HomeMy WebLinkAboutMBS Leasing - Metro Modular UnitsMAR -28 -MAR 28_'03 ,11;,15RM MODERNBLDG SYSTEMSg0g5453403 T0: 503 749 4950 I MAR I Gea►� wGREEh�N'I' LFdi@48� I & i mulmdoS,urc j CRY ofPrrm Po Bop Ito P.O. H" 293 9493 Potter Read Pweoe WA 99301 Ae®MIB, OR TI3s9 � 709 N PO Y P.2i2302/004 28 '03 10:48141 In mntidaratlon afffie tmw dud cordTtioas coed 9arriaLes9or and Lemee sp Man: Lasts Wm to lame ft BUDft (m &dbwd below) Lobo I asror er oitho_ dap of 2003 for a minimum ]area Po6w ofB momm in aodorbmca With the Terme ®d amaiam*Wledbftow 783-18`k-lSS 03. .�t�}P:,G Tu ams Ids otuma feet of �ao4 to d■Hxmlai vrblehi9i Lweaorwilldallwand mBt SpeciBdatidms. LESSORMAIi;EB ORIhat®, cmxlzsmO m ANY WARRANTEES FORWW ag.uwmn saw N--jimcobft 2 ` ear as per do PLm and 8paei6aabaas ptt od W herM by maim= Togo aba11 m'-� at o . k1A mal Parao..WAlthe"Larta mwl hdldigit st tbs L4aldotit mmft to ft PJ= and UWAMMoFANY=0 WiM'TMEMMS LWW,,UK WING,WIrB=L=ATTON, ADVAT ORFfrWSS FORAPAR11CULAR PURFOSS, RINI&: For tho mhdmmn low P,'J , I'M a agra" w pay I opo r, by Wo* a[ ddo Lar'aaffia0ioAtmmiUOnp%restio*Bmwam weof9E009D.QQ kwomiblY wAdnewofSl,Tgpa such rndabellbepeidbylow hiadvowont9oIS&W ofcsdbmonth.(TbL>m[meDlmtid 1�eoltoadjuctmaotasAooidad>rw91a)AppHrabke� and !Deal Wed ad are antes and otba &adt mm (ea pmvided m the Te® and ComBGma) dbaIIbaducandpay" toLaw byEaxammthiywimided lAw". Sae sba0 by paid withtlle tlaals* tmpoudiblo or mW site wads, cm% vim, sswor, teieptm ddaw at tha In oddkimm mot, La rues to pay wn. a ddivery ami imm>habta8e of ally and a nd ovW ad mwn mottcaeo=mmaticet Thrvmovaland.aamn 6efort reatawl ofFlteB�dlno• Lessor is dor fM ar tarTitiea of thele ommm ioae (os. poser. =1W ep=jfiQdJy commdtpdherefa b do so. I£TAIRk: Lesrecn�aadtokudset(s)afadhaldstr4Pmmoadd Itiheampsara not r=mdto Law, Imm wHl be d 4pd 5550 pw eat Ifthe &F as tahoW damrppd, Lc= wlll to dwWd wwrdasgly for the rgm&or mptrm=uk auWdmS taal be raaaood upoartwmm Lcarar o Leaaee'd role t» The rl.� ahar®e shall be Lessor's WAld 09PMM m WO, wbicbovrr L IarM Leteee eba0 be lia* ibr M od a0 damW to do8wI ft and b emo mrim Nkigs m not rw=wd with the Baadbto Yeses will be of foes W. The Lama of ttnr Lean AgOrAndnt (').sass"} shall sat bs afRcred bythe farms vf'msy i dsare pprcbrre oder. a ofwhow Loma ass P SW94 O re OWPOW HRR -28-2003 11:24AM TEL)503 749 4950 ID)PASCO CITY MANAGER PAGE:002 R=98% MAR 27 '03 11:14AM MODERN BLDG SYSTEMS ES R: MBS Leasing, Inc. PO Box 110 9493 Porter Road Aumsville, OR 97325 LEASE AGREEMENT LE EE: City of Pasco P.O. Box 293 Pasco, WA 99301 Job # PO # P. 2:4 In consideration of the terms and conditions contained hereto Lessor and Lessee agree as follows: Lessee agrees to lease the Building (as defined below) from Lessor as of the _ day of 2003 for a minimum lease period of M months in accordance with the terms and conditions attached hereto. The "Building" is a 42'x 6g' building, unit # _, serial # . containing 2 5 square feet of space, to be provided by Lessor as per the Plans and Specifications attached hereto as Exhibit A, which is incorporatedjlprein by reference. The Building shall be located at: ,,'jvS; n!. ::i,:0 Ai/E',. Aicn -WA 'X1341/ Pasco, WA (the "Location"). Lessor will deliver and install the Building at the Location