HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-08-1915 Minutes292 293 A Bill from U. E. Quinlan, of •x12.00 for Room rent for Voting Place Pasco, .ash., December, 8th, a was read. Mmbed by Steffins, seconded by Reardon, that said bill be al -owed for Council met subject to adjournment and was called to order by Conncil- ;8.00. man Kenoyer, Moll Call as follows, Ayes Reardon, Kenoyer, Steckel, Steffins, Councilman, Reardmn, Konoyer, Steckel, Steins, Answered Roll Call. ;lotion Carried and so ordered, amd Clamant ido, 3702 was issued in iayment. roved u,;' Reardon, seconded by �tecleel, that Councilman Kenoyer, e.et as A Sill from the racific Power Light Company, for Delingnent,•;�3,238.Ou slayor Protem in the absence of the i.�ayor. i.Iunicipal Light w w Ter for i,ovember, 15.lo. jp537.60 City Hall Light & i7ater Notion carried and so ordered and Kenoyer took the Chait. X14.50. was read. The 'inutes of the I:ieetings of November, 16th, December, 3rd, and 7th, Moved by Reardon, seconded by Steffins, that said bill be allowdd in w.^re reed. full for the City Ball light ;, water and Eor Hydrant r:en:al, and incandescent Lloved by Reardmn, seconded by Steckel, that the minutes of the fore - Lights, and that the cluster and _=rc lights be paid for in the same proportion going dates stand approved ss read. as the last recent payments, and that the whole of the Delinquent be not allowed !.lotion carried and so ordered. Holl Call aL folldws, 7r: Reardon, Kenoyer, Steckel and Steffins. The followingbills all having- been signed z geed by the Claims Com tit.ee Motion carried and so ordered, and the following warrants were iUsucd $ayment were read. 19 5.00 3703 Paoifit -!Cower & Light Company, Hydrant tenial, 19 No, To Whome Issued For 'rlhat issued, kount. 3704 " it IT " Incandeseent Lights 43.50 3659 R. B. LcParl::nd. Sal City Treas. 100.00 3705 it" " City Hqll Light & 'dater. 14.50 3660 C. A. Broxson, It I. Clerk 85.''0 3706 " "" " " " Cluster lights, 42.67 3661 Edward A. Davis, " IT Atty, 75.00 3707 Arc Lights, 16.50 i 3662 W. h. Leonard, "' Chief of Police. 100.00 Total 312.17 3663 S. J. Adams, IT Patrolman, 85.00 A Petition P'� ying for the right to place one �ssoline storage pump 36-4 E. B. Raymond. IT fire Chief, 100.00 3665 Will Davis, It city Fireman, 8.00 on :lest Lewis street in front of the property occupied by the Pioneer Sheet 3666 C. Sutphin, IT IT If 1.50 3667 Heber Leonard, If " If 8.00 Metal corks, byF. E.'.Juvenal, was read. 3668 A. layers, " „ork on Streets, 38.50 3669 C. C. itobinson, County Clerk " uity Physician, Guarnasheed 20.00 Idoved ay Reardon, seconded uy Steffins thgt said prayer and petition 3670 A. layers, " „ork on Streets 11.00 3671 C. A. Broxson, Ove time _tegestering Voters 14.80 be granted. 3672 Cap. Frank C. Brown, Care of Docks, 5.00 3683 The Star Transfer Company, Cleaning Streets 3.00 I:iotion carried and so ordered. 3674 D. Hastings, " it 15.00 3675 Union Oil Comapny Gassoline for Fire Dept. 2.45 The idonthly neports )i the Chief of Police and tiie rolice Justice were ' 3676 she Pasco Drug Company, Bluestone, r'ire Dept. 15.85 3677 The City Cage. Ideals for Prisoners. 17.60 read. !!` 8678 Twin City Telephone uompany,ldmicipal Phone Rent. 12.10 3679 Burrough's Adding Lachine Co. Care of Adding i.iachine, 5.00 Moved by Reardon, seconded uy Steckels, ti_a_ said reports be accepted 4 3680 The Pasco Express, Printing Election Supplgs, 47.25 3681 0. K. Livery Sj;gble, Delivering & Returning Booths 2.50 and placed on file. 3682 Johnson -Cox Company, Registration Books & Warrants, 43.00 3683 Mrs J. H. Farhner, Leals for Election Board 5.25 Motion carried and so ordered. 3684 Hotel Cunningham it IT it IT 5.00 3685 LaViolette Cafe, " " " R 5.60 Moved ,y Seckel, seconded b� jrardon, than the regular order of busi- 3686 LI. K. Grgy, Salary. Inspector City Election 6.96 3687 C. B. Treffry, it Judge, TV " 6.00 ness oe dispensed with and the batter of BX,,ing a idunicipal scale be discussed. 3688 W. P. Gray, " It IT " 6.00 3689 Anna V. Linderman, " Clerk, " " 6.00 Motion carried c:nd so ordered •and said matter w„s discussed at some length. 3690 J. M. Arnett, " " " " 6.00 3691 K. S. Koontz. Inspector, " " 6.00 Moved by Steffins, seconded by Steckel, that that the matter of outing 3692 I. H. Sandage, If Judge, " 6.00 3693 J. W. Clemans, IT IT " " 6.00 LIunicipal scaled be laid over until the next regular meeting. 1 3694 Marie Norris, " Clerk, " it 6.00 3695 Elizabeth haring, I? It If 6.00 Motion carried and so ordered. 