Tuesday, August 14, 2012
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Chaired by: Jim Michaud
I. Call to order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of the July 10, 2012 meeting minutes.
IV. ALTC program updates for July, 2012.
V. Senior Center highlights and discussion
On-going services, activities and classes
o Free Foot Care: For seniors 60 years of age or older that reside in Franklin
County or Burbank is offered at the Pasco Senior Center. An appointment is
necessary and can be made by calling 545-3459. There is no charge however a
suggested donation of $10 per person is gladly accepted.
o Walking: Monday through Friday, 8 – 10 am in the multi-purpose room
o AARP Driver Safety Program (ages 50+): $12 AARP member / $14 non-
members, payable to the instructor on the first day of class. To reserve your
class dates call 545-3459.
Time Days Date Loc
9 am–2 pm Wed, Thu Sept 12 & 13 Pasco Senior Center
9 am–2 pm Wed, Thu Oct 17 & 18 Pasco Senior Center
o China Painting: Learn the art of Painting on Porcelain. This is an open class so
there is no instructor however the more experienced painters would be happy to
help you. Students must provide all supplies. This class is provided by the Pasco
Senior Association, a non-profit, 501C3 organization.
Time Days Loc Fee
9 am-12 pm Tue SC 50¢/day
o Dance, Dance, Dance (ages 40+): Enjoy live music from the Columbia River
Dance Band. Sponsored by the Pasco Senior Citizen’s Association.
Time Days Loc Fee
1-4 pm 2nd & 4th Wed Pasco Senior Center $5/person at door
o Meals on Wheels: Enjoy a delicious and nutritious lunch. Reservations are
required 24 hours in advance and may be made by calling 509-543-5706. *$2.75
suggested donation for seniors 60+.
Age Time Days Loc Fee
18-59 11:45 am-12:45 pm Mon-Fri Pasco Senior Center $7.15
60+ 11:45 am-12:45 pm Mon-Fri Pasco Senior Center *
Upcoming events, activities and classes
o Wavemakers Aqua Fit (ages 18+): Oasis Physical Therapy offers something
new for the Tri- Cities! This warm water exercise class includes: An underwater
treadmill, upper body strengthening exercises, leg strengthening exercises, core
strengthening exercises, stretching, hydro therapy (water jets). All classes are
guided by Oasis Physical Therapy staff. If you suffer from Arthritis, Fibromyalgia,
low back pain, or muscle weakness; if you use a cane or walker; if you just love
to exercise in the water, this class might be for you! The pool is heated to 88
degrees helping to keep your muscles, ligaments and tendons warm and cozy
while you exercise. It’s so much fun you won’t feel like you are working out. If
you have specific needs please check with your doctor to see if this class is right
for you.
*No class Nov 12 & 21
Location: Oasis Physical Therapy
Days: Mondays and Wednesdays
Time: 12—12:45 pm
Class Date Fee
3205 Sep 5-26 $70R/$105NR
3206 Oct 1-31 $100R/$150NR
3207 Nov 5-28* $60R/$90NR
3208 Dec 3-219 $60R/$90NR
o Enhance Fitness (ages 40+): An exercise program designed for mature
individuals, focusing on flexibility, balance, low-impact aerobics, strength training,
and stretching. This program is an evidence-based senior exercise program
developed and managed by the University of Washington Health Promotion
Research Center, Senior Services of Seattle/King County, and Group Health
*No class November 12, 23
Instructor: Kristen Fifer
Location: Senior Center
Class Time Days Date Fee
3182 10-11 am Mon, Wed, Fri Sep 5-28 $26R/$39NR
o 3183 10-11 am Mon, Wed, Fri Oct 1-31 $33R/$49NR
o 19th Annual All-Senior Picnic: The City of Kennewick will host this year’s
picnic at their new Southridge Sports and Event Complex. This is one of the
largest events for senior citizens in Washington State. This year’s picnic features
entertainment, great food, prizes, vendors, and lots of fun! So gather your friends
and plan to attend. Buttons will be on sale beginning Monday, July 9th. For
more information please call the Pasco Senior Center at 545-3459 or the
Kennewick Senior Center at 585-4303.
Fee: $7
Location: Southridge Sports Complex, 2901 Southridge Blvd, Kennewick
Class Day Date Time
3167 Thu Sep 20 11 am-2 pm
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business
o September – December Brochure
o Changes to newsletter in 2013
o Senior Services Advisory Board