HomeMy WebLinkAbout056 - Hazardous Chemical Communication • A � MI N ISTRATi VE (:3RE> ER NO . 56 TO : All Department April 27 , 1987 FROM : Gary Crutchfi I y Manager SUBJECT : HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL COMMUNICATION PROGRAM . Effective Immediately , all provisions of this Order shall take effect . I . PURPOSE : In order to comply with R . C . W . 49 . 17 and WAC 296-62 -054 , Hazard Communication , the following written Hazard Communication Program is established . All work units of the City are included within this program . The written program will be available in the department/division supervisor' s office for review by any interested employee and will be incorporated with all department/ division safety programs . H . PROGRAM : A ) Container Labeling . The division supervisor will verify that all containers received for use will : • 1 ) Be clearly labeled as to the contents . 2 ) Note the appropriate hazard warning . 3 ) List the name and address of the manufacturer . The supervisor in each division will ensure that all secondary containers are labeled with an extra copy of the original manufacturer' s label . B ) Material Safety Data Sheets ( MSDS ) . The Purchasing Officer will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining the data sheet system for the City . The Purchasing Officer will review incoming data sheets for completeness and any new significant health/ safety information and will see that any new information is passed on to the affected employees . Copies of MSDS 's for all hazardous chemicals to which employees may be exposed will be kept on file at the Purchasing Office and the department division supervisor' s office an appropriate filing and retrievable system shall be maintained . MSDS 's will be available for review during each work shift . If MSDS ' s are not available for a particular product or new chemicals in use do not have MSDS' s , the respective department/ division supervisor shall immediately notify the Purchasing Officer . The Purchasing Officer shall follow through as necessary to obtain the required MSDS and distribute same to the respective department / division supervisor . • C ) Employee Training and Information . The Safety Officer is responsible for the employee training program . He/ she will ensure that all elements specified below are carried out . The Fire Chief is hereby designated the Safety Officer . Prior to starting work each new employee will attend a health and safety orientation and will receive information and training on the following : 1 ) An overview of the requirements contained in the Hazard Communication Standard , WISHA WAC 296-62 -054 . 2 ) Chemicals present in their workplace operations . 3 ) Location and availability of this written hazard program . 4 ) Physical and health effects of the hazardous chemicals . 5 ) Methods and observation techniques used to determine the presence or release of hazardous chemicals in the work area . 6 ) How to lessen or prevent exposure to these hazardous chemicals through usage of control / work practices and personal protective equipment . is7 ) Steps the employer has taken to lessen or prevent exposure to these chemicals . 8 ) Emergency procedures to follow if they are exposed to these chemicals . 9 ) How : to read labels and review MSDS's to obtain appropriate hazard information . After attending an initial training class , each employee will sign a Hazard Communication Training Certification form to verify that they attended the training and received our written materials . Prior to a new chemical hazard being introduced into any department of the City , each employee of that section will be given information as outlined above . The department/ division supervisor is responsible for ensuring that MSDS's on the new chemical ( s ) are available . 111 . HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS INVENTORY : A MSDS master list of all known Hazardous Chemicals used by the employees of the City of Pasco is maintained in the Purchasing Office . Further information on each noted chemical can be obtained by reviewing Material Safety Data Sheets located in the Purchasing Office and /or the department/ supervisor' s office . - 2 - IV . NEW HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS : Whenever a new chemical product is added to the hazardous chemical inventory , the using department supervisor shall complete a " New MSDS Product Information Form" ( Appendix A ) . Submit completed form to the Purchasing Office with purchase requisition to be entered into MSDS system . V . HAZARDOUS NON - ROUTINE TASKS : Periodically , employees are required to perform hazardous non -routine tasks . Prior to starting work on such projects , each affected employee will be given information by their division supervisor about hazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed during such activity . This information will include : 1 ) Specific chemical hazards . 2 ) Protective/ safety measures the employee can take . 3 ) Measures the employer has taken to lessen the hazards , including ventilation , respirators , presence of another employee , and emergency procedures . VI . INFORMING CONTRACTORS : It is the responsibility of the department director to provide contractors ( with employees ) the following information : 1 ) Hazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed while on the job site . 2 ) Precautions the employees may take to lessen the possibility of exposure by usage of appropriate protective measures . The department director will be responsible for contacting each contractor before work is started in the City to gather and disseminate any information concerning chemical hazards that the contractor is bringing to our workplace . This information will be given to the Purchasing and Safety Officers for their evaluation and use . VII . EVALUATIONS : The Purchasing Officer will evaluate the hazardous chemical program on an annual basis for compliance purposes and submit a report to the City Manager concerning his findings . GC : ps attachment - 3 - APPENDIX A NEW MSDS PRODUCT INFORMATION FORM Product Name : Product Description : Manufacturer ' s Name : Address City/State/Zip PRODUCT LOCATION : CITY HALL : PARKS & RECREATION : A City Manager A Community Center B Legal B Senior Center C Finance C Golf Center D Community Dev D Cemetery E Engineering E Memorial Pool F Data Processing F Richardson Pool G Personnel/Purchasing G Kurtzman Pool H Fire H M . L . King Pool PUBLIC WORKS : PUBLIC SAFETY BLDG : A M&O Office A Police B Sewer Treatment B Municipal Court C Water Filtration