HomeMy WebLinkAboutN-205 - Employee Performance and Development Review CITY OF PASCO ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS Administrative Order No. 205 Personnel Policies&Procedures Subject: Employee Performance and Development Review Initial Effective Date: 12/17/87 Revised 8/18/93 11/01/03 1/10106 3/1108 8/ 113 Ap roved GC GC GC GC This Administrative Order is effective August 12, 2013 and supersedes Administrative Orders No. 205 dated 3/1/08; No. 61 dated 1/10/06, 11/l/03 and 12117/87; and No. 61-A dated 8118193. I. PURPOSE: This Administrative Order is issued to :establish and maintain a uniform system for employee performance and development review within the organization. 11. POLICY: All performance appraisals are to be fair and accurate, using the standard Evaluation Guidelines to properly evaluate employees. All performance appraisals are to be conducted in atimely manner. Employee performance and development reviews shall be made on the official city form designated for this purpose(Appendix A). III. DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED: All IV. REFERENCES: See also Administrative Order No. 71 "Non-Management Wage Pian" and Administrative Order No. 230 "Part Time Employees." V. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of employee performance and development review are to: A. Provide an objective measure of job performance. B. Provide for employee development/improvement. C. Provide a formal means of communicating to employees regarding their performance. D. Provide a vehicle for identifying employees who are qualified (knowledge and behavior) for advancement. E. Serve as an objective measure for wage and salary determinations, including merit pay(where applicable). VI. PROCESS/PROCEDURE: A. Employee performance and development review shall be made on the official city form designated for this purpose. See Appendix A attached to this Administrative Order. 1. Performance evaluations are to be conducted by division or department managers. In approved circumstances, first-line supervisors may be authorized to conduct the evaluation. In such event, the department manager will review the evaluation for concurrence and completeness. 2. The evaluator shall use the standard Evaluation Guidelines (Appendix B) for scoring definitions. 3. All parts and sections are to be thoroughly completed and in compliance with all written instructions. No parts are optional. Incomplete or erroneously completed forms will be returned for completion or revision. 4. If the evaluation includes a rating below "meets standards" for Quality or Quantity of work, a work plan will be prepared by the supervisor and the step increase will be withheld for that evaluation period. a. The purpose of the work plan is to assist employees to correct their work performance or behaviors and to give managers/directors a tool to track improvement or lack thereof. The written work plan should be provided to the employee at the time of the evaluation or shortly thereafter. 5. Following the evaluation meeting with the employee, the original evaluation is forwarded to Human Resources and thence to the City Manager for signature. a. A copy of the fully-signed evaluation will be provided to the employee by Human Resources. The completed original evaluation is kept in Human Resources for inclusion in the employee's personnel file. B. Evaluations shall be made in a timely manner. I. Probationary evaluations shall be conducted within the last month of the probationary period, for both new hire and promotion employees. The completed review shall be to the City Manager no later than ten (10) working days prior to the end of the probationary period. 2. Annual evaluations must be completed on all regular full and part-time employees. The evaluation shall be to the City Manager no later than ten (10) working days prior to the employee's anniversary date of employment for his/her current position. Departments may, with approval, designate a department/division specific due date for all employees in that group. 