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HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-09-1931 Minutes1 332 CITY C OMIC YI, . CIL'' �u M Adjourned session _ _ipril 9th, 1931. ROLA CALL: City Council met in adjourned session with Mayor Gray presiding and following council -men present: McGee, 11eyer, Skinnell and Wirth; absent Anderson, Johnson & Partch. TdINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION HELD KARCH 17th were read and approved. CLAIItIS apd motion treasurer Q _ voting for asco Hardware WARRANT: various departments _ 9050_9055 P 9056_9059 Park Depts., _ _ 9059_9062 P 9063_9066 P 9067 nion Oil Co., 9069_9076 _ _ _ 9077 . B. 11:IcFarland, 9079 f1.,,nd for express _ 9079 C 9090 E 9091 C 9092 B 9093 1 9094 P 9095 H 9086 I+ 9037 C 9099_ S 9099 P 9090 P 9091 E 9092 `i' 9093 P 9094 J 9095 11 9096 A 9097 G 9099 Y 9099 P 9100 R 9101 P 9102 U 9103 R 9104 C 9105 C AGAINST CURRF',NT EXPENSE: Following claims against Current Expense were read was made by IcGee, seconded by Wirth, that they be paid; roll call showed all the motion: ay roll of various offices for the month of 11arch, Pay roll of Library for month of March ay roll of Police Dept. for month of I.Iarch ay rol of Street Dent. do. do. _ Fred Schumeman, salary as park caretaker _ Fire Dept. pay roll -for month of LZarch David Hastings, Labor in park _ Geo; Hastings, do. hris Keil, do. d. Wirth, do. ity Treasurer, reimburse treasurer for money paid ell Sanitary Specialties, disinfectants _ Iaude Heater, salary as police matron _ . P. & L. Co., telephones arriet Russell, attorney's steno �. M. Brown, sand & gravel for Park & Street Dept. ity Cafe, meals for prisoners 380.00 135.00' _ 530.00 314.00 _ 96.15 _ 45.00 29.00 29.00 4.00 10.00 for truck license 1.25 17.50 6.00 13.25 _ 5.00 37.00 12.10 tate Treasurer, industrial insurance &; medical aid _ _ 19.03 asco Paint & Picture Store, headboards _ _ 2.50 asco Plbg. & Htg. Co., material for street & City Hall _ 3.40 comomy Super Service, material for Street Dept. he J. K. Gill Co., books, library P. & L. Co., lights, library _ ohn W. Graham Co., books, library hite River Lbr. Co., wood for library _ merican Library Assn., subscription to BookList aylord Bros. supplies for library 10.90 29.65 20.40 40.57 _ 10.50 2.50 10 05 akima. Bindery &; Prtg. Co., forms for treasurer Q _ _ 3.92 asco Hardware Co., Hardware w tools various departments _ 30.06 off T.Iotor C-1., material for Street &: Park Depts., _ _ 9.50 asco Auto Co., material for Street & Police Depts. _ 7.55 nion Oil Co., gasoline &: oils _ _ _ _ _ 155.06 . B. 11:IcFarland, reimburse revolving; f1.,,nd for express _ 1.11 ity Treasurer, hydrant rental & water various dents. _ _ 63.50 rescent Drug Co., Small pox va.cine _ CLAIMS AGAINST aJATER FUND: was made by :'firth, seconded byt voting for the motion: WARRANTS: K .% aKWX 2.20 Total 2094.65 Following claims against Plater Fund were read and motion I;Ieyer, that the bills be allowed; roll call showed all 1390_1393 Pay roll of 'Mater Dept. for month of .:larch _ _ _590.00 1394 Pasco Plbg. w Htg. Co., material _ _ _ 9.56 1395 I.1. C. Meritt, use of boat sounding for valve at intake _ 9.00 1396 Pasco Electric Shop, lamps for pump house _ _ 3.78 1397 " if it matl. & labor at pump house _ _ 1.30 1399 P. T. & T. Co., telephone service _ _ _ _ 12.35 1399 Bailey Dieter Co., Flow meter charts _ _ _ _ 12.39 14-00 Ecomy Super Service _ tube repairs _ _ _ _ 1.50 1401 Federal Pipe & Tank Co., wood pipe _ _ _ _ 224.91 1402 Hughes & Co., material _ _ 94.04 1403 _ _ Renssalaer Valve Co., hydrant valve, etd. _ _ _ 90.91 1404 The Bristol Co., pressure gage charts _ _ _ _ 4.75 1405 Neptune 1,1eter Co., _ _ _ _ _ _ X-UU 139.66 1406 Roff 1:Iotor Co., material _ _ _ _ _ .55 1407 R. B. McFarland, reimburse fund for labor & freight charges 96.79 1403,• State Treasurer, medical aid and industrial insurance _ 6.29 1403 Pasco Auto Co., material _ _ _ _ _ 1.75 1410 P. P. & L. Co., power for pump _ _ _ _ _ 330.26 "1411 Pasco Hardware Co., tools and material _ _ _ 7.94 1412 Union Oil Co., proportion of gasoline purchased _ _ 18.38 Total 1635.30 CLAIM OF LEE PERRY CO. for a. refund of X40.00 account duplicate payments made on grave of Mr. Doyle in March and June 1923, rTrea.surer's receipts 763 and 331) was brounht before the council. Motion made by T:icGee, . seoonded by Skinnell, that the refund be made; motion carried without dissent on roll call. WARRANT 9106 COVERS. CLAII+I OF SHELL OTL CO. for ga.doline furnished, which had been referred to Street Committee for investigation, Mr. I:IcGee,reported that the manager of the Shell Co. was to advise him further relative to these bills but hail not done so as yet. Report of Building Inspector read, as wa-s, report ,of' 'eYater T.Iana.ger for period ending I•Ia.rch 15th, shov,ing a. loss of x314.45 for -tho,,,nQnth. Report of Police Judge read and all reporte were ordered filed. Application for license for soft drinks submitted by Ben ;'gong wa.s read; motion made by I:IcGee, seconded by '.firth, teat `the license be granted; motion carried on roll call without dissent. F. C. BROF N APPOINTED TO LIBIRA- Y :BOARD: 11da•yor Gray announced the appoint- ment of F. C. Brown to fill the vacancy on the Library Board. LI•)tion made by T.IcGee, seconded bydirth, that the appointment be confirmed, was carried unanimously. PROPOSED ORDINANCES ON CLEARING STREETS &MPEDDLER 'T RUCKS : M2[kXMXxMR1tffXX The matter of preparing and recommendations in regard to ordinances covering cleaning of streets and peddler trucks, having been referred to the Police Committee, that committee AD JOUR !:4jD b `�pril 9th, thruLIeGee reported that nothinC had as yet been clone and suggested that the matter of collectino, rubbish and garbage be considered ;,,hen making up next year's budget. Water I:Tana.ger McFarland brought up the m-.tter of watering trees in the block on Porth'Fourth Street in which ni?rse's home is located and stated that it would cost ;150.00 or '60.00 to install a one inch pipe on I;Iargeret St. motion then made by LIcGee, seconded by I.ieyer, '-ha.t the ,-later Dept. be a.uthoriaed to make the necessary extension of pipe on hla.rgeret St., between 4th & 5th Sts.; carried without dissent on roll call. ADJOUZPII.LJ" NT : Motion made by Skinnell, seconded by I:Ieyer, that meeting adjourn; motion carried. ATTEST: ity lerk. Islay o �� Np Passed and approved the day of -ate 1931. City C rk.