HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-13-1940 Minutes-- - -- -- - - -- - - - - - -- 4 79_ , '71G • �.� PASCO, i7ASHINGTOId ) Ab JOU lI D L:LETIII-G COUNCIL 30011 JUIE, 13, 19 REGULAR 11EETING COIu13TTEE ROOM JUIIE P0, 1940. C_LLI TO 01;DER: CALL TO ORDER: Meeting call:l to order at eight thirty oclock; Honorable Mayor Raymond Hicks Meetin&vas called to order at eight thirty P.M. by Honorable IInyor Pro.Tem. presiding. I U. E. Burns. ROLL CALL: ROLL CALL By Clerk, Councilmen present were Burns, Downey, Lindorman an Phillips. Absent By Clerk, Councilmen present were Burns. Linderman, Phillips and i`[estby{ Ab4ent were McDonnell,. Parteh and ;[Estby. wereC. V. Downey, 11. J. 1.1cDonnell and Art Parteh. Ri:ADI1JG 01 THE MINUSES OF TIIL P:iEVIOUS ja:ETIIIG: The City Attorney, C."11c; O'Brien4. Ater IianAger D. I7. McGhee and Earle Sample war Minutes of ;he previous meeting .,e_ rand and approved as read. also present. BILLS :1iD COi7,IUIIICATIOiIS: READING OF TH', I.21UTES: Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. A letter rias read from ;iarden Fnnn expressing the desire to purchasa Block "D" Pettit's Additign to Pasco, after Shoshone Straet has been graded through or staked out. BILLS AND COIIMUNICATIOIIS: In answer to abgve a 110tion r:as made by Phillips that the Council had decided to accept A letter was read from H. I7. Grinnell in regard to water used by Lew CQpple on a prior offer for property discribed as follows; Block "D" of Petti'ts Addition to Pasco his parking strip. No action taken. Washington; less a strip forty feet (401) in eiidth along the Brest boundry of block "D:4 and 14Cs - -trim aiehty feet (80') in width, forty feet (40') eoch side of center line ol REPORTS FROIr1 OF_-ICERS: Shoshone Street produced east through block "D" from O'Seef's Second Addition, and exten i Winter Manager D.W.McGhee's monthly water Report was read,City Clerk Adah Perry from the :nest bondary of block "D" to the east bondary of block "D". intersecting Tenth A e presented a monthly Budget Report to the IIayor and each councilman. Motion seconded•by LindPrmnn, carrie.l so ordered. Building Inspector A.M.Haylett's Building Permit Report was read. The ^,'.P.A. Project Financial Status Report for May was reviewed. UNFINISHED BUSIidESS: City Treasure I,1ary H. Hee eports,..sufficient monies in the Bond retirement fund to retire six Grade Separation Bondj-:otion made by Linderman so onded by-Phillips STREET. OILING: to take up Six Grade Separation Bonds at this time as designated by City Treasure Ha.ro Blan on and the Council discussed further the oiling of Citv Streets, thF :notion carried by Boll. Call Vote of four. force account method was agreed upon and a motion made by Downev that the street oiling program be carri?d out as outlined by H-rola Blanton, Metion seconded by Barns- c-rriad so UITFINISHED BUSINESS ordered. r` A discrssion in regard to road. Alley end number changes at the cemetery TRUTGI_iiTS 0.1 TACOS:1 AVL'. eras disc seed C.E.O'Brien of the opinion that blocks four and five should be The il r?neiepro em on Tacom- AV-. eras again discussed with no Action taken. sure e7ed and blue prints made showing changes up to date, no action taken. Relative to a typewriter for the City Treasure's Office, after a short Nin BU.SIi SS: explanation by City Treasure Purchssing Agent and Assistant, 1.10 ti on made by Linderman to purchase Typewriter for City Treasure from The Pasco Herald in the amount of 75.99 payable out of the 1941 Budget carrying no Interest 'lotion HOU63 IIUi.IB ZING: seconded by Westby Carried by Roll Call Vote of four. Mr. Linderman suggests Harol .Blau on spok to the Council in regard to Streat numbers for buildings that the Police Dept. pay part of the ;75.99 account, for the old Typewriter they and dwellings. Motion made by Downev that the Citv Engineer, Cit:,T Attorney and I'1"ter received from tl.a City Traasire Office. Mana,�ei lake an amendment to Ordinance number 195. to correct the present house nnmberirg system; Motion seconded by Linderman, carried so ordered. ADJOUii.v'r::r.IdT:--., ,_,notion -rancid-by Burns seconded by Phillips that the-Meatiiig- eel-Journ to next DRIVEWAY PEMU TS: Ttivo riveway permits wore issued. One to Harry DePSuth to cut a driveway acro s egnlar moa ting night July 4th 1940 eight o'clock P.Li. the sidewalk creating an enterence into his new building on ;[Est Lewis Street in front o lots twenty nine (99) and thirty (30) Block seventeen (17) Gerry's Addition to P:see, Ila h And one to the Shell Oil Company, raaking a driveway across the Elide walk on No Third Street, west side of lot eight (8) block twenty threw (93) Northern Pacific Plat t the City of Pasco. MAYOR PRO TEM MISCELLAI,EOUS : Mr. L. N. Goodell spoke to the Council in regard to the noise made by the Drum Bugle Corp. practicing at the High School. Mayor Hicks to contact Dr. R. R. Glenn, in a. effort to correct the existing annogance. ^ /% ADJOURNMUT : Motion made by Burns and seconded by Linderman to adjourn until next regular ATTi a L�% fleeting night June 20, 1940, eight oclock P. M. CITY CLE=iN I'Ia4orPro Tem i ETTEST: Pnssed and approved this // day of 1940. city Clore pAssed and approved this p day of 1940. 1c� CITY CLLRK ASC c GT N. Ci y F — �GULA2 '.:IEETIi1G _ _ _ _ _ _ _COIrIIIITTEr;_ROOM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _JULY 4,_1940 No Quorum being present, i7. E. Burns adjourned the mectirg until Thursday July lith 1940, eight oclock P. H. Mayor Pro. Tera. ATTE6T: City Cl�:rc Passed and approved this J/ day of 19=i0. City C1-rk. A