3596 P41ph Riggs, " Inspector, it6.00 r fl 3698 A. M. Pratt, " Jvdge, " IT 6.00 Loved by Steckel, seconded uy Steffins, that Council proceed with the ( 3698 0. H. Burk, " " 6.00 3699 W. L. Reno, " Clerk, " 6.00 regular order of business, 3700 A. M. Haylett, " IT " " 6.00 Motion carried and so ordered. {{{ Moved by Reardon, seconded by ateffins that the foregoing bills all be sy � ;The City Clerks report, showing the number of days worked by the Street if allowed and charged to their respective Fluids, and ,,arrants issued in their laborers, w, ,s r.ad. Payment. Moved by Reardon, seconded by Steffins, that said report be accepted Roll Call as follows, Aye: Reardon, Kenoyer, Steckel, Steffins, r (� and placed on file. Notion carried and so ordered. Motion carried and so ordered. A Bill- from The Pasco Chamber of Commerce, for •,;16.00 f.)r room rent for 1'he matter of raying all bills for the month of December in the year Voting Place, vi, -s .eado 1915, way discussed, end it was moved by Dteffins, seconded by Steckel, that Hoved by Reardon, seconded b•; Steckels, that said uill be allowed for the City Clerk publish a notice requesting all parties having any claim •.10.00 and a warrant be issued in payment thereof. against the city of rasco, to present them on or before the 30th day of December Roll Call as follows, Aye: Reardon, Kenoyer, Steckel, Steffins. 1915. I:Iotion carried and so ordered and Warrant ivo, 3701 was issued in payment. Notion carried and so ordered. 294 Moved by Steckel, seconded oy Kenoyer, Haat a proposed Ordinance that Nov. 2nd. . had had its first and second reading/ eliminating Lots 15 and 16 Bloek 14 Gerry's Addition to Pasco, from the It'ire Limmts,be :ead for its third reading. Motion carried and so ordered. and the folldwing Ordinance was read. "AN ORDINANCE AMEDDI�4G ORDIDAiXE AVO. 161, AN ORDIiiAiXE ESTAI3LISiila4G xE i FIRE LIMITS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF 'i'HE CITY OF PASCO, AND ALIENDING SECTIJN 8, THEREOF ADD SUBSTITUTING POR SAID SECTION 8, THE r'OLLOWING WHICH SHALL BE KNOWN ADD DESIGNATED AS AS SECTION 8, OF SAID 03DINADCE. Moved oy Steckel, seconded by Steffins, that said Ordinance be declared to have had its third reading and adopu�d as read. Roll Cal_ as follows, Aye: Reardon, Kenoyer, Steckel, Steffins. Lotion carried and so orderc�dj On Motion duly carried Council adjourmed. LI A Y U ii P R U TT E I:i. AT -`EST: Z J7L4�f/ C'I T t L E R K AiDROVED, on the 21st day •af December. 1915. 295 Pasco, cash, Lecember, 21st, 1915. Council met in regular session and was called to order by-ouncilman !:eardon, In the absence of the mayor it was moved by Augustavo, seconded by Steffins, that Oounoilman iteardon act as i,iayor Protem, Motion carried and so ordered, Councilman Reardon, Augustavo, Steckel, Schmidtm�_n, aid Steffins ans- weed xoll Call. The Minutes os the meeting of Lecember 8th, 1915, were read. Moved by Schmidtman, seconded by Steckel, that the minutes of said stand aproved as read. Motion carried and so ordered The following bills having been signed by the W]aims Committee were read. No. io Whome issued For dlhat Issued, Amount. 3708 Tum A Lum Lumber Oo. fuel, Ci tr Hall 51.35 3709 C. P. Bailey, Work on Streets 17.90 3710 C. Sutphin, " " " 13.90 3711 Edward A. Davis, Expensed of 'Trip to Olympia, 14.00 3712 F. E. Juvenal, Gas & Oil for Fire Car, 6.75 ivIoved uy Schmidtman, seconded by Steffins that the foregoing bills be allowed ane warrants issued for their payment. troll Call as follows, Aye: iteardon, Augustavo, btec'�:el, Schmidtman, Steffins, Motion carried and so ordered. A Com.:uniaation from fired D. Adams, agent for tj.e howe Scale Company, giving price of one scale delivered at Pasco, Moved ,y Steffins, seconded by Steckel, that said Uommunication us accepted and r.laced on file. Motion carried and so ordered A Petition for a renewal of Liquor License by W. J. Prall, .%as read. Lioved by Steffins, seconded by Schmiltman, $hat said petition be granted upon ttae furnishing of proper bonds, Roll Call as follows. Aye. Reardon, Augustavo, Steckel, Schmidtman, ateffins. Motion carried and soirdered. The H. a. -wgvis Wompany, made application to burchase one Chemical tank formerly on the ole Chemical truck. Moved by Augustavo, seconded uy Steffins, that said tank be sold to the n. H. Davis Company in case said tank would hold air. Roll Call as follows, Aye: Reardon, Augustavo, Schmidtman, Steffins, Voting No; Steckel. Motion carried and so ordered. Councilman Steffins, stated that the City owned about 3OU Peet of wooden pipe that was out in the opeii at the present time and advised r•ne enclosure of said pipe. I.Ioved by Schmidtman, secomded by Augustavo, that the matter in regard to said pipe be referred to tine Committee on Public Property and Docks. Iaiotion carried and so ordered. C. Sutphin, presented a bill for one days work, on October filth, which had not been baid at chat time as the Uouncil were under the impression that Mr Sutphin had received salary from the County for ih t, days work.