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HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17-1946 MinutesPASCO, WASHINGTON REGULAR_ MEETING C0W1,1ITTEE`ROOM SEPTEMBER_17,._1946 CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at eight otclock P.M., Honorable Mayor Fred Huber presiding. ROLL CALL: By clerk, councilmen present were John Beck, R.J. Larson,: D.F. Rodkey, C..R. Wallis; Chas,. Diemond,aKa-il_ Casby"and �P�a1 e �Ne�-son. The City"'Attorney 15.YVr Zent'=wa1�f present. REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS SET ASIDE: by unanimous consent. OILING STREET NEAR PORT DISTRICT: Sc6tt Roff requested that the city oil streets used by tankers near the port. The Street Committee states the stock pile of -oiled gravelis about gone, motion, made by beck that the next street oiling done, after Oregon Street,South of , Lewis, The Kidwell Gargage location,ahas been done, -'start at 9th & Washington thence to Vine and Washington, thence South on Vine to River Street, thence West on River to 9th, north on 9th to Washington, motion seconded by Casey, carried by roll call vote of six. (6). MORNING MILK PURCHASE OF CITY PROPERTY: Mr. R.E. Kirscher, with the Carnation Milk Company was present, in the interest of securing lot twelve (12), in Block 5, Northern Pacific plat; in reviewing the case, stated that while he was employed by the Morning Milk Co. that Company purchased from the city, June 5, 1945 by auction sale, lots 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, in Block 5, N.P. Plat, the deed was executed by the city, -accepted and paid for by the morning Milk Co. This property was part of a sale to the Carnation Milk Co., they have contemplated some improvements and find that an error has been made in drawing the deed, as only lots 8, 9, 10, and 11 appear on the deed at this time they are desirous of obtaining possession of lot 12; during the discussion it was suggested that lot 12 be,deeded to the Morning Milk Co., this would complete the cities deal with that Co., motion made by Beck that we correct error in deed on purchase`of lots by auction, June 5 1945, whereby lot 12 was omitted from the deed, motion seconded by Rodkey, carried,by roll call vote of seven (7). INSURANCE APPRAISAL: Grant Stringham discussed the city insurance, apPraisal submitted by I.I. Grigg and C.M. Meritt and is of the opinion that the present coverage is much too low, must be insured to ninety (90%) per cent of valuation, this was turned to the Building Committee (Beck, Nelson, and Rodkey) to meet with Grant Stringham at his office, Monday 7:30 P.M., September 23, 1946; committee j to make study.and hand in recommendation. I BICYCLE STANDS: f Chief of Police MCKibbin, desires to correct the hazardous condition of bicycles on the side walks, installing bicycle racks at conjested locations was suggested David Ziers estimate on racks, 2 racks 16 feet long, $28.00; 3 racks 6 feet long approximately $12.50 each; the theatre and funland to be requested to furnish racks for their customers, motion made by Beck that the Chief of Police be authorized to buy three (3) short bicycle racks, locations to be determined by the Police Department, that the chief also contact the theatre to see if they will finance two racks for their customers, motion seconded by Diemond, carried by roll call vote of six (6). i CENTRAL SAND & GRAVEL CO: City Attorney, D.W. Zent states the Sand & Gravel deal in regard to property i purchase and relocation of property owners in Block 15, Grays amended addition, is off; the complaint will be amended and go ahead with the suit. REGULAR ORDER,OF BUSINESS RESU14ED by unanimous consent. READING OF THE MINUTES: Minutes of the meetings for August 20th, 21st, 30th and September 3rd were read and approved. BILLS AND COMMUNICATIONS: A voucher presented by Dobyns and DeFreece in the amount of $56.25, covering repair and cleaning work at the city hall was read and ordered paid.. motion made by Nelson seconded by Larson that the bill be paid, motion carried by roll call vote of seven -(7). PAINTING AT PUMP HOUSE: A letter was read from Dobyns & DeFreece submitting a price on painting at the pump house, which in total was $125.50, motion made by Beck seconded by Diemond to accept bid on painting at by Dobyns & DeFreece, motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). i iSEWER CONNECTION TO NAVY SEWER LINE: A letter was read from J.F. Wegforth, Commander 13th Naval District in answer to a request for additional connections to the navy sewer on Hanry and Arthur 1, L239 PASCO, WASHINGTON REGULAR_ MEETING,_ CONTINUED COMMI_TTEE ROOM SEPT.EMBER_1',_1946 streets, more specific information as to where connections are to be made is needed before a permit can be prepared, motion made by Beck that the water .and sewer committee be authorized to szire some one to make a drawing in } answer to letter of September 6, 1946, motion withdrawn, motion made by Beck that the