HomeMy WebLinkAboutN-601 - Arterial Maintenance Policy CITY OF PASCO ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS Administrative Order No. 601 Administrative & Community Services Subject: Arterial Maintenance Policy Initial Effective Date: 10/18/06 Revised Approved I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Administrative Order is to establish a policy and define departmental responsibilities for maintenance of rights of way along arterial roadways where fences and/or walls have been required to be installed as a condition of development review approval for residential subdivisions. II. POLICY: It shall be the policy of the City to perform regular maintenance in the form of weed abatement in locations where fences and/or walls have been required to be constructed (and the City has formally accepted the improvements) as a buffer between residential subdivisions and adjacent arterial roadways. Specific locations have been identified where fences or walls have been installed as a condition of development review approval, and due to the design of the fence or wall, accessibility to perform proper maintenance (in the form of weed abatement) is not practical for the private property owner. III. PROCEDURE: Administrative and Community Services Department Facility Services crews shall perform weed abatement in the designated areas on a regular schedule similar to a schedule for mowing planting strips. If the area identified for maintenance has a planting strip in the immediate vicinity, the weed abatement shall be performed in conjunction with the mowing of the planting strip. If the area identified for maintenance does not have a planting strip, it shall be scheduled for regular maintenance when crews are working on similar projects in the vicinity. All standard procedures and safety guidelines for operation of equipment, removal of debris, etc. shall be observed by City crews during implementation of this procedure. Facilities maintenance crews shall abate the areas of weeds and debris, including weeds that may grow between the curb and sidewalk. Facilities maintenance crews are not required to address conditions of overhanging vegetation from trees while conducting this weed abatement work; these conditions may be referred to and will be addressed by the Code Enforcement Division of the Community and Economic Development Department. Additionally, if deliberately planted landscaping materials installed by the private property owner are allowed to overgrow through fences into these areas, this condition may also be reported to and will be addressed by the Code Enforcement Division. • Areas of the City that have been identified for arterial weed abatement are listed below and illustrated on the subsequent maps (modification of this list and associated maps shall occur only with City Manager approval and after recommendation of the Community&Economic Development Director): 1. East side of Road 100 from the southern property boundary of Montgomery Estates to Chapel Hill Blvd. 2. East side of Broadmoor Blvd. from the southern property boundary of Mediterranean Villas to the northern property boundary of Broadmoor Estates. 3. Road 84 from Franklin County Irrigation District right-of-way to Chapel Hill Blvd. 4. Road 84 from Sandifur Parkway to the north city boundary. 5. Road 76 along the west side between Burden Blvd. and Sandifur Parkway. 6. Chapel Hill Blvd. between Broadmoor Blvd. and Road 84. 7. Sandifer Parkway from Road 76 to the west end of the residential units prior to Road 90. S. Convention Drive between Burden Blvd. and Sandifur Parkway. 9. Road 60 between Burden Blvd. and Sandifur Parkway. 10. Road 52 between Burden Blvd. and Sandifur Parkway. 11. Sandifur Parkway between Convention Drive and Road 44. 12. Burden Blvd. between Road 60 and Road 36. 13. West side of Road 36 between Burden Blvd. and Mesquite Drive. Approved: Gary rutc d, City Wnager Date • Administrative Order#601 Arterial Maintenance Policy