HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-05-1933 MinutesI< CITY C OTJ11 C 7L Regular Session _ CRAMIMS September 5th, 1933 ROLL CALM: City council met with Mayor Pro Tem Anderson presiding; following council men were present: Anderson, Burns, Partch, Skinnell and Wirth; absent Haylett & O'Herin MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSIO14 HELD AUGUST 15th were read and approved. John Beck stated to the council he wished to construct individual stalls at his :g service station, constructed of ±x 2x4's covered with tin but that he had been stopped by the Chief account not complying with fire ordinance. Matter referred to the Street Committee and Building Inspector. Treasurer's report was passed around while clerk's monthly report in typed form was furnished to each councilman. APPLICATION OF J. A. BELL for a. license to operate Cunningham Cafe was granted upon motion made by Partch, seconded by Burns and carried. FILTRATION PLANT: Copy of letter written by City attorney was read in which NP. Ry. was made offer of 3.6¢ per Id. Gal. for filtered wa.ter*or 2 present price of 3.� for unf.iltered water; a wire was received ffom L. Yager, Asst. Chief Engineer of the N. P. offering 3.3V per 11. gal. for filtered water. City Attorney was advised in informal discussion by the council to inform Mr. Yager that the city's price for filtered water was 3.61 per P:i. gal. Baar & Cunningham suggested that if the N. P. would take water, a four million gallon filtration plant be constructed; if they did not a 31L million gallon plant would be sufficient; detailed estimate of cost would be approximately tir83,000. Motion made by Partch, seconded by Wirth, that Baar & Cunningham be instructed to proceed and make estimates,plans and specifi- cations for a four million gallon plant for the City of Pasco and that the city still proceed to negotiate with the 14. P. Ry. in the hope of securing a favorable reply to the city's proposal; motion carried without dissent. TENTATIVE BUDGET: A copy of the tentative budget submitted by ddpartment heads was furnished to each councilman for study. ADJOU NMENT: Motion was made by Partch, seconded by Skinnell, that the council adjourn to Tuesday, Sept. 12th at 8 PM, for the purpose of studying ordinances in connection with the filtration plant, the budget and such other matters as might come before the council. Carried. ATTEST: JL4 City Cler Passed and approved the/f-2� day of September, 1933. City lerk 417 CLAIMS: Following claims against Water Pund were reed and motion was made by Burns, seconded by Skinnell, that bills be paid; carried on roll call: WARRANT: 2023_2025 Payroll of 'later Dept. for month of August 392,56 2026 State Treasurer, indust. insurance & med.aid 8.08 2027. Clarence Sager, labor _ _ _ 8.00 2029 Leo Morgan, labor _ _ _ 8.00 2029 Neptune Meter Co., meter parts _ _ 17.14 2030 White River Lbr. . Co., cedar lumber 17.80 2031 Pasco Hardware Co., material _ .36 2032 C. M. O'Brien, phone call _ _ 1.65 2033 Standard Oil Co., gasoline _ _ 3.67 2034 Union Oil Co., gasoline _ _ _ 2.01 2035 City Treasurer; reimbursement acet. freight,etc. 3.68 462..89 Total Following claims against Current Expense were read and ;notion was made by Partch, seconded by Burns, that bills be allowed and warrants drawn for the same; roll call showed all voting for the motion: 10599_10604 Pay roll various offices for August 331.00 10605_10606 do. Library do. _ 75.00 10607_10608 do. Police Dept. do. _ _ 232.00 10609 Fred Schuneman, salary at Park for Aug. 90.00 10610_10614 Pay roll Street Dept. for Aug. _ _ 129.00 10615 Haylord Bros., Supplies for library 6.85 10616 Lee Perry Co., hanging awning at library 1.00 10617 P. P. & L. Co., lights, library _ _ 1.00 10618 E. B. Castleman, sprinkler for park _ 9.00 10619 L. Chanpel, labor _ _ _ 1.00 10620 Pasco Hardware Co., material various depts. 10.17 10621 City Treasurer, wager various depts. _ 235.95 10623 Huston 1,1otor:,Co. , .repair lawn mower, park 2.00 10624 Star Transfer, drayage on paint _ .50 10625 Republic Prtg. Co., binding books for library 7.68 10626 Bob Swain, hailing benches to city hall 3.00 10627 The Garland Co., traffic paint _ 40.00 10629 P. T. & T. Co., phone calls (2 mos.) _ 5.00 10629 State Treasurer, ind. ins. & med. aid 8.44 10630 Standard Oil Co., gasoline various depts. 10.40 10631 Union Oil Co., do. do. 5.14 10632 ;shite River Lbr. Co., lumber various depts. 39.30 10633 Pasco Table Supply Co., assignment of wages by Robt. Tobin for work in Sylvester Park 12.50 10634 E. ". Larkins, repair lawn mower for cemetery 2.65 10635 Pasco Herald, city printing & supplies 14.75 10636 B. F. Goodrich Co., 200 ft. fire hose _ 196.00 10637 Pasco Auto Co. car parts, Street & Police cars 9.55 1478.69 Total APPLICATION OF J. A. BELL for a. license to operate Cunningham Cafe was granted upon motion made by Partch, seconded by Burns and carried. FILTRATION PLANT: Copy of letter written by City attorney was read in which NP. Ry. was made offer of 3.6¢ per Id. Gal. for filtered wa.ter*or 2 present price of 3.� for unf.iltered water; a wire was received ffom L. Yager, Asst. Chief Engineer of the N. P. offering 3.3V per 11. gal. for filtered water. City Attorney was advised in informal discussion by the council to inform Mr. Yager that the city's price for filtered water was 3.61 per P:i. gal. Baar & Cunningham suggested that if the N. P. would take water, a four million gallon filtration plant be constructed; if they did not a 31L million gallon plant would be sufficient; detailed estimate of cost would be approximately tir83,000. Motion made by Partch, seconded by Wirth, that Baar & Cunningham be instructed to proceed and make estimates,plans and specifi- cations for a four million gallon plant for the City of Pasco and that the city still proceed to negotiate with the 14. P. Ry. in the hope of securing a favorable reply to the city's proposal; motion carried without dissent. TENTATIVE BUDGET: A copy of the tentative budget submitted by ddpartment heads was furnished to each councilman for study. ADJOU NMENT: Motion was made by Partch, seconded by Skinnell, that the council adjourn to Tuesday, Sept. 12th at 8 PM, for the purpose of studying ordinances in connection with the filtration plant, the budget and such other matters as might come before the council. Carried. ATTEST: JL4 City Cler Passed and approved the/f-2� day of September, 1933. City lerk 417