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HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-18-1964 MinutesI PASCO, WASHINGTON REGULAR MEETING" COUNCIL CHAMBERS AUGUST 18, 1964 CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 8:05 P.M. by the Honorable G. E. Carter, Mayor. ROLL CALL: By Clerk. Council members present were: G. E. Carter, J. G. Bailey, R. L. Greenlee, C; F. Griggs, Fred Robinson, George P. Stork and.Russell Wiseman. City Engineer/Supervisor (acting Manager) George R. Fisher and City Attorney D. Wayne Campbell were -also present. APPROVING MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting of August 4, 1964. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Stork, that the minutes of August 4, 1964 be approved. Motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: PARK BOARD -- signed by G. K. Mercier, Chairman and R. I. Maurstad: 100 HP Pump & Motor Golf Course: The Park Board suggests the installation of a 100 HP pump and motor at the Golf Course, this would enable the crew to water at night. Attached was letter from John Severson requesting permission to call for bids for this pump, motor, switches, pump panel board, plus 1400 feet of 8" pipe, plus installation (stating funds available in Capital Outlay $8,448.42). Complete total estimate of this proposed project would be $6,507.28. Motion made by Stork, seconded by Bailey, that Mr. Severson be granted authority to call for bids as requested. Motion carried. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF PASCO_(signed by R. S. Brown, Executive Director): August 14, 1964: Relative to the construction of a 50 -unit housing development for the low-income elderly to be located at Margaret Street and First Avenue. Tobbe financed by revenue bonds issued by the local Authority and guaranteed by the Public Housing Administration. This letter requests that the City adopt by resolution, a policy in regard to waiver' of building permit fees. (inspection'to be made by and under the direction of the project architect and the Public Housing Administration). Motion made by Griggs, seconded by Greenlee, to delay action and take this under -:advisement; in the mean time, the City Attorney is to prepare resolution so that it will be available for the next regular meeting of the Council. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS: PUBLIC HEARING -- FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL, L.I.D. NO. 67: (2nd hearing) Mayor declared the hearing open. This is the second Public Hearing on this final assessment roll, because of the fact that the first public hearing was not advertised as required by law. Letters received for this second hearing are as follows: JOHN SKARTLAND, Lots 201, 202, 203 and 204, Block 6, Terrace Heights Addition, stating his opposi- tion to the assessments for improvement -- it being his feeling that the assessment is above the value of the lots at the present time. MRS. SADIE MOSS, Las Vegas, Nevada: Lots 337 and 338, Block 11, Terrace Heights Addition, approves the improvement and requests the construction^of the improvement together with wyes and risers. HORACE REGISTER; spoke favoring the L.I.D. MRS. ELLA GRAY, spoke favoring the L.I.D. WILBUR WRIGHT: Stated that he had received Aagessmeftt that indicated five (5) risers; and he had only four. (Mr. Fisher was instructed to check this out.) ROBERT EVANS: stated he had three lots and one riser, requested he be informed who had signed for this riser. (Mr. Fisher to check this out.) MRS. GRAY, stated she had two lots and 1 riser, and wanted to know the location of the riser -- The Engineer crew to contact her and spot this for her. ALL LETTERS AND COMMENTS FROM THE PREVIOUS PUBLIC HEARING, June 16, 1964 to be incorporated into this Public Hearing as part thereof. Please check page 3374 of this Minute Book. Mayor declared this public hearing closed. PETITIONS, COMPLAINTS, APPEALS, VISITORS: PETITION: Vacation of all the alley Block 1, and all of Ella Street in Swanson's Addition -- presented by Convalescent Homes, Inc. (S. S. Jilek - Bill Powers, Secretary). (To come up later in meeting for Resolution setting date of Public Hearing). REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Manager's report submitted to each councilman. Motion made by Carter, seconded by Greenlee, that the Council plan to attend a meeting August 25, 1964 at City Hall with Mr. Floyd Jennings, from the Association of Washington Cities. Motion carried. Greenlee asked the question as to who was responsible for the fills on Third Street. Fisher answered that this was the responsibility of the Water Department. Report from the Fire Department was submitted to each councilman. Water Department; Letter read from C. F. Whetsler, Superintendent -- "Permission is requested to purchase the following items for the Water Department: 5 fire hydrants, flange $1,063.80. Follow- ing discussion, Motion made by Wiseman, seconded by Bailey, that Mr. Whetsler be authorized to pur- chase this equipment. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). L.I.D. Number 68: Fisher requested that the Council set a date for the Public Hearing on the final assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 68. Motion made by Griggs, seconded by Greenlee, that the Public Hearing for Final Assessment Roll on L.I.D. No. 68 be held on September 15, 1964. Motion carried. PASCO, WASHINGTON REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS AUGUST 18, 1964 i ORDINANCES: I - ORDINANCE NO. 1153: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENTS AND ASSESSMENT ROLL OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 67, WHICH -HAS BEEN CREATED AND ESTABLISHED FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING CERTAIN SANITARY SEWERS, TOGETHER WITH MANHOLES WITHIN A:CERTAIN AREA OF THE CITY, AS PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1125, AND -LEVYING AND ASSESSING THE AMOUNT THEREOF AGAINST THE SEVERAL LOTS, TRACTS, PARCELS OF LAND AND OTHER PROPERTY SHOWN ON SAID ROLL. Motion made by Wiseman, seconded by Bailey, that Ordinance No. 1153 be read by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1153 was read by title. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Stork, that Ordinance No. 1153 has been read by title only. Motion carried. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded ij by Stork, to adopt Ordinance No. 1153. Discussion relative to the two questions relating to -risers and upon recommendation of the City Attorney Stork withdrew his second and Greenlee withdrew his i motion to adopt. Motion made by Griggs; seconded by Greenlee, to table this ordinanceNo. 1153 1 until the next regular council meeting, September 1, 1964. Motion carried. !! ORDINANCE NO.. 1154: AN ORDINANCE DEFINING THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF PASCO AND PROVIDING A SALARY THEREFOR. { Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Stork, to read Ordinance No. 1154 in its entirety. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1154 was read. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Robinson, that Ordinance No. 1154 has been read. Motion carried. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Robinson, to adopt j. Ordinance No. 1154. Motion carried by roll call vote.of seven (7). 11 ORDINANCE NO. 1155: AN ORDINANCE ENACTED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF R.C.W. 35.18.285 AND REVISING SECTION'l OF ORDINANCE NO. 1126 AS IT RELATES TO THE SALARY OF THE GENERAL OFFICE MANAGER AND CHANGING THE SAME TO CITY MANAGER AND BEING AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1964. i� Motion made by Griggs, seconded by Greenlee, to read Ordinance No. 1155 in its entirety. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1155 was read. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Bailey, that Ordinance No. 1155 has been read. Motion carried. Motion made by Bailey, seconded by Stork, to adopt Ordinance No. 1155. Motion carried, by roll call vote of seven (7). ORDINANCE NO. 1156: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING -AN ANNUAL SALARY FOR CERTAIN DESIGNATED OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF PASCO AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 981-A, ORDINANCE NO. 1060, AND ORDINANCE NO. 1147, AND PASCO CITY CODE 1-20.04. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Wiseman, to read Ordinance No. 1156 by title only. Motion I� carried. Ordinance No. 1156 was read by title. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Wiseman that .I Ordinance No. 1156 has been read by title only. Motion carried. After discussion, Motion made by Bailey, seconded by Greenlee to adopt Ordinance No. 1156. Motion carried by roll call vote of j, seven (7). RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 602: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST HIS SIGNATURE ON A DEED CONVEYING THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY TO THE PORT OF PASCO: LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 40, RIVERSIDE ADDITION TO PASCO, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 1BB" OF PLATS, PAGE 44, RECORDS OF THE AUDITOR OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Motion made 'by Greenlee, seconded by Stork, to read Resolution No. 602. Motion carried. Resolution No. 602 was -read in its entirety. