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HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-05-1913 MinutesPadco, ~lash. October, 30th, 1913. Council met i_ djournod session and was called to orde_- by Attornel P� zek LIayor Sylvest_ not beim i:_osent it was movid bu llehe, and seconder by Sylvester that ConnciLman Co-: of as Liayor protem. LIotion carried and so ordered. ThH following Gouncilman answered to _loll Call. Cog, Sylvester, :Jehe, IJhitehorn. I:Ioved by Whitehorn, seconded by aylvecter that meeting; be adjourned until 10 30 o'clock a. m. on October 31st, 1913. Motion earried and so ordered, A^1TEST:�������� I T Y C L E r LI A Y 0 R P R O T E lvl. Pasco, gash. october, 31st, 1913. Bonneil met in adjourned session and was called to order by Attorney Ryzek. Lloved and seconded that Council adjourn 1u-itil the next regular meeting night, November 4th, 1913. LIotion carried and so ordered. ATT ST: �G) C I `i C L r R K. , Li A _ T PASCO, Wash, November, 4th. 1913. Conlicil Taot in rc _� lar session and was called to otder by Attorney _.yzel=. The following Councilmen answered to Roll Call, Cog, Kerfoot, 'Viehe, Sylvester, i,Iovcd_ a;; Cog, ceccndcd by Sy]vester that Councilmen Uehe act as Mayor rrotem in the absence of i, -,a:; or S,; lvester, i:otion carried end ;,'ehe tool_ tL _o Ci air. An a Dlicc.tion for saloon licorice of ism. hoa^ fo-r a Licence to 1 -.tail Applicatio:. ,alonn ""icence spiritous liquor and fermented ntlt .i 0: lnoan tiie Owl bar.w,.s read. Said r.7 ication boin;^ accomT,anied b, certified shed_ :for ;1000.00 and bond for same amount. Et LIoved by Cox, secondod by 6ylve ter, ti_ca said_ a plication 'oe .r.11owed. Roll Call as Follows, Aye, dox, _erfoot, .7ehe, Sylvester. Notion carried and so order Da, Lloved by Whitehorn, seconded b;;- Cox t::pct m-oti.1,7 adj071ri1 until 0 o'cl p. m. November 5th, 1913. Liotion ca_ried and so ordered. ATTEST: C I T cls fc. we -r rc Pasco, ,Yash. 11ovember, 5th, 11,12;. Council met in _ ,�-rtlar ssion =cl was called to order by 1,Iayor The folio,•+inF Counci-lmen ansvie-red to :,',oil Cal -1, 3chz1ncm_-ni,i Cox, olylveter, "ohe, Jh:itehorn,-2-eriffoot. l:ov,d i);; Cox, .,econd_ed by .:elle, that tie reading- o2 ti -e minntV e- the previous meetin-s- be d_iskith -moil some suture m-eting. notion ecr_icd and so ordered. A Comaunicction o_ L.amoviell -'ire alarm 'Tele`r:ph Co. of Seattle was .0 i,i Jul ci:.r Yleu G:�u A Com,.anicat; City and in retard 1.7oved by Cox, _rid placed on file. :otion carried and so orde_-ed. '.,Ioved by Sylvester, secon .1ttorney meet with the trustees 1f possible to get Gity warrent. -otion ca._ried and so ordered. Ordinance Ordinance No. 219. as Ord -i- 219 Passel 26 OF ORDL;AI:CE 1,10.944 EIdTI4LiSD "A1. 07DIiLAi10E PROM___ the :,ia ors veto AND PROTECTIO11 OF T_7E PuLLIC . 3_LTi, Oi' T'IL� CIT --,'OF PA300, u=,T 2_gOVT ar PEIIALTY _207.; VIOLA'21 'ii _'::E?i Oil T11at had passed its third roadlnL; _cu, and was later vetoed by the I.iayor, was read. Loved by Cox, secondcCL by Sylvester w:ai the Llayors Veto. Roll Call as folio•.,-; , .: e, Cux, �lrc:...ur, •:eh , • Iii :uln,heifoot, 1:0. achune::.c I LIotion carried and so ordered. Ordinance No. 224, a proposed Ordinance entitled, " 3rd reading all& U ai:,e of PROVIDL'G 1'01',T::E AF_POIIITILLI;T OF T,,'. -,'CIT'- CLERK Ordinance No. 224. DUTIE'S OF TAE CIT_ CLERI' _:hat had had its first and Second rc ciooer was .,l t read. i,oved i_; Cox, seconded by Kerfoot teat said Ordinance be declared to have had its third roc,din*. and adopted as :edd. I 104 q2 I 5rd reading anal oll cal: as follows, Ayc,::c , C.-_ , 'hitehorn,Kerfoot. Motion carried and so order,: . Ordinance _.o. 225. A Proposed Ordinance entitled " All ORDINAHO_ AT:rIT- DING SECTION OITE OF ORDINANCE 140. 215. " entitled " All ORDIITANCE AI,D Id17 j_ ,. SECTION SIX OF ORDINANCE 140. 