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04-04-1940 Minutes
706 )0 PASCO, 7ASHING10N CALL TO ORDER: Meeting calle,i to order at 9:30 P.L. Honorable Mayor Hicks presiding. _TOLL CALL: By City Clerk, Councilman present „ere burns, Downey, Linderman and Pao Do Absent were Pangle, Partch and ;testby. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MELTING: Minutes of the previous meeting -mere read and atpr5ved as read. BILLS Ai4D CO1.11nNICA1ION5: CHA:iLoE 1. -,AY'S BILL •,^$16.00 SE ;VICES RLNDE=,ED TO JIM KNOl7LTON A bill against the City in favor of Dr. C. 'd. May, for services rendered to Jim Knowlton, for injuries received during the Hotel Pasco Fire, December 19, 1 vas again given consideration. Motion made by McDonnell to pay this claim. Motion seconded by Linderman carried by poll call vote of r'our. C. M. O'Brien to draw up a release for Jim Knowlton to sign, releasing the City from all fust claim in connection with this injury. WASHINGTON tITIES ACKN0:iL3DGE ECEIPT OF FEE A letter ,as read from the Association of Wa;:hington Cities, acknowledging receipt of 1940 Service r'ees of ,,x100.00 _:EPO -TS r'ROI,i COI,NIIT'i'EES: S'PA'TE VOLUNTEER INSua_.NCE ORDI14ai]CE: C. M. O'Brien reports hiving compiled an ordinance prepnritory in adopting Str_te insurance to cover Volunteer:'FireMen to go into effect in 1941. S%,R. ; ;l_;DsP4 DESIc, o TO PU=iCHA,3E A 50' LOT if 5 iN BLOCK T 14 IN N. P. PLOT: The committee heporst, lots in this detrict betv,,e-!n 3rd and 2nd on Bonneville are elling ss low as 050.00 and recommend that Par. harden be given the opportunity to purchase this lot fro the sum of y100.00. Aft r a short dis- cussion, yowney made a motion that the lot be advertised for Bids, the minimun price to be 0100.00. Notion seconded by McDonnell, carried so ordered. EASEIIEXT ACROSS II. P. TRACKS © 9th _SND uPELING i;OLULIBIA BET,;EEN 9th SND lOtl was considered, but no action taken. Opening nopkins St. through a triangle to Shoeshone was dnscussed and notion made by iacDonnell that city Attorney investil the exten:-ion of nopkins to Shoshone. !lotion soco ded by Do,.ney carri•d so ordered. Also tD request County Commissioners to aithdra.w Sale of lots in Blocks D Pettit's Ad!ition. -;BLUE COLLECTION: A Garbage collecting system and ordinance was disenssed at length. relating to vinancing and managing as a separate Department or -in connection ..ith the ;later Dep=rt:ent. Pao action taken. D. "r. McDhee advises there are 1100 avatar users. A W collection rate was fiqured f-•om one an;,le. Continued services of i,ir. and Tars. ring was also considered. ivo action taken. REPORTS r'30M OFFICE -.S: The City Clerk presented th.� monthly budget report. Also reports business and rin Ball iaachine licenses received to date amounts to 2,728.25. iiESOLUTIONS: T_Ubliric i ILiE n'OR 1940: Lioticn made by i,icDonnell t, accept a resolution presented by the Director of highways to paint a traffic line on State nighway aoutes `3 -end 11 within the corporatz;n limits of the city of easeo. i.:otion seconded by Linderman efIr'ried so ordered. UI'iVIDISri-D _i;SI_.s5S: UEANGING CEMETEEY LOTS: in regard to cemetery lots in the K. P. plot, having been used for other.than K. P. burials. After due consider: tion iadtion made by Downey and seconded by ricDonnell that lots in Block four be deeded to K. of v. Lodge F;60 in place of tho,:e used in the original K. e. plot. Block 3 in Equal number to those used for burials other than K. v. members in Block 3. SEXTON i'U_._:: iN ;'36.00 1'Oa i,,AKIiW LARKEiS: i/ir. ,;ample