3. Special evaluations shall be completed and to the City Manager no later than ten (10) days prior to the appropriate date due. Date due shall be determined by the reason for the special evaluation. Administrative Order No.205—Employee Performance and Development Review Page 2 4. Non-regular employee evaluations will be completed at the end of the employee's work season or annually whichever is most appropriate for the position. Evaluators shall use Performance Review (Non-Regular Employee Positions) form (Appendix C.) VII. COMPLIANCE/REVIEW: A. The Human Resources Manager is responsible for monitoring of compliance with this Order. S/He is also responsible for the orientation of all new managers/directors to this Order. B. The Employee Performance and Development Review policy and process shall be brought forward to the management team on a regular basis,but no less frequently than annually. The purpose of this is to assure continuous awareness and improvements to the program. Administrative Order No.205—Employee Performance and Development Review Page 3 Appendix A CITY OF PASCO PERFORMANCE AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW STATEMENT OF PURPOSE As an employee of the City of Pasco, you have the right to know how you stand in relation to your current job and your career. The Performance and Development Review focuses on key aspects of your job performance. It permits your supervisor to assess your strengths and weaknesses, comment on your overall level of achievement in fulfilling your position's responsibilities, recommend ways you can improve your performance, and further develop your abilities. This information is used to evaluate performance, to identify candidates for transfers and promotional opportunities, and as a basis for salary reviews. It also helps you by providing valuable information regarding your current level of performance and serves as a guide for your continued development and success. A copy of the review will be provided for your records. The original, which has been reviewed by your Supervisor, Department Director and the City Manager, will be made a part of your personnel file. If you wish to comment on this review,you should use the form provided. It will become a permanent part of this review. EMPLOYEE NAME: DATE: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DATE EMPLOYED: TIME IN POSITION: YEARS MONTHS CURRENT POSITION: CURRENT GRADE: STEP: TYPE OF EVALUATION: (Probation, Annual, Special) Reason for special evaluation: DATE OF LAST EVALUATION: Administrative Order No.205—Employee Performance and Development Review Appendix A—Page 1 8/13 Appendix A SECTION I JOB FUNCTION PERFORMANCE Name: Evaluation Period: From: To: Rating Scale: 1: Does Not Meet Standards 2: Meets Standards 3: Exceeds Standards Function#1: Performance Achieved Quality: 1 2 3 Quantity: 1 2 3 Function#2: Performance Achieved Quality: 1 2 3 Quantity: 1 2 3 Administrative Order No.205—Employee Performance and Development Review Appendix A—Page 2 8113 Appendix A SECTION I JOB FUNCTION PERFORMANCE Name: Evaluation Period: From: To: Rating Scale: 1: Does Not Meet Standards 2: Meets Standards 3: Exceeds Standards Function#3: Performance Achieved Quality: 1 2 3 Quantity: 1 2 3 Function#4: Performance Achieved Quality: 12 3 Quantity: 1 2 3 Administrative Order No.205—Employee Performance and Development Review Appendix A—Page 3 8/13 Appendix A SUCTION I JOB FUNCTION PERFORMANCE Name: Evaluation Period: From: To: Rating Scale: 1: Does Not Meet Standards 2: Meets Standards 3: Exceeds Standards Function#5: Performance Achieved Quality: 1 2 3 Quantity: 1 2 3 Function#6: Performance Achieved Quality: 1 2 3 Quantity: 1 2 3 Administrative Order No.205—Employee Performance and Development Review Appendix A—Page 4 8/13 Appendix A SECTION II GENERAL.PERFORMANCE FACTORS Name: Position: Evaluation Period: From: To: Does Not Meets Exceeds Meet Standards Standards Standards 1 Quality of Work 2 Quantity of Work 3 Accuracy 4 Honesty/Integrity 5 Dependability 6 Follow-through { 7 Following Instructions 8 Judgment 9 Punctuality 10 1 Thoroughness 11 Understanding of Job 12 Working with Others(public/employees) 13 Appearance 14 Attendance 15 Cooperation with Supervision 16 Time Management " 17 Initiative 18 Leadership 19 Neatness of Work 20 Organization 21 Versatility 22 Positive Behavior (Sections A, B&C:Pertain to Administrative Order No. 71 "Non-Management Wage Plan'') Evaluator: Date: Division Manager: Date: Department Manager: Date: City Manager: Date: Administrative Order No. 205--Employee Performance and Development Review Appendix A—Page 5 8/13 Appendix A SECTION III CAREER DEVELOPMENT ANIS GOALS A. Note employee development accomplished during the current performance period (include: workshops, seminars, and classes completed or in progress, as well as any awards, certificates or degrees received). B. List employee career development and goals to be completed during the upcoming year [include: job skill development, performance ratings in need of improvement or SMART (Specific,Memorable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) goals]: Evaluator's Signature: Date: Division Manager's Comments: Division Manager's Signature: Date: Administrative Order No. 205—Employee Performance and Development Review Appendix A—Page 6 8/13 Appendix. A SECTION IV COMMENTS AND SIGNATURES