HomeMy WebLinkAbout1st Quarter 2013 CITY OF PASCO Quarterly Activity Report Including Financial Statements I S` Quarter 2013 April 2013 Quarter • • rt 2013 Page I Fire Department Mission:to provide rapid mitigation of fire, rescue, hazardous materials and medical emergencies with compassion, integrity, and respect towards the citizens. To be the premier provider of public By Fire Chief, Bob Gear safety services, utilizing our people as the critical resource to accomplish our goals. Administration • Replaced three open positions within the organization and hired two additional firefighters to fill the variable shift, to The jurisdictions involved have agreed on a plan reduce overtime to use grant dollars to hire a consultant to study • Worked with the school district on safety issues related to the structure and costs of the multi-county dispatching system. facilities and personnel • Implemented a multi-county apparatus numbering system • Promoted three Lieutenants (I per shift) • In the final review process of a Rules and Regulations manual for next quarter implementation • Continued support and assistance to regional communications system efforts • Implemented procedures to assist chronic emergency medical system abusers • Reviewing contract with Port of Pasco for ARFF response to the Tri-Cities Airport Training & Safety The first quarter of 2013 was another active quarter for the training and safety division. The division assisted in the development and/or completion of several projects. These projects included: • Redesign of training records management system — The training division has been working with our training records management system developer in order to redesign the database to meet the new requirements as defined by WAC 296-305 - Vertical Safety Standards for Firefighters. • Continued Training with WWCFPD#5 (Burbank Fire District) - During the second quarter live fire exercises were provided for the Fire Department and the District (a mutual aid partner). All shifts participated in the required live fire exercises, including the flashover prop. • Development of regional training — The training division has been working with Franklin Emergency Management in the development of several regional tabletop exercises including the Disaster Control Hospital, ESF8 (Mass Fatality Plan) and the annual Airport Exercise. • Initiation of Regional Command/Control Training — We have implemented a regional approach to training for upper level fireground managers (Battalion Chiefs) in order to facilitate collaborative efforts. Fire Prevention Specialist The part time Fire Prevention Specialist conducted twenty new commercial building plan reviews for fire protection systems, access and hydrant locations. Also provided: 10 follow-up inspections of in-progress buildings; three plats for access and hydrant locations; updated station maps and apparatus map books and managed five new Knox key box installations; attended 29 intake and pre-application meetings and conducted one fire hydrant fire flow test. Quarter • • Page 2 Fire Department (continued) Operations Summary The Fire Department responded to an increased call volume of 3% during the First Quarter of 2013 as compared to the First Quarter of 2012. The ratio of calls for service remains steady at approximately 80% for EMS and 20% for Fire and other emergencies. Fire Responses 900 837 750 600 450 300 147 146 150 0 Fire EMS Other Fire EMS Other 1st Quarter 2012 1st Quarter 2013 Emergency Medical Services The Department is in the process of completing a King County Grant for training Pasco Police Officers in High Performance CPR, training 12-Lead ECG classes for North Franklin County Public Hospital District #1 and CPR training for incoming classes of Columbia Basin College students. This will enhance their capability of early detection of cardiac events. The ambulance work group has continued updating and evaluating the inventory of the equipment and medications assigned to each ambulance. The goal continues to be reducing the amount of unneeded and duplicated equipment and medications, thus lowering inventory and overall operating expenses. The survival rate of cardiac arrest victims continues to increase. The Department's effort has improved the rate of return for spontaneous circulation from 27% in 2012 to 30% to date in 2013. Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting The Department has been working closely with the Port of Pasco in the development of an airport exercise scheduled for late September of 2013. The Port of Pasco and the Department successfully completed an annual audit of ARFF capabilities at the Tri-Cities Airport in March. Quarter • • Page 3 Administrative & Community Services Mission: to provide a wide-range of By Administrative £t Community Services Director, Rick Terway services to the community, including leisure and recreation services, public facilities and customer service, and provide internal support to all City Administration departments. • Continued talks with the IUOE for facilities staff labor agreement • New long-term lease with Columbia Marine Center for Pasco Boat Basin operations kr • New long term contract with Pasco National Little League • Working with TREC Committee on RFQ for signage of trail system • Continued working with USACE on Pesticide/Herbicide issues Information Services Basic Operations • Assisted Sun Willows with network issues related to timecard system. • Performed upgrade of I-Leads (BiPIN) software for Police Department. • Updated GEMS Financial system with W2 information and helped prepare W2s for disbursement to employees. • Scanned recent cemetery contracts, and updated Pontem Cemetery System (database). • Updated Senior Center Foot Care database to allow for new reporting requirements. • Setup Laserfiche Document Storage System to archive documents relating to Animal Canvassing Database. • Updated AutoCAD software to newest version in Engineering. • Issued several Microsoft vulnerability patches to