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HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-07-1939 Minutes690 PASCO, ;7ASHiIiGTOII CALL TO ORDER: i.:eeting called to order at 8:30 p.LL, iiayor Hicks presiding. uouncilman pre- sent were: Burns, Downey, Linder .an, &angle, and Uestby. Council absent were; McDonnell and &.ortch. READING OF ThE "IINUT_:3 OF THE PREVIOUS s.EETING: Minutes of the previous meeving were read and approved as read. BILLS AIiD =L?TUNICIiTIONS: Vouchers covering service at Pasco Hotel fire were rend and ordered paid, motion made by Linder:an and seconded by •,estby, carrying a ttoil ua.11 Vote of five They are as follovrs: Warrent ao. iaame ivo. Hours amount M44 iiobert Zile 15145 Eenneth Hales 4 hrs labor 0 75V an hr. 3.00 15146 ularence I'.iller 3 " 20 rain. 075¢ an hr. 2.50 15147 n. E. Delpsch 4 " labor 9 75C, an hr. 3.00 15149 ,im .Iartin 4 40 min. 0754 an hr. 3.50 15149 Herschel Parkinson 13 20 It It It It 10.00 15150 Gordon Towne 4 " 40 " " If if 4.50 r1 2.$6 A letter was read from ii. S. Stewart, 420 Lo.7th Street Pasco, placing an application as a State Licensed uivil Engineer, for uity Street & Sewer work. Letters from K. E. Erickson co. Lic. and The Fowler Uorp., quoting prices on Street Signs was read. riEPORTS FROI:I COMT,.JTT3ES: Street committee was given more time to bring in a report in regard to vacati E. River Street in Grays East Riverside addition. The Mayor directs Street and Alley Uommittee to get together on Garbage Collection. Ordinance data in possession of u. M. O'Brien encludes Ordinance etc. from dashington uities with a letter and suggestions from Mr. Iirs. J. A. King, Burns to call meeting. Harold nlanton to furnish description and locat on of property the committee is negotiating for with irrigation District. ,The Committee investigating the instal,^.tion of City lights at intersections in residential districts, given more time. The planning commission wishes to withdraw Ordinance -447 amending Ordinance #435. Liotion made by Pangle and seconded by burns that Ordinance `447 be layed on the ta.lbe, motion carrie,i so ordered. Water tianag,�r D. P1. ticGhee's monthly report was read. building inspectors iionthly report was read, showing: PrivctlGara15,900 ge--------------I---------------- e 100 Alterations & repairs --------1---------------- 900 Total Ir ITI = The Monthly Dudget Report was furnished by the Uity Clerk. INSTRUCTIONS & ;-1DIi,G uF ORDIVAUCES & :,ESOLUTIONS: h A Resolution filed by County Auditor E. F. Redd, coverning the replating of block 4-5-8-9 in Kurths addition was read. !.:otion made by ennge and seconded by Linderman that the zesoluti)n }e adopted. varried so ordered. NE'il BUSIIlESS: Harry Sandstedt asked p rmission of the uouncil to purchase a second hand mower for vol. P.rk from the ,Jestern GolffP I ply CO., Portland Oregon for 0250.00 with a new machine guarintee. N25.00 allov,ance on Dld machine for a Sulky, moti:ui :Wade by Pangle to fur.ish Park Committee with &urchasing order for this :achine, subject to inspectiDn a,.d approval. Seconded by Linderman, Carrie' so ordered. After a short discussion in regard to replacing imderpass lights and street lights. i,ioti:)n :ode by Downey that the Street Coim.iittee buy necessary equipment to replace street and underpass lights, motion seconded by Hu'rns, carried so ordered. YISCELLAiTEOUS: Mr. E. N. Hall, Engineer of Zone 2, Division of Operation Works Progress Administration, sakima, spoke to the uouncil in regard