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HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-20-1938 Minutesresponsible for the damage and report was c)ncurred in by ;Mirth; action to be taken up 1,.
Treasurer's report was passed around. Clerk reported license collections of ;$357.x,
making total for 1939 7194.50.
Clerk asked that $3470. be transferred from Current Expense to City S treat Fpnd
as it was owing to the latter and this was ordered done on motion madd by Haylett, seconded
by Christensen and carried.
Ordinance No. 435 on zoning the city was passed over as committee will study it flirt
+. P. A. Project covering 96,150 lin. ft. of concrete sidewalk and curb, costing a
total of ,208,600.20, of which the federal government would pay $142,604.00 and the city
$65,996.20, was brought up and motion was made by Haylett, seconded by Christensen and cerri
that the mayor and clerk be authorized to sign the project.
A W.P.A.project to take care of the swimming beach and improve parking lots will be
taken care of cit by tLe committee.
SIGNAL LINE TO TANK was discussed, there having only one bid been received and .that
from the Empire Electric Co., and motion was made by Wirth, seconded by LeRoux and carried,
that all bids be rejected and that the clerk be instructed to readvertise for bids to be
opened November 3td.
BRIEF OF POLICE SALARY FOR August when he was off account sickness was discussed
and Police Committee recommended that it be paid due to his long service and lengthXhours.
Motion made by LeRoux, seconded by Wirth and carried without dissent on roll call, //that the
council recommend to the Civil Service Commission, that the Chief of Police be paid his
regular salary for the month of August, in which month he was incapacitated. Roll call shoe
all voting for the motion, as the Ba$tder Commission was present and agreed to the council's
recommendation. 'v7ARRANT No. 14241 issued.
STEEL TANK & PIPE Co.'s bill for a balance due on tank of $5352.00 plus state sale
tax of $535.20, making a total of $5997.20, was discussed. Baar & Cunningham advised the
city that they had instructed the contractors to straighten certain lateral rods, adjust th
tension of other rods and bring leg members into alignment as well as touch up certain defer
in the painting; The contractors' men were on the ground and had done the necessary work
during the week according to the Dater Aanager. question of penalty discussed as tank was
completed on date specified but T. L. Hanning of the Tank Co. stated that delay was due to
waiting for necessary plans and jurisdictional disputes of labor, so that delay was beyond,
control. Clerk called attention that the balance due on tank could not be paid until advic
had been received from the State of 'Washington stating that all taxes and other claims of ti
state had been paid and city attorney agreed with her. Motion was then made by LeRoux,
seconded by Haylett, that the bill be paid when ttxtmx4taa ftyxdataxmtm &x the city clerk at
city attorney are satisfied that all taxes have been paid to the state and that there is no
lapel objection to issuing the warrant; roll call ordered and showed all voting for the mot
A request from the Church of Our Savior at 9th & Lewis that a 200 watt light instea
the present 100 watt be installed at that corner was referred to the Light Committee uponmotion made by Christensen, seconded by Wirth and carried.
The previous action in passing voucher covering the chief's salary was again OK'd
as the report of the Civil Service Commission was attached to voucher and motion was madeby
Christensen, seconded by Wirth and carried on roll call, that it be paid. ( ABOVE WART 14
The Pasco Herald submitted a bid on replacing three typewriters in various offices,
new ones to cost 0299.00 and 3 rebuilt machines $191.00 and this was filed for future use on
motion made by LeRoux, seconded by Wirth and carried.
Purchasing against was informall1instructed to purchase coal for heating the city
Haylett suggested that a BeCondl hand truck for w hich allowance was made in the 193
budget for use of the Cemetery be purchased now with the understanding that it will not be p
for until after the first of the year and council authorized him to go into the matter.
Motion was made by Christensen, seconded by Wirth and carried, that the Street Dep
be authorized to paint a laude across the street at the East side school for use of children
crossing it.
CLAIM OF J. H. PERnY FOR $60.00 damage to his property on W. Clark St. was now bro
up; Burns & Wirth held that the city was not responsible for the damage. Motion made by
LeRoux, seconded by O'Herin that the city pay the claim of 050.00 to J. H. Perry, but notion
declared out of order as report of committee had not been accepted. Motion then made by lei
seconded by O'Herin, that the report of the committee be rejected; roll call ordered and she
following: Roes, Burns, Christensen, Haylett and Wirth (4); Ayes LeRoux and O'Herin (2);
motion declared lost and report of majority of committee declared as accepted.