Mayor and City Clerk write the Commander of the 13th Naval District requesting a deed to the Pasco Naval Air Station sewer line within the city limits in consideration for permission to dump raw sewage into the city system; also if the Naval Air Station becomes active again the Mase is to use their sewage disposal plant. The naval air base would be relieved of all responsibility of maintaining their sewer lines within the city limits of Pasco, motion seconded by Rodkey, carried so ordered. EASEMENT DEED -CEMETERY CORNER, LITTLE PASCO: An easement deed to the government by the city for a right-of-way through the cemetery corner was read, motion made by Nelson seconded by. Beck that the Mayor clerk be authorized to sign easement deed, motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES: ~ HUTMENTS SYLVESTER PARK Rev. Austin of the Inland Gospel desires to use the ` hutments twice on Sundays until such time as they can build. The women of the Moose Order and other orgAnitations also wish to use hutments, committee to report to the Mayor Wednesday. Mr. Booth asked for Recreation Hall all school days fro m 10:50 to 11:.50 o'clock and 2:34 to 3:30 o'clock, five days a week. A $35.00 per month charge was recommended, motion made by Wallis seconded by Diemond that. the J�ecommendation of the committee to rent the redreation hall to the school, five days a geek be.accepted, this is open for readjustment, motion carried so ordered. They agree to relin uish any time when building is needed for other purposes... At this time the recreation budget was reviewed. Mr. Geo. W. Smith will take care of the recreation building, 'Volunteer -park, and hutments; J.P. Green leaving the employee of the city September 23, 1946. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES: RESOLUTION NO. 266: WHEREAS, This city council of the City of Pasco, Washington and the Mayor hereto- fore have duly taken action to"employ the firm of Graves, Kizer & Graves, Spokane, Washington, for $ special attorney in connection with the proposed general obligation bond issue for water filtration palntKpurposes; motion made by Beck seconded by Rodkey-that Resolution No. 26-6 he adopted, motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). RESOLUTION NO. 267: Submitting propos(.iti:)n to voters of General Obligation Bond issue for filtration plant construction as provided by Ordinance 579, motion made by Diemond seconded by Rodkey to accept the Resolution, motion carried by roll call vote of seven (7). ORDINANCE NO. 57.9: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTIU-N A ND.INSTALLATION OF A WATER FILTRATION PLANT AND FACILITIES BY.AND FOR T HE CITY OF PASCO, BEING AN ADDITION TO THEE EXISTING MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEM OF SAID CITY, THE COMPLETED WORKS OF ,iVHICH SHALL BE O. LINED, CONTROLLED AND OPERATED BY SAID CITY., THE FOREGOING ACQUISITION, CO NSTRUCTION.AND INSTALLATION BEING EXPRESSLY SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF PASCO AT A SPECIAL ELECTION HEREIN ii PROVIDED FOR: SETTING FORTH,_ PRESCRIBING AND DETAILING THE PLAN OF SAID WATER FILTRATION PLANT AND FACILITIES: PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF AN ISSUANCE OF THE GENERAL OBLIGATION NEGOTIABLE SERIAL'COUPON BONDS OF THE CITY OF PASCO IN THE TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF 132,000.00, THEREBY INCURRING A MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS IN THAT AMOUNT, IN ORDER TO PAY SO MUCH OF THE COST OF SAID COMPLETED WORKS: AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS AND THE INTEREST THEREOF BY APPROXIMATELY EQUAL ANNUAL TAX LEVIES, SUCH ANNUAL LEVIES TO BE IN EXCESS OF !, THE TAX LEVY LIMITATION UPON TAXABLE PROPERTY IN WASHINGTON CITIES EXPRESSED INT HE WASHINGTON STATUTE AND WASHINGTON CONSTITUTION: STATING THE TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF SAID WORKS: STATING OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS OF MONEYS FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE TOTAL COST THEREOF BY THE CITY OF PASCO AND BY THE STATE OF r WASHINGTON: DECLARING THE TIME SAID BONDS SHALL RUN, THE APPROXIMATE LIFE OF SAID WORKS, THE NATURE AND DETAILS,OP SAID BOND ISSUE,- THE MAXIMUM RATE OF INTEREST WHICH SAID BONDS SHALL BEAR, AND THEIR MODE AND TIMES OF PAYMENT: PROVIDING THAT THE PROPOSITION OF THE'FOREGOING PLAN, THE MODE OF PAYMENT THEREOF AND THE LEVYING OF SAID EXCESS ANNUAL TAXES ABOVE PROVIDED FOR SHALL BE SUBMITTED .TO A SPECIAL ELECTION HELD WITHIN THE CITY OF PASCO IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE GENERAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 5TH, 194.6., WHICH SHALL BE NOTICED.AND HELD AS PROVIDED HEREIN AND BY STATUTE: PROVIDING THE "BALLOT TITLE" INCORPORATING THE PROPOSITION.THUS TO BE SUBMITTED AT SAID ELECTION: LIMITING THE USE OF THE MONEY PROCEEDS -OF THE SALE OF SAID BONDS SOLELY.TO THE FILTRATION PLANT PURPOSE: REQUIRING THE DIMINUTION OF THE USE OF BOND PROCEEDS TO BE USED IN THE EVENT OF THE RECEIPT OF OTHER FUNDS FROM OTHER SOURCES IN LIEU THEREOF: DECLARING THE LEGAL STATUS OF THE INDEBTEDNESS WHICH SHALL BE INCURRED BY SAID BOND ISSUE: PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE,,AND THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF SAID ELECTION. 