HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01-1971 Minutes261 MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 1, 1971 CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Mayor Pro -Tem George P. Stork at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: By Clerk's Representative. Councilmen present included: M.R. Denney, Robert Greenlee, Katie Barton, Sam Hunt and George Stork. Councilmen G.E. Carter and Hilda -.Campbell were absent from the meeting. Also present were: City Manager, M.B. Winegar; Director of Finance, Harry Kinzer; City Attorney, Wayne Campbell; City Engineer, Sandra Stanley; Director of Public Works, C.F. Whetsler and Assistant Planner, Ben Rea. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Hunt moved that the minutes of regular meeting, held May 18, 1971, be approved as written. Seconded by Mrs. Barton. Motion Carried. MAYOR PRO -TEM STORK TRANSPOSED REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS IN ORDER TO READ RESOLUTION NO. 866:- RESOLUTI0N NO. 866: A RESOLUTION ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE COMMUNITY EXPRESSING THEIR SINCERE APPRECIATION TO MR. ED HENDLER FOR HIS SERVICE AS CITY COUNCILMAN OF THE CITY OF PASCO DURING EIGHT YEARS. Mayor Pro -Tem Stork read Resolution No. 866 in its entirety. Mr. Greenlee moved that Resolution No. 866 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Hunt. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). Mr. Hendler was present in the audience and Mr. Stork presented him with a City Plaque and commended him for a job well done. Mr. Hendler responded by stating he still felt that "Pasco was the greatest City in the world and he would continue to work for it." BILLS: The following claims were presented for payment: Executive $ 62.21 Planning 1.60 Building & Property Service 5,136.22 Other Services J 848.87 Police Department 656.05 Fire Department 3,334.84 Protective Inspections 91.07 Ambulance & Aid 652.17 Engineering 51.98 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: $10,835.01 STREET FUND 1,853.25 CEMETERY'FUND 858.88 LIBRARY FUND 1,482.30 URBAN RENEWAL FUND 1,556.81 PARKS & RECREATION FUND 4,730.53 CAPITAL PROJECT - INTER -CITY BRIDGE 67.05 ENTERPRISE - WATER/SEWER FUND 9,489.29 ENTERPRISE - GOLF - FUND 2,727.87 EQUIPMENT RENTAL - EQUIPMENT FUND 9,982.28 FINANCE OPERATION - FINANCE FUND 890.75 FIREMEN'S PENSION - FIRE 1,530.35 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS: $46,004.37 Mr. Greenlee moved that Vouchers 2449 through 2543 in the total amount of $46,004.37 be approved for payment this lst day of June, 1971. Seconded by Mr. Denney. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). 262 MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING' BILLS: The following payroll claims were presented for approval: JUNE 1, 1971 Legislative $ 276..90 Judicial 798.56 Executive 2,432.16 Legal 818.24 Planning 889.87 Bldg. & Property Service 201.48 Police Community Relations 1,548.98 Police. 20,609.95 Fire 14,096.68 Protective Inspection 918.40 Engineering 3,305.60 Ambulance Service 150.87 Housing & Occupancy 348.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: $46,395.69 PARK & RECREATION FUND 3,785.10 GOLF FUND 2,152.62 WATER/SEWER FUND 10,065.82 CEMETERY FUND 2,161.69 STREET FUND 6,026.30 LIBRARY FUND A 3,367.06 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND 1,998.08 FINANCE FUND 5,042.81 URBAN RENEWAL FUND 7,207.19 TOTAL ALL FUNDS: $88,202.36 Mr. Hunt moved that Payroll Vouchers 1250 through 1361 in the total amount of $88,202.36 be approved for payment this 1st day of June, 1971. Seconded by Mrs. Barton. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). COMMUNICATIONS: Protests for Unit #1 of L.I.D. initiated by Resolution No. 854 were received and acknowledged for Dorothy Manson and E.M. Magee. PUBLIC HEARINGS: MAYOR PRO -TEM STORK DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN TO REZONE LOTS 9 THROUGH 12, BLOCK 1; LOT 1, BLOCK 7; LOTS 11 THROUGH 16, LOT 8; STEFFINS AMENDED ADDITION FROM LIGHT INDUSTRIAL I-1 to HEAVY INDUSTRIAL I-2: The City Manager reported that the Hearing had been duly published and posted. Correspondence from Ben Rea, City Planning Commission, was read - recommending zone change. Tommy Moore, proponent of proposed zone change, briefly explained hydraulic process to alleviate old car bodies in area, and assured the Council there would be no noise. Following three (3) calls from the Mayor for further comments, either for or against, the Public Hearing was declared closed. MAYOR PRO -TEM STORK DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN TO REZONE LOTS 6 THROUGH 10, BLOCK 1, PAPI ADDITION FROM RESIDENTIAL R-1 TO RESIDENTIAL R-3: The City Manager reported that the Hearing had been duly published and