according to the Plans and Specifications. LESSOR MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, CONCERNING THE BUILDING, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES FOR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. iTAL: For the minimum lease period, Lessee agrees to pay Lessor, by check at Lessor's office in Aumsville, Oregon, rent in the total amount of S_ QS 3Q0 00. in monthly installments of $1.350.00. Such monthly rent shall be paid by Lessee m advance on the Id day of each month (This rent amount is subject to adjustment as provided herein.) Applicable state mid local sales and use taxes and other direct taxes (as provided in the Terms and Conditions) shall be due and payable to Lessor by Lessee monthly as invoiced. INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL FEES: In addition to rent, Lessee agrees to pay Lessor, by check at Lessor's office in Aumsville, Oregon, a delivery and installation fee of lajW/ranV and pmvailinu we= rates are included in this amount,) and a removal and return fee based upon the current rate at the actual time of Lease termination The removal and return flee shall be paid with the Seal rental payment, before removal of the Building. Lessor is not responsible for any site work, excavation(backfnll or utilities or their connections (e.g., power, water, sewer, telephoneldata) at the Location, unless specifically contracted herein to do so. STAIRS: Lessee agrees to lease 74- set(s) of stairs for $4L per month. If the stairs are not returned to Lessor, Lessee will be charged $550 per set. If the steps are returned damaged, Lessee will be charged accordingly for the repair or replacement. CLEANING AND KEYS: The Building will be cleaned upon return to Lessor at Lessee's sole expense. The cleaning charge shall be Lesson's actual expense or $50, whichever is larger. Lessee shall be liable for any and all damage to the Building and its accessories. If keys are not returned with the Building, Lessee will be charged $50. The terms of this Lease Agreement ("Lease") shall not be affected by the terms of any Lessee purchase order, all of whose terms are reje�(c),t4 D1 Signed by duly authorized agents this .� Lessor. MBS Leasing, Inc. 0 ft,dn i-11622391 pp5129rA l MAR 27 '03 11:15AN MODERN BLDG SYSTEMS P.3/4 �CONDMNB 1. Sb¢ ammationus lasamdnorewla tsasEe does mtaes)eac mY right, titicm adacamtrm Betskn&a%mPt the right to pmax�artd u9e raeH¢ildmg¢adathis Lmse, so long a9 Leaxs 79 par W dafiun 2. Inadditioo m thepaYmtmt oPrent, Lmsm shall psY Lewd Pnr ek sNw and use taxes, other dn=dt mzesend regvaanun Sas imposed by Rde'sl, yart aeshamx'vm euthorisid anda0omted bJ [esmr ov nista% m ittlisddual or ptwered bads � omyuonsafWa Banding. 3. Losec wiB,YLLS ink ms,kap rio Bugdio6m Nl times mBoodrepekend 9pvenug mndismeod free aPall lima nod menmbrarw. Leas% sWl replwz Nl woes abrokea pane witanew pmts ecmptslslem Lahr. (]pen kaminntlm sfttusLmm, Lesrea will lamrnrlm Bu0dmgtu LessorWrrleas aguotlamndrtiaasaadela oPmpirvrcoma ba Wookfb neat atywearmdteare%oeptad. UmB mnandon 9rrstnir%Mve somtredty Iha saisfdtod ot[esmy Lessor ahNl antiw=mbe liebk 6se rem mevY Buildme mnsmat (a) voID ea:eswcmer, slmchmanm m atha iairos missing; (b)mquirmg rtraas efamltisd a rNadtlnBredomriovm aigiml apmidee0oW; or, (c) wdW due forWm for Which per formedccLsssw. 