turnsiin :;36.00 for markers he had made for Eltoni::, and ask permission to use this amount for labor. it ass unaminously agreed by the uoun<il that lar. Sample pnrchrse a set of dies, wrenches and vice for thre=ding and rethreading pipe and also employ labor for ueneral .fork. OILInU Or' UlrlcS rtEE'ib: wiling of cit;- Streets and aidening the present oiling strips on 3rd was discussed, no action taken. rU:i h .:.iiiu F LOTS ON rv�_i 1'iiA..i DE1';;EEN 8th and 9th: i'he Eagles Lodge had a member present to c,nsult the i.;ayor and Council in regard to purchasing two lots on 9th at _;fiver ::treat. lotion xde by mcDonnell thnt the city .lot di of these two lots located at '.th and _river Street between 8th and 9th at this time. lotion seconded by burns. _fter due consideration, motion was with_ dra'.,n, i,o further action ta'cn. Exchange riling Cabinet for .,dding machine. rhe City clerk asked permissio of the city council to exchange a filing cabinet phrchased from ii_s. C. Larson at a. figure of ,_15.00 for used adding it=chine sel"ing for 52,.Pr as an even exchcn�e. 'rhe permis,.ion'was granted Ly unaninious conm,ent, .,otion made by ,owney and seconded Uy ini>rrian tha'G the m„e i,g ai. ril 1 ;;e Allll'bdaY crcii :';elle ' -,u O'Clcok P. I:I. 1940. zz Q � I,tay Attest: City Clerk" r �cF Passed and approved t s__,�_day of 1940 70'7 PASCO WASHINGTON :EGULAR MEETING COIZUTTEE ROOM APRIL 4;i 1940 t4ii r LLL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 8;30 P.M. Honorable Mayor Hicks presiding. )LL CALL: By City Clerk Councilmen present were Burns, Downey, Linderman and 'westby; Absent were TlcDonnell, Pangle and Partch. NUTES: Of the previous meeting were read an approvedas read. .LLS & CO1XUNICATIOi4S: I' A letter from tree Town Clerk of Oakesdale, R. W. Clark was read advising the City of Pasco that the Water Bonds previously offered for sale, had been sold to a Spokane Bank. Aletter from the association of Washington Cities, reminding City Officials that the State wid a Convention will be held May 25 & 24th in Everett washington. BILLS: That all bills presented for payment by the City, having been signed by the Claims Committee and read to the Council, be paid notion made by linderman and seconded by Burns carried by Roll Call Vote of Four. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND WAR. NO. NAME PURPOSE ALIT. 15314 r. Chas W. May Services rendered J. Know - 1ton $16.00 15 !fury H. Mee Salary 125.00 16 '. _ .: Aaah Perry 75.00 17 C. 1:I. O'Brien " 60.00 18 A. M. Haylett ' 20.00 19 Dr. H. B. O'Brien " 15.00 20 R. Richardson " 15.00 21 Earl Sample " 100.00 '410.0 w 22 John P. Green " 100.00 23 R. F. Swain sharpening saws 18.00 24 J. L. Perry Labor 7.50 25 Archie Whitmire " 4.50 26 C. J. Dunn 5.00 27 Bill eaver 24.38 28 Bill Gardner " 16.25 29 Irvin Kau " 13.88 189.51 30 Alton Allman Janitor 30.00 31 Edna linbafger Librarian 90.00 32 Joseph Sample Laborer 24.00 33 Alf Buchanan Chief of Police 150.00 34 M. Cooney Petrolman 140.00 35 Paul Schlegel " 140.00 430.00 36 Ronald Henderson Asst. Fire Chief 5.00 37 Harry 7ellman Fireman 3.00 38 James Knowlton " 2.00 39 Paul Shelly " 2.00 15340 Larry Hathias " 5.00 41 Clark Jensen " 5.00 42 H. Parkison " 5.00 43 Wm. Todd " 4.00 44 Earl Ellis " 5o00 45 Roslyn Richardsoh " 5.00 41.00 46 State Treasurer Ind Ins & Med Aid. 6.12 47 Hughes $ Company Die Set, Sprinklers,Unions 37.03 48 Pasco Herald Co. I.Iagazines,Sup. Clerk& Trees. 