posted. Correspondence from Ben Rea, City Planning Commission, was read - recommending zone change. Curly Elvrum favored zone change as he was planning to build a town -house type apartment in this area which, in his opinion, would be a definite asset. Following three (3) calls from the Mayor for further comments, either for or against, the Public Hearing was declared closed. MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PUBLIC HEARINGS: JUNE 1, 1971 MAYOR PRO -TEM STORK DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN TO REZONE A PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2, SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 30 E.W.M., FROM RESIDENTIAL R-1 to RETAIL COMMERCIAL C-1: The City Manager reported that the Hearing had been duly published and posted. Correspondence was read from Ben Rea, City Planning Commission, recommending proposed zone change. Jim Bridge, owner of Red Lion Motel and proposer of zone change, reported the area in question was now black -topped and would be used primarily for parking facilities. Following three (3) calls from the Mayor for further comments from the floor, either for or against, the Public Hearing was declared closed. CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY: HOWARD C. HALL: A claim in the amount of $79.00 was presented against the City of Pasco for alleged sewer back up on March 12, 1971. Mr. Greenlee moved that claim of Howard C. Hall be referred to City Attorney and Insurance Company for disposition. Seconded by Mr. Hunt. Motion carried. REPORTS FROM OFFICERS: Correspondence from City Manager regarding Red Lion Lease Payment was submitted for Council information. Golf Financial Report for the month of May was submitted for Council information. ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO. 1477: (Second Reading) AN ORDINANCE DECREASING AN APPROPRIATION OF THE GENERAL'FUND BY $1,000 AND INCREASING AN APPROPRIATION IN THE PARK AND RECREATION FUND BY $1,000. Ordinance No. 1477 was readby title only. Mr. Denney moved that Ordinance No. 1477 be adopted. Seconded by Mrs. Barton. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). (Mr. Stork reported that Mrs. Campbell was for the program in general, but would have voted against it due to lack of money). Mr. Denney commended Mrs. Blount for her efforts and program. Bill Stough, Probabation Officer, also commended Mrs. Blount and stated she had been most helpful in finding employment for his juvenile and adult offenders. John Klundt, Jr., Benton/ Frank.lin Juvenile Detention Home, praised Mrs. Blount's efforts and felt her program would save taxpayers money in the long run. Mr. Hunt moved that the Staff be directed to include,$1,700.00 for Youth Coordinator program in 1972 Budget. Seconded by Mrs. Barton. Motion carried. Mr. Denney moved that Mr. Hunt's motion be amended to read: "Unless we can persuade the cities of Richland and Kennewick to pay their share based on population." Seconded by Mr. Hunt. Main motion carried, as amended. . 1 264 MINUTES ._. PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE NO.. 1478: (Second Reading) JUNE 1, 1971 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $3,750.00 IN THE HIGHLAND PARK FUND TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT THEREOF. Ordinance No. 1478 was read by title only. Mr. Hunt moved that Ordinance No. 1478 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Denney. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). (Councilman Greenlee requested the City Manager to write School District on immediate and long term plans for property). ORDINANCE NO. 1479: AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL' PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO FROM LIGHT INDUSTRIAL I-1 TO HEAVY INDUSTRIAL I-2. Ordinance No. 1479 was read by title only. Mr. Hunt moved that Ordinance No. 1479 be adopted. Seconded by Mrs. Barton. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). ORDINANCE NO. 1480: AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL R-1 TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL R-3.. Ordinance No. 1480 was read -'by title only. Mr. Stork moved that Ordinance No. 1480 be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Greenlee. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). ORDINANCE NO.: 1481: AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO FROM R-1 LOW DENSITY RESI- DENTIAL ZONE TO C-1 RETAIL BUSINESS ZONE. Ordinance No. 1481 was read by title only. Mrs. Barton moved that Ordinance No. 1481 be ado ted. Seconded by Mr. Hunt. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5�. RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 867: A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT CERTAIN OFFERS FOR THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY ARE ACCEPTABLE AND AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF SAID OFFERS. Resolution No. 867 was read by title only. Mr. Greenlee moved that Resolution No. 867 be adopted. Seconded by Mrs. Barton. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). (Councilman Hunt stated, for the.record, that the City Council would be watching to see that new businesses in the Urban Renewal Area would be recruiting minorities for job vacancies). APPOINTMENTS: PARK & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD: Mayor Pro -Tem Stork appointed Mr. Bud Brown and Mr. Gordon Mercier (Expiration - 2/2/74) to the Park and Recreation Advisory Board and asked the Council's concurrence. Mr. Greenlee moved that Pasco City Council concurs with Mayor Pro -Tern's appointments. Seconded by Mr. Hunt. Motion carried. Mr. Denney stated he had contacted a lady who was well informed on horticulture; however, she was a County resident and under our present regulations would be unable to serve due to her residency. She had indicated her willingness to assist on this Board; therefore, Councilman Denney requested that this be dis- cussed further at Workshop Session of the Council. 1 1 MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING NEW BUSINESS: JUNE 1, 1971 265 BID AWARD - PANEL VAN:` Bids were opened on May 20, 1971 for -furnishing one (1) panel van for the City of Pasco. Bids, including air conditioning were as follows: (E-100) Jerry Horrobin Ford $3,916.50 (E-200) Jerry Horrobin Ford $3,979.50 Osborne Chevrolet $4,036.62 Tri City Dodge .$3,852.24** **Staff Recommendation Following tabulation, Mr. Hunt moved that recommendation of the staff be accepted and bid be awarded to Tri City Dodge. Seconded by Mrs. Barton. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). BID AWARD - UTILITY CONSTRUCTION: Bids were opened on May 24, 1971 for utility construction in the City of Pasco. BIDDER SCHEDULE I SCHEDULE II SCHEDULE III SCHEDULE IV A.V. DeBlasio $40,589.10** $ 8,710.13** $ 3,717.74 $ 5,994.71 E.M. Gostovich $45,527.00 $10,802.66 $ 8,283.45 $18,262.13 $ John Keltch $42,237.00 -$ 8,,684.08 $ 3,322..73 $ 7,423.24 Lester N. Johnson $55,125.75 $15,850.85 $ 5,134.50 $ 8,831.03 Randolph Plumbing $No Bid No Bid $ 3,402.32 $ 5,660.29 J.H. Smith $51,365.05 $ 9,893.68 $ 4,285.58 $ 7,556.06 Stenstrom Const. $45,638.55 $12,081.75 $ 4,467.12 $ 9,247.88 **Staff Recommendation Mr. Denney moved that recommendation of the staff be accepted and A.V. DeBlasio be awarded bid for Schedules I and II, subject to the approval of L.I.D. in Schedule II area. Seconded by Mr. Hunt. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). Mr. Hunt moved that the Pasco City Council reject all -bids for Schedules III and IV and utilize City forces contingent upon L.I.D. in area. Seconded by Mr. Denney. Motion carried by roll call vote of -five (5). BID AWARD - BRASS FITTINGS.: Bids were opened on June 1, 1971 for furnishing brass fittings for the City of Pasco. Bids were as follows: BIDDER SCHEDULE A Consolidated Supply $11,425.37 Hughes & Company $ 8,959.97 Mueller Company $ 6,968.75 Waterworks Supplies $11,680.31 H.D. Fowler Company $12,278.02 **Staff Recommendation SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE C Mr. Hunt moved that recommendation of the staff be accepted and Consolidated Supply Company be awarded bid for Schedule A, and Waterworks Supplies Company be awarded bid for Schedules B and C, both contingent upon materials meeting specifications. Seconded by Mrs. Barton. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). $ 8,365.17 $ 274.93 $10,847.22 $ 352.30 $ 8,112.07** $ 251.56** $ 8,749.55 $ 274.76 Mr. Hunt moved that recommendation of the staff be accepted and Consolidated Supply Company be awarded bid for Schedule A, and Waterworks Supplies Company be awarded bid for Schedules B and C, both contingent upon materials meeting specifications. Seconded by Mrs. Barton. Motion carried by roll call vote of five (5). 266 MINUTES PASCO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 1, 1971 NEW BUSINESS: UPDATING SIX-YEAR STREET PROGRAM: Mr. Greenlee -moved that a Public Hearing be held June 15, 1971 for the purpose of hearing revisions to Six -Year Street Program. Seconded by Mr. Denney. Motion Carried. DELEGATES - ASSOC. OF WASHINGTON CITIES CONVENTION: This item of business to be discussed at Workshop Meeting of.June 8, 1971. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P..M. (Following adjournment, councilmen visited with two gentlemen regarding assistance at Walker Field which is used by Tri -City youth for baseball games, etc.) ATTEST: EX -OFFICIO PASSED and APPROVED this /,I_ day of GEORGE . STORK. -MAYOR PRO -TEM 1971. Evelyn Wells, Clerk's Representative 1