HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012.06.21 DPDA Meeting Packet M E M O R A N D U M
DATE: June 15, 20112
T 0.- Downtown Pasco Development Authority Board
FROM: Amy Kuchler, Executive Director
SUBJECT: June 21, 2012 Meeting Packet
Good afternoon,
Attached is the material for the June 21st DPDA regular meeting.
One important goal for this meeting is to establish our committee structure. Following
this meeting, we hope to have in place the leadership for a Design Team, Promotions
Team, and Business Development Team. Included in your packet is a draft committee
roster that explains the nature of each committee and the positions needed for it.
Also included in the packet for the board's review and vote is a 2012 Event Schedule_
A special announcement will be made regarding an important future project for the
beautification of the downtown area. Don't miss this meeting!
We are making many positive strides for Downtown Pasco, and the future is very bright.
I hope to see you all on Thursday!
Attachment., May 17, 2012 DPDA Packet
REGULAR MEETING 4:00 P.M. June 21, 2012
DPDA Conference Room
403 W. Lewis Street, Suite A
I. CALL TO ORDER Mike Miller
11. ROLL CALL. Declaration of Quorum Mike Miller
111. INTRODUCTIONS Mike Miller
V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 'May 17, 2012 Mike Mille;
A. Manager's Report Amy Kuchler
B. Farmers Market Mike Somerville
C. Specialty Kitchen Victoria Sliverriall
A. For Vote: 2012 Event Schedule Amy Kuchler
B. DPDA Committee Appointments Amy Kuchler
C. Request for Proposals for Technical Assistance Rick White
A. Liaison Updates Mike Miller.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING: July 19, 2012 at 4:00pm
The mission of the Dovmtown Pasco Development Authority is to strengthen and attract
the right business mix, make downtown snore attractive, host creative activities which
will attract diverse audiences, and represent the interests of the dovrnto,,Pm businesses.
Regular Meeting May 17, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 4:02pm by Miller,
Shirley Reese
Wanda Buddrius
Ofelia Ochoa
Alan Schreiber
Donald Porter
PJlike Miller
Jean Ryckman
Miguel Angulo
STAFF PRESENT- Mike Somerville, Victoria Silvernail, and Amy Kuchler.
Rick White - City of Pasco, Martin Valadea -Columbia Basin College, Connie Gollitpie-Lourdes
Health Network, Joe Pryce- Franklin PUD, and Leonor Panduro --Tri-Cities Hispanic Chamber of
LIAISON MEMBERS ABSENT: Pasco School District, Pasco Chamber of Commerce, Goodwill
Industries, Port of Pasco.
The ;group introduced themseives. Miller thanked Ryckman for leading,the April 17, 2012 board
A motion was made by Ryckman, seconded by Porter, to approve the minutes of March 15,
2012 and April 13, 2012. The motion passed unanimously.
I he board received a year-to-date Balance Sheet (as of April 30, 2012) as well as a Profit& Loss
Budget Performance for April 2012 and year-to-date bas of April 30, 2012).
Executive Director: Kuchler reported on recent media coverage and event development
Farmers Market: Opening Day for the market was very successful with 32 vendors and
approximate attendance of 1500. Somerville shared that the market accepts EBT payments.
Somerville has been conducting farm visits this month. The board discussed strategies to
support the Farmers Market or beautify the space.
* ACTI N: Board and liaisons to send suggestions for enhancement of the market to Kuchler.
• ACt'IOW Kuchler and Somerville to report at next board meeting,on the suggestions received.
• ACTION: Kuchler to encourage the board to attend and promote the Farmers Market.
Specialty Kitchen: Silvernail reported currently working on the Community Development Block
Grant funding application for 2013. The kitchen currently has 42 clients and 4 in the application
A. Request for Qualifications—technical assistance
Miller thanked White for attending and reporting on behalf of the City of Pasco. The board
received a draft Scope of Work in their meeting packets. White explained that the Scope of
Work would serve as part of a Request for Proposals from the firms that submitted
qualifications to provide technical assistance to DPDA. The proposals we receive will include
project budgets and timelines for completion. Schreiber moved to pursue the bequest for
Proposals by approving the Scope of Work and to have the Executive Director pursue funding
options for the project. Porter seconded the motion. A voice vote showed all in favor.