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Robinson, that Resolution No. 602 has been read. Motion carried. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Bailey, to adopt Resolution number 602. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). RESOLUTION NO. 603: A RESOLUTION FIXING A•TINE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON A PETITION TO VACATE ALLEY" IN BLOCK 1, SWANSON'S ADDITION AND ELLA STREET IN SWANSON'S ADDITION. (September 15, 1964) Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Stork, to read Resolution No. 603. Motion carried. Resolution No. 603 was read in its entirety. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Robinson, that Resolution 603 has been read. Motion carried. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Stork, to adopt Resolution No. 603. Motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). RESOLUTION NO. 604:- A RESOLUTION ENACTED AND PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF -THE CITY OF PASCO ON BE- HALF OF THE CITIZENS, EMPLOYEES, OFFICIALS, AND FRIENDS OF THE CITY OF PASCO, AND EXPRESSING THEIR SINCERE APPRECIATION TO MRS. ADAH M. PERRY WHO SERVED AS CLERK OF -THE CITY OF PASCO FOR 25 YEARS. WHEREAS, Mrs. Adah M. Perry served as the Clerk of the City of Pasco for 25 years, and WHEREAS, she served the City during that period with unquestioned loyalty and devotion both to the ;I office of City Clerk and to the City of Pasco, and WHEREAS, the citizens; employees, officials, and friends of the City of Pasco wish to take official action to express their sincere appreciation to her, NOW THEREFORE, �I THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That this Resolution shall be passed by the City Council in honor of Mrs. Adah M. Perry for her years of service to the public and her work and devotion to the City of Pasco. Section 2: Let this Resolution be entered in the official records of the City of Pasco in her honor. Section 3: This Resolution to be in full force and effect after its passage as required by law. j PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 18th day of August, 1964. (Signed by !� G. E. Carter, Mayor, Attested by Esther Schlagel, City Clerk, Approved as to form, D. Wayne Campbell, I' City Attorney, and signed by Robert L. Greenlee, Fred Robinson, C. F. Griggs, George P. Stork, Joe +� Bailey, and Russell A. Wiseman - Councilmen. (a copy of this was mailed to Mrs. Perry immediately Z after the council meeting) Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Bailey, that Resolution No. 604 be read by the Mayor and that a copy be sent to the party involved. Motion carried. Resolution No. 604 Uas read in its entirety by ,1 the Mayor. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Bailey that Resolution No. 604 was read by the Mayor. Motion carried. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Carter that Resolution No. 604 be adopted. Motion. carried by roll call vote of seven (7).• Motion made by Griggs, seconded by Bailey, that all councilmen sign this resolution. Motion carried. i RESOLUTION NO. 605: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A CITY MANAGER FOR THE CITY OF PASCO. �j Motion made by GreeUlee, seconded by Stork, that Resolution No. 605 be read in its entirety, inserting;; the proper name in the proper space. Motion carried. Resolution No. 605 was read in its entirety. Motion made by Stork, seconded by Robinson, that Resolution No. 605 has been read. Motion carried. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Stork, to adopt Resolution No. 605. Motion carried by roll call �i vote of seven (7). ;j Mr. Carter pointed out for the record that this was a unanimous decision of the Council (the selec- tion and appointment of HORACE E. MENASCO as City Manager for the City of Pasco. I OLD BUSINESS: I.A.C.P. POLICE STUDY: Mr. McLaren arrived in town this morning and is working. Mr. Carter met l Mr. McLaren, that is all he can report on this at the present time. G PASCO, WASHINGTON REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS AUGUST 18, 1964 AGREEMENT: BETWEEN CITY OF PASCO AND PORT OF PASCO: Mr. Fisher reports that this is actually a renewal of a previous agreement pertaining to the removal of gravel etc. There are two changes: The removal of gravel/dirt and placement in low-lying corners bringing it up to grade and the City requires the P.P. & L. to replace and lower existing poles from which there are lines crossing the area. The city in requiring this change holds the Port District