Tuesday, January 11, 2010
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Chaired by: Jim Michaud
I. Call to order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of the November 9, 2010 meeting minutes.
IV. ALTC program updates for November 2010.
V. Senior Center highlights and discussion
New sessions of Enhance Fitness, Stretch and Tone, and Co-Ed Step Aerobics
began January 3rd.
A new session of Drawing with Jerre Raven began January 5th and will run until
February 23rd.
Volunteer financial advisors continue to host a Financial Advisory Hour and Dessert
Social on the third Thursday of each month from 11 am – 12 pm. No appointment
is necessary to speak with an advisor. No products or services are sold or
advertised during this time.
Dental Hygiene services continue to be offered (at the Pasco Senior Center)
through Oral Health Care LLC. Preventative services are offered at reduced rates
for anyone over the age of 60. Medicaid and Insurance is billed for services if
applicable. For an appointment or more information call Marie McElderry, RDH, BS
at 420-0884.
Free hearing screenings continue to be offered by Columbia Basin Hearing and
Balance Center on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. In addition to the hearing
screenings, they can also clean and provide performance check-ups on your
hearing aids. An appointment is necessary and can be made by calling 545-3459.
The Pasco Senior Center continues to offer Wii drop in play Monday – Friday from
8 am – 5 pm.
The Rolling Hills Chorus of Sweet Adelines International presented a FREE Family
& Friends Christmas program on Thursday, December 16th at 6:30. Approximately
160 people attended.
The 32nd annual Cable Bridge run will took place Saturday, December 18th. 2273
people participated. This number is up a small amount from last year.
The Pasco Senior Association hosted its annual semi-formal Christmas dance on
Wednesday, December 22nd with 28 people attending. They also hosted the
annual New Year’s Eve Ball on December 31st with 55 people attending.
Upcoming events
A Wii intergenerational bowling tournament will be held February 2nd at 3 pm.
Registration deadline is February 1st. Cost is $2 per team for City of Pasco
residents and $3 per team for non-residents.
The next AARP Driver Safety classes will be offered January 12th & 13th and again
February 9th & 10th. Cost is $12 for AARP members (proof of membership
required) and $14 for non-members. Register at the Pasco Senior Center front
desk or call 545-3459.
The Cities of Richland, Pasco and Kennewick have planned a trip to Wenatchee for
the Smucker’s Stars on Ice 25th Anniversary Tour. This trip takes place February
27th, 2011. Tickets are $90 per person and will go on sale December 14th. This
price includes transportation, dinner at McGlinnis and the Stars on Ice show ticket.
Currently, Pasco and Kennewick are sold out. Tickets are still available in Richland.
AARP Tax Aide will once again be offered at the Pasco Senior Center on Mondays
beginning February 7, 2011. An appointment will be necessary this year and can
be made beginning January 17th.
A homemade greeting cards class is being offered February 8th from 6:30 – 8:30
pm. You will have the opportunity to use ink and rubber stamps to create your
own personalized greeting cards. Cost is $10 for City of Pasco residents and $15
for non-residents. This class takes place at Ruth Livingston Elementary.
Another session of Sewing with Marcy begins February 28th and will continue until
May 23rd. Cost for this class is $26 for City of Pasco residents and $39 for non-
residents. To register please call Marcy at 545-8285.
A spaghetti luncheon will be held Monday, April 4th. Tickets are required and may
be purchased at the Pasco Senior Center from February 1 to April 1. Cost is just
$5 per person. There will be no Meals on Wheels lunch served April 4th.
The Best of Broadway Presents: WICKED – The untold story of the witches of
Oz. Thursday, May 19, 2011 in Spokane. Cost is $130 for City of Pasco residents
and $195 for non-residents. This fee includes transportation to and from the
event, dinner and gratuities at Anthony’s Homeport Restaurant and the Broadway
tickets. Registration deadline is April 15, 2011. For more information call 545-
3456. This trip is almost sold out. There are currently just 2 tickets available.
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business