187." entitled "AIT ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY AND DEFINING THE DUTIES OF POT C'; 1, 11 Thad had had its first and second reading October 21st, was re.. , Idoved i:y FJehe, seconded by Sylvester, that said )ropo. declared to have had its thitd reading and addo-ted as read. C, C. For Cit',; Ger, For Cit;.' R. - . For Con, I1. R. A. F. Earlc For Councilman at J. E. Stoffin; total of votes cas'. On motion b_- �y1v tc -^ve received t;o nomin: On motion o:C Jehe, sc -eCOived L`_Io no-nination of City C�' Om motion of S,ylvoster, cc, - ^ recei-ed the nomination of On motion of ielic,soconded o ' -2,fe received tiie nomination of Citj, On motion of Cox, seconded by Whiff have received tl e nomination fmr Coluicil On motion of Cox, seconded by Schuneman, received t'.je nomination for Councilman by the .. Cil motion of Cox, GOCOndod by Uehe, Earle A. received t_,e nomination for Council;:ian by t_ie l'ro On motion of Cox, seconded by Schilneman, J. received t=io nomi_lation .for Couuucil:,ian at 1L: luitehorn, Kerfoot. 105 q5 �w w The Bid of Barr E: Company for the com,letion of the Oity Hall was read. . id -Moved by Sylvester, seconded by i;lhitehorn, that said bid be rejected -or c ejected. and t',o Oith Clerk instructed to return Certified Ckeck to Barr o Company. Llotion ca-ri-d and so ordered. Lioved by Cog, seconded by l7ehe that tlae City Clerk be and is hereby ids for conl' Fia Jon of City 11 instructed tib readvertise for bids for the completion of the City Hall. e -advertised. Roll Call as Follows, Aye. Schuneman, Cox, Sylvester, i7ehe, Whitehorn, Kerfoot. I Llotion carried and so ordered, The following bills and tl-,eir so`cegaticns that had all been previously 0. Kd. by the Finance Committee were read. Ido. To Whome Issued For what Issued :mount ills a7.loured' 2503 R. B. Inc Farland Salary City Treasurer'j100.00 2504 Gerard Ryzel-, IT IT Attorney 100.00 2505 Sureke, Fire Hose Oo. Fore Hose 100.00 2506 G. M. Daniels, Salary Patrolmen L Truant 0£ 100.00 2507 G. I7. Kays, " IT 85:00 2508 Ed. Carter, " IT 27.45 ?509 3. R. I1c Coskrie It "" 57.55 2510 C. A. Broxson, " City Clerk 85.00 2511 1.1. J. Linderman, It Janitor 50.00 2512 D. C. Pales, IT Police Judge 25.00 2513 J. P. Driscoll, " City Chysician 25:00 2514 E. B. Raym_nd " Fire Chief 90.00 2515 M. J. Linderman, " fireman 8.00 2516 E, F, Kolb, " " 8.00 2517 Chas. Smith, IT IT 8.00 2518 H. B. Voshell, " Street '+'fork 75.00 2519 C. Suthpin, IT " IT 57,75 2520 D. Hastin„s, Clork on street with team 136.75 2521 J. J. Mills IT IT It 64.65 2522 Beall '- Coa_;any, Cart .: Brooms 26.60 2523 I. II. Sandage, fork with Prisoners 9.60 2524 W. B. Fuller " on Streets 6:85 2525 IT. R. Sylvesterm -freight on cart L Btooms 1.55 2526 C. A. Broxson, Election Expense L ect 4.40 2527 J. t% Hays IT " 4.50 2528 J. A. King, It r, 4,50 2529 W. C. Prindiville, IT " 4,50 2530 T.I. K. Gray It „ 4.50 2531 Li. I. ':Jehe, It " 4,50 2532 Pacific Poorer �, Light Compare,;, Light <: dater, 200.00 253:5 rr It IT IT " IT IT n 200.00 2534 I, IT 11 IT IT 1 ,r " IT 200.00 2535 It It ,f ,t It IT „ IT 47.55 2536 J. if. Hamilton WorL, on L. I. D. ITo. 43 ,: ='_-r 115.50 2537 " " It " if IT " If IT „ 11 38.50 2538 „ „ Ketner „ " ° " " " It 95.62 2539 7. P Brown, " " " " It " 49.36 2540 Void 2541 City Treasurer, Freight on .10ire AutomoTiile- 81.93 2542 Larkin 1.1aniffact-oring Co, Shut off Nozzles 50.00 2543 Power City I:dachine dorks Worh in Fire Auto 15.75 2544 White River Luunaer Co. Material for r'ire Auto 5.35 2545 0. K. Barns Hauling fire hose I; Freight 3.00 2546 Twin City Telephone Co. Rent on Phones 19.15 2547 CunninCJiam Hotel Cafe, Board of Prisoners 23.00 2548 The Crescent Drug Co., Sundries fo_ City 4.75 2549 The Pasco Express City Printing 34.45 2550 Gerard Ryzek Trip to FJalla Walla 7.45 2551 Star Livery E transfer Co. Livery =ire 1.50 2552 Yakima Bindery Lllection Expense 22.90 2573 hotel Pasco Cafe " „ 18.25 2554 Cunningham Hotel Cafe " " 5.50 2555 C. I.I. Barr IT It 4.50 2556 H.B. Pratt " IT 4.50 2557 R. N. Ta,lor IT " 4.50 2558 A. H. Pratt, It IT 4.50 2559 L. LI. Dell, „ 4.50 2560 K. S. Koontz, " " 4.50 2561 Myrtle Bertholet " " 4.50 2562 I:I. C. Merritt IT 4.50 2563 Louis Kleeb, 11 4.50 2564 C. A. Dolan, " " 4.50 2565 City Treasurer, 101� Liquor License 100.00 Lioved by Cox, seconded by Sylvester that ti<o firegoinr bills all be a allowed and paid from their respective funds. Uotion carried and so ordered. Lioved by Syly-ester, seconded by Clehe that D. Hastings contract be changed to read at 15.00 per clay for evey clay employed instead mf :;4.25 for e -j,* Callinder day for man team. Notion 0 carried and so ordered. On mot}',on rT j carried Council adjourned. ATTEST, �j (! /r / . - -Io-, �w w