address security issues on Windows based computers. • Updated Police and Fire Mobile Computers with most recent 911 dispatch map. • Worked with PW Instrument Tech to review SCADA network (electronic control system for water and wastewater processes) and City network integration (this more effectively uses installed infrastructure) and developed plan for access and security. • Updated City GIS maps to reflect annexation area, updated information from Franklin County. • Responded to several public records requests, including email, GIS, and database requests. Special Activities/Proiects • Assisted Police Department with recovery process of video evidence from several different investigations. • Remodeled and organized Information Services office space in City Hall. • Researching Sysaid self-service password module, to allow users to reset forgotten passwords, without the need for direct IS help. • Reviewing possible design and creation of an electronic policy and procedure manual tracking system to update, distribute, and track employees' receipt of policy/procedure changes. Quarter • • • ' Administrative & Community Services (continued) Information Services (continued) • Setup Trak-it system to allow for self-issue yard sale permits. • Testing wireless video system to improve Volunteer Reception video presentation. Recreation Services Special Activities/Projects • I S` Quarter tournaments hosted at Pasco Softball Complex: • Adult Spring Fling — 12 adult softball teams All World Sport Spring Fling — 18 adult softball and 4 youth baseball teams The Gathering — 40 youth baseball teams • Egg Hunt in partnership with Pasco Jaycees at Pasco Softball Complex— 1200 youth and 800 parents were in attendance • YMCA at the Martin Luther King Center had 1260 units of participation in the I" quarter. Recreational Services Summary Recreation Services Areas Participants Arts & Cultural 31 Drop-In Programs 1680 Family Programs and Events 68 Health & Fitness 39 Lifelong Learning 167 Senior Center 116 Outdoor Programs 0 Rentals 57 Sports 504 Summer Camps 0 Aquatics Classes Only 0 Total 2,662 Senior Center (drop in programs, units of participation) 5,2 56 Quarter • • rt 2013 Page 5 Administrative & Community Services (continued) Facilities Basic Operations Staff • Attended monthly safety meetings • Pesticide training Parks • Burned tumbleweeds • Repaired irrigation systems from electrical storms (4 clocks, 12 valves, 2 transformers, 4 relays and a transducer) • Laid out and painted 4 soccer fields • Prepared Softball Complex for the season • Installed safety cover and security camera at Memorial Pool • Started irrigation systems for the season • Repaired and serviced equipment for upcoming season • Opened restrooms for the season • Irrigation repairs: 2 mainline breaks Facilities • Spray in insulation above offices at Public Works • Install new exhaust fan in City Hall • Move office furniture for Finance and City Clerk • Plumbing repairs at MLKCC • Repaired doors at Station 83 • Removed fencing for new parking area at PD compound • Installed new ramps in PD compound • Re-lamped golf cart sheds • Repaired roof leak at Senior Center • Installed new exhaust fan at Senior Center • Charged water for Dust Devils stadium Special Events • Hosted 2 softball and I baseball tournament and PHS home games • Installed soil conditioner at the Softball Complex Cemetery • Performed 21 funerals; 18 burials, 3 cremations • Completed I I pre-need contracts and installed 12 headstones • Charged irrigation system • Prepared construction site for new Urn Garden project $25,000 $20,867 $18,235 Cemetery Revenues $20,000 YTD $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 2013 Monthly 2013 Monthly 2012 Monthly Budget Average Average Quarter • • • ' • Administrative & Community Services (continued) City Clerk PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS 2013 YTD 2012 YTD 2011 YTD Totals Totals Totals General Information 51 20 31 Police Department 14 13 9 Animal Information 4 6 7 Total 69 39 47 ANIMAL CONTROL ACTIVITY— Year to Date CATS I DOGS TOTAL Animals Processed 175 233 408 Returned to Owner 6 51 57 Adopted 47 131 178 Fostered 32 21 53 Euthanized 73 15 88 DOA 17 15 32 Strays Turned In 121 105 226 Animals Picked Up 54 128 182 Total Infractions Issued 76 Financial Services Basic Operations Accounting • Processed all month end entries, interfund charges and coding corrections by the 10`h of the month. • Reconciled monthly, all billing and cash receipting systems by the end of the next month. • Created monthly financial reports for Council, City Manager, Directors and HR Manager by the 15`h Accounts Payable • Issued 1,327 claim checks, 27 electronic fund transfers and 28 wire transfers totaling $8,355,765. • Issued 336 Treasurer's Checks totaling $596,649. Accounts Receivable • 912 invoices were mailed totaling $1,417,028. • Ambulance Aging Report Summary—This represents an aging of all outstanding ambulance billings as of March 31, 2013. Description Current 31-60 61-90 91-120 121-150 151-180 Over 180 Total days days days days days days Dollar 139,635 46,664 29,264 24,322 16,755 12,395 15,598 320,632 Percentage 44% 14% 9% 8% 5% 4% 16% 100% Quarter • • Page 7 Administrative & Community Services (continued) Financial Services (continued) • Ambulance Customer Summary Report—This is a summary of the agencies, individuals and companies with outstanding receivables for ambulance services. Description Medicare DSHS Private Pay Insurance Companies Dollars 26,969 15,585 226,944 51,134 Percentage 8% 5% 71% 16% • Customer Service and Utility Billing 2013 Bills Delinquent Delinquent New Processed Offs Bills Services January 18,728 644 3,740 33 February 18,813 441 3,185 32 March 18,734 172 2,215 38 Total 56,275 1,257 9,140 103 Autopay/mo 4,976 (27%) Special Activities/Projects Accounting • Completed year end closing processes. • Prepared annual financial statements (CAFR) for City and PFD. • Kicked off financial software implementation project. • Substantial