HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17-1936 Minutes53C, ';egnl r :,nssion _ e, to•nba_ -rd, It 36. 537 ;TTY COL'i'CIL CH.'.'2�ii" S',YIKI.,IiiG B -ACF. I;1 iOV i:i;T BY GRAVEL I+ROII LETOUR: Lommittee hed not yet made definite arrnnpem•?nts rer,.rding this and mayor in:,trncted the chairman of the Street and Chairman of the „at=r Committees to ma'ce renort at the next meeti.np. LIATT3R OF L•'LECTIOi, BOOTHS 14EEDE1j FMi CITY Elections was referred to lir. Rndelmi.11er, TEi4TATIVE BUDGET FOE 1937 was submitted and ;,bowed that various departments etc. rsked for °:44,51.9. with anticinnted receints of .39,355, while Water Dent. asked for 149,240. vA th receints of '.'47,940. Ordered nlrced on file and following resolution we and adopted 'iron motion nude by Sh,ffer, seconded by Heylett and carried: n';lHi�EAS, the City Council of the City of Pasco, ;la.shington, met in regular session on Thursday, the .3rd day of Se tember, 1936,.to consider the preliminary budget for the City of Pasco for the ,year 1937 and hnvine made such revisions as deemed adviseble in said budget as submitted by the City Clerk; I1MV, TH'REFOiiE, BE IT 1tEr:OLVED, that the nrolimingry budget as considered be rind the same is ordered nlaced on file for the information of any t^x_peyer who may Cnll at the office of the City Cleric for information reparding same, or for conies thereof, and BE IT FU3TH,R :ia8O1.VED, thet the City Clerk of the City of Pasco give due notice the the said nreliminary budget is on file and that the City Council will meet on blond�y, the 5th day of October, 1936, at th,i hour of 9 o'clock P—i., at the City Hall in the city of Pasco, for the nurn se of fi?ang the fin -+l bndpet and ms+king tux levies in accordnnee thereraith; that the City Clerk cause such notice to be published once enci.,.eek for two consecutive weeks immediately follo,einp the adoption of this resolution. Passed sad annroved the 3rd day of Sentember, 1936." ADJOURP:Il'.NT: Notion made by Shaffer, seconded by firth xi that meeting adjourn; carried. .'TTdST: � g Mayor City Passed and anproved the / 77z day of _�;Z/- 1936 City Jerk. 11agu2ar sension _ Sapta,nber 17th, 1916. ROLL ,,j,L: City council met in regular session with 15ryor ,x0ee presiding rind lo�+ing, councilmen present: Burns, Haylett, Shaffer and ';firth; nbsent O'Herin end Partch. Minutes of regulr•r meeting held Sent. 3rd were read and +;pprovod. BILLS: Following bills against Current Exnense -md I7•iter Funds were read and dere:d pnid upon motion made by ;iirth. seconded by XglUt H-ylett -and carried without scent on roll call: 3R31iT E%P;NSE: P906 P. P. & L. Cn., City liphts _ _ _ 312.79 2907 John horrigan, Steno aork and notary fees in connection with Lewis St. undercrossinp case 15.00 ":327.79 ATER FUND: 2765 P. P. & L. Co., rower for puma _ _ 732.95 Rer.ort of ,tater ]damper EnGhee showed net earnings for last month of •x1923.49; ass receipts being 5040.35, with operating expenses of sr1546.96 nd .,f1570.00 pinee3 in nd sinking fund. Conlon Implement Co. bill for repairs to tractor was still in the hands of Shaffar o honed to b3 able to make final report at the next meeting. A committee of the Chamber of Cnmmerce whited on the council and asked th:,t weeds narking strips and Long walks be cleaned away; this was referred to Street Supt. CITY CLERE: Formal resignation dated dept. 9th sent by hiss Jo Sanderson was ad and accented upon motion made by Haylett, seconded by Shaffar and carried. ].favor Gee then appointed Gertnude Sneier us City Clerk, effective ass d2 Sent. 9th and his nointmant was confirmed upon motion made by Shaffar, seconded by B„ylett and carried. s. Sneier stated that she h,d anplied for a bond and that the Cox Invistmont Co. had ked that the council release the bond of ..ics SF�nderson: city attorney advised that is was not necessary >nd thnt council should take no action on it. Proposition from Idoiiae Bros., contractors, to hire city's equipment with which a tear up black ton pavement Bpst of Lewis; St. crossing, in return for which they would ul dirt to any point where wanted by the city, was discussed and finally referred to liadelmillor. LIBRARY d.P.A.PnOJ CT for printing. the building was renorted s having, been )proved, are being .r700.no labor allocated to the project, .chile the )_:int woull cost the ci.ty the neighborhood of .,'300. LIotion made by Haylett, seconded by ,'firth and carried on 11 call without dissent that the ,J. P. A. ]Sam. e or instruct L[r. Putnam, 7lPA hneineer, at the city will : nnrove of immediate work on the project. LIGHT BOiiD FUND: There being a balance of ;)299.29 left in the Citv Light Bond nd, the council upon motion made by ,firth and seconded by Burns, authorized the Treasurer tr nafar it from its nresent locution into the dlurrant ,xnense Fund. BUDGET FO --i 1937: Complete tentative bndg47for 1937 was presented to mambers of the uncil and referred to the Financa Committee to pet into shz:na for doption at the next pular meeting. The matter of n ordinance providing, for s tax or license for each ; )upation in the city, to be anplied toanrds n; ying off Lewis nt. undercrossinp bonds, s also reforrad to the Fin nce Committee for ;action. City Attorney O'Brien asked th-,t the city join ,with the county in improving the ick :"ist of the Court House by nlantinp trees and nutting in a parkinp strip and this s -*referred to tisyor ::ieGee. I.:r. LIcGee stated th-�t ha had bought the fifty feet r;ast of tine Nolte Buildinp end .'ted L),-naission from the council to cut down the curbing: motion was m,.:de by Burns, `on cad by dirth cnd carried, that S. 1:- 7:cGae be granted permission to cut down the ,b for a distance not exceeding 50 ft. ,ast of the iiolto Bide. for drive-in purposes. AMJOURMIL.14T: Lotion made by Jirth, seconded by Haylett and carried, tiv,t meeting Jonrn. , '.TEST mayor City iii •rl Pnssad and annroved th r d y of 1936. 7 U1TW clerl-