harmless from any claim arrising out of this relocation, and.lowering of poles. Motion made by Bailey, seconded by Griggs, that the City Mai}Agerrbe autholized to exercise this agreement, as soon as details are worked out with the Pacific Power and Light Company. Motion carried. I.A.C.P. STUDY: (see page 3389) Motion made by Griggs, that a poll be taken at this time in order to show in the record how the council voted on the continuing of the I.A.C.P. study. (This was left in abeyance at a previous meeting) Campbell stated that every councilman should have the right to have the records.:state:that he is in favor of or against the survey if be so desires. Griggs: I move this be done:. Carter: let it show that Mr. Griggs/A8t in favor of the survey being conducted. Any other council= man who wishes to have his desires known so that it may be dnteredd in the records may do so at this time. Carter: I will start off by saying that I voted "yes".to continue the study because it's a.contract signed by Mrs. Perry, by the Chief of Police of the City of Pasco the then acting mayor VanHoy. So I said it's just a matter of finding a date which was acceptable to every body concerned. I voted "yes, bring him in". Wiseman: I'll keep it going then, as far as I'm concerned, I because I was unaware as to what was involved. I wanted to read the agreement, I wanted to find the content of this agreement, I wanted to do a little inquiring on this to clarify myself on the position and I find myself unanimously now in favor of the survey. Stork: I -0oted the same as Russ, and I feel the same way. Bailey: I voted for it because it was a valid contract, it was arrived at after due consideration by the previous council, signed and attested to by the Mayor and the Chief of Police, I see no reason why it shouldn't be. Robinson: Fine, I did the same thing, the City Attorney informed us that it was a valid contract, consequently prepared by the previous council, and while I wasn't exactly for it, I still had to - I went along with it because it was signed and it was a contract. Greenlee: I hope we can find the money in next year's contract to do the things that he is probably going to propose. Carter: Let the report read 6 - 1. NEW BUSINESS: BRINKLEY SEWER EXTENSION: Bid proposals have been submitted as follows: There was one bid submitted just before council meeting the total amount bid was 1113.32 which I does not show on the tabulation as submitted to the council members: Those listed are: Lester M. .Tjohnson, Spokane, Total Bid $998.40 John M. Keltch, Pasco Total Bid $856.44 Marren Excavation, Pasco - Total Bid $787.18 The other bidder was Lincoln Mahaffey and his bid was $1113.22. I would recommend the low bid of Warren Excavation Company. Motion made by Griggs, seconded by Greanlee, that the Warren excavation Co. of Pasco be awarded the bid.on the sewer extension on Ruby Rept of Chase in the amount of $787.18. Motion carried, roll call vote of seven. _'_LSCENSES: There are fix licenses under Ordinance No. 990 and three under 741 as follows: C. Bar Distributor, Clarence Barileau - food distributor - 521 Li. Fourth Avenue Mutual Readers League, Barry Bunnell - business office - 112 S. Fourth Avenue Speedy's, Beverly Coffland - drive in cafe - 1504 West Lewis Cowboy Artists, Mr. & Mrs. L. A. Riggs - advertising agency, paint windows - Chieftan Motel; R,ennewick National Credit Adustment Agency, James D. Henson - Credit adjustment - 704 Jay Smitty's Chrome Shop, John E. Smith - chrome shop - 611 Ainsworth Carole Thomas - Solicit, Americana - 904 S. Fourth Avenue William Owens - Solicit, Americana - Black Angus Motel - Kennewick Janet M. Jones - Solicit, Americana - Black Angus Motel - Kennewick Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Bailey, to honor these applications. Motion carried. MISCELLANEOUS: BONNEVILLE & FIFTH CORNER: (Mirth side - East of Fifth) After discussion: Bldt,�having been submitted as follows: Vaughn $93.60; Northwest Concrete $93.00 tax not included; Mansfield $126.20 and Lapp $109.20, Motion made by Bailey, seconded by Stork, that Willie Vaughn be given the contract to pave this corner. Motion made by Greenlee, seconded by Wiseman, to amend the motion by adding "after due consideration and report back to the Council by the Beautification Committee, not later than September 8th". Motion carried by roll call vote of seven. Original Motion with amendment carried. ADJOURNMENT: Motion made by Bailey, seconded by Stork, to adjourn. Motion carried. - G..E. Carter, Mayor Attest: Esther Schlagel - City Clerk PASSED and APPROVED this —/,—Of 1964: Esther Schlag6l, CityCle k