progress on Chart of Accounts conversion. • Participated in GIS project. Customer Service and Utility Billing • Annual renewal process for Animal Licenses & Business Licenses. • March 8, responsibility for Business Licenses moved from City Clerk to Finance Division. Frees up additional time for City Clerk to work on public records requests. • March I, implement Utility Billing Ordinance changes regarding deposits, budget program, payment arrangements, late fees, field service charges, landlord/tenant account management, etc. Chiawana Park, January ^r 1 Lag J y r Quarter • • • ' i Public Works Department By Public Works Director, Ahmad Qayoumi Mission: to maintain all city streets, maintain and operate all water and sewer facilities, construct new facilities to ensure the highest level of public satisfaction and safety. Public Works CROSS CONNECTION: Area 3 started with 318 properties out of compliance; to date The City has secured a $500,000 STP grant there are 196. This area has a mandatory compliance date of to be used for demolition of old buildings November 1, 2013. acquired as right-of-way. A phased • 53 meters/services were retrofitted with backflow demolition plan has been developed. assemblies. • 5 backflow assemblies were installed with new residential In addition to $700,000 in STP funding, the services. City has recently secured a $500,000 • 11 new commercial and residential assemblies were installed Highway Safety Grant to design and under private ownership. construct safety improvements identified in the corridor study. Design is underway, EQUIPMENT RENTAL: " with public workshops planned in the second quarter and construction anticipated • Performed normal scheduled maintenance and unscheduled to begin in mid-summer. emergency repairs on equipment rental fleets (133 scheduled work orders and 143 unscheduled/emergency work orders). • Received and placed into service I new truck with Service Box for Roadway design is underway with a design Facilities Division. workshop conducted in February and • Completed yearly physical inventory of the equipment rental another scheduled in May. CH2MHill has been selected as the project consultant. parts. Design of Phase I is expected to be complete by the end of 2013, with construction completed by the end of 2014. STREETS/STORM DRAINS: • Continued running two full time street sweepers. The third sweeper is running 50% of the time. Staff is currently negotiating with a • Performed City-wide sidewalk inspections. This consultant on a contract scope and terms. was done to identify trip hazards. The study is expected to be completed by . Began annual alley maintenance program. the end of 2013. • Began Annual Storm Drain Cleaning Maintenance Program for 2013. • Performed monthly routine maintenance such as streets patching, traffic and pedestrian light repair, and street sign installation and repair. • 1 traffic signal repaired. • 96 signs installed/replaced/repaired. • 41 stop signs replaced due to graffiti/reflectivity this quarter. PUBLIC WORKS SHOP ENGINEERING: • 5 Ave Sewer Manhole Repair— 100% complete. • 5th Ave Sewer line Repair - Design 50% complete. • Road 44 Sewer Lining— Design 80% complete. • 2013 Crack Seal - In construction and expected to be complete June I0`" 1 st Quarter • • rt 2013 Page • Public Works (continued) WATER DISTRIBUTION: • Performed daily activities such as: Services Meters Small Locates Service Orders Water Main Change Out Taps 13 59 230 461 209 3 ❑ Daily Average Wastewater Flows/Year(MG) WASTEWATER SYSTEM: • The wastewater plant treated 364.9 million gallons of 4.1 wastewater during the first quarter of 2013, an 4 4.05 average of 4.05 million gallons per day. This is an 3.9 3.98 3.8 increase 0.75% over last year's 362.15 million gallons 3.7 3.86 with a daily average of 3.98 mgd. Current flow 3.6 represents 50% of plant capacity. 3.5 3.61 3.4 3.3 2010 2011 2012 2013 WATER TREATMENT PLANT: • The plant produced 590.6 million gallons of water ❑ Daily Average Water Flows/Year(MG) during the I st quarter of 2013 which is an increase of 34.1 million gallons over the same quarter of 2012, but comparable to previous years. 6.6 • Plant staff completed 150 work orders directly 6.s related to the maintenance requirements of the 6.4 6.56 6.5 water facility. 6.3 6.46 • Completed 24 consecutive months of source water compliance monitoring (LT2) at the West Pasco 6.2 Water Treatment Plant as required by the State 6.1 Dept. of Health. All tests were within limits. 6 6.12 • Began the 3rd phase of quarterly Unregulated 59 Contaminant Monitoring Requirements (UCMR3). 2010 2011 2012 2013 • Plant staff completed filter maintenance. INDUSTRIAL RE-USE FACILITY: • Annual flow to date for Foster Wells lift station for 2013 is 58.6 million gallons, compared to 2012, 1 st quarter of 68.0 million gallons, a decrease of 9.4 million gallons. Flows vary depending on the production activity of the user processing facilities. I st Quarter Report 2013 ' . • - 10 Public Works (continued) Engineering Plan Review Activity Comparison 1 st Qtr YTD 1 st Qtr YTD 2013 2012 1 Commercial Plans 34 31 2 Binding Site Plans 0 0 3 Preliminary Plats 0 2 4 Short Plats 3 1 5 Subdivisions 0 1 6 Driveway& Fence 143 239 Capital Improvement Projects - Construction Project Name % Completed 4th Avenue Corridor—Sylvester to Court 100 LID 149 Kurtzman Park 100 Road 56 Waterline 95 Northwest Commons Sewer Lift Station 10 PWRF Optimization Project 2 Commercial/Kahlotus Lift Station I USBR Irrigation Connection Awarded Commercial Ave Water Line Out to Bid Heritage Rail Spur Out to Bid 4th Avenue Corridor-Court to 1-182 Bid Mid-April Capital Improvement Projects - Design Project Name % Completed ADA Transition Plan 100 Lewis Street Overpass 100 Prep Lane 100 2013 Sewer Line Extension 100 Comprehensive Sewer Master Plan 95 Butterfield Storage Bldg 90 Powerline Road Widening 90 Columbia Water Supply 30 Traffic Signal Master Plan 20 Court St. ADA & Pedestrian Upgrades 20 Commercial-Kah lotus Sewer-South 10 Pasco