Brickey of Street Dept. asked regarding his salary for next year, stating that
he thought budget would allow him °1800., instead of the $1680.00 in the budget and suggests,
was made that while it was cut to 0140. per month it was the thought of some councilmen to lc
raise it to $150. per month but this hnd been overlooked. `
City Attorney O'Brien suggested that a committee be appointed to see about the Sul
brought against the city account the filtration plant, and that such committee be given pole,
act as additional help might be needed by him, due to his absence from the city. Motion mad
by Haylett, seconded by Wirth and carried, that the mayor appoint a committee to secure adds{
counsel to help in the injunction case. Carried unanimously and Burns, O'Herin and Haylett
were appointed on this committee.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion made by Haylett, seconded by Wirth and carried, that the
council adjourn until 9 PM, Oct. 13th.
J(/ r l ty 4fCew ` Mayor
C ty rrk
Passed and approved the oy Q day of Rady
City Clerk
October 13th, 1939.
No meeting held account lack of quorum.
Aegular Session _ October 20th, 1939.
ROLL CALL: CITY Council met in regular session with Mayor Hicks presiding and
llowing councilmen present on roll call: Burns, Christensen, Haylett and Wirth; absent
re LeRouxq O'Herin and Partch.
Bill from Pasco Dye Works, amount $221.56, covering uniforms for the Police Dept.
s read and ordered paid upon motion made by Haylett, seconded by Wirth and carried
trout dissent on roll call. (WARRANT No.14253)
STEEL TANK & PIPE CO. of Portland asked that the balance of their bill being
352. on the contract for new water tank, plus $535.20 fbr state sales tax, be paid and
d to a further discussion of whether the state tax was applicable to labor as well as
terial used in constructing the tank. It developed that tank should have been
mpleted June 29th, but was not actually completed until August 15th, or 38 days over the
me limit provided in their contract. Motion was made by Christensen, seconded by Haylett
d carried, that the contractor be penailized $15.00 per day for each day they were
er the specified date for completing the job. Haylett offered an amendment to the
re going motion that the city grant the contractor ten days extension but this was lost
r want of a second. It was then moved by Christensen, seconded by Wirth and carried
at all papers and the contract be turned over to the city attorney in order that he
ald get the matter into shape.
Communication read from Dr. C. ,i. May making application for the position of
ty health officer when term of present one expired and this was ordered filed upon
tion made by Haylett, seconded by Christensen.
VACATION OF ALLEY in BLOCK 24, Riverside Addition for Anna Beck, came before the
nil in the form if a petition submitted by this party and motion was made by Christensen
nded by Wirth and carried that the matter be referred to the Street Committee for
stigation and report.
Water Dept. reported net profit of $927.26 for the previous month and report
ordered filed.
Zhe )i'ACANCY EXISTING ON THE PARK BOARD, was filled by the appointment of M. R.
Denney to fill the vacancy, Mayor Hicks announcing the appointment to the council.
Repairs to the grader were discussed and it was informally agreed that a front end
unit would be secured from the Burroughs Co. of Yakima, who would install it complete
for $695. zKd
,as made by Christensen, seconded by Haylett and carried that Ordinance No. 435 be declared
to have had its first reading.
Motion made by Haylett, seconded by Christensen, that Ordinance No. 435 be given
Its second reading byl,title only; motion carried and ordinance was read by title.
potion made by Haylett, seconded by Christensen and carried, that ordinance be declared
to have had its second reading.
Light at 10th & Bonneveille discussed and motion was made by Wirth, seconded by
;hristensen and carried, that the matter be referred to the Light Committee with power to ac .
,y Haylett, seconded by Wirth ands carried that the matter be referred back to the City
Ittorney to secure further information from the owner, to see if it will be properly
repaired, as otherwise the city will condemn it.
RARE OF PAY FOR PROBAtTIONARY PATEOLI-JE14 was brought up by Christensen and it
vas suggested that the civil service commission consider the matter of paying the new
,atrolmen the regular patrolmen salary and bring their report in at the next meeting.
firth suggested that an effort should be made to allow the police department members two day
,ff per month -and this too will be considered by the civil service commission.
RAISING OLD WATER TANK was mentioned by Haylett, as he thought the city would
•eceive a better rating with the Fire Underwriters and this will be discussed at a later Mee
Bad condition of the walk in front of the Gray building discussed and it developed
ghat the walk was put in by Mr. Gray privately and not as part of the L. I. D. covering
onstruction of walks. Nn action taken.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion made by Christensen, seconded by 'Wirth, that the meeting
jouuna; motion carried.
City C rk.
Passed and approved the 34— day of ��-`�-�t/1J 1939.
. i
L`r y Clem