49.17 49 Duck Inn Cafe Meals for Prisoners 12.25 15350 Commercial Linen Co. Towels for Fire Dept 8.37 51 Shaw & Borden CO. Cem. Record Binder & Sheets 31.63 52 VOID 53 VOID 54 White ose Service Station,Set Brake Bands Ref4ector & Labor Police car 9.12 55 The Pacific Telephone Cc Service 1.15 56 U. S. laundry Laundry for Sire Room 5.20 57 Pacific Power & Light Service 263.36 58 Junior Literary Guild. New Books 94.89 59 The Puget Sound News Company New Books 46.11 15360 The ''delles Publishing Cc " " .88 61 Gaylord Bros Inc. Book 1.1tce. 28.25 62 Flora Kalblan New Boos 1.53 63 Pasco Water Dept. Service Verious Depts 163.35 64 Paseo Electric Co. Service to Fire Siren 1.27 65 City Treasurer Stamps Check Exchange Ste 11.63 66 Richfield Oil Corp. Fuel Oil & Gasoline 125.01 67 Columbia Hardware Co. Installing Look & Mop 2.19 68 Pasco Hardware Co. Lamps 37.04 69 PascoUater Dept Pipe Fittings & Material 17.59 15370 Huston i:iotor Co. Battery Cable & Strap 1.22 71 J. M. Wayland Sawing 'flood 2.75 72 Joseph Sample Labor Cemetery 12.00 I 73 E. M. Brown 1 yard sand 1.53 i 74 Lowman & Hanford Co. Ring Binder Clerks office 2.35 Total._ _ _ _ 2,082.50 I Ir. 708 - - 709, I� PaSCO WASHINGTON PASCO WASHINGTON A I'lliG C 1 ' '� APRIL 4 1940. REGULAR MEETING CONTINUED COMMITTEE ROOM. APRIL 4, 1940. "IATEn i�,2ART!aNT OSE AMOUNT i1Hn 477i UNFINISHED BUSINESS:AR -man Laborer97 D. W. McGhee Salary 000 1 0. EXTENSION OF SHOSHONE STREET TEST: 98 H. v. Harris o 150.00 n regar o Council's requestat C. LI. O'Brien ask the County Commissio are 3799 0. H. Butterfield Salary to with draw lots now advertised for sale in block D Pettit's Addition to Pasco Was 3800 August Klundt 92.500 ington, for the purpose of extending Shoshone Street through this block; C. m. O'Bri n 1 Irvin Kau Pipe Replacement Labor 117.88 advises that the Commissioners have denied this request; Motion was then made by 2 Bill Weaver TV" "1013 Linderman that C, M. O'Brien bid property in, of take such other steps that are nee_ 3 Bill Gardner It TV " 80 80 essary to secure right of way for the extension of Shoshone through Block D. Motion 4 John Perry T IT " 86,00 .50 seconded by Downey and carried so ordered. 5 Tom Mathews TV A 86.2b 6 0. E. Hue " n 63.50, TO REPAIR ORNII+IENTAL LIGHTII4G SYSTEM: 7 Walter Funk h " " „ 64.00 A lengthy discussion withcols in regard to restoring the ornimental 8 Zollie Janes 12.00 lighting system; It was estimated that about 2500 feet of cable would be needed the 9 N. J. Provo Jr " TV„ 24.25 cost of which would figure around .x"410.00 Motion made by lir Downey recommending the 1,179.51 10 State Treasurer Ind Ins &.Med Aid 13.48 purchase of the cable and a few parts to start the work; Mr Goulet to obtain a pur_ 11 Pennsylvania Salt Mag. Co. Liquid Chlorine 40.50 chasing 02,16r;; Motion seconded by Linderman, carried so ordered. 12 Richfield Oil Company Gasoline 11.40 13 Pacific Pd& Light Co. power 404.87 NOTICE OF SALE OF CITY PROPERTY: Foundry 14 Atlas Foundry & Machine Co. Water Main Tee's and e City o Pasco will o e- or sale to the highest bidder Lot # 5 Block Hydrant Lugs 17.85 number 14 Northern Pacific Plat Pasco WAshington, for cash, all bids to be in writin 15 H. R. Hales Two Tire repairs1•00 and accompanied by a certified check for the amount of the bid the minimum price set 16 Wallace Tuernan Sales Corp. Solution 1.10 by the City to be ,$100.00. Bids will be received at the City Hall up to 8 oclock P.M 17 City Treasurer Freight8.10 April 18th 1940. 18 Neptune Meter Co Meters & Parts 128.10 The above sale authorized by the City Council was advertised by the City Clerk 19 Huston Motor Co. Glass for Door & Repair 13.51 in the local Paper April 12th 1940. 