Safe Routes to School, Phase 1 10 2013 Annual Sewer Relining 5 East Side Booster Station Upgrade 2 Quarter • • • Community Development Department ^ Mission: to promote and oversee By Community Et Economic Development Director, Rick White economic and community development and administer land use, housing, property maintenance and construction regulations. Items Reviewed The Port of Pasco received an $188,500 grant The City Council reviewed the following items this quarter: from the Department of Ecology and expects to retain a consultant by May I to help plan for I Executive project (Council District Boundaries) redevelopment of the Marine Terminal area. The ❖ I Plan item (Historic Preservation Plan Professional Services Planning Department is in the process of Agreement) prioritizing specific capital improvement projects for the Boat Basin area based on the recently 3 Rezones (Richards; Coca-Cola; Newton) approved City Rivershore Plan. 6 Special Permits (PMB Church; Cell Antenna; Lourdes Record Storage Building; Verdad Luz Church; Harris Road water pump station; Elodia's Daycare). The second neighborhood meeting is scheduled I Street Vacation (Port of Pasco/Morales) for April 17 to discuss alternatives including street, sidewalk, and planting strip upgrades in the area. The Planning Commission held 6 public hearings for the following items in I st quarter: ❖ I Code Amendment (Title 25 Revisions) The Fa4ade Improvement Program funded under I Rezone (Newton C-I to C-3) CDBG continues this quarter with one fa4ade improvement project recently completed in the 4 Special Permits (Gutierrez Daycare; Melendez private bus Pasco Downtown, and another approved at the terminal; Nunez church; AT&T temporary wireless tower) opposite corner. The City has also received a grant for design of the one-way couplet concept The Planning Commission also held 4 workshops (Automobile Repair for Lewis and Clark Streets, in conjunction with in Commercial Zones; Shoreline Master Program Orientation; the proposed Lewis Street Overpass. A Airport Zoning Update; Park Fees). consultant is expected to be selected by late summer Community Development Block Grant The Block Grant Division has accomplished the following items Bid opening for the Heritage Industrial Park and during the quarter: Big Pasco rail extension project is scheduled for April 9th, with a contract award expected shortly thereafter. The project should be Sold two infill homes this quarter producing income totaling completed by December 2013. The Kahlotus $199,750 for the HOME and NSP affordable housing sewer lift station contract has been awarded to programs. Watts Construction. Project completion is Accepted an offer on one of the three remaining homes. expected by mid-September. ••• ❖ Closed out $35,300 in down payment assistance (DPA) loans. The Department has engaged Teresa Brum & Associates as consultant to assist in the development of a City of Pasco Historic Preservation Plan. The contract is expected to be completed within approximately 6 months. Quarter • • Page 12 Community Development Department (continued) Planning Department Projects Planning Department reviewed and processed: ❖ 90 administrative applications (e.g. site plan reviews, sign permits, etc.) ❖ 18 Grant Projects ❖ 2 Legislative applications ❖ 15 Quasi-judicial land use applications Code Enforcement During the first quarter, 585 new code enforcement complaints were received. In addition, Pasco Code Enforcement Officers opened 1,564 new cases for code violations during the same period. This number shows a significant increase from 2012, primarily due to animal license cases which were processed more quickly this year. 1600 1400 1200 I st Quarter Code 1000 Enforcement Activity 800 W Complaints 600 V New Cases 400 200 0 1st Qtr 2012 1st Qtr 2013 Building During the first quarter, 561 building permits were issued for a construction value of $59,686,674. Permits for 54 new single family homes were issued and 3 factory-assembled single family homes were oSFDU placed. Total construction valuation is down w Building Permits approximately 9% for the year. Single family housing starts are down 27% compared to the first quarter of last year; however, 2012 statistics include a surge of SFDU permit , applications received in advance of the implementation of school impact fees last 1st Qtr 2012 1st Qtr 2013 April. Quarter • • Page 13 Police Department Mission: Responsible for reducing crime and the fear of crime; improving the By Police Chief, Robert Metzger quality of life for Pasco's citizens. Calls for service are up 14% compared to IS` quarter 2012 Part I Crimes (11,632 to 13,287). Some of this is 475 due to the Street Crimes Unit and Each of the five jurisdictions involved some to a more proactive approach with the emergency communications effort have now signed the MOU to patrol which was implemented 454 (Memorandum of Understanding) which this year. The Department is up to 450 will initiate the effort to utilize a full staffing for 2013 which could $100,000 state grant to define the also account for some of the 434 feasibility and costs associated with a increase. regional dispatch system. The MATRICS Advisory Team is meeting to consider 425 the operational issues that will need to There has been a decrease in part be addressed with a combined system. one crimes by 4%, and a decrease in part 2 crimes of 3%. Felony arrests are up by 7%. These numbers are 400 similar to the surrounding area and 1st Qtr 2012 1st Qtr 2013 The new Street Crimes Unit, with focus still below both national and state on gang prevention and suppression, averages. became operational for the first quarter. To date statistics include: Administration • 60 gang member arrests • 23 of those arrested resulted in 53 This quarter saw the startup of our new Street Crimes Unit. The new criminal charges department has been providing monthly updates on the success of • 122 outstanding arrest warrants this unit. In part due to the activities of this unit, the