EMPLOYEE'S COMMENTS (Optional) Please use this space to comment on any aspects of your review. By signing below, I represent and hereby warranty that I possess a current and valid iniial Washington state Driver license. I acknowledge that the City is justifiably relying upon this representative in allowing me to operate any vehicle or City equipment on behalf of the City. I have reviewed and discussed this performance evaluation with my supervisor. I am inirta7 aware that I have the opportunity to commenton this evaluation in writing and that my comments will become a part of the overall evaluation. Employee's Signature Date DEPARTMENT MANAGER'S COMMENTS (Optional) Please use this space to comment on any aspects of this review. Department Director's Signature Date City Manager's Signature Date Administrative Order No.205—Employee Performance and Development.Review Appendix A—Page 7 8/13 Appendix A Additional comments: Administrative Order No.205 -Employee Performance.and.Development Review Appendix A—Page 8 8/13 Appendix B EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW INSTRUCTIONS TO THE EVALUATOR Approximately one to two weeks prior to completing the performance evaluation, submit the "Employee Questionnaire" (Appendix B.1) to the employee. Do not fill out the evaluation form until the questionnaire has been returned. Request that it be completed and returned in a timely manner. Following is a brief explanation of how to administer each of the four sections in this review packet. NOTE: the evaluation should be based on the performance expectation for the step occupied by the employee during the evaluation period. SECTION I JOB FUNCTION PERFORMANCE Please list the individual's specific work objectives and/or major responsibilities using the employee's job description as a guide. Indicate the degree of quality and productivity. Each degree of achievement MUST be supported by comments. SECTION II GENERAL PERFORMANCE FACTORS (see Evaluation Guidelines, Appendix B.2) By placing an (X) in the appropriate box, indicate the individual's demonstrated capabilities in each of the categories shown. Items I and 2 must be supported by the Work Plan (Section 1). SECTION III CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND GOALS A. Career Development and Goals Accomplished: Indicate employee career development (training, etc.) that has been accomplished during the current rating period. If none, indicate "N/A" this rating period B. Employee's Career Development and Goals: List job skills which may be further developed and include specific recommendations on how development can be achieved. If none, indicate "N/A" for this rating period. List specific actions to be taken to correct performance ratings in need of improvement. If none, indicate "N/A" this rating period. List other goals to be completed during the upcoming employment year. For any goals make sure they are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant,Timely) SECTION IV COMMENTS AND SIGNATURES The performance evaluation is to be discussed with the employee and he/she shall be given the opportunity to comment on the evaluation (not on other aspects of their job). The employee's signature shall be secured and the entire evaluation forwarded to the next higher reviewing authority. Administrative Order No.205—Employee Perforniance and Development Review Appendix B—Page 1 8/13 Appendix B.1 EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AND (DEVELOPMENT REVIEW EMPLOYEE QUESTIONNAIRE INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following questions. Be as specific as you can in your answers. This information will aid in the completion of your performance evaluation and help assure that both you and your supervisor understand the duties and responsibilities of your position. NOTE: This form is for your supervisor's information only, and will be returned to you after the evaluation interview. IT WILL NOT BECOME PART OF YOUR PERSONNEL FILE. 1. What do you see as the major duties and/or responsibilities of your job which are not already reflected in your annual work plan? Should any be deleted from your work plan? a. b. C. d. e. f. 2. What training have you received during the past year? 3. What assistance do you feel you need to make performance improvements (such as equipment, supervisory assistance,training,Facilities, etc,)? a. Any other comments or suggestions about your job, your department/division? (Use additional paper if necessary.) Employee's Signature Date Administrative Order No.205—Employee Performance and Development Review Appendix B.I —Page 1 8/13 Appendix 13.2 EVALUATION GUIIDELINES 1. QUALITY OF WORK See Section II, General Performance Factors 2. QUANTITY OF WORK See Section II, General Performance Factors 3. ACCURACY Exceeds Standards Gives attention to detail. Exacting and precise. Meets Standards Factual and correct. Concerned about errors and mistakes. Does Not Meet Standards Inaccurate and careless. Routinely commits errors. 