1fLmseo on the BudakorheI codscasu eaaaji notl.mmisixd by due for them fico which Isco%. atoll bezapomibk esd[am on the Hndd+vg wBl mntimmm uan=mrB ®er amvwrrlspsid by Levsc a. Ifthm Lenora Pore nuWm Budding don is mdaN is ecdadmm wdb i,cac's syxi sti—s and is nm door Lemm's amem iarm�wy,ths rest mmmmmmsvrdate alrlt he We dvm m wfichthe Bpddkg la mmll� et the I,oatioa. IfWe yeuelieem ie delnyrd by trey ad aoatisN®sfleesae, mor peymmrs shall aommmm omcLmsm is notifled aftbs mmpleBon afthe BwldWg S. Wise perforummeofim oblipmeo, Lapur slall nor he responsible rm events beyond imrenaovable ass -111A i¢eladiot udrMar Bmimtim. delays sir impou.b0tly ofmmufeduriag ddivea or iasndlffma due as ft flood. w n"orca, riot, r+vil disobedience, str*- sods. of Gad 6. £trey door.ger dean oflewea a0mu rzssor enmemsmvcmacw w.., --.... recandiesthelasasf(s)NerenramedY Paid by l.esseam(b)sra moad�a ofrenL wbidn:veris loo to eo nvc+n �oBLeasor'bcreeporuiN'dn wsaedumtial dvsaacs, lodudW& wirMat limiutiat Is. rfase or len profits. Trade sematic imitations shell ePPly 10 .6css ofthe mdse of the dorm, ixNdics wiWont limimden, those basad upon contract, tat (inclodreg naglsgnm), tvmamy a name Y. Lessee shag pmvlAo free and deer, gmme far de b cry.4 colors adribe partng by sa sAsd mabik aaoamili ,c iol- Losoe.•hell proside, firm and Ievel Around or nv mate than a ®%-inch slope from ave cod m the ohm da safe and mvhormcted WmWtion efts. Euddmg Tse sae mlad s is the solcteoponvb0ih efl-essee. ktsarshell have m rmponsib0ih a lialality 9rutY imtkquecY ofUe loation edssesasper.9flbe Buildtvg foss.% is solely moonsiblc fec obtaining any retPaimd parmtts fbrtse insmlladon and us, ofthc Hmldia at rhe Lradon. B. Leemr man nam naefiolmwmgthe expiradm oftbr minirmmleve pains, regvex tsasmto comm We Bu0dtngm tla location "Paw byienmr. (a) IfLoeee, wliMarsny fardra wrisenagammk.half masticator poison or..espy too Boddiag beyond chs minimum Imvepabd. iasee shall send ba deemed m haverenowsd sus Ixw on amenthto•mmW psis Ntse rmW tate in Lcuor's nwmldypuWishod lmse cim s) then is efkvt (b) IfLosmr Nets to rca tats Leasee Pda the Coiimlma ofthc minimum lease Pmsd. coat SW mnciaso mtil Wa Building is transited to Use location derhumid by t -star and usom pays Lewin at, umeid rads and merges allnaaW to rhe rdaoed Buldhor d®1 bavc sawed as 9fna, class dor Boodg sg is taurmd. 9. Lw,ae.bavol Baal. fm claims or dusaga afearY kind wbma ,, wadser in Paseo m porosity."5irl dam mm any way emnocrod with the Beildarg a Lorseeis use Imossf. and Loss® vin indemnity, dciced and bold lesmr Gumless dor say, and it ends clad. ademagamismgthae rota. 10. laratomedmlevm. Lewm[vpeesemethat Riarmmed in all ofd. 6eshm mrivaiW andsWliusuraim imraeedtnasld vbl�Wdoaswilb msPed mthp BwldWg. llm BuBdipgsWlbe mvad Ma mmprohedsive AOPaork'ivamanm pobaY.emzriv6 sae Pall replaccmw[ vaWcoPtheBaddin6 rah am' insmmea paymeen tWaornda payable m I,asor. Ins® shall bcrospaonble fro onY dadmeible anmmm. If Lasmo fNlamehmieamaWmWs���laarevm ati sig 'a orae LomrsaY ohmso encs ieutmm, but Leswsmbarsdlndmdosn.