city has seen served gang related arrests go up 13% from last year and gang incidents go • 6 criminal search warrants served down 11%. Two veteran sergeants, with a combined total of 55+ years of The SCU also worked with the Kennewick & Benton County Gang Units experience, will retire at the end of the quarter- Sergeants John during the quarter, taking a regional Probasco and Mike Monroe. Sgt. Monroe of the SCU will be replaced approach to addressing numerous gang by Sergeant Jason Miller. Detective Brad Gregory and Officer Dawn related assaults occurring in the region. French will be promoted to sergeant upon these retirements. Two officers have been hired to replace the retiring Sergeants and they will attend the basic police academy in June. Currently a review of candidates is underway to replace another officer who is leaving the Department. Patrol The Department initiated a new performance activity report for officers and shifts in January. This is the first full quarter for reporting and review on this new system. The Patrol Sergeants have met with each officer on their shift and have discussed individual goals and will use the performance report to help measure the accomplishments. Sergeants will be prepared at the end of the year to evaluate each officer based on the goals that have been discussed. This will work well as the department moves to the new year-end evaluation system rather than the current anniversary date. The first quarter results reflect improved officer performance. Quarter • • • ' Police Department (continued) Investigations Commercial business burglaries became a problem during the quarter. A group of individuals appear to be targeting arterial street businesses by breaking out store front windows and grabbing property that is visible, then leaving before response from alarms. The division investigated two shooting assaults which occurred in the quarter. In both cases, arrest warrants were issued for suspects and arrests made. The clearance rate for crimes investigated is 18%. Training Year-to-date training hours for department personnel are 1264. With pre-scheduled training for the calendar year, the Department will be on track to accomplish well over the mandatory 24 hours needed for each officer. The use of the training building has proven very successful with it being used several times a week. In mid-April it will be used for a week long CJTC Swat Basic course. Reserves/Explorers The reserve unit contributed 1071 hours this quarter. There are four new reserves that are attending the academy with a graduation date of June. The explorer unit contributed 1890 hours during the quarter, including annual clean up at the range. Field Operations Traffic Citations 250 2500 — 2 2035 00 2000 150 1500 4 100 210 1000 50 500 0 Criminal Felony DUI Arrests Criminal Felony DUI Arrests Traffic Arrests Traffic Arrests 0 1st Qtr 2012 1st Qtr 2013 1st Qtr 2012 1st Qtr 2013 Quarter • • Page 15 Executive Department Mission: to provide general administrative oversight of the city organization to assure efficient and effective delivery of municipal services consistent with By City Manager, Gary Crutchfield City Council policy and directives; oversee all personnel matters and external communications for the organization. Communications Activities for the quarter include: + Continued coordination with the City of Richland on a cooperative effort for renewal of the cable franchise agreement, The City has given "notice to proceed"for the has been proposed to the e Re with negotiations commencing with Charter Communications 28 acre property on Sand Re Regional PFD Parkway, which as the + Began cooperative production with Richland of a video for all site for Aquatic Facility. This action preserves four area cities (Pasco, Richland, Kennewick, West Richland) for the ability to purchase the site at the fixed the upcoming "State of the Cities" presentation for the Tri-Cities price until January 2014. It is anticipated that Chamber of Commerce the TCRPFD will place funding of the Aquatic + Cooperated in production with Richland of the annual "State of Facility on the August primary election ballot. the Ports" address for the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce * Produced an informational program on the Public Records Act " . " " " . ' ` and distributed to the State Legislature In conjunction with the City's legislative + Creation and publication of the 2012 Annual Report, April issue consultant, working with DNR representatives of The Pulse, and a Rental "FAQ" brochure for Utility Billing to define acceptable path for DNR to facilitate + Appointment to the national board of the Alliance for urbanization of Section 16 adjacent to Road 68 interchange. Community Media Continued video production of the Pasco Chamber of Commerce's "Chamber Minute" and monthly Chamber luncheon programs Human Resources Recruitment/Employment: • Nine new regular employees were hired and oriented between I/1/13 and 3/31/13 (One lateral Police Officer, one entry-level Police Officer, two lateral Firefighter/Paramedics, one Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, one Construction Inspector, one Senior Engineer, one Civil Engineer, one IS technician.) • Ten seasonal parks staff were re-hired • Three firefighters were promoted to Fire Lieutenant • Recruitments for the following positions were held during the first quarter of 2013: Firefighter/Paramedic, Police Officer — entry and lateral, Waste Water Plant Operator, Senior Engineer, Civil Engineer, Laborer, PC Specialist. Annual recruitment for lifeguards initiated; 43 confirmed returnees. • Two employees resigned their employment with the City; one retirement. Unions: + Held negotiation sessions with IOUE over two expired contracts and specific issues. Special Projects: • Ten public records requests received • Five special assistance requests for healthcare issues • Continued application of Healthcare Reform Act requirements. • Attended information meetings on upcoming