20 Hughes & gompany Pipe, Unions & Fittings 129.36 21 Hughes & Company Ledd Pipe 23.50 OXIING 3 88 1O0thMILES'OF'OITY STREETS: 9RHIG 2AUB/100tmile- 22 Pasco Machine Co. pipe material & Labor 34.26 o��3 s of city streets was considered, Motion made y 23 Paseo Hardware Co. Steel Tape, fuse plugs 4.90 Downey that appropriate Resolution be drafted to employ Harold Blanton as Engineer for 24 Myrt HastingsHauling Pipe trench side 16.00 drafting plans and supervising the construction and preparing the 1940 street project. Motion seconded by Linderman.Carri -d so ordered. 25 City Treasurer Myrt Hastings Water Bill 19.96 865.1j2 DJOURNMENT: CITY STREET DEPARTIENT Motion made by Linderman seconded by TEStby that the meeting adjourn unt next regular meeting April 18th 8 Oclock P.M. 1940. 567 I. N. Brickey SALARY 150.00 568 Pahl Savage " & St. Cleaner 92.00 569 Bill r" Laborer 14.50 570 Kennethth BrickeyZ^ " 24.50 - Mayor`s 571 James P" " 22.00 572 James King " Garbage Collector 5.00 308.00 ATTEST: 573 State Treasurer Ind Ins & Med Aid 3.19 574 H. R. Hales Tube & Repair 2.19y C 575 Huston Motor Co. Replacing SwitBh 5.46 576 Pasco AUto Co. Cable Alamite, fittings 1.02 577 Richfield 011 Cc Gasoline & oil 115.12 578 Wayne Rose Transmission 15.00 Passed and approved this day of ' 1940. 579 Pasco Electric Co. Light Control Unit Etc 56.60 580 Pacific Power & Light Underpass Lights 44.55 581 Pasco Hardware Co. Dynamite & lamps 24.44 267.57 Total . '7 City le r GRAIID TOTAL 4,702.69 R&PORT.,FROM COI,'IMITTEES: STREET SIGN PROJECT Street Committee reports more time necessary to work out Street Sign Project in con- junction with The Active Club. REPORTS FROI.i OFFICERS: City Clerk reports Business and Pin Ball License received to date amounts to 3,270.85. ,Water I:Ignagerc:D. W. McGhee's Monthly report was read. The City Treasurers monthly report was reed.:-- The W. P. A. Lonthly Reports on the park and street projects were read. INSTRUCTION AND READING OF ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: DEPARTU-.NT OF HIGHWAYS CITY BUDGER CONTROL REPORT: Motion ode by Linderman seconded by Downey to accept resolution adopting City Budget Control Report issued monthly by the Department of Highway District Engineer's Office, Motion carried so ordered. �\ A RESOLUTION TO SATISFY LIEN AGAINST P OPERTY O1 ED BY S. H. CHURCH. 1� On a motion duly made and seconded, the follo+ing resolution was duly adopted It appearing to the Mayor and City Council of Pasco that on the fourteenth day of April, 1908, there wasfiled in the office of the County Auditor of Franklin County Washington, a notice of lien against Lots 21 & 22, Block 11 in Gerry's Addition to Pa !n the sum of twenty_ two dollars and sixty cents (022.60) fob construction of a sidd walk, and it appearing that the records of the City of Pasco do not show any thing i regard to said assessment and the owner of said property claims the same has been pad and it further appearing that in any event said assessment is outlawed and whereas t of said property now offers to pay the sum of five dollars ('$5.00)in full satisfactio of said lien. Now therefore, be it resolved that the offer of said payment of five dollars accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Pasco be and they are hereby ant to satisfy said lien of record in the office of the County Auditor of Franklin County Washington, dated tgis � 4 day of April, 1940. signed by Councilmen M. J. Linde Cecil P Downey, W. E. Burne an A. 11. We-�tby. Motion made fig/ !110*neyr n seconded by 3til,ne4 carrie,l so ordered.