[it Wctt-em oPavy swage m a tae er dwhvccisv ofihe Hadd Wgeuusnvg subjaato iaermce, Lessor may, m rtsts oo tale Ncaiom datrswim to repair or replace: the Brsndmg- (b) Lassmasap maimaara Smaad Issid,ly Wauenao policy is the mioimam policy mnaum ofd] million Lewin "lbe mmedas m sdM1tioml tvsmed corse rhe policy. Lassa pull b reepore+ble Wr any drducrdde wmvR. (c) Before the iasWimon ofda Bu0ding,L¢ shell Aovids CessoreuNfsareefmsurma verifyis6 rFet lea°ae las ubmhsad Warequbcdlaaum Wvcram IL Ila%nowiageWl custom, E'= ofticSair. wirbW 10 days after f a, Sema is due and payable, (b) Lessor 6n1a to con (d) Lases canes doing b y, pre sea going.9ndan; (c) am Wf"lk b Lsssm wLaeadsscaputy, 9r ifLave nukmm aid coni eul Pathe M1 <.amsmnna m Izma c mWit a 6 -• sendWti to eomwctim wiar said low a w rmydWa am sfa®gvmart. forsushW$a or arca haeis maetlav ave 17. Upon the cosmetics ofan Brat oft)ellalt.sad without Acjadsoas, my vrbertighu or rcmemas Lamm®Y lurc,Losor cony eana los, my aro 9r mora oftbe tsdewW rernedirt: (a) Lesser may declare di, colors amestafr®t for Jen minimum lease scaod immediately doe and psyvbl= wubmr Wither mdmadsonowto Lesme. (b) Imoor may[aova at, seats sad other ammma due as 9fthe date afmch detaalr. (a) I.ccoor and tta agents MY, `Illarnmdq U&Wldym legal pmcesa.mainm say pose"" ofer under control ofLasamm be bcli� as W located Ind ftsups to repossess and seayntseparating d does airy class,pr property sed Wait, amu s secamry 0—Fa meW coke powasian of Wer Baest,d dteamm�eCrsg am ]Mlad3-13672392 0051297-00001 MAR 27 '03 I1e15AM MODERN BLDG SYSTEMS P. 4/4 Lwsm baeby mivwa,, cobs or uuu ofeaion ofwy kind whmeaeva,pimt Lasscir growing opt ofth, mowvol, sepsaesbn w ramibn oftlte 13mhliog, mducim,, w mm limimdov,,laims fw vapveaat mmawaia. (d) LasHdf inky obhlmpfouisapHl prpersHorinjgnrdrp rcliefTd recorw possr•,sion ofthp Be;IdiPg and Bsaxwsmties. Lessee hombywaivwmY ohjecdm b m,iii.M (e) Camr maY Emmons try omaumedy nmwwhaaftere nugalew m.et agutry. All suchmmodi s sm mmulgiw, end may be ezacisod mecu.smlY w sgmte[Y. t3. Rwrsavd ckargw narecdvm 6y Lour wfWie 30 dry4 Mtha lawisdek shell aaavo'btO rLmee of(e)112 pqr®[ per crumb m (b) Me mats... rine permitted bf low. wbicbeva is Iowa. 14. R,,on[ m mmum term Oflbu Lmm eaccedsii.Omhs,tim most rbmrge shell be subiets to adiusomm. bouts opens the All Imus Covera Price Md. ("CP1-) fm tle United S Was (Untied Smtw B. of Lmm, Swistie;156! hem pmbd) celmWad asfull— Mdof rlbuds moon, h,cho mho CPl,Meontd8k a�ovic.1d.HIm �qw ePO.ppmxm.ix Yealwt'"mmalor. ml.adfeetatbe mdo£We aecm etomhfdlewi,gtbawrmmemmam detc,mflhis Lee.. end we4 be fmtha edjuaed each six momhsWawflmr. Svidndjusvoma will bebewd .tins most.,. CP[ i¢Wwaba6m Weinmicblg o[wch rrnwl chm8e 15. shuns tba Lassa dmL for anyusms, to tamitmmddm Lease aso, timcbetbra Me Md Won minimum lase period,the pays l.ewot all unpaid tants rammxl Bmgdia& 16. It iPhns Usiod ell of in oNigetions coda this Least. fast Ius the gmvn to"Md thus MsxW M0 wmama. egathct,,LVnee mode Mhtam bamf..Woftbet,d Imve pmvisivna mftbis Agroomcm tl a mmw[hc,eine imtha MldL mymob w mu elthia 0n,ssaprherun CPI Lmus;0[desaltedabovesh,Bboepplimbl0udans Btst texpim us- lmWnn a Shedd Lwmewiabb ce acmadNis Lmae,Lamsm mem giveleaor30 days' noire. notice ePnslch alwtim bePwa th0 axpimtbe oetbe term Meefw bePoeMm mphtba ofmy pm'Im nlY antaded term hemmL 11. Lasux shell, m use's sola mm