B. Transition Status/Update
Kuchler reported on the transition between the PDDA and DPDA. The DADA has received the
majority of the PDDA's office furniture and supplies, as well as approximately $10.000 from the
PDDA Pasco Specialty Kitchen and Pasco Farmers Market bank accounts. The transfer
agreement called for half of the cash assets to be transferred by March 1.0, 2012 and the
remainder by April 27, 2012. Kuchler reported that CPA Mark Morrisette from Baker & Giles
estimated we would receive the final transfer following the PDDA's completion of their 2011
znd 2012 tax returns. Morrisette estimated the DPDA will receive final transfer at
approximately the end of June 2012.
C. Approval of Revised 2012 Budget
The board received a revised 2012 budget in their meeting packet. Ryckman moved to approve
the budget and was seconded by Ochoa. A voice vote showed all in favor
A. Business Credit Application
Kuchler reported DI'DA accountant Morrisette had recommended the DPDA,get business credit
cards for Kuchler and Silvernail as the best way to handle particular expenses. The board
discussed the application for lousiness credit as well as the credit limit. Schreiber made a
motion to authorize a credit card with Sterling Savings Bank,to have a credit limit of$51700, and
for Kuchler to develop basic control procedures with Treasurer Buddrius. Porter seconded the
motion. Ryckman amended the motion to include both Siivernail and Kuchler as cardholders
and signatories A voice vote showed all in favor,
B. Event Schedule
Kuchler shared a tentative event schedule as follows: a community work day(summer 2012), a
large Hispanic heritage festival (September 2012), and decorating downtown for Christmas
(December 2012). Following completion of the Hispanic heritage event in September, staff will
consider development of a 2013 C.inco de Maya celebration.
C. Board Meeting Schedule
Miller asked those in attendance if the current board meeting time and date worked for their
schedules. The board discussed changing the meeting start time to 3:30pm but decided
4:00pm was more convenient for the group.
D. Community Development Block Grant
Kuchler reported the DPDA is applying for Community Development Block Grant Funding. This
application is independent from that of the Pasco Specialty Kitchen's. If awarded,these funds
will be used for the Facade Improvement Program.
E. Lewis Street Overpass project Update
White reported that nearly all of the properties needed for right-of-way have been purchased.
The estimated budget for the project is 28 million. The City anticipates receiving a third of the
funding from federal sources, a third froin state sources, and the remaining third from local
sources. The timeline for completion of this project is 2-5 years. Pasco City Council adapted as
a goal to evaluate and improve the streetscapes of Lewis and Clark, including amenities for
pedestrians and shoppers such as benches, lighting, and trees. The new plan for Lewis and
Clark Streets will then most likely be applied to the surrounding streets.
F. Main Street 4-Point Approach Committee Structure
Kuchler reported an the Main Street Program's 4-Point Approach Committee Structure. It is
important that the DPDA establish these committees in order to receive Business& Operating
Tax Credit funds in the future. The board directed Kuchler to add establishment of these
corrrmMees to the June board meeting agenda, at which time committee chairs and members
will be designated.
A. liaison Announcements
Pryce reported the Frankhri PUD is conducting a rate advisory process and was happy to report
that utility rates appear stable for 2012. Valadez reported CBC is finishing up their third HUD &
HSIAC (Hispanic-Serving Institutions Assisting Communities) grant to work with Downtown
Pasco to provide educational classes to business owners and to assist with the Facade
Improvement Program. These grants end in September 2012, although they are hoping for cost
extensions to be approved through the end of 2012. CBC hopes to receive additional grants to
enable continued work in Downtown Pasco. Panduro shared about the Hispanic Chamber's
Mariachi Festival on June 17 in Columbia Park.
* ACTION: Kuchler to send the beard information regarding the Marlachi Festival.
* ACTION: Kuchler to send a liaison invitation letter to the Pasco Police Department.
Gillispie shared Lourdes is working to develop a Master Facilities Plan through their parent
organization Ascension Health. Miller explained the purpose of the liaison members and
shared about the DPDA's desire for downtown businesses to grow and prosper.
The meeting was adjourned at 5.28pm by Miller.
The next Regular Meeting is June 21, 2012 at 4:0Oprtt.
