HomeMy WebLinkAboutAO 1 Council Agenda Reports 06271978 Superseded ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER N0 . 1 yr TO : All Department and Division Heads June 27 , 1978 1V FROM : Lee Kraft , City Manager L�- SUBJECT : ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO 1 ABOUT COUNCIL AGENDA REPORTS This order will prescribe the style and format of all agenda reports to the City Council , the type of information to be included in these reports , and the deadline for the receipt of these .reports in the City Manager' s Office : I . STYLE AND FORMAT OF AGENDA REPORTS A specimen copy of the approved type of Council agenda report is attached hereto . Unless you are given approval by the City Manager to deviate from this format , this is the style and format of the report you will deliver to the City Manager' s Office for the Council agenda . II . CONTENT OF AGENDA REPORTS REFERENCE (S ) : n In this space list all of the reports , letters , or whatever the nature of your substantiating material that you will have attached to the covering report . If you have a report which you choose not to attach but which you believe the Manager or the Council might be interested in knowing about , then list the report and indicate in parentheses where the report can be seen if one were inclined to want to read it . The objective is to provide the Council with sufficient and appropriate infor- mation on the basis of which sound decisions can be made . Deciding what is enough is a subjective judgment you will have to make . What is suggested here is to avoid the tendency to overload the Council with repetitive information and unrelated information which is not necessary for the decision -making process . ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL/STAFF RECOMMENDATION : Under this heading , one specifically , directly , and tersely writes out the decision you want the Council to make . Most generally one would write out the motion that would be required of the Council to effectuate the action you are recommending . N" LL , .: uivi i n kieacis June 2 / , 19 i8 HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF : Under this heading , one tells the who , what , when , why , where , and how of the matter . This generally should be a resume of the history of the matter being presented and should stand on its feet as to telling the uninformed what the issue is all about . What you put here is the encapsulated history of the issue . When a Council member or a citizen reads what you say under this heading he or she should have a pretty good idea why the matter is on the agenda , what the problem is that brings the issue to the Council , who origi - nated the request , how it got to the Council , who all has been involved in the issue , etc . An appropriate criterion to follow is to forget for a moment that you know anything about the issue , and place yourself in the shoes of the uninformed reader , and say to yourself , " If I read this , would I know enough of the history and facts to know why this matter is on the agenda ? " The caution is to not be too skimpy with facts if they are needed to properly set the stage in the reader' s mind . DISCUSSION AND ALTERNATIVES : Under this heading , one lays his or her arguments on the line , and arrays for the reader the most viable of the available alternatives . If one has a particular alternative to defend , then here is where one spells out the reasons why the particular alternative deserves the approval of the Council . The idea is to be sound and rational in your approach . Again , put yourself in the reader' s place and consider whether or not you have made a convincing argument for your case . OTHER COMMENTS : Under this heading , if required , one can add remarks or comments that were not appropriate under other headings . Also , here is where the City Manager can add some additional comments if he feels it is necessary , III . DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF AGENDA REPORTS The deadline for receipt of agenda reports is Thursday noon prior to the Monday night Council Meeting . Reports not in on time will be held over until the next succeeding Council Workshop . The desirable objective is for each department head to advise the City Manager' s Secretary on Monday about the agenda reports that will be forthcoming from that department during the week but before the Thursday noon cut-off date . Late reports will not be tolerated unless specific permission is given by the City Manager prior to Thursday noon to do so . Late reports will generally relate to emergency conditions beyond the control of the department head and over which he/she had no control . Late reports not covered by the emergency exemption will be returned to the department head for resub- mittal at the next succeeding Council Meeting . Department and Division Heads - 3 - June 27 , 1978 N . MAPS Any action requested of the Council relating to a specific piece of ground or property , must be accompanied by a vicinity map which shall identify enough of the appropriate features (streets , alleys , etc . ) to make it readily apparent to the reader where it is you are talking about . LFK :lg attachment AGENDA REPORT NO , FOR: City Council DATE: TO: Lee Kraft , City Manager 00m: SUBJECT: I . REFERENCE (S) : (List only those attached) II , ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL/STAFF RECOMMENDATION: III . HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: IV , DISCUSSION & ALTERNATIVES: i V . OTHER COMMENTS :