HomeMy WebLinkAboutN-360 - Work Place Violence ProhibitedCITY OF PASCO ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS Administrative Order No. 360 Risk Management Subject: Workplace Violence, Prohibited Initial Effective Date: July 14, 2014 Revised Approved I. PURPOSE: This Administrative Order is issued to communicate the City of Pasco's policy on workplace violence. The City of Pasco is committed to providing a safe workplace for its employees, customers, contractors, vendors and the public. Therefore, in an effort to help prevent or reduce the possibility of violence in our workplaces, the City has implemented this policy. IL DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED: All III. REFERENCES: Administrative Order No. 361 — Carrying Weapons at Work, Prohibited IV. DEFINITIONS: City Premises: The term "premises" means all areas within the ownership /control of the City to include, but not limited to, buildings, parking lots, offices, work areas, break rooms, rest rooms, desks, cabinets, lockers, storage rooms, city vehicles, personal vehicles used for City business and any property on which employees may work or represent the City. The City of Pasco reserves the right to search all City premises when management determines such a search is a reasonable and necessary precaution for workplace safety. V. POLICY: The City of Pasco strictly prohibits threatened or actual workplace violence. This includes, but is not limited to, any of the following behaviors in or around the City premises or otherwise related to employment: VI. A. Carrying a weapon on City premises or while engaging in City business in violation of Administrative Order No. 361; B. Threatening injury or damage to a person or property; C. Causing physical harm to another person; D. Aggressive or hostile behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury to another person or subjects another individual to emotional distress; E. Bullying; F. Committing acts motivated by, or related to, sexual harassment or domestic violence; G. Joking about any of the above misconduct (because of the potential for misunderstanding). PROCEDURES: A. Reporting: 1. Any potentially dangerous situation (aggressive employee, consultant, customer, member of the public) must be reported immediately to a supervisor or Human Resources. 2. Incident reports are to be completed. 3. Reports or incidents warranting confidentiality will be handled appropriately; information will be disclosed to others only on a need -to -know basis. 4. If the City determines that an employee has exhibited aggressive behavior or violated any part of Section V of this administrative order, s/he will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination. 5. If the City determines that an employee observed and failed to report a potentially dangerous situation, s/he will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination. 6. Concerns with members of the public or other parties shall be handled by the City of Pasco as it determines under its policies and procedures. 7. Employees are encouraged to report the existence of restraining orders and protection orders to their supervisor(s) and Human Resources that may impact the workplace. 8. In emergency situations, employees should call law enforcement directly. B. Imminent Danger/Violence Incident: 1. Any employee who reasonably believes that a situation with an aggressive employee, consultant, contractor, vendor or other party may immediately become violent, putting the employee or others in imminent danger, should promptly leave the work area and report to his/her supervisor /manager. 2. No disciplinary action shall be taken against any employee who leaves a work area when the employee has a reasonable belief that an emerging situation with an aggressive person is likely to turn violent at that time. 3. The supervisor /manager should take immediate action (e.g. call 911) and notify the Department Director of his/her action. 4. Timing and circumstances of return by the employee to the work area shall be coordinated by the employee with management. Administrative Order No. 360 — Workplace Violence, Prohibited Page 2 5. The employee, supervisor and/or Department Director will follow the City's procedures in response to such events, including incident reporting and appropriate action deemed necessary by the Department Director. C. Enforcement: Threats, threatening conduct, or any other acts of aggression or violence in the workplace (including those enumerated above) will not be tolerated. Any employee determined to have committed such acts will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Non - employees engaged in violent acts on the City's premises will be reported to the proper authorities and fully prosecuted. Approved: Stan Strebel, Acting City Mana er Date Administrative Order No. 360 — Workplace Violence, Prohibited Page 3