mr. Sheeley moved to re -appoint DARWIN MURRAY to the Board of Adjustment, expiration of term on November 19, 1982. Seconded by Mr. Bailie. Motion Carried. SAGEMOOR PARK REPLAT - TIME EXTENSION REQUEST: The following memo from James Ajax, City Engineer -,s -is -incorporated into the -record -in response to Councilman--- --w inquiry: "With respect to the attached request from Ferm Enterprises, dated October 11, 1977, the staff would offer the following pertinent facts as they relate to the development. On January 6, 1976, City Council gave formal approval to the preliminary plat on Sagemoor Park. At that time, there was nothing that prevented the developer(s) from proceeding with a final plat except the fact that this particular developer did not own all the land involved and they. (rightfully in staff's -opinion) did not want to make the required improve- ments in areas of the plat not under their ownership. They did, however, want to see that certain public right of ways be created outside their area of ownership. At council discretion, the staff spent considerable time in developing a solution that would accomplish such. (see attached letter dated November 24, 1976, which indicated a specific course of action that would allow the developer(s) to accomplish their objectives). Staff did receive the documents required by that letter on June 27, 1977. These documents re- sulted in certain vacations and dedications of public right of way by Council action on September 19, 1977. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since the developer still has until January 6, 1978 to either accomplish the improvements required or bond in lieu of, either of which satisfies the primary requisite to filing a final plat, the staff would not recommend a time extension be granted unless the developers were agreeable to meet present improvement standards. Continued Next Page 1 MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SAGEMOOR PARK - Continued: OCTOBER 17, 1977 Difference in present standards vs. standards for this area of which were set by previous staff in 1974. STREETS Bituminous surface..:...............................Asphalt No street lights ------------------------------------Street Lights SEWER Located in alleys -----------------------------------Located in Street WATER Fire Hydrants ---------------------------------------Do not meet Survey & Rating Bureau recommendations Located in alleys -----------------------------------Located in Street System lines not looped -----------------------------Looped (1/4 pressure drop compared to nonlooped) Further, the following excerpt from Mr. Ajax's letter to Dr. Nelson on November 24, 1976: "That the vacation ordinance specifically acknowledges that on December 11, 1975, the Planning Commission and on January 6, 1976, the City Council gave preliminary approval to the replat for the same area, and that on October 21, 1976, the Planning Commission did, by motion, concur that the actions hereby requested were and are in good keeping with the intent and division of land indicated in the preliminary plat, and further, that the City Council does agree that it will not be necessary to resubmit preliminary plat(s), unless it desired to change the lot, block and street configuration shown on the Sagemoor Park Re - plat, and still further, subject to the construction of all required improvements or bonding for such the City Council will accept and approve final plat(s) on any or all quarters of the Sagemoor Park Replat, provided they are presented to Council with all accompanying documents by January 6, 1978." Mr. Sheeley moved to compromise -gime extension until June 6, 1978 on Sagemoor Park Replat. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Wilkins moved to approve time extension, as requested in Dr. Nelson's letter of October 11, 1977, subject to today's standards. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Adams moved to disapprove time extension, as requested in Dr. Nelson's letter of October 11, 1977. Seconded by Mr. Schuelein. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). Councilman Wilkins voting no. (Mr. Adams felt the developers had enough time between now and January 6, 1978 to get something done). SUGGESTIONS FROM COUNCIL - GENERAL DISCUSSION: Councilman Adams asked for location of various Board Meetings. He asked Chief Tebaldi who so many citations for defective equipment were being dismissed. Chief Tebaldi explained that if the offender repairs defective equipment, the charges are usually dismissed. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. n Tidrick, Mayor ATTEST, Evelyn Wells, Deputy City Clerk PASSED and APPROVED this day of November, 1977.