software conversion • Conducted an assessment testing for a Fire Lieutenant list— 10 candidates. • Annual Awards Banquet Regular Projects: + Year-end Processing Quarter • • rt 2013 Page 16 Executive Department (continued) Human Resources (continued) + Personnel action forms for Police and Fire wage contract changes and for cost of living changes for non- represented employees. + Schedule and make arrangements for the annual Management Team Retreat Annual Objectives + Continue with update of HR related Administrative Orders + Continue with tracking Healthcare Reform Act applications + Complete PTO project Executive + Continuing to provide technical support to the Tri-Cities Regional Public Facilities District. + Completed replacement of approximately 550 100w HPS lamps with induction lamps. The City, in cooperation with Franklin PUD, has now replaced approximately 50% of City streetlights with energy efficient induction lights. + Continuing to work with the Port of Walla Walla to implement sewer service agreement. Easements for the sewer line are nearly completed and plans are close to being finalized. + Assisting in the response to numerous public records requests regarding annexation, Council members and staff. + Working with City Attorney on public records lawsuits + Continuing coordination with County on Municipal Court project in conjunction with Franklin County jail construction project. Contractor Lydig began construction in March; completion is expected in mid to late 2014. + Completed revisions to Administrative Orders on hiring and annexation agreements. + Continuing work to complete implementation of online, no fee yard sale permit system. + Prepared various options for Council District realignment for Council consideration. + Completed 2012 Annual Report to Citizens. + Continuing to monitor relocation process for remaining displaced Lewis Street property owners; coordinating efforts to secure final property for right-of-way. + Worked with counterparts to develop MOA to use state grant for regional communications systems design + Several meetings with Downtown Pasco Development Authority and Specialty Kitchen representatives to define scope and resolution of conflicts at Kitchen + Developed multiple contractual offers for provision of ambulance service to Fire District No. 3 + Presentation to and discussion with Leadership Tri-Cities group regarding "local government" + Mediated and resolved dispute between two Hispanic soccer leagues for use of Road 36 complex + As Chair of TREC, developed MOA for cooperative funding of common design standards for the Rivershore trail way-finding system (signing and identification) + Attended CLAC in Olympia; met with legislators to press Pasco issues and concerns + Much staff time devoted to working with legislative consultant to advance Pasco issues in the legislature Respectfully submitted, Gary Crutchfield, City Manager Attachments: + General Fund Revenues + Fund Balances + Investment Report MAJOR GENERAL FUND REVENUE SOURCES Property Tax Revenue 2011 2012 ' 2013 property Tax Revenue Jan $ 47,921 $ 22,104 $ 23,630 Feb 17,146 26,456 11,542 Mar 126,283 73,296 150,854 200,000 Apr 858,474 1,654,620 0 May 1,773,373 1,236,009 0 150,000 Jun 523,904 421,271 0 � i Jul 25,794 36,495 0 100,000 CD Aug 17,411 23,000 0 Sep 37,326 35,439 0 50,000 Oct 1,302,683 495,399 0 Nov 1,178,991 2,095,585 0 0 Dec 239,165 201,728 0 2011 2012 2012 Total $ 6,148,471 $ 6,321,402 $ 186,026 2013 2013 General Fund Budget $6,400,000 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 2.91% Local Sales & Use Tax 2011 2012 2013 Sales & Use Tax Jan $ 592,738 $ 622,908 $ 661,433 Feb 658,876 661,860 746,910 2,000,000 Mar 547,146 529,794 559,888 Apr 583,918 552,162 0 1,900,000 May 749,558 712,880 0 1,800,000 rn Jun 731,509 648,674 0 N Jul 733,792 719,246 0 1,700,000 Aug 723,424 721,185 0 Sep 683,941 688,654 0 1,600,000 Oct 651,266 695,717 0 1,500,000 Nov 683,319 743,803 0 2011 Dec 706,822 746,674 0 2012 2013 Total $ 8,046,309 $ 8,043,557 $ 1,968,231 2013 General Fund Budget $ 7,400,000 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 26.60% Criminal Justice Taxes 2011 2012 ' 2013 Jan $ 56,301 $ 59,312 $ 63,220 Criminal Justice Taxes Feb 64,710 67,368 73,047 200,000 Mar 53,488 51,893 54,161 Apr 55,676 54,143 0 180,000 1 May 74,825 70,871 0 Jun 72,350 63,607 0 160,000 0 A Jul 71,960 69,716 0 140,000 N w Aug 70,675 73,083 0 Sep 65,716 67,339 0 120,000 Oct 66,597 66,610 0 100,000 Nov 65,532 71,002 0 2011 Dec 68,744 70,140 0 2012 2013 Total $ 786,574 $ 785,084 $ 190,428 2013 General Fund Budget $ 750,000 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 25.39% Restated to estimated cash flows by month Public Safety Tax 2011 2012 ' 2013 public Safety Tax Jan $ 0 $ 0 $ 85,064 Feb 0 0 97,366 260,000 - - Mar 0 0 77,437 240,000 Apr 0 0 0 220,000 N May 0 0 0 P Jun 0 93,000 0 200,000 J Jul 0 100,031 0 1a0,000 Aug 0 99,717 0 160,000 Sep 0 94,322 0 140,000 Oct 0 92,494 0 120,000 Nov 0 96,125 0 .... ........... Dec 0 177,614 0 100,000 AW Total $ 0 $ 753,303 $ 259,867 2011 2012 2013 2013 General Fund Budget $ 0 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 0.00% Water/Sewer Utility Tax 2011 2012 ' 2013 Jan $ 96,030 $ 96,305 $ 96,462 Water/Sewer Utility Tax Feb 95,297 108,532 98,674 350,000 Mar 102,095 109,952 94,408 Apr 109,114 116,612 0 300,000 May 124,852 120,778 0 Jun 114,647 132,555 0 250,000 N OD Jul 132,377 148,929 0 200,000 a Aug 146,872 136,579 0 0. Sep 134,918 149,502 0 150,000 Oct 136,101 135,668 0 100,000 Nov 109,534 114,043 0 2011 Dec 78,174 96,382 0 2012 2013 Total $ 1,380,011 $ 1,465,837 $ 289,544 2013 General Fund Budget $ 1,503,000 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 19.26% Combined Natural Gas Tax** 2011 * 2012 * 2013 Combined Natural GasTax Jan $ 117,900 $ 98,333 $ 69,741 Feb 130,031 123,179 121,136 350,000 Mar 56,223 107,373 92,289 300,000 Apr 120,478 95,420 0 250,000 1 May 86,904 68,653 0 j-- Jun 60,000 43,748 0 200,000 Jul 41,603 30,884 0 150,000 Aug 30,947 29,401 0 