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HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-1928 MinutesCI'T'Y COUITCIL tyETING Regular -Session April 17th, 1928. ROLL CALL: The City Council met. in regular session with following members present: T: ayor- Gray, Corancilrnen Davis, Hays, McGee, ; Pyles, C. F . Smith and 7Tayde ; absent, D.E.Smith ton leave of absence). MINUTES OF IMEETIEG H''LD !' P-RIL 3rd, VVFERE READ AND APPROVED. SYI;VESTER PARA TRUST FUND: A communication was -read from the Pasco Civic Affairs Committee, relative to 4>676.55 raised at a carnival or circus some time ago for the benefit of the Sylvester nark playfields; in their letter, the committee tendered the money to the city to be disbursed the same as other city funds, the sole restric•tio._ being that it be spent for the Sylvester Park playgrounds ( excepting water system). Motion -made by Davis, seconded. by McGee, that the money be accepted, subject to a written opinion of the city attorney as to whether the city could legally accept and disburse such money. Upon roll call, all voted for the motion. (NOTE: City Attorney Swanner advised the clerk verbally over the telephone on April 18th, that there was no legall objection to the city taking over this fund, in his opinion and that he would furnish a. written opinion to that effect in the near future.) CLAIT, OF C. E. JOSLIIT ASKIIIG FOR 25.00 DAIMAGES ACCOUNT WATER F OODING GARAGE, STOREROOM, ETC., WHILE WATM DEPAT. 17AS INSTALLING A FIRE HYDRANT ON EAST ELENA STREET was read; motion made by T+1cGee, seconded by Hays, that the cop mu.nicatioi be referred to the City Attorney; upon roll' call, all voted in favor of the motion: "BEMTER HOMLE 47EEK"a Communication read from 1,Iiss Gladys H. Johnson, CoiLuty Chairman of the "Better Home 'deek" movement, to be observed April 22nd to 28th; motion made by ey1es,• seconded by C.H.Smith,• that the matter be referred to the T:Ie.yor for handling and upon roll call;, all voted for the motion. CLAIT:iS AGAIITST CURRENT EXPENSE: Following claims against Current Forpense were read and voucher for Y26.55 favor of H. G. Dahlberg was also presented; upon motion made by 1,1cGee, seconded by Smith, that they be paid; the mayor ordered a roll -call and all voted in favor of the motion. Bills were as follows: CURIENT EXPENSE: I • 6868_6870 Special Police pay roll for extra men employed during - air mail celebration April_ 14th 1 20.00 6871 Albert 1.yers Labor digging for sewer pipe at city hall 3.00 WATER FUI7D : 646 H. G. Dahlberg, Labor on new tank signal 26.55 UNCOLECTIELE VTATER BILLS : Corarranication -read from City 'Treasurer, asking authority to cancel following water bills, which are deemed uncollectible: ;.'-205 Christian Rau; Lewis St. (Buildings moved away) 2.00 -#611 Nettie Walters, 228 Lewis (house burned) 2.00 ;706 Viola _koper, 116 Lewis if I, 5:90 T-.Iotion •made by Pyles, seconded by 1IcGe&, that above accounts be striLiken from the city books; upon roll call, all voted for the motion. LICENSES ddERE G ANTED TO R. E. LINDGREN TO OPERATE THE, CUNNINGHA1:1 HOTEL AND C. C. BAYLESS TO OPERATE A -RESTAURANT on Legis St. 11otion •to grant license made by Pyles and seconded -by C: H. Smith; upon roll call, all voted in favor. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Report of City Clerk in typed form was furnished to the council; city treasurer`s report for the month was passed around. - Repo -rt of Water iIanager showing net profits of X38.26 was read and motion made by Smith, seconded by Davis, that the report be accepted and placed on file; roll call, showed motion carries;; unanimously. ORDINANCE # 371 ET:IBODYING RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE TIATER DEPT. WAS GIVEM ITS THIRD READING; motion made by Pyles, seconded by T,TcGee, that this ordinance be declared to have had its third reading; -upon roll call, all voted for the motion. ADOPTION OF THE ORDiNAHCE WAS POSTPONED UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR 1k,11BETING IN ORDER THAT TITE CITY ATTORNEY I,)TIGHT PASS OIT IT AS TO FOR11, ETC. CHESHIRE CONFIRMED AS POLICE JUDGE: Robert Cheshire having been appointed by the T!ayor at the last meeting and actionhaving been postponed until this meeting, motion was made by _HcGee, seconded by Pyles, that Mr. Cheshire be confirmed as Police Judge; the mayor ordered a roll call and all present voted -in favor of confirmation. HIUKS CONF IR1:1ED AS CHIEF OF POLICE: Ray Hicks having previously been appoint- ed by Mayor Gray as Chief of Police and action withheld until this meeting, a motion was 7= made by Pyles, seconded by I1cGee, that 11r. Hicks be confirmed as Chief of :police; upon roll call, he was confirmed by a vote of five to one as follows: Ayes, Davis, 11cGee, Pyles, C. N:. Smith and •rlaydc;- hoes, Heys. I:iatter of suits for the 11ire Dept. was discussed, 11:r. Pyles advising the council, that -the members of the Debt. will .buy 3 suits and wanted the city to buy four; no definite action taken. :i'_S.NK SIGNAL INSTALLED: Davis re ported that the new tank signal was now installed and operating, its cost being approx. ' 294.00, or about 4x40.00 more than his original estimate, this increase being due to better grade of wire and material being used. ADJOURITHENT: 1,116tion made by Pyles, seconded by "McGee, that meeting a.djo=; motion carried. ATTEST: . v n 2r C r 9t7T .�� Passed and approved this lst r day of Ha 1928. City Clerk. 221