138 PM Downtown Pasco Development Authority
05,15112 Balance Sheet
rash Basis As at Junta 15, 2012
Jun 15,12
Current Assets
EST-only Farmers Market 20000
Farmer's Market•Sterling. 2,48444
General-Sterling 4 625 03
Specialty Kitchen-Sterling 8.495 84
Specialty Kitchen SAVINGS 24,445 63
Total Check inglSavings 36,25094
Total Current Assets 36.250 94
TOTAL ASSETS 36,250.94
Current Liabilities
Other Current Liabilities
Payroll Tax Liabilities 56452
Sales Tax Payable 080
Total Other Current Liabilities 56532
Total Current Liabilities 56632
Total Liabilities 56532
Unrestricted Net Assets 5 511 21
Net lncome 30 174 41
Total Equity 35.685 62
Page 1
5'50 PiVI Downtown Pasco Developrnent Authority
06115,12 Profit & Loss Budget Performance
015b Basis June I - 15. 2012
Jun 1 15. 12 Budget $Over Budget Jart I •Jun 15, 12 YTO Budget S Over Budget Annual Budget
Ordinary Incorn4i`Expense
Admin Income-Specialty Kitchen 5 000 01 833 50 4.166.51 5,00001 4 i66 so 833 51 15,00000
Admin Income-Farmer's Market 141667 708 50 708.17 1.41667 3541 50 -2,124 83 12.75000
City of Pasco-CDBG 0(XI 2,08150 -2.083.50 8.333 26 10,415 50 2 083 24 37,502 00
City Of Pasco-Oper-Subsidy 5 Wo 00 2 500 00 2.50000 30.00000 27 WD ou 2,500 00 60.00000
Client Marketing Income 0 00 6250 -62 50 71 01 437.50 -36649 1,25000
Daily Fees 583000 3.250 00 2,58000 6.03000 5 750 00 290 00 38.000 00
Equipment Rental Income 000 45000 -450 00 1 94391 3,45000 -1 50609 14 13000
Facility Rental Income 000 1.200 00 -1.200 00 8.42350 8,40000 23 50 34,20000
Interest Income Goo 0,00 000 0 00 0 OG 000
Miscellaneous Income 000 000 000 000 5000 -5000 20000
Reserved Fees 30000 12500 17500 800 00 4.375 00 •1575 00 4,500 00
Retails Sales 920 000 920 920 000 920
Transfers In 000 2,50000 -2 500 00 35,381 13 18,500 00 16,881 13 36.00000
Uncategorized income 000 000 0.00 000 000 0.00
Unreserved Fees 25000 1150 00 10000 65000 1.500 00 -850.00 1 95000
Vendor Fees 000 000 0.00 000 000 000
Total Income 17.80588 13.863 00 3,94288 98.05869 88,087 00 9.971 69 255.48200
Cost of Goods Sold
Cost of Goods Sold 0 DO 000 000 0,00 000 0 00
Total COGS 000 000 0.00 000 000 000
Gross Profit 17 805 86 13,86300 394288 98.05869 88,08700 9971 69 255.48200
Admin Exp-Farmer's Markel 1 416 67 70850 708 17 1,416.67 3.541 50 -2 124 823 12,75000
Admin Exp•Specialty Kitchen r"Wo 01 83350 4 166,51 5,00001 4 ',C-6 50 83351 15,00000
Advertising 41895 47500 -56 05 1,23054 3.325 00 -2.09446 8,200 00
Banking Fees 0.00 000 0 co 000 000 0.00
Client Marketing Expense 000 6750 -6750 000 47250 -472 5U 1.350130
Committee Projects 000 12550 -12550 0.00 87850 -87850 2 512 00
Dues and Subscriptions 0 DO 12500 -12,500 10000 375 00 -27500 750.00
Equipment Leases Goo 20850 -20850 000 110850 -708 50 3.16700
Equipment Reptacement/14,eserve 000 10000 .100.00 000 500 00 -50000 12 10000
Insurance 4067 12 000 4067 Q 5,00659 70300 4,30359 3.40600
Janitorial 000 92500 925,00 48790 975.00 -1,48710 5,000,X,
Legal and Professional 9000 500 00 -41000 1.4i0 00 2 405 00 -93500 6 000 00
Licenses and Permits 10.00 000 000 10.00 10000 -9000 10000
Meals and Entertainment 2300 000 20 00 10869 000 10869
Miscellaneous Expense, 0 00 70 00 -11000 1.951 00 49000 1,461,00 1,400,00
Office Expense 23656 16600 71 56 2,387,13 69000 1.697 13 2.081390
Operating Supplies 12634 1 10.00 16 34 948 21 760.00 16821 2 180.30
Payroll Tax Expense 96460 482.n- 482 10 2,852A9 3,29750 445,01 9.5 70.n
(tent Expense 4 213 40 256.00 4-02040 6,77040 2.?50 00 4020,40 6.000-30
Repairs and Maintenance 55749 250 0C 307 49 924.62 2,25000 1 32539 5.500 00
Page 1
5:50 PM Downtown Pasco Development Authority
06115112 Profit & Loss Budget Performance
Cash Basis June 1 - 15. 2012
Jun 1 -16.12 Budget i'Over Budget Jan 1 -Jun 15.12 YTO Budget S Over Budget Annual Budget
Salaries and wages 10,000 00 4.825 00 5.17500 29 545 D) 32,975.00 -3.430 OC 95.700 00
Telephone and Internet 832 54 195 00 637 54 1 58307 1 46500 11807 4.00000
Travel 429.79 35000 79.79 1.435 54 2,45000 1 01446 4.500 00
Utilities Expense 1.125.98 600 00 52598 3,65642 4.95000 -1 293 58 17,230 00
Total Expense 29 555 45 T 1,366.00 16 19C 45 67,88423 72,278 00 4 343 72 218.495 00
Net Ordinary Income -11 75057 249700 -14.24757 30 17441 15 859 00 14.315 41 36,987 00
Other IncomelExpense
Other Income
Loan From General Fund 000 000 0 Co 3 613 88 000 3 613 88