4. HONESTY/INTEGRITY Meets Standards Tells the whole truth. Does not lie. Reports wrongdoing. Does Not Meet Standards Lies. Is evasive. Avoids answering direct questions. 5. IDEPENIDABILITY Exceeds Standards Highly reliable. Meets deadlines with efficiency and without supervision. Willingness to do more than expected. Meets Standards Successfully completes assigned tasks with limited supervision. Can usually be relied upon to perform satisfactorily. Does Not Meet Standards Requires constant supervision in performing tasks and has difficulty completing work on time. 6. FOLLOW-THROUGH Exceeds Standards Completes assignments without supervision. Very thorough and reliable. Anticipates deadlines. Meets Standards Completes projects with little or no supervision. Work is accurate and timely. Does Not Meet Standards Work is incomplete. Needs constant reminder of deadlines to complete assignments. 7. FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS Exceeds Standards Quickly understands instructions and follows through without further supervision. Consults with supervisors when deviating from instructions or confronting unusual situations. Meets Standards Accepts instructions,completes tasks with a minimum of supervision, and asks for clarification when needed. Rarely deviates from directions given. Does Not Meet Standards Careless disregard for instructions. Deviates from instruction without prior approval. Administrative Order No.205 -Employee Performance and Development Review Appendix B.2—Page I 8113 Appendix 13.2 S. JUDGMENT Exceeds Standards Willing to make decisions within his/her area of responsibility. Uses mature and factual reasoning to resolve problems. Decisions are correct and prompt. Meets Standards Capable of making correct decisions with assistance. Provides responsible input in decision making process. Does Not Meet Standards Lacks basic ability and/or refuses to look at problems and choose right course of action. 9. PUNCTUAF.ITY Meets Standards Prepared to start work on time. Does Not Meet Standards Often late. Routinely extends break times. Fails to notify supervisor when s/he is going to be late. 10. THOROUGHNESS Exceeds Standards Very thorough, with an eye for detail and a desire to see the job done to completion. Meets Standards Thorough and complete. Rarely misses the important aspects of a task. Does Not Meet Standards Work is shallow and incomplete. Routinely uses, or attempts to use,shortcuts. Misses obvious data relative to the task. 11. UNDERSTANDING OF JOB Exceeds Standards Substantially knowledgeable with an ability to improvise during problem situations. A source of information for co- workers. Meets Standards Knowledgeable and confident. Can complete tasks with a minimum of additional instruction. Does Not Meet Standards Does not grasp the basis function(s) of the job. Needs continual instruction to complete a task. 12. WORKING WITH OTHERS (PUBLIC/EMPLOYEES) Exceeds Standards Very cordial and cooperative. Communicates in a professional, respectful manner. Is well-received by fellow employees and the public. Meets Standards Courteous, friendly and even-tempered. Rarely difficult or argumentative. Does Not Meet Standards Unfriendly, tactless, condescending, abusive, angry, disruptive,dismissive, quarrelsome. Back-stabs. Has a "better than thou"behavior. Administrative Order No. 205-Employee Performance and Development Review Appendix B.2—Page 2 R/13 Appendix B.2 13. APPEARANCE Meets Standards Dresses appropriately for the occasion. Follows the professional appearance administrative order. Is well- groomed, clean and neat. Does Not Meet Standards Dresses inappropriately for the job involved. Does not follow the AO on professional appearance. Needs consistent reminders to improve dress and hygiene. 14. ATTENDANCE Meets Standards Employee seldom misses work and notifies his/her manager appropriate regarding the needs for absences. Does Not Meet Standards Routinely absent. Does not follow department/division notification rules. 