1240 PASCO, WASHINGTON REGULA R,MEET ING_CONTI N.UED C OMMI TT__EE_R0 0M SE P.TEMBER_1.7__,=1=946 WHEREAS, it is immediately vital to the health of the inhabitants of the City of Pasco that the municipal water supply of said city be purified by fil- tration and other treatment; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That, subject to the approval by the qualified electors of Pasco of the proposition hereinafter described at a -special election herein- after ordered, there scull be_acquired, constructed, and installed, or caused to be constructed and installed, by the City of Pasco, a municipal water fil- tration plant and facilities, the works of which, upon such acquisition, con- struction, and installation, shall be owned, operated, and controlled by the City of Pasco; which shall consist of the following as'additions to, and connected with, the municipally owned water system of Pasco, vig.: A water filtration plant for the treatment and purification of Columbia River water, consisting of mixing, settling and storage basins, filters, accessories and piping, pumps, controls, and a building to house the same. The plant will be located on property now owned by the City of casco in Blocks 6 and 10, Riverside Addition, in the City of Pasco. The water filtration plant will include the necessary structures, chemical dosing equipment, mixing machines, flocculator, filters, collecting pipes, y auxiliary equipment for wagsing and mechanical control, equipment for applying chlorine and ammonia, a clear water well, and high service pumps to deliver the filtered water into the existing distribution system, all of which will provide for removal of most of the sediment and impurities of raw -water by chemical dosing, mixing, flocculation, coagulation and settling, for filtration of.the water and for application.of chlorine and ammonia to remove all possible chance for contamination, for storage of the water in a clear water well (covered reservoir) until delivered to the existing distribution system, and for pumping the water from the clear water well into the existing distribution system. The water filtration plant will have a capacity of approximately six million gallons per day, and will be of such design as to permit, with addition- al filters, future increase of capacity. The existing pumping plant will be modified and adapted in structure and equipment as necessary to provide for pumping raw water from the Columbia River against a low head to the water filtration plant located -in said River- side Addition and, if practicable, to permit the transfer of one or more of the high head pumps from the existing pumping plant to the filtration plant for use in high service pumping of filtered water from the clear water well of the J filtration plant into the existing distribution system. Pipe lines will be laid to connect the filtration plant with existing pipe lines so that raw water from.the.existing 18 inch trunk lines can be carried to the filtration plant and so that filtered water can be delivered from the clear water well of the filtration plant to the existing distribution system. Said connections will be made appoints near to the intersection of 12th;; (Chelan) Street and Wiest "B" Street in said city, said intersectionbeing adjacent to said property owned by the City of Pasco and on which the filtration plant will -be constructed; __.. n o 1*.JcUr to and in order to pay so much of the cost to the City.of Pasco o£.the foregoing plan, which is for, and shall include, capital purposes only, the City of Pasco shall sell and issue its general obligation negotiable serial coupon bonds in the principal amount of $132,000.00 and provide for the payment of the bond principal and approximately equal annual tax levies in excess of the tax levy limitation upon Washington cities expressed in the Statute and Constitution of the State of Washington. Section 2. The cost of said water filtration plant and facilities to all sources, according to the estimate of this city council, will be $300,000.00, of which aggregate estimated amount the sum of $58,372.26 has been allocated to the City of Pasco by the State of Washington in aid of the foregoing proposed work, which amount thus allocated will be transferred by the State of 'Washington to the Gity of Pasco when the proposition expressed by this ordinance shall have been adopted by the people of Pasco at the election hereinafter required, and upon the agreement of the City of Pasco to use said sum of $58,372.26 in furthering the foregoing purposes expressed in Section 1 hereof. This city, by its cit council, has heretofore agreed