Repayment trm Specialty Kitchen 193 11 000 193 11 1 875 14 000 1,875 14
Repayment from Farmei s{Market 1.738 74 000 1 73874 1 73874 000 1,738 74
Total Other income 1.931 85 000 1 931 85 7 227 76 000 7,22776
Other Expense
Loan To Farmer's Market 0.00 000 0 COO 1 73874 000 1,73874
Loan To Specialty Kitchen 000 000 000 1 875 114 000 187514
Repayment To General Fund 1.931 85 000 1 93185 3 613 88 0.00 3,61388
Total Other Expense 1.931 85 000 1,931.85 7 227 76 000 7 227 76
Net Other Income 000 000 C CO 0.00 000 000
Net income -11,750.57 .2,497.00 -14,247,57 30,1174,41 15,859,00 14,316.41 36.987,00
Page 2
Downtown Pasco,Development Authority Executive.Director Work Plan [)RAF ['
WOR.KPLAW Months 1-3 (by June 16, 2012) Status(6/15/12)
Operations iscablish basic office infrastructure Complete
Explore name change and implement result Complete.,determined best to delay name change
Attend conferences and trainings Complete
Marketing Complete basic marketing materials(domain,website,stationary,logo) Partial Completion. Website&logo not complete
Finance Finalize 2012 budgets&projected actual Partial Completiun:Project Actual not complete
€stabhi,h hasic financial infrastructure and routine Complete
5trenpthten/Attract Meet with downtown businesses In Process,Ongoing
Assemble prel,minary business inventory Complete
Beautification bet revitalization proposals from consulting firms GomWeie
Re-establish Cayade Improvement Program Complete
Events Determine 2012 event schedule Complete
Participate in Cinco de Mayo event,if applicable Complete,event did not occur
Regr @Sent Recruit liaison beard members Complete
Establish working relationships with key partner organuations Complete
Downtown Pasco Development Authority Executive Director Work Plan DRAFT
WORKPLAN: Months 4-6 (by September 16, 2012)
Op rations Establish policies&procedures
Get all final assets from PDDA
Get all final documents from PDDA
Choose consulting firm and begin work(if applicable)
Marketing Continue work on mar keting materials(website,Facebook,flyer)
Draft branding strategy&marketing plan
Photograph ail buildings&spares
Finance Promote vacant comrnercial space for renthal+e
Research availabie funding sources for downtown revitalization
Establish statistics and benchmarks for kitchen and market
StrenightenlAttraet Continue meeting with downtown businesses
Offer educational opportunities to business owners
Beautification Complete i prolect to beautify or clean-up downtown
Promote fa{aide Improvement Program
Participate in t faOde improvement project
Events Host 1 event or promotional activity
Represent Establish committee structure and begin committee meetings
Establish basic methods 10 communicate with stakeholders
Participate in planning,tzoning activity,if applicaale
Downtown Pasco Development Authority Executive_Director Work Plata D RA F T
WORKPLAN; Months 7-9 (by December 16. 2012)
Opprations Conduct annual reviews for hey stall'
Draft 2013 work plans
Become Tax Credit Incentive Program Community w/WA Main Street
Set 1013 goals for kitchen&market
Marketing Create Annual Reports for DPDA,market&kitchen
Complete inventory of businesses,walking map,&website listings
Cornpiete branding strategy&marketing plan
Finance Promote vacant commercial spaces for rent/sale
Inventcry&promote available fording sources
Complete 2013 budgets
Strenghten/Attraet Offer&promote educational opportunities to business owners
establish baseline statistics for Downtown Pasco
Beautification Plan )013 bearrtifiratlon&clean-up projects
Participate in completion of 1 fa4ade improvement project
Events Host 1 event or Promotional activity
Determine feasabilky of Busting Ciocu de Mayo event
Represent Fill committees,hold regular meetings,create workplans
Cof}duct focus grouolsurvey to assess needs of business owners
Participate in planning/zoning activfty,if applicable
Downtown Pasco Development Authority
Staff Reports
Pasco Farmers Market
Manager Report, Mike Somerville 5112112 —6/15/12
The Farrriers Market is growing each week— both in the variety of produce and goods available
but also in the number of vendors. We are up to approximately 12 vendors —still fairly small -
on Wednesdays and 40 vendors on Saturdays. As the season continues, the Saturday markets
will grow to approximately 80 vendors or more.