15. COOPERATION WITH SUPERVISION Exceeds Standards Highly cooperative and communicative. Assists supervisor(s) regularly. Meets Standards Cooperates with and supports directions of supervisor(s). Able to express concerns in a productive manner. Does Not Meet Standards Openly defiant and/or critical. Is disrespectful and/or insolent. Disregards rules and instructions. Does not keep supervisor informed of his/her work. 16. TIME MANAGEMENT Exceeds Standards Prioritizes and organizes work load. Very efficient. Quantity and quality of work exceed expectations. Meets Standards Completes assigned tasks/responsibilities in a timely manner. Works in an organized manner. Does not waste time. Does Not Meet Standards Easily distracted, unorganized, unable to meet deadlines without direction or encouragement. Does not use time well. 17. INITIATIVE Exceeds Standards Recognizes task to be completed and successfully accomplishes them without being told. Actively seeks out additional work when assigned tasks are completed. Looks for new and better ways to complete tasks. Willing to put in extra time when necessary. Meets Standards Completes daily work. Makes suggestions to improve work environment. Occasionally volunteers for additional job assignments. Does Not Meet Standards Rarely looks beyond own work assignment; show little interest in/does not volunteer for additional job assignments. Administrative Order No.205-EmployeePertormanee and Development Review Appendix B;2—Page 3 8/13 Appendix B.2 18. LEADERSHIP Exceeds Standards Inspires confidence. Promotes group unity, morale, productivity. Readily accepts current and additional responsibilities graciously and cheerfully. Meets Standards Respected by fellow employees. A good motivator. Will assume responsibility when necessary. Does Not Meet Standards Sets a poor example. Induces group complaints and low morale. Shuns responsibility. Blames others. 19. NEATNESS OF WORD Exceeds Standards Work is correct, neat, presentable and error-free. Meets Standards Rarely needs correction or improvement. Attention is given to neatness and detail. Does Not Meet Standards Work lacks neatness, appears sloppy. Routinely needs to be re-done. 20. ORGANIZATION Exceeds Standards Always well-organized and prepared. Is prepared to handle crisis situations. A methodical manager of time and work. Meets Standards A good organizer and planner. Rarely gets caught off- guard. Does Not Meet Standards Disorganized and confused. Lacks systems and is easily distracted. 21. VERSATILITY Exceeds Standards Accepts responsibility and adapts to change with minimal supervision. Very flexible. Quick to accept and learn new procedures. Meets Standards Willing to learn new techniques. Adaptive and flexible. Does Not Meet Standards Does not adapt well and/or is resistant to change. Requires extra supervision to complete new tasks. 22. POSITIVE BEHAVIOR Exceeds Standards Very positive and enthusiastic. Self-motivated; strives to excels maintains very good relationships with supervisors, peers and subordinates. Meets Standards Maintains a consistent and positive attitude. Rarely speaks negatively. Seldom needs to be motivated. Does Not Meet Standards Moody, complaining, negative. Blames others. Puts forth minimal (or less) effort. Uncooperative. Administrative Order No.205 -Employee Performance and Development Review Appendix B.2—Page 4 8/13 Appendix C City of Pasco Performance Review (Non-Regular Employee Positions) Name: Position: Department: Current: Grade Step Evaluation Period: From To Date Employed: Date of Last Evaluation: Does Not Meets Exceeds Meet Standards Standards Standards 1 Quality of Work 2 Quantity of Work 3 Accuracy 4 Honesty/Integrity 5 Dependability 6 Follow-through 7 Following Instructions B 8 Judgment 9 Punctuality 10 Thoroughness 11 Understanding of Job 12 Working with Others (public/employees) _131 Appearance 14 Attendance 15 Cooperation with Supervision 16 Time Management 17 Initiative 18 Leadership ' 19 Neatness of Work ka 20 Organization 21 Versatility 22 Positive Behavior 23 Essential functions of Job(list below) a. b. c. (Sections A, B&C pertain to Administrative Order No. 71 "Non-Management Wage Plan') Administrative Order No.205 - Employee Performance and Development Review Appendix C—Page 1 8/13 Appendix C City of Pasco Performance Review (Non.Regular Employee Positions) Name: Position: Department: Employee Comments: By signing below, I represent and hereby warranty that I possess a current and valid initial Washington State Driver license. I acknowledge that the City is justifiably relying upon this representative in allowing me to operate any vehicle or City equipment on behalf of the City. I have reviewed and discussed this performance evaluation with my supervisor. I am initial aware that I have the opportunity to comment on this evaluation in writing and that my comments will become a part of the overall evaluation. Employee's Signature Date Evaluator Comments: Evaluator's Signature Date Department Director's Signature Date Administrative Order No.205-Employee Performance and Development Review Appendix C—Page 2 8/13