and does hereby agree to use said sum of 1 58,372.26 for the furthering and accomplishment of the foregoing pur- poses expressed in Section 1 hereof, together also with the proceeds of the bond issue of 1p132,000.00 proposed hereby. The City of Vasco shall also contribute $109,627.74 out of its available funds and out of funds made available by the issuance of revenue bonds, otherwise authorized, to the accomplishment of the foregoing project. Section 3. The proposed bond issue of $132,000:00 shall run for a period of twenty (20) years from date of issue thereof, which period of twenty (20) years, it has been and is determined by this city council, is (in view of the controlling law and all .other material circumstances) as nearly equivalent, as is possible or practicable, to the life of said improvements and works, which life is found and stated by this city council to be approximately twenty years. Sec,yion 4. Said proposed bond issue -of $132,000.00 shall consist of 132 bonds of the denomination. of $1,000.00 each, numbered from One (1) to One Hundred Thirty -Two (132), both inclusi:ve, serial in form -and shall run, as provided hereinbefore, for twenty (20) years after date hereof, shall bear I♦ 1241 PASCO, 611ASHINGTON ONTI interest (which shall be evidenced by interest coupons attached to each bond) payable semi-annually after date of said bonds at a rate, or rates, whether singly or wholly, of not in excess of three per centum (3/) per annum; and said bonds shall mature and be payable serially and annually within said period of twenty Q20) years in their numerical order, commending at the end of the second year after date of sLl d bonds, and thereafter, annually, in such annual amounts, as nearly a pracicable, until and.including to tho end of the said twentieth year afterildate, as will., together with interest on all of said bonds at any time outstanding and unpaid, be met by approximately equal annual tax levies for the payment thereof; each of which annual tax levies may, and if necessary in any year, shall, be in excess of any statutory or constitutional limitations. The officials now or hereafter charged by law with the.duty at any time of levying taxes for the payment. of said bonds and interest thereon, shall, in the manner provided by law, make annual, levies upon al.l._of the taxable property within said city sufficient amount to meet the annual payments of bond principal and the semi-annual.payments.of .interest on said bonds accruing and maturing as above provided, as provided by existing law, and having always in mind the power and authority of the city to have levied said "excess tax levies," accoring to the result of the special election herein ordered. Section 5. The foregoing proposition of the issuance of said bonds for the boregoing inclusive purpose and of making payment of said bonds and interest thereon by said "excess levies" for the foregoing purpose, shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the City of Pasco for their approval and ratification or rejection at a special election within said -city which is hereby called and ordered to be held within said city on Tuesday, November 5th, 1946, in conjunction with the general election to be held on said date; and the clerk of this city council, the City Clerk.of I'asco, Washington, is hereby,required forthwith to certify to the Election Board of Franklin County, Washington, the proposition which is to be submitted at said election in the form of a "ballot title," together with the. request of the city council that the Election.Board of Franklin County, Washington, shall also call said special election and do and cause to be done all further things necessary to the holding and conduct of said election, placing said ballot title, as hereinafter set forth, upon the official ballots for said election, and in all other respects to do and act as required by law. Section 6. The proposition thus to be submitted`1to the qualified voters of Pasco shall be the "Ballot Title" which will be placed upon each of the official ballots for said election in substantially the followitg form: PROPOSITION "SHALL THE CITY OF PASCO CONSTRUCT A WATER FILA TRATION PLANT AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $300,000.00, AND FOR THAT CAPITAL PURPOSE ONLY BECOME INDEBTED AND ISSUE GENERAL OBLIGATION NEGOTIABLE SERIAL COUPON BONDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $132,000.00 TO BEAR INTEREST NOT EXCEEDING THREE PER CENTL11 (3%) PER ANNUM AND TO BE PAID IN FULL IN TWENTY (20) YEARS, WITH PRINCIPAL MATURITIES PAYABLE COMMENCING AT THE END OF THE SECOND YEAR AFTER DATE OF SAID BONDS AND THEREAFTER ANNUALLY AT THE END OF EACH FURTHER YEAR, TO THE END OF THE TWENTIETH YEAR, AND MEET AND PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREOF BY APPROXIMATELY EQUAL ANNUAL TAX LEVIES IN EXCESS OF ANY STATUTORY AND CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS, ALL AS PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 579 ?" YES NO The Notices of said election, and the official Ballots thereat, shall include substantially the foregoing Ballot Title and sufficient additional explanatory language to explain fully the foregoing Proposition, together with broler instructions to the voters, in order -to enable the voters favoring the said Proposition, and those opposed thereto, to vote "YES" and "NO" thereon, respectively. , Section 7. The money proceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the cost of the construction and installation of said water filtration plant and facilities and other purpose. Section 8. It is the intention of this city council,,in the event any additional funds are made available to the city for the foregoing purpose by the United States Government, or any agency thereof, or by any other source, to be used for the construction or installation of -the foregoing water filtration facilities as described in this ordinance, to accept and to use such additional funds, and in the event that such additional funds are thus accepted and used by this city, the amount of said bond proceeds to be used in aid of the construction and installation of the foregoing project will be reduced accordingly. Section 9. The total indebte..dness incurred hereunder shall, as far as the percentages thereof shall permit or require, be a part of that indebtedness which, with the assent of the voters, may be incurred for supplying such city with an improved water system under the Constitution and Laws of the State of Washington, in excess of five per centum and up to ten per centum of the assessed value.of the taxable such city. Any part of such indebtedness which may not be incurred within such limits shall constitute a part of that indebtedness which, with the assent of the voters, may be incurred for general municipal purposes in excess of one and one-half per centum and up to five -per centum of the assessed value of the taxable property in said city. S Section 10. In addition to the Notice of Election published by the 4 Franklin County Election Board this ordinance shall be printed in full in the I ff. 1242 PASCO, WASHINGTON RE GU LAR=MEETING�CONTINUEDCQMMIT:T-EE ROOM SEPTEMBER, 117; 1946 "Pasco rierald," a newspaper published in said city, within the period of time with- in which said Notice of Election is required by law to be published. Section 11. This ordinance upon its passage and approval, shall be published once in the "Pasco'Herald," a newspaper published in said city, and shall be in full force and effect at the expiration of five days from and after the date of such publication. Fred Huber Mayor Attest: Adah M. Perry City Clerk Ordinance Introduced: September 3, 1946 Ordinance Given its First Reading: September 3, 1946 Ordinance Given its Second Reading: September 17 , 1946 Ordinance given its Third Reading: September 17 , 1946 Ordinance Passed by City Council and Approved by Mayor: September 170 1946 The foregoing Ordinance approved as to form before passage: D.W. Zent , City Attorney, September 10th , 1946 Motion made by Rodkey seconded by Diemondthat Ordinance No. 579 be given the second reading, motion carried. Motion made by Beck seconded by Rodkey that Ordinance No. 579 has been given the second reading, motion carried, motion made by Beck seconded by Rodkey that Ordinance No: 579 be given the third reading, motion carried,, motion made by Rodkey seconded by Nelson .that Ordinance No. 579 has been given the third reading in full, motion carried-. Motion made by Beck seconded by Casey that Ordinance No. 579 be adopted; Following a roll call vote: John Beck AYE - Karl W. Casey AYE Chas. Diemond AYE R.J. Larson AYE Walter A. Nelson AYE D.F.-Rodkey AYE ` C.R. Wallis AYE Motion carried by a roll call vote of seven (7). NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION: was read. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF PASCO, FOR AUTHORIZATION OF WATER FILTRATION PLANT AND $132,000.00 BUND ISSUE AND EXCESS TAX LEVIES, SAID SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 5, 1946, IN CONJUNCTION WITH GENERAL ELECTION ON SAID DAY. DUNN BUILDING @URELI�A SYLVESTER: ` Mr. C.E. Dunn is building a house on the corner of IT1, iia Sylvester to close to the city property line, it is estimated that the house sets back six or eight feet instead of twenty feet; City Attorney to notify Mr. Dunn to have property surveyed and comply with city ordinance, motion made by Rodkey that the City Attorney notify Mr. Dunn to have property surveyed and report findings to the council with sketch showing location of building, motion seconded by Diemond, carried so ordered. ADJOURNMENT: Motion made by Beck seconded,by Diemond that -the meeting recess to Friday, September 20, 1946, seven o'clock P.M. to consider the budget and unfinished business, motion carried. C I 4- �7 R2ay r Attest: /_� /,�7 Z(�::) City Clerk Passed and approved this_ day of (,'', 1946. I 6