to reopening the Street Project in Pasco 13, 1940 with a crew of anproximr.tely 30 min. Uity to super, tend all jobs and sponsor 2877.. Mr. Eddie Nelson asked 4e the Uouncil%Permission to move i3M&W, hkOg owned by A. Sylvester, to another location in the s, .e zone. This structor was n t built to comely with fire regulations arid requirments therefore peruission to move or oc, was denied. ir. Haylettw=,notify A.Sylvester by letter to rei,ove t is structure from present zone. G. D. Hall, Engineer of sakima., presented a report on Purip 'Pests and operatin) data on the Uity Pumping Equipment. iao record of authority being granted for this service, and the report w -s given no consideration. ADJOL':iiJ-L4'ET : Pangle made rnotiDn to adjourn until next aeeulnr meeting anuary 4, 194 at 8:00 Pi and was deconded by ,;estby. Attst; Ci y ULr Passed and approved this k_day of d7peA,-;ier 190 Ci t y Cie r PA3CO3 .1.13iili u' uN CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at eight o'clock P.M. Mayor Hicks presiding. '_iLLL CALL: Councilmen present t;ere: Burns, Downey, Linderman, Pangle, and Weotby. CouncDlmen absent were: McDonnell and Partch. READING OF THE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS I2;,TING: Minutes of the previous meeting .ere read, corrected and approved as corrected. BILLS AND COLRIUNICATIONS: Bills against the City were read as £ollovis and approved for payment, motion made by Linderman that all bills be paid with the exception of two, one for the Potlatch yard Inc. for 19.30, and one for The General Petroleum Corp. of Cali. for •16.32. motion seconded by Burns and carried by Holl Call vote of Five. CUR --LENT EXPENSE FOR V:ti.IOUS DEPARTi:.rENTS 'rrar_ TSR_ ran ma Purpose Amount 15124 Denny Floral Co ........... Spray for Iar. Ulrick....... 5.10 25 Duck Inn Cafe.............1.1eals for Prisoners........ 22.75 26 Conoco Service Station .... Llotor Oil .................. 1.02 27 Pasco Herold Cc ........... Printing ................... 5.19 28 Edwin Allen Cc ............ New Books .................. 8.26 29 C. M. O'Brien.............Office Rent & Steno salary. 10.00 15130 Pacific Power & Light Co..Various Depts.............. 316.07 31 Standard Oil Cc ........... Gasoline ................... 29.12 32 Shell Oil Cc..............uiesol Oil................. 42.09 33 Union Oil Co. ..... " .. ............ 42.07 34 T he Ace Sporting Shop .... 1 box of shells............ 1.63 35 Standard Stations inc ..... Floor Dressing ............. 2.50 36 U. S. Laundry.. .. .....Laundry "Fire Rooms"....... 6.23 37 Jhite River Lumber Cc ..... Lumber & Windows. ... 25.82 39 Columbia Hardware uo...... solts,Hinges,Roofing,paint. 37.49 39 Potlach Yards Inc......... Ply -mood, lumber & nails... 19.72 15140 Pasco Hardware Co ......... Cello-glass,hinges,locks... 45.34 41 Pasco Watar Dept .......... Hyd. Rentals and Water..... 169:65 42 City Treasurer ............ Stamps and Check Ex........ 11.75 Total STRh7h:T DEPT. 514 Roy Krueger................7ork on grader 14 hrs 975�.� 10.50 515 Pasco Auto Co. ...........Fuel Pumps. ...... 2.30 516 Pasco Hardware Uo.......... tock fork, Shovel & sholder 7.14 517 Shell Oil Co... Preston (2? gal)... .... 6.65 519 White Rose Service Stat ion.Rings,gasket phone etc.... 7.00 519 Standard Oil Co...... ....Gasoline & oil/........ .. 45.92 520 Pacific Power & Light Co..Underpass Lights........... 45.97 X901.79 ,Total p125.48 . U-R",ENT EXPENSE PAY iiOLL 15102 WATER DEPT. .........& 3715 Standard Oil Cc.. ..Gasoline (39 gal.)