if you haven't been to the Market yet this season, be sure to attend. Check out our website
(www,pascotarmersmarket.org) and Facebook for upcoming entertainment, promotions,
giveaways, and events! We have live music or entertainment at almost every Saturday market.
Here are a few highlights to entice you_..
Available produce (just to name a few!). carrots, asparagus, leeks, potatoes, strawberries,
lettuce, cabbage, cherries, beets, sugar peas, zucchini, yellow squash, broccoli, cucumbers...
Food vendors: Uncle Brother's Fish Fry, Borghese's Panini Sandwiches, Esternos Wood Fired
Pizza, Mallary's Bakery, K Dub's BBQ, Maui Juice Co. (fruit smoothies), Lynn's Coffee Co., and
Jalpita Express (tacos and more), Hope Valley Fudge:.. and many others!
Pasco Specialty Kitchen
Manager Report, Victoria Silvernail 5112/12 —+6/15/12
The Pasco Specialty Kitchen submitted an application for Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) funds again this year. CDBG funding is very important to the kitchen, as it supplements
the kitchen's revenue. This allows us keep the rental costs to clients low and affordable ($10-
17 per hour), giving these small food businesses a greater chance for success, Our operating
activities meet a national objective of principally benefiting low-income persons through job
creation. For 2013, we applied for $65,000. In recent years, we have received $50,000
Agape Events, a local catering company, recently graduated from the Kitchen into a storefront
location. Rosie's Horne Cooking Catering recently moved to Shop the Northwest's commercial
kitchen to be closer to her clientele. We expect she may return to the Kitchen in the near
future. We currently have 43 clients and 4 prospects. Ten of our clients participate in the
Pasco Farmers Market.
2012 Event Schedule
Downtown Pasco Development Authority
September Event (official name 7BD)
- Saturday, September 15, 2012
-Approximate time: 3:00pm to 10:00prn
- Iherne: Hispanic heritage, community festival
Audience: entire community
Goal: create fun, family-friendly signature event to attract the community to come
downtown as well as to enhance the community's image of the area
Planning Status: in the process of building,event committee and determining key
event features/details
• Farmers Market/ Peanuts Park Beautification Project
July-August 2012
Concept: beautify Peanuts Park and Farmers Market spaces through donated
community time and resources
- Audience: volunteer groups, business owners, local businesses, corporate donors
Planning Status: working with key corporate donor and city representatives to
determine priorities and best course of action for the spaces
• Christmas Decorations for Downtown
December 2012
Concept: decorate downtown area as a way to show pride in the area, enhance the
community's image of downtown, and encourage Christmas shopping
Audience: entire community
Planning Status: discussing concept with leaders and business owners, looking for
source of funding to purchase decorations
Downtown Pasco Committee Roster DRAFT
Development Authority
Design Team Promotions Team
Board Liaison: Board Liaison:
Staff Liaison: Amy Kuchler Staff Liaison: Amy Kuchler
Chair: Chair:
Member: Member: Traci Wagner, KNOU-TV
Member: Member: Bob Villones, Adelante Media Group
Member: Member:
Member: Member:
Member: Member:
Member: Member:
Member. Member:
Design Team - Focus Areas: Promotions Team - Focus Areas:
11romate and assist with Facade Improvement Program Strategies to support Farmers Market& Specialty Kitchen
Review changes being made to buildings Marketing strategies and promotions activities(website, brochure,etc.)
Beautification of, decorations for Downtown Hosting and planning of events (examples:September event:Cinco de Mayo)
f GrIA.-C�lryl f� !�/�S CCC�c�Ztu�
Of G r} I Z4:770ILJ
Business Development Team
Board Liaison;
Staff Liaison: Amy KLichler II
Business Development Team - l=ocus Areas:
Strategies to support and strengthen existing bUSineSSes
Analysis of downtown business mix
Recruit new husinesses to downtown