HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrimmway Enterprises Permanent Utility Easement No Real Estate Excise Tax Paid This Instrument Exempt Under RCW 82 46 Treasurer,Franklin County WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: 5. v{c2 p-0/3 City of Pasco,Washington Engineering Department 525 North 3rd Avenue AFN#1801168 EASE 06/04/2013 02:38 PM Pasco,WA 99301 5 Page(s)876.00 Matt Beaton,Auditor CITY OF PASCO Franklin Co..WA PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT GRANTOR, Grimmway Enterprises, Inc., a California Corporation, as donation for public purposes pursuant to RCW 35A.21.240, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants to the GRANTEE, City of Pasco, Franklin County, Washington, a Municipal Corporation, and to its successors or assigns, the right to enter upon and occupy the lands of the Grantors situated in the County of Franklin, State of Washington, and more particularly described as follows: See attached Exhibit A, Easement Description See attached Exhibit B,Easement Map and to construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace or remove on and under the above described land City utilities service lines and components with such surface obstructions, (i.e. valve covers, meters, manholes, etc.) as will not unreasonably interfere with Grantor's surface usages and to exercise such other rights as is necessary to carry out this purpose. The Grantor agrees that all facilities installed upon the above-described land shall remain the property of the Grantee, and that the Grantee shall have the right of reasonable ingress and egress over the adjacent lands of the Grantor for the purpose of exercising all rights hereby granted. This Agreement is exclusive to the Grantee, touching and connecting the above-described real property and shall run with the land. In the event of any claim or dispute arising out of this Agreement, venue shall be placed in Franklin County Superior Court, and an award of reasonable attorney fees shall be made to the substantially prevailing party in any such dispute. DATED this 17th day of May, 2013. GRANTORS: G/ Owner - J J0 Hucka Y Owner Executive Vice President Permanent Utility Easement- 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) :ss County of Kern ) On this day personally appeared before me, Jeff Huckabv, Executive Vice-President, to be known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. a GIVEN under by hand a d official seal t ' l 6 day of gin , 2013. Notary Pgublic„�n a for th State of California >. MANDY G. HARRIS ."- Cor,1M.M 1920713 Residing at '''S--."-7',/' NOTARY MIlLIC-CALIFORNIA 1 3 \I iise KERN COUNTY My Commission Expires: 212/ MY Cow Ex,.FEN.3,2015 E The City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, accepted the conveyance and dedication made out in this Permanent Utility Easement at their regular meeting on 7:1L,,,,,) c , a 0 I , 2013, as reflected in the official minutes of the City Council. ACCEPTED BY CITY OF PASCO: 0_, _(2,2 )-_ O._ (1) , Debra L. Clark / City Clerk Permanent Utility Easement-2 • April 15,2013 EXHIBIT A PROPOSED CITY OF PASCO PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT A utility easement lying in a portion of Lot 3, Short Plat 2013-03,according to the Short Plat thereof,recorded in Volume 1 of Short Plats,page 914,Records of Franklin County,Washington lying in a portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 22,Township 9 North,Range 30 East, Willamette Meridian, City of Pasco,Franklin County,Washington,described as follows: A 30.00-foot wide by 41.00-foot long utility easement for the installation,operation, maintenance,renewal and replacement of utility lines and structures over,under and across the following described parcel of land; Beginning at a Washington State Department of Transportation monument marking the Southwest corner of said Section 22 as shown in said Short Plat 2013-03; Thence North 00°00'03"West along the West line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 22 for a distance of 1049.04 feet,said point bears South 00°00'03"East, 1608.44 feet from a Brass Cap marking the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter of said Section 22; Thence leaving the West line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 22,North 89°59'57"East, 30.00 feet to the Easterly right-of--way line of Dietrich Road as described under Franklin County Auditors File Number 203105,Records of Franklin County,Washington, said point being 30.00 feet Easterly of the centerline of said Dietrich Road when measured at right angles; Thence leaving the Easterly right-of-way line of said Dietrich Road and continuing North 89°59'57"East, 10.00 feet to the Easterly line of a 10.00-foot wide Utility Easement as shown in said Short Plat 2013-03 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the easement to be described; Thence continuing,North 89°59'57"East,30.00 feet; Thence North 00°00'03" West parallel to the Easterly right-of-way line of said Dietrich Road for a distance of 41.00 feet; Thence South 89°59'57"West,30.00 feet to the Easterly right-of-way line of said Dietrich Road; Thence South 00°00'03"East parallel to the Easterly right-of-way line of said Dietrich Road for a distance of 41.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and the end of this easement description. ALSO TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO easements,reservations,covenants and restrictions apparent or of record. ;��irriiiir�ii i;i��•<«�r:c tiy.yV it t ANA J. S ki> ,jam Gr� { , �,atsTte* j L 04- t5 - $ EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSED CITY OF PASCO PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT N N BRASS CAP EASTERLY R/W LINE PER A.F.N. 203105 ILOS 1)16\ �NOgce S89'59'57"W I 30.00' Co I •dr w N J to q C�v O w w I o 0 0 ° o 0 4xi I 0 - PROPOSED UTIUTY o o N 0 EASEMENT o f E,. CJ) o ! z o A 0 0 I ■ o I z 30.00' 10.00' 30.00' N89'59'57"E N89°59'57"E TPOB o ai d- I 0 I 21 22 I EASTERLY LINE OF 10-FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT SHORT PLAT 2013-03 28 27 WSDOT MON TPOB-TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING APRIL 15, 2013