......... 6.08 16 Pacific Power & Light Co..Pump Power ................. 411.74 17 White River Lumber Cc ..... Lumber Com ................. 1.21 19 Pennesylva Salt Mfg. Co...Liquid Chlorine............ 27.00 19 Hugh Purcell UO ........... Hyd. Valve Rubbers......... 2.30 3720 Neptune meter Cc .......... iaeasuring Chamber.......... 11.06 21 G. K. Mercier.. ...Anti Freeze ................ 2.50 22 Inland Pipe & Supply Cc ... Needle Valve ............... 2.68 23 Hogan Drug Cc.. ..........iuercury .... ..... .. 1.40 24 Pasco Machine Co .......... Pump, Hyd,, supply.. 13.92 25 Pasco Herold..............ilater Sheets.. ....... 40.80 26 City Treasurer ............ Envelopes & Freight........ 10.94 27 Pasco Hardware Uo......... 1 qt. Enamel .............. 2.25 ........ Total 4533.78 . U-R",ENT EXPENSE PAY iiOLL 15102 Mary H. Mee...............'Treasurer's Salary .........& 125.00 03 Earle Sample..............Sexton " ........ 100.00 04 Adah Perry................uity Clerk ........ 75.00 05 C. M. O'Brien.............Uity Attorney ........ 60.00 06 A. =.i. Haylett..... .......Police Judge " ........ 20.00 07 Dr. H. B. O'Brien ......... Health Officer" ......... 15.00 09 H. Richardson .............janitor..... It ......... 15.00 09 E. Hendeison..............Acting Fire chief......... 6.00 15110 void 11 Jim Knowlton ........... ..Fireman Salary......... 1.00 12 ri. Whitsett............... n ........ 2.00 13 ,i. Richardson .................... .Labor.. 3.00 14 ulark Jensen........,... " 6.75 15 L. Matthais............... " " ........ 3.90 6`x)1..' 69" PASCO, ';IAL11INGTON UURR-NT EXPENSE PAY ROLL cont. 'ii 1, liame Purpose Amount 5116 P. Par eson.............. blireman Salary .......... ,i 2�5. 6 17 Alf Buchanan ......... .Chief of Police Sal"ry... 145.00 19 Ia. Cooney................Patrolman " .. 129.20 19 Paul Schlagel............ " " ... 129.20 15120 Stcte Treasurer .......... ind. Ins. & Med.-id..... 9.44 21 Alton Allmon.............Janitor Salary.......... 35.00 22 Edna Linba.rger...........Librarian "... 95.00 23 John I: Green ............ Caretaker f vol. Park 100.00 p1, 064. .PPT. PAY ROLL 510 1. N. Brickey.............. treat Dept. Supt. Salary;p 140.00 11 Paul Savage..............Street Cleaner & Sewer La.. 65.00 12 James Ling...............uarbage Uolleetor........... 5.CO 13 St -rte Treasurer ........... ind. ins. & Med. aid....... 1.97 'TT. PAY ROLL 3709 D. W. McGhee......... .. ,,star :..anger ............:i 190.00 9 ti. V. Barris Meter Header. ........... 140.00 3710 U. H. Dutterfiei-d....... Pumper .................... 92.50 11 August iilundt........... Asst. Pumper Salary....... 92.50 1_ Elmo ainman.............Labor Salary.............. 33.25 13 Irvin Lou ............... It 25.00 14 state Treasurer ......... Ind. ins. w Med. .id...... 9.C9 4 211. $ 572 GILLS AIvD COLIIIUNICA'iIONS cont.: A voucher presented by ,,inifred uoodman in the o font of ;;11.25 covering services as ueputy Treasurer was discussed. The laayor rel^ting that the Treasurer does not have authority to hire a deputy. rxtra help and Deputy agonies so budgeted far are for emergency use only. impartment managers must obtain permission for extra hire. .Pasco Machine Uo.'s warrant in the amount of X474.91 with held last meeting for approval of pump quarintee and specification. These were read and discussed with Ir. Rodkey. he agreed that should it become necessary to decrease the impeller dimentions when the high water arrives the cost of so doing „ill be taken care of by The Pasco