Qb%m"y Bud all lio atgmu, punks and abler attiGam, ens may be Mc,uimd by lowmmtbawiw>g Lnsw's lawdd opemion, paasea'eamwo,xvpvcy mime. Bw7mng. L. sbellprovideforalln®mtemocgopkaep, repir, vtilidwevd opamdotul mea mPaoy ,MPO wemtsacver paminieg m Me Budding 0 a aarefW mercer m w int b ,spec Mc Bvild'mgw damage. All pamim egtifiatxs ofdde or ttgishvtion applireblcblhe Budd'mg shellteBea Lcaaw'a ownership Mamf. 1H. Leas, ,hell narcmoath, BUHdhg 6mm th0 f.watienwilhmm prim writmn approve. {mm Le�+r. Lassa siuB vndy ieaswimmediateTy PPerq a[mropatlovyeraeimmoBuildia8andimlamnifyeml6ddLeaw harvdwsfrom ardagnimt mYloss et Wmagc rewltivgtbac5nm. Lessor rNY msDeat Wo BAdfvg Bmm time mb titi me If l,essm believes$¢ Buddim8 m be ovalomtled beyond mwl apes/ wmimud, ebumd m vegletm6 f.weOcmaY stmm.ily mmovamd raposaae the Beldivgupon fns days' pea artiam inti,. ics+rc le dmevat,[eeswsball beliaMe far Wctooil iminid antwud mr We. mimPv.,fam period 19. Ifa y Leasee attee6admammaiead Iramr's pmfllrw inn w, to the e Was is any wha any atha pawnP wehrN wws4ucm mmvg reposaeutm mtno nPuoulg oy a.ar. imtba wwvdy or ccmroi of soma ffx Lena dtha m ea,mnwofLassee. In 20. Lassen 0gprc9 that We. BoBWog rillndhPXd fwm�uddmtW purpsea Les. shal{nameke .permit any nalnwful nm of hamdiftg o£We Butltliegand ,hell nse>, without Lesmr's prim wnttm sins,., wake w pawn wry oM1mgw, almatbw w hnpmtYlMlHS in Brm the Buddi%mrsmovothere@emaoy pvd4 vcceawiw ur eimNmema 2I. 7Tiv i.ase ®Y net bcesuigoadby t.esatx, nor maY dl mmY prt ofthc Bulking h wbla by Linea withmttha prier wort. wvvmtofleswr. Lsmr vey wsippWisLeacatm Wa rem. 22. Aq pqi,a ragovW mpetmittadW be Hjvm haavdq shag bin writieS and dull b, deamOd propat1Y 81vto upon Miverm89m se�vepmruoNlY m m outbmued tepreaentaivc moble pEy m h mtfad, w uppv vrmilnrg wdrnmtia, by mgisamd w madSad mod. rerun receipt requave0.10 We Arty m be aoBBad, o[ iaeddress hamufkr se. lagh, era such orbs addt0sm Harbin Me UPited Somsas W, paaN to be wdfied mvY have dwigmM pow Mcrae by wrimil notice ro rise other party. 23. Heb paste signing ibis Leaumisasaolsaldvermtds We. wch prion basdl rtyn'sha lsowaaM euMwitynmasmtym wow¢ Hale Lww.dm peektmthe puy's resppa[iveoblipEana IBsmedw avd tbathis Lean is bivdiee upon evd mfettmde=I�t Wa pry eePresemed by thin pas.. ThisLeam shill iam,m the baeN efand shall be balding upv Hm respative ntaavmv b iptaw[amd pasnGad aadBry of W e. padw hgeeo. 24. LBasa'a oblt¢pBaw set forth bemin ,hall wrvrve do fnnnirtmion o[Mie Lerue. 23. Thk tomo cmomisss WoamkO eP{eemaotavd mdemmndivg betwssuthcprtiw ane. amprrudwa0d scplecea ell priww metempOtvmaosmmmm�isliona. PrdavmvdteHso[ agreemerda, whabaverW m rvt'rtbv. 26. This Leu ahellbegovaued by and emtsemed inacmrdaxe with the lows moble. amm ofOregmm Tho escA�®w<vaPmc for my dwpu[e enaee omof mreLW m Mia LeuoalaB he WeCitwHCour Ofthv State ofOmgm va MerlBP Or MulteomaM1 CvmmY. a Leamr's "Him. Howcva, aothing in Wis protisimn stili pravelrc Lawrltom seck:�equimble maiefin any cont wilhjudadictiert 27 to Me eve ofany divpsde Pr dai.naisiog out vont wiarcd meh®Lww, MO provmlin8lmy .bell be wtiaedm mew. ail litigation mm; incladitg wllbcet limiw»q adwmey flues arts mina kcutredvtfrbl, mvappal, m raiaw a aensY bnkiuptry pro0adiv8 Pwdnd3-13627392 005129740001