100,000 Sep 31,284 27,134 0 50,000 Oct 38,944 30,939 0 0 Nov 43,503 29,972 0 2011 Dec 34,275 15,070 0 2012 2013 Total $ 792,093 $ 700,106 $ 283,166 2013 General Fund Budget $ 45,000 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 629.26% **Combined Utility Tax plus Use Tax * Restated to estimated cash flows by month Garbage/Solid Waste Utility Tax 2011 2012 ' 2013 Garbage/Solid Waste Utility Tax Jan $ 37,722 $ 39,334 $ 40,427 Feb 37,974 37,731 39,862 Mar 37,303 37,891 39,029 120,000 -- Apr 37,386 37,731 0 100,000 May 39,284 39,573 0 80,000 41 Jun 38,258 41,914 0 Jul 38,039 39,068 0 60,000 Aug 38,559 35,071 0 40,000 Sep 41,022 44,172 0 20,000 Oct 39,285 38,375 0 0 Nov 40,409 40,195 0 2011 2012 Dec 42,053 42,074 0 2013 Total $ 467,294 $ 473,129 $ 119,318 2013 General Fund Budget $ 460,000 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 25.94% Cable TV Utility Tax 2011 2012 ' 2013 Cable T.V. Utility Tax Jan $ 28,573 $ 27,984 $ 30,321 Feb 28,062 28,154 30,430 100,000 Mar 28,747 27,648 31,373 Apr 28,729 28,720 0 80,000 to to May 28,474 28,720 0 60,000 i Jun 28,281 29,135 0 a Jul 27,719 28,767 0 40,000 Aug 27,428 28,255 0 20,000 Sep 27,228 27,881 0 Oct 30,258 28,847 0 0 T� Nov 25,027 28,986 0 2011 2012 Dec 27,884 31,748 0 2013 Total $ 336,410 $ 344,845 $ 92,124 2013 General Fund Budget $ 335,000 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 27.50% Telephone Utility Tax 2011 2012 ' 2013 Telephone Utility Tax Jan $ 151,512 $ 267,285 $ 145,374 Feb 139,874 143,842 139,646 600,000 Mar 150,149 138,835 138,031 500,000 Apr 155,446 155,760 0 May 148,833 142,164 0 400,000 Jun 146,758 148,548 0 300,000 w Jul 151,706 149,088 0 200,000 c°n Aug 144,650 145,430 0 Sep 147,410 146,558 0 100,000 Oct 150,416 78,703 0 0 Nov 143,869 148,563 0 2011 2012 Dec 149,257 20,730 0 2013 Total $ 1,779,879 $ 1,685,506 $ 423,051 2013 General Fund Budget $ 1,800,000 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 23.50% Restated to estimated cash flows by month Electric Utility Tax 2011 2012 ' 2013 Jan $ 296,717 $ 290,434 $ 266,971 Electric Utility Tax Feb 312,667 315,930 306,493 900,000 Mar 272,704 281,724 304,331 imp Apr 260,891 249,300 0 875,000 May 224,067 218,054 0 Jun 191,298 211,080 0 850,000 _ Jul 210,859 221,717 0 Aug 238,812 254,679 0 825,000 Sep 275,385 299,535 0 Oct 289,689 277,903 0 800,000 Nov 242,537 246,336 0 2011 Dec 232,436 211,736 0 2012 2013 Total $ 3,048,062 $ 3,078,428 $ 877,795 2013 General Fund Budget $ 3,000,000 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 29.26% All Other Taxes (Admissions & Leasehold Excise) 2011 2012 2013 Jan $ 14,695 $ 11,080 $ 11,271 All Other Taxes Feb 66,555 65,603 57,617 100,000 Mar 9,835 10,469 6,994 Apr 10,628 10,038 0 80,000 May 8,327 15,009 0 Jun 69,522 82,183 0 60,000 -4 Jul 11,668 16,736 0 40,000 Co Aug 69,152 55,337 0 ^' Sep 20,808 8,799 0 20,000 Oct 6,530 19,061 0 0 Nov 7,074 7,177 0 2011 Dec 65,155 72,935 0 2012 2013 Total $ 359,949 $ 374,427 $ 75,882 2013 General Fund Budget $ 365,000 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 20.79% Gambling Tax 2011 2012 ' 2013 Jan $ 164,348 $ 6,310 $ 181,964 Gambling Taxes Feb 6,177 173,155 2,700 200,000 Mar 0 4,205 2,498 Apr 182,904 187,590 0 150,000 CO May 4,468 2,833 0 Jun 0 0 0 100,000 _ N Jul 7,803 168,774 0 Aug 171,599 2,282 0 50,000 Sep 803 0 0 Oct 153,876 147,901 0 0 Nov 1,599 316 0 2011 2012 Dec 8,022 176,318 0 2013 Total $ 701,600 $ 869,684 $ 187,162 2013 General Fund Budget $ $ 700,000 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 26.74% Restated to estimated cash flows by month Combined Business License Fees 2011 2012 ' 2013 Jan $ 189,994 $ 190,300 $ 168,307 Combined Business License Feb 84,730 98,229 103,800 Fees Mar 30,877 33,767 49,391 400,000 Apr 17,385 12,609 0 May 10,470 12,564 0 300,000 Jun 14,680 8,131 0 Jul 12,585 6,695 0 200,000 Aug 7,719 12,818 0 _ Sep 7,794 7,942 0 100,000 co Oct 4,506 5,402 0 0 - Nov 3,813 2,711 0 2011 Dec 8,476 4,031 0 2012 2013 Total $ 393,029 $ 395,199 $ 321,498 2013 General Fund Budget $ 379,400 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 84.74% Plan Check Fees 2011 2012 2013 Plan Check Fees Jan $ 7,191 $ 6,838 $ 15,725 Feb 7,665 44,244 23,526 80,000 Mar 34,887 19,441 15,103 Apr 18,400 20,958 0 60,000 May 12,896 20,995 0 Jun 9,987 17,490 0 40,000 Jul 5,846 19,657 0 w Aug 16,189 12,350 0 20,000 a Sep 18,341 34,809 0 Oct 8,015 35,509 0 0 _J Nov 8,526 6,218 0 2011 Dec 4,940 10,034 0 2012 2013 Total $ 152,882 $ 248,543 $ 54,354 2013 General Fund Budget $ 160,000 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 33.97% Building Permit Fees 2011 2012 ' 2013 Jan $ 100,280 $ 57,332 $ 85,132 Building Permit Fees Feb 69,064 73,901 113,023 300,000 Mar 115,717 144,886 54,988 250,000 Apr 127,176 110,841 0 May 138,452 109,909 0 200,000 N Jun 84,378 108,666 0 150,000 P Jul 60,790 80,339 0 w Aug 110,915 77,581 0 100,000 Sep 80,392 65,515 0 50,000 Oct 70,927 115,684 0 0 P' Nov 80,223 49,876 0 2011 Dec 48,773 32,539 0 2012 2013 Total $ 1,087,088 $ 1,027,069 $ 253,143 2013 General Fund Budget $ 600,000 Year to date figures in chart for comparison %of Actual to Budget 42.19% Restated to estimated cash flows by month MARCH 2013 Funds Activity(in$1,000) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 3/31/13 2013 % 3/31/12 YTD Budget Of Budget YTD City Street Fund-110 Beginning Fund Balance 475 320 248 Revenues 408 1,869 21.83% 430 Expenditures (364) (2,061) 17.66% (371) Ending Fund Balance 519 128 307 Arterial Street Fund-120 Beginning Fund Balance 1,139 1,015 835 Revenues 102 478 21.34% 98 Expenditures (3) (325) 0.92% (254) Ending Fund Balance 1,238 1,168 679 1-182 Corridor Traffic Impact-125 Beginning Fund Balance 1,050 977 758 Revenues 50 281 17.79% 42 Expenditures - (10) 0.00% - Ending Fund Balance 1,100 1,248 800 Street Overlay Fund-130 Beginning Fund Balance 2,543 2,376 3,010 Revenues 218 813 26.81% 242 Expenditures (14) (1,273) 1.10% (7) Ending Fund Balance 2,747 1,916 3,245 Community Development Block Grant Fund-140,142,144 Beginning Fund Balance (80) 257 (154) Revenues 106 1,177 9.01% 10 Expenditures (136) (1,474) 9.23% (91) Ending Fund Balance (110) (40) (235) Martin Luther King Community Center Fund-145 Beginning Fund Balance 35 42 12 Revenues 37 150 24.67% 34 Expenditures (35) (163) 21.47% (32) Ending Fund Balance 37 29 14 Ambulance Services Fund-150 Beginning Fund Balance 85 301 45 Revenues 773 3,286 23.52% 779 Expenditures (1,037) (3,263) 31.78% (733) Ending Fund Balance (179) 324 91 Funds Activity(in$1,000) Page 1 of 6 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 03/31/13 2013 % 03/31/12 YTD Budget Of Budget YTD City View Cemetery Fund-160 Beginning Fund Balance 68 91 61 Revenues 70 220 31.82% 66 Expenditures (56) (244) 22.95% (39) Ending Fund Balance 82 67 88 Boulevard Maintenance Fund-161 Beginning Fund Balance 1,770 1,133 1,716 Revenues 21 255 8.24% 22 Expenditures (18) (70) 25.71% (18) Ending Fund Balance 1,773 1,318 1,720 Athletic Program Fund-165 Beginning Fund Balance 142 119 122 Revenues 16 159 10.06% 19 Expenditures (39) (166) 23.49% (25) Ending Fund Balance 119 112 116 Golf Course Fund-166 Beginning Fund Balance 43 112 (58) Revenues 394 1,661 23.72% 323 Expenditures (335) (1,658) 20.21% (346) Ending Fund Balance 102 115 (81) Senior Center Operating Fund-170 Beginning Fund Balance 44 46 91 Revenues 61 267 22.85% 55 Expenditures (67) (296) 22.64% (73) Ending Fund Balance 38 17 73 Multi-Modal Facility Fund-180 Beginning Fund Balance 72 69 50 Revenues 18 66 27.27% 17 Expenditures (9) (47) 19.15% (9) Ending Fund Balance 81 88 58 School Impact Fees Fund-182 Beginning Fund Balance - Revenues 435 300 145.00% Expenditures (52) 300 -17.33% Ending Fund Balance 383 600 River shore Trail&Marina Maint. Fund-185 Beginning Fund Balance 10 10 8 Revenues 4 13 30.77% 3 Expenditures (4) (8) 50.00% Ending Fund Balance 10 15 11 Special Lodging Assessment Fund-188 Beginning Fund Balance 8 9 14 Revenues 36 160 22.50% 35 Expenditures (37) (166) 22.29% (14) Ending Fund Balance 7 3 35 Funds Activity(in$1,000) Page 2 of 6 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 03/31/13 2013 % 03/31/12 YTD Budget Of Budget YTD Litter Abatement Fund-189 Beginning Fund Balance 7 8 8 Revenues 3 13 23.08% 3 Expenditures (2) (16) 12.50% (2) Ending Fund Balance 8 5 9 Revolving Abatement Fund-190 Beginning Fund Balance 280 275 277 Revenues 34 35 97.14% 13 Expenditures (12) (54) 22.22% (14) Ending Fund Balance 302 256 276 TRAC Devel&Operating Fund-191 Beginning Fund Balance 76 57 98 Revenues 71 323 21.98% 68 Expenditures (50) (353) 14.16% (88) Ending Fund Balance 97 27 78 Park Fund-192 Beginning Fund Balance 1,741 1,754 1,591 Revenues 44 146 30.14% 31 Expenditures - (70) 0.00% - Ending Fund Balance 1,785 1,830 1,622 Capital Improvement Fund-193 Beginning Fund Balance 2,263 2,076 2,033 Revenues 219 802 27.31% 191 Expenditures (3) (584) 0.51% - Ending Fund Balance 2,479 2,294 2,224 Economic Development Fund-194 Beginning Fund Balance 921 345 1,005 Revenues 690 646 106.81% 478 Expenditures (297) (774) 0.00% (81) Ending Fund Balance 1,314 217 1,402 Stadium/Convention Center Fund-195 Beginning Fund Balance 136 122 14 Revenues 50 244 20.49% 45 Expenditures (51) (261) 19.54% (30) Ending Fund Balance 135 105 29 Funds Activity(in$1,000) Page 3 of 6 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 3/31/13 2013 % 3/31/12 YTD Budget Of Budget YTD 99 UTGO Bonds Library/Fire Stations-272 Beginning Fund Balance 99 99 99 Revenues 4 139 2.88% 3 Expenditures - (139) 0.00% - Ending Fund Balance 103 99 102 2002 UTGO Refunding Bonds-273 Beginning Fund Balance 238 238 238 Revenues 11 380 2.89% 7 Expenditures - (380) 0.00% - Ending Fund Balance 249 238 245 LID Guaranty Fund-625 Beginning Fund Balance 919 913 910 Revenues - 2 0.00% 1 Expenditures - - 0.00% - Ending Fund Balance 919 915 911 CONSTRUCTION FUNDS 3/31/13 2013 % 3/31/12 YTD Budget Of Budget YTD General Capital Project Construction Fund-367 Beginning Fund Balance 1,033 15 1,272 Revenues 138 7,900 1.75% 348 Expenditures (264) (7,812) 3.38% (312) Ending Fund Balance 907 103 1,308 ENTERPRISE FUND(WATER/SEWER FUND) 3/31/13 2013 % 3/31/12 YTD Budget Of Budget YTD Water/Sewer Fund-410 Beginning Fund Balance 8,368 8,493 7,154 Revenues 4,120 29,088 14.16% 4,383 Expenditures (4,633) (33,108) 13.99% (4,176) Ending Fund Balance 7,855 4,473 7,361 Funds Activity(in$1,000) Page 4 of 6 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 3/31/13 2013 % 3/31/12 YTD Budget Of Budget YTD Equipment Rental-Governmental-510 Beginning Fund Balance 263 262 172 Revenues 212 848 25.00% 252 Expenditures (221) (1,032) 21.41% (164) Ending Fund Balance 254 78 260 Equipment Rental-Water/Sewer-511 Beginning Fund Balance 208 206 131 Revenues 81 327 24.77% 105 Expenditures (93) (419) 22.20% (85) Ending Fund Balance 196 114 151 Equip Rental Replacement-Governmental-515 Beginning Fund Balance 3,994 3,632 3,390 Revenues 579 1,220 47.46% 286 Expenditures (167) (478) 34.94% (68) Ending Fund Balance 4,406 4,374 3,608 Equip Rental Replacement-Water/Sewer-516 Beginning Fund Balance 1,906 1,902 1,438 Revenues 117 467 25.05% 122 Expenditures (19) (348) 5.46% (58) Ending Fund Balance 2,004 2,021 1,502 Medical/Dental Fund-520 Beginning Fund Balance 657 609 1,132 Revenues 1,081 4,474 24.16% 967 Expenditures (1,363) (5,517) 24.71% (958) Ending Fund Balance 375 (434) 1,141 Central Stores Fund-530 Beginning Fund Balance 13 13 13 Revenues - - 0.00% - Expenditures 0.00% Ending Fund Balance 13 13 13 Funds Activity(in$1,000) Page 5 of 6 FIDUCIARY(Permanent) FUNDS 3/31/13 2013 % 3/31/12 YTD Budget Of Budget YTD Cemetery Perpetual Care Trust-605 Beginning Fund Balance 418 415 400 Revenues 5 16 31.25% 7 Expenditures - - 0.00% - Ending Fund Balance 423 431 407 Old Fire Medical(OPEB)Fund-619 Beginning Fund Balance 2,074 1,914 1,556 Revenues 10 34 29.41% 9 Expenditures (28) (121) 23.14% (28) Ending Fund Balance 2,056 1,827 1,537 Fire Pension Trust Fund-620 Beginning Fund Balance 1,808 1,641 1,667 Revenues 6 76 7.89% 6 Expenditures (21) (103) 20.39% (23) Ending Fund Balance 1,793 1,614 1,650 Page 6 of 6