machine uo. with no cost to the uity. Approval nassed. Lata and curves on pump filled in water office. PETI'T'IONS & R1,'u:ONST-1U!;(;E6: Petition representing the replating of Lurths addition was returned for refiling account time having expired. u. T. .Kelley submitted a peition asking the uity to vacate East River Street in Dlock one hundred and one (101) of urays East Riverside Yddition to the uity of Pasco from the east line of Railroad _load Ave. Easterly to South r'ourth )4th) Ave. The Street uommittee are to envestigate tnd Report. =-EPORTS r'ROE COLLiI'1'i't 5: Light committee given r:ore time in connection with instaaling street lights at intersecti;ns. -The Seer survey uommittee granted more time to look further for City Sewer -laps and blue prints. Uity Treasurer's Report was presented and discussed. Water :Gana ->r ,,cGhee's deport was read. City Ulerk's Renorts business License received to date 0,097.25 INSTiiUCilOi: & _.:ai)ING Jr' ORDINAIIusS & rwSOLU'i'IONS: A Resolution where by the director of Highways will plow such snow and zaa& surface along the routes of Prinary State'-:ry Righaay '-3 and Primiry Ststed-ry high -ay irll within the corporate li_IIuL of the city of Pasco as may be necessary to provide uninturrnpted traffic along the fore going highc;ays. such maintenance not to exceed ,50.00. State -uditor is auti_orized and directed to reserve and credit to the Departcient of highways in payment for such smow plowing & sanding frD the motor vehicle fllund. urdina_ice=44$ introduced by the Planning uommission, requesting an ammendment to ordinance Jp435 was given its first reading. notion made by .uo::ney 2nd by ..estby. Carried so or'ered. clerk instructed to write ,..r. R. 0. Hall, chairman of the cppmnittee to attend in person or have one of the commission present at the next corincil meeting to explain the •urpose of the proposed cmondment be'o_ the afore said aramendagent will be given further attenti n. C. V. Downey to contact 71PA office in Yakima, for information r lative to Pasco Street project. uNFINISEED 3USINE66: The Council a ks u. 1I. O'Brien to check Ordinance Book for ordinance covering garb:ge :service, uollectinn method, gree etc. .bids or. ornamental St:•cet Li:-hts for :Gest St. were opened and read. ,estinn;House Electric Supply Co. of Seattle and Tinling & Po,;ell Inc. of, each Diding approximately tij2,000.00, this figure being entirely out of line with th<:t councilaanticipated expenditure. After Et shor discussion,.a motion was made by ..owney th.t rill aids be rejected. motion seconded by Linderman. Car,-ie6 Unanimious. 69:31'1." r� p�sao; -r..i;itacTota I' SuU1 MEETING cont. COUECIL CH.1LIBERS December 7, 19:9 _,..,DUoII1ESS: A letter to D. 'r7. McGhee from The Pennsylvania Salt Kfg. Co. was read in re_ Bard to renevaing Liquid Chlorine contract. Llotion'made by burns and se ended b� Downey. That their contract be renewed for the year 1940. Motion carrie so 2rfld re �Imp Dater Manager McGhee submitted date and figures in the amount of ;10.351..99 for' main replocement and labor for the years of 1940 and 1941. he is anxious is get this lined up, pipe ordered, and work started while the-noisture is in the proud. ,later Committee to make a study of t is situation and report. 9DJOURNLENT: Notion to adjourn until next regular meeting right December 7,1, 1939 at O'Clock P.M. was made by Tangle and seconded by Linderman. Attst: Ci ty C e r Passed and approved this